241 research outputs found

    Upgrade Of Rare Earth Element Concentrate By Selective Dissolution And Ion Exchange

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    The rare earth elements (REEs) are irreplaceable in modern technology as theyplay a central role in catalysts, fiber optics, permanent magnets, and a myriad of other final products. These products go on to serve a variety of industries, including medical research and renewable energy. Crustal deposits of rare earths that are economically exploitable are very uncommon, with the largest known deposits occurring in China. During trade disputes, China has shown they are willing to exploit this natural monopoly over REEs, causing turmoil and large price fluctuations in the market for these critical minerals. This uncertainty led many countries to explore secondary sources as a supply of REEs, and the U.S. Department of Energy has funded research into extracting these metals from coal and coal byproducts. The Institute for Energy Studies (IES) at the University of North Dakota is currently developing technology to generate a mixed rare earth oxalate product from raw lignite coal. Unfortunately, calcium is a significant contaminant and the current product is only 10 – 15% rare earths on an oxide basis. In the present study, a two-step process was investigated to increase the purity of our rare earth product to greater than 90%. First, a selective dissolution brings the calcium and high-value rare earths into solution. Second, a chelating ion exchange resin selectively adsorbs the rare earths while the calcium is largely unaffected. A fractional factorial design with several follow-up runs found that by calcining the oxalate mixture at 1100 °C and dissolving with HCl at pH 3.5, the high-value rare xiv earths dissolved at 84 – 100% efficiency while the low-value cerium was less than 5% extracted. After acidifying the REE filtrate to pH 2.5, a chelating ion exchange resin with iminodiacetic acid functional groups in the sodium form is used to selectively adsorb the rare earths. The operating capacity for trivalent metals under these conditions is 0.774 mEq/mL resin. To recover the rare earths, the resin is stripped with 5% HCl until the pH turns negative and stabilizes. When deemed necessary, a secondary regeneration with 10% H2SO4 is carried out to prevent lead and zinc from accumulating on the resin. After conditioning with a 4% NaOH solution the resin is ready to be loaded in the next cycle. Before scaling this technology up to the pilot scale, the following tests are recommended: calcining the oxalate product at lower temperatures, measuring the kinetics of dissolution, testing different pH values for the ion exchange feed, and determining the combination of base and pH that achieves the highest purity rare earth product

    Psychological type and preferred learning styles of institutional advancement officers: an initial study using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in three geographic areas

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    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was used to determine the psychological types of 545 institutional advancement officers (alumni administrators, educational fund raisers, public information officers, and senior advancement professionals) who were registered for one district conference of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) in 1988, 1989, or 1990. There were 295 respondents from the Northeast (Districts I/II), 155 from the Midwest (District VI), and 95 from the Northwest (District VIII);ENTJ (18.90%) was the most frequent type in the total sample. While the general population is 75 percent Sensing, the advancement sample was 65 percent Intuitives. There were no statistically significant differences between men and women in the sample. In the total sample, there was an over-representation of IN and EN preferences, but these were not statistically significant. Geographic comparison by district revealed significant under-representation of IS in District VIII when compared to District VI, and an over-representation of ES in District VIII, when compared to District I/II;The advancement sample was analyzed using the Selection Ratio Type Table to compare it with base populations of university teachers and business managers and administrators. Compared to the teachers, the advancement officers showed stronger preference for Extraversion, but similar preference for Intuition; compared to the business managers and administrators, the advancement officers showed a stronger preference for Intuition. The facilitation role of the advancement professional was discussed as the facilitator between these two groups, the Intuitive faculty and the fact-oriented (Sensing) businesspersons;Data were presented on the frequency of MBTI types by career classification (alumni administrator, educational fund raiser, public information officer, senior advancement professional, and other) with the recommendation that further in-depth study be made of these classifications as well as specific specialties within fund-raising (annual fund, planned giving, etc.). Suggestions were made regarding how type and learning style preferences, as reported by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, can be used to structure learning experiences and improve role perception

    Effects of Fluoride on Potassium and Sodium Permeability of the Erythrocyte Membrane

