6,167 research outputs found

    Josephson current noise above Tc in superconducting tunnel junctions

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    Tunnel junction between two superconductors is considered in the vicinity of the critical temperature. Superconductive fluctuations above Tc give rise to the noise of the ac Josephson current although the current itself is zero in average. As a result of fluctuations, current noise spectrum is peaked at the Josephson frequency, which may be considered as precursor of superconductivity in the normal state. Temperature dependence and shape of the Josephson current noise resonance line is calculated for various junction configurations.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Long-distance transfer of microwaves in sliding-mode virtual plasma waveguides

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    Experimentally an effective channeling and transfer of the sliding mode of the 35.3 GHz (λ ≈ 8.5 mm) microwave signal along 60 m distance has been demonstrated in the low-density (ne ∼ 1012 cm−3) 10 cm diameter hollow plasma waveguide created by the 100 ns UV pulse of GARPUN KrF laser in the laboratory air. The mechanism of the transfer is the total internal reflection of the signal on the optically less dense walls of the waveguide. The theory of this sliding mode propagation in large-diameter (D � λ) plasma waveguides is developed, which is in good accordance with our experimental results


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    Background. The perception of mortality is consistent with pro-social practices that determine social development. Combining the tools of racial-anthropological and sociocultural approaches makes it possible to identify the universal characteristics and interpretations of mortality in modern society. Aim of the study: identification of pro-social practices and specific interpretations of mortality through the unity and opposition of the racial-anthropological and socio-cultural aspects of social reproduction. Methods. Amass survey ofthe population ofthe Russian Federation (n= 1200)aged 18to 65living in differentregions ofthe Russian Federation (55%women, 45%men) was conducted. A content analysis of media and Internet materials was performed to fix estimates of death and mortality in the Russian Federation over the past five years (n = 1456) in publications or informational messages. Results. The impact of the anthropological and sociocultural aspects was manifested through how and what people think about death, as well as how death exists in a social context. The personal-psychological context of the perception of death and mortality, the memorialization of places of death and the socio-economic and cultural-organizational practices of death determine the personal and social forms of interpretation of mortality. Content analysis of media materials and the Internet revealed a significant increase in the volume and frequency of attention to death and mortality. This is due to the situation with the pandemic, as well as the actualization of the fears of Russians about their well-being and social conditions for accepting and assessing death and mortality. Conclusion. Prosocial practices, being a personal experience of experiencing anda toolfor socialinclusionin acceptablenorms ofbehavior, influence sociocultural meanings and anthropological conditions for the perception of mortality. © 2022 Economic Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved

    Integration of theoretical and clinical disciplines teaching as one of factors of medical knowledge efficacy

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    The article discusses the problem of medical students theoretical knowledge improvement that will significantly improve their clinical knowledge. The main factors that determine medical students’ positive motivation to study are considered. The authors prove that both theoretical and clinical disciplines teaching integration is possible as a result of complex approach to students teaching that will result in students’ knowledge survival on the higher courses. Leading role belongs to the theoretical departments which workers by writing textbooks and manuals, creating teaching multimedia programmes, using exact control and students' knowledge evaluation will provide the necessary motivational component of students’ further teaching on clinical departments. The integrated approach contributes to future profession single picture formation, motivates students to theoretical and clinical disciplines deep study. The future doctors teaching process reforming at Odessa National Medical University General and Clinical Pathological Physiology Department is given as an example.Authors guesses that new methodical methods of working with students in the practical work introduction, the change in the technology of teaching, the modification of the educational process, the approximation of theoretical knowledge to the patient's bed, the greater students interest in the positive end-goal - a correct diagnosis and cure of the patient - will allow to optimize the educational process and improve the quality of students’ training

    Crystallographic Orientation Dependence of Surface Segregation and Alloying on PdCu Catalysts for CO<sub>2</sub> Hydrogenation

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    The influence of the crystallographic orientation on surface segregation and alloy formation in model PdCu methanol synthesis catalysts was investigated in situ using near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy under CO2 hydrogenation conditions. Combined with scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory calculations, the study showed that submonolayers of Pd undergo spontaneous alloy formation on Cu(110) and Cu(100) surfaces in vacuum, whereas they do not form an alloy on Cu(111). Upon heating in H2, inward diffusion of Pd into the Cu lattice is favored, facilitating alloying on all Cu surfaces. Under CO2 hydrogenation reaction conditions, the alloying trend becomes stronger, promoted by the reaction intermediate HCOO*, especially on Pd/Cu(110). This work demonstrates that surface alloying may be a key factor in the enhancement of the catalytic activity of PdCu catalysts as compared to their monometallic counterparts. Furthermore, it sheds light on the hydrogen activation mechanism during catalytic hydrogenation on copper-based catalysts

    Оценка влияния схемы «винт в кольце» на взлетные характеристики летательного аппарата

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    Проаналізовано деякі аспекти розрахунку аеродинамічних характеристик літального апарата з поворотними гвинтами на кінцях крила. Проведено порівняння двох вибраних компонувальних схем. Приведено графічні залежності змін аеродинамічних коефіцієнтів, тягових характеристик гвинтів двох вибраних схем на всіх етапах зльоту літака.Air transport is the fastest means of transportation. However, for example, doubling cruising speed of flight increases its average ground speed only 10-15%. This is because a lot of time spent on such regimes as takeoff, landing, maneuvering on the ground, and so on. Since the bulk of air traffic is carried away from the 300 to 1000 km, take off and landing can be up to 50% of the length of the flight. So one of the ways to solve pressing tasks outlined is to build an aircraft that combines quality, speed horizontal flight aircraft and helicopters take off and landing. For the first time the technique of calculating aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft vertical takeoff and landing small size for rational choice of its parameters in order to achieve the required performance testing. We consider a model airplane with rotary screws at the ends of the wings. This combination provides the benefits of a helicopter, namely the possibility of vertical takeoff and landing and hovering at a certain height in the air, with the benefits of the plane - much greater speed and flight range. The main problem of this aircraft is to ensure the stability and controllability during mode transition from vertical to horizontal flight and vice versa. To determine the required parameters propulsion Comparative calculations generated by aircraft with different layout schemes. Research of mass characteristics to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme. The materials performed the study, the results of calculations of aerodynamic characteristics of the designed aircraft vertical takeoff and landing at different tilt angles of attack and thrust vector and at a speed of zero to switch to horizontal flight.Проанализированы некоторые аспекты расчета аэродинамических характеристик летательного аппарата с поворотными винтами на концах крыла. Проведено сравнение двух выбранных компоновочных схем. Приведены графические зависимости изменения аэродинамических коэффициентов, тяговых характеристик винтов двух выбранных схем на всех этапах взлета самолета

    Влияние аутологичных мононуклеаров крови на регенераторные процессы при стромальных повреждениях роговицы в эксперименте

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    In experiment in vivo laws of regeneration of damages of a cornea on background intrastromal introductions of autologus mononuclear blood are studied. It is proved, that local application of mononuclear cells significantly reduces the duration and expressiveness of inflammatory process and as consequence, is accelerated process of regeneration of the damaged corneal tissue.В эксперименте in vivo изучены закономерности регенерации повреждений роговицы на фоне интрастромального введения аутологичных мононуклеаров крови. Показано, что локальное применение мононуклеарных клеток значительно уменьшает продолжительность и выраженность воспалительного процесса и, как следствие, ускоряет процесс регенерации поврежденной роговичной ткани