199 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawandi PT. Harmoni Mitra Utama Cabang Samarinda

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    Tujuan studi:Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel pelatihan terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan. Analisis ini menggunakan variabel independen (X) yaitu pelatihan  dan variabel dependen (Y) yaitu motivasi kerja karyawan. Objek penelitian yang diambil datanya adalah karyawan di PT Harmoni Mitra Utama Cabang Samarinda. Metodologi:Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah dengan menggunakan angket atau kuesioner yang disebar melalui Google Form. Populasi yang ada pada objek adalah 52 orang dan keseluruhan dijadikan sampel berdasarkan Teknik Sampel Jenuh atau Saturation Technic Sample.Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah uji instrument (uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas), uji asumsi klasik (uji Normalitas dan uji Heterokedastisitas) dan uji hipotesis (Analisa Regresi Linier Sederhana, uji t dan uji Determinan) dengan tingkat signifikansinya adalah 5% atau 0.05.Metode statistik menggunakan analisa regresi linier sederhana dengan pengujian uji statistik yaitu uji t. Hasil:Hasil menggunakan analisa Regresi Linier Sederhana adalah pelatihan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan dengan nilai signifikannya adalah 0.00 lebih kecil dari 0.05. Manfaat: Bagi karyawan, meningkatkan hasil kinerja dan skill karyawan dalam bekerja yang akan meningkatkan keberhasilan perusahaan. Bagi manajer, hasil penelitian dapat mempengaruhi manajer untuk memberikan pelatihan dalam meningkatkan motivasi yang akan berimbas dari keberhasilan perusahaan tersebut. Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, Motivasi Kerja, ketrampila


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    Recognition of the archipelagic concept accommodated in chapter IV United Nations Conventions Law of The Sea (LOSC) 1982. The implication of this recognition is archipelagic states have sovereignty for their marine space. There are 3 zonation in sea sovereignty, that are inland water, territorial waters and archipelagic water. However, only in inland water that archipelagic states has full sovereignty such as on land, while another zone, it has followed by other states rights, One of which is right of passage. The right of another state passage is consisted by right of innocent passage, right of archipelagic sealine passage and there is also right of transit passage, which one all of that right of passage are depending on zones depending on the zone that is crossed. Talked about archipelagic sea-lanes passage (ASLP), Indonesia has to determine 3 archipelagic sea lanes passage and the consequence that all foreign ships should pass over that routes. For that reason, in this paper will discuss Indonesian sea sovereignty zone and right another state inside, along with implications for Indonesia after determination of archipelagic sealine passage

    The Responsibilities Between Providing Archipelagic Sea Lanes Passage and Protecting Marine Environment: A Case in Republic of Indonesia

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    State responsibility in international law is only charged to an independent state. Such responsibility can be created due to the rules of international law regarding the state responsibility and numerous important agreement signatories. Part XII of LOSC 1982 clearly states that “States have the obligation to protect and preserve the marine environment”. On the other hand, agreement might cause the issue of state responsibility, such as archipelagic sea-lanes in Indonesia. The obvious issue has raised serious problem, for instance, overlapping responsibility handled by the government of Indonesia under its implementation. On one side, Indonesia must preserve the marine environment by setting the marine protected areas (MPA). At the same time, Indonesia must ensure the existence of archipelagic sea lanes (ASLs), including its legality for international shipping. This make Indonesia face a dilemma, since its territorial seas also lies withincoral triangle. The recent solution undertaken by the government is prioritizing the existence of ASLs amongst with the rights of cross voyage, taking into account that ASLshave been set out prior to MPAs as well as the recognition of the sovereignty of archipelagic state created at the same time with the obligation of guaranteeing the right of crossing the ASLs. Thus, a plan for designating environmental protection area withASLs, the assignment should not interfere with it. Therefore, to accommodate both interests, The Indonesian government must immediately deliver to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regarding the condition of marine environment in which ASLP is closely confronted with MPAs to regulate special arrangements when the ships cross the are


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    This research aimed to analyze the characteristic of  particleboard from characteristics of dregs sago and citric acid adhesive based on board density. The research was conducted at Wood Workshop Laboratory, Wood Processing Laboratory, Faculty of Forestry, Tanjungpura University and Laboratory of PT. Duta Pertiwi Nusantara Pontianak. Citric acid adhesive was used with a concentration of 20 % based on the dry weight of sago dregs. The board sample target density where 0,5 gr/cm3, 0,6 gr/cm3, 0,7 gr/cm3. The board sampels were tested by JIS A 5908 - 2003 Type 8. The particleboard was 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm in hot pressure with temperature 1800c at 25 kgf/cm2. The research result showed that all density value and water content of particleboard here fullfil the JIS A 5908 - 2003 Type 8 standard. The best particleboard in this research was a board with 0,7 gr/cm3 density.Keywords: Citric Acid, Density, Dregs of Sago, Particleboard