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    One of the most important features of cell membranes i their capacity to discrimi-nate between ions of different sign or different chemical nature. In the erythrocyte membrane, coulombic forces seem to govern the discrimination between anions and cations. There is reason to believe that, without impeding the movements of anions, positive fixed charges impose a severe restriction on the movements of diffusible ca-tions between cells and medium. But although a number of very conspicuous changes of cation permeability with pH and ionic strength can be related to variations of the fixed charge density of the membrane (Passow, 1965; LaCelle and Rothstein, 1966), observations have been made that passive cation permeability is not entirely gov-erned by coulombic forces. In particular, it has been observed that a number of agents such as fluoride, lead, triose reductone, IAA and adenosine (Passow, 1964), and others are capable of inducing a selective increase in passive K + movements without greatly affecting Na + permeability. It is far from being clear whether these agents act on a physiologically operating cation control mechanism or open up chan-nels which are normally without any control function. Nevertheless, the selectivit

    Dr. Herbert Blomstedt

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    Transferability of a random forest model for resistance prediction between different regions in Europe

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    Herbizide sind eine wichtige Komponente der integrierten Unkrautbekämpfung (IWM) in der modernen Landwirtschaft. Entscheidungshilfesysteme zur Bewertung des Risikos einer Resistenzentwicklung können in hohem Maße dazu beitragen, die beste IWM-Strategie zu wählen, die an die lokale Situation vor Ort angepasst ist. In einer vorherigen Studie (Herrmann et al., 2016) wurde ein „Random Forest“ Vorhersagemodell zur Bewertung des Risikos für das Auftreten von Resistenzen in Alopecurus myosuroides (ALOMY) Populationen in Süddeutschland erstellt, das auf langjährigen Schlaghistorien beruht. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Übertragbarkeit des Vorhersagemodells in Bezug auf Regionen und vergleichbare Unkräuter anhand eines ähnlichen Datensatzes aus einer Region in Nordfrankreich analysiert. Die französischen Daten enthalten auch Informationen zu Lolium spp. (LOLSS, hauptsächlich Lolium perenne). Die deutschen und französischen Daten wurden durch Austausch von Test- und Trainingsdaten einem Kreuzvalidierungsverfahren unterzogen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass von Trainingsdaten aus Deutschland akzeptable Vorhersagen für Frankreich erhalten werden können und umgekehrt. Der Resistenzstatus von Proben von Lolium spp. aus Frankreich kann mit einer guten Genauigkeit anhand eines gemeinsamen Trainingssatzes von Proben von A. myosuroides aus Deutschland und Frankreich vorhergesagt werden.Herbicides are an important technology in the Integrated Weed Management (IWM) tool box aiming to control weeds in modern agriculture. Prediction tools to evaluate the risk of resistance evolution will greatly help to choose the best IWM strategy adapted to the local field situation. In a previous work (Herrmann et al., 2016) a random forest risk assessment model based on a data set comprising field history, management, and resistance status of Alopecurus myosuroides populations in Southern Germany was created. In this study transferability of the model with respect to regions and comparable weeds was analysed based on a similar dataset from a region in Northern France. The data from France also contained information on Lolium spp. The data related to Germany and France were subjected to a cross-validation procedure by interchanging test and training data. Results showed that acceptable predictions can be obtained for training data from Germany applied to France and vice versa. Resistance status in LOLSS samples from France can be predicted with a good accuracy based on a combined training set of A. myosuroides samples from Germany and France