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    AbstractThe study is concerned with the correlation among the eleventh grade students’ learning strategies, reading attitude and reading achievement at state high school 22 palembang. In this study, 40 students of the eleventh grade students at state high school 22 of Palembang in academic year 2015/2016 were chosen as samples through cluster random sampling. This study applied correlational research design. The data were collected by using questionnaires and test and were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The result showed that there was positive correlation between language learning strategies and reading achievement (0.004 < 0.05); between reading attitude and reading achievement (0.028 < 0.05); between language learning strategies and reading attitude (0.006 < 0.05), and among language learning strategies, reading attitude and reading achievement ( 0.004 < 0.05)Key words: Language Learning strategies, Reading Attitude, readingAchievemen

    Analysis of Early Literacy Practices Based on Social Inclusion in Palembang

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore children's literacy activities at home that involve parenting in Indonesia from a social inclusion perspective. Design/methods/approach – This study uses a qualitative research method. Analyzing the results of interviews conducted with four parents and teachers in Palembang, Indonesia, and using a critical theory perspective as the basis for the analysis. Findings – In the setting of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), literacy practices are not only carried out at school but also in the home and community. Based on the findings that we conducted on four parents and teachers in Palembang, the practice of early literacy at home is very diverse. The practice of early literacy at home is also still experiencing problems, especially in the provision of media that supports children's literacy interests, especially in the fields of reading and numeracy. Research implications/limitations – From an early age, it is important to synergize the roles of families, institutions, and the government in an effort to support the practice of early literacy based on social inclusion. Practical implications – This study has deep implications for realizing the interest in children's literacy in this country. Originality/value – his study contributes in the form of understanding literacy practices in early childhood education. Paper type Research pape

    Sistem Kriptografi di Komputasi Awan Untuk Kebutuhan Data Medis

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    Komputasi awan adalah sebuah metode komputasi yang sedang berkembang saat ini untuk berbagi data dan pemrosesan data baik secara terbuka/umum atau pribadi. Komputasi awan adalah jawaban atas lingkungan komputasi yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Hal itu akan mengurangi biaya komputasi dan tenaga ahli komputasi. Komputasi awan dapat digunakan tidak hanya untuk tujuan bisnis tetapi juga untuk tujuan medis/kesehatan yang akan digunakan oleh pasien, spesialis, apoteker, perawat, dokter, dan pegawai administrasi rumah sakit. Sebagai implikasi pada sisi yang lain, keamanan adalah isu penting di dalam Komputasi awan. Perlindungan privasi data dan kontrol penerimaan data adalah tantangan keamanan di dalam Komputasi awan. Penulisan ini secara singkat membuat sketsa penggunaan sistem Kriptografi untuk kebutuhan data medis menggunakan Komputasi awan, khususnya fungsi enkripsi ulang (re-enkripsi fungsional) "tag" dan "tanda" untuk melakukan akses data. Penulisan ini memberi solusi alternatif untuk keamanan data pada Komputasi awan berdasarkan layanan enkripsi dan dekripsi dengan re-enkripsi fungsional untuk kebutuhan data medis dan data pelayanan kesehatan. Data dapat diakses dari mana saja dan oleh siapa saja yang memiliki hak akses untuk mengakses data sesuai dengan kebijakan akses tersebut. Penulisan ini diusulkan dan terdiri dari pembahasan terhadap ide dari penggunaan Komputasi awan dan keamanan data pada data medis dan data pleayanan kesehatan


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    Families having children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) may have low knowledge and awareness in some aspects of  CAH management. Information and education regarding caring for children with CAH is essential for families so that they can provide proper care and treatment to their children. This study aims to describe the strategy of family education about caring for children with CAH from the existing literature. A literature review was performed by investigating relevant studies from online databases of Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, and BioMed Central. Keywords of “education” and “children” and “congenital adrenal hyperplasia” and “family or parents” were used in searching the data. The results of the review showed various strategies that can be applied to provide education to families, especially parents. These strategies include providing detailed care instructions about adrenal crisis management, encouraging families/ parents to use positive and useful coping strategies, increasing knowledge and awareness on the use of medical alert IDs, providing Psychosocial Education Program (PEP), increasing nurses’ knowledge and comfort in providing education to families, and suggestions for improving the provision of family education. The provision of education to families or parents having children with CAH should consider some individual aspects such as emotional states, health literacy, learning styles, the amount of information, and knowledge assessment of each family/parent
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