    Neue Inschriften aus Patara II: Kaiserzeitliche Ehren- und Grabinschriften

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    Vorgelegt werden sieben neue Inschriften: 1) Patara ehrt Iason, Sohn des Dionysios II. Der Geehrte hatte eine Vielzahl städtischer Ämter übernommen und die Stadt durch eine Geldspende von einer Liturgie befreit. 2) und 3) Zwei Ehrungen für einen Archiereus des Lykischen Bundes von ritterlichem Stand, der in Patara die Gymnasiarchie aller Altersklassen bekleidet hatte. 4) und 5) Tib. Pollenius Armenius Peregrinus, Proconsul unter Gordian III., wird vom Lykischen Bund und von der Metropolis Patara geehrt. Seine Statthalterschaft fällt in den Zeitraum der nach rund 200-jähriger Pause erneut einsetzenden Bronzeprägungen lykischer Städte. Die beiden Inschriften deuten auf seine Intervention hinsichtlich der Gewährung des Prägerechts. 6) Die bilingue Grabinschrift des C. Iulius Augustalis ist der erste Beleg für einen scriba eines legatus Augusti pro praetore. 7) Die lateinische Grabinschrift des C. Pupius Severus, eines Tribuns der cohors I Musulamiorum, wurde von seiner Frau in Patara errichtet.Seven new inscriptions are presented: 1) Patara honors Iason, son of Dionysios II. He had taken various public offices and relieved the city of a liturgy by a monetary donation. 2) and 3) Two dedications for an archiereus, belonging to the equestrian order, of the Lycian league. He held office as gymnasiarch for all ages in Patara. 4) and 5) The Lycian league and Patara honor Tib. Pollenius Armenius Peregrinus, proconsul under Gordian III. His governorship occurred within the time when the bronze mintage of the Lycian cities was restored after a 200-year long interruption. Both inscriptions point to his intervention concerning the granting of the right to mint coins. 6) The bilingual funerary inscription of C. Iulius Augustalis is the first document that mentions the scribe of a legatus Augusti pro praetore. 7) The latin epitaph of C. Pupius Severus, a tribune of the cohors I Musulamiorum, was erected by his wife in Patara.Sept nouvelles inscriptions sont présentées: 1) Iason, fils de Dionysios II, est honoré par la cité de Patara. Il cumula plusieurs fonctions publiques et libéra la cité d’une liturgie par un don d’argent. 2) et 3) Deux honneurs de la fédération lycienne pour un archiereus de rang équestre. Il exerça la fonction de gymnasiarque pour toutes les classes d’âges à Patara. 4) et 5) Tib. Pollenius Armenius Peregrinus, proconsul sous Gordien III, est honoré par la fédération lycienne et Patara. Il occupa la charge de gouverneur à l’époque où, après une interruption d’environ deux cents ans, la frappe de monnaie de bronze des cités lyciennes fut réitérée. Les deux inscriptions indiquent son intervention en ce qui concerne l’octroi du droit de frapper monnaie. 6) L’inscription funéraire bilingue de C. Iulius Augustalis constitue le premier document mentionnant le scribe d’un legatus Augusti pro praetore. 7) L’inscription funéraire latine de C. Pupius Severus, un tribun de la cohors I Musulamiorum, fut érigée à Patara par la femme de ce dernier

    Neue Inschriften aus Patara III: Elitenrepräsentation und Politik in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit

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    Der Beitrag setzt die in Chiron 42, 2012 und 43, 2013 begonnene Publikation neuer Inschriften aus Patara fort. 1) Ein Inventar von Weihgaben (3. Jh. v.Chr.) ist das zweite Beispiel für diesen Inschriftentyp in Patara. Es bleibt unklar, aus welchem Heiligtum die beiden Texte stammen. 2) Eine fragmentarische Ehreninschrift für einen Bürger von Patara (2./1. Jh. v.Chr.) enthält neben anderen Ämtern des Lykischen Bundes den bislang frühesten epigraphischen Beleg für die Lykiarchie. 3) Zwei weitere Blöcke ergänzen die in Chiron 42 vorgelegte Liste von Ratsmitgliedern (frühe Kaiserzeit, nach 43 n.Chr.). Die Inschriften 4)–9) enthalten neue Informationen über prominente Bürger von Patara, die in der Zeit von Domitian bis Hadrian das Oberpriestertum des Lykischen Bundes bekleideten, und ihre Aktivitäten als Agonotheten und Stifter. Eine der Ehrungen (Nr. 7) bezeugt erstmals für Patara die privilegierte Gruppe der Getreideempfänger (σιτομετπούμενοι ἄνδρες). Eine Doppelbasis für den bekannten Euergeten Tib. Claudius Eudemos und seine Frau Claudia Anassa (Nr. 9) gibt Einblick in die Verwaltung einer testamentarischen Stiftung von 250.000 Denaren, die Eudemos für die Finanzierung öffentlicher Bauten hinterlassen hatte. Mehrere Bauten werden aufgezählt, darunter das Prophetenhaus im Orakel des Apollon. Nr. 7 und 10 belegen die Aufgliederung des Prophetenamtes in einen Archi- und einen Hypopropheten. Anhand der Texte ergibt sich ein deutlicheres Bild von der Geschichte des überregional bedeutenden Heiligtums in der Kaiserzeit.The article continues the publication of new inscriptions from Patara initiated in Chiron 42, 2012 and 43, 2013. 1) An inventory of votive offerings (3rd c. BC) is the second inscription of this type from Patara. It remains unclear from which sanctuary the two texts originate. 2) The fragment of an honorary inscription for a citizen of Patara (2nd/1st c. BC) is the earliest epigraphic evidence known today for the office of lyciarch. Other magistracies of the Lycian League are also mentioned. 3) Two further blocks are added to the list of councillors published in Chiron 42 (early imperial period, after 43 AD). The inscriptions 4) – 9) contain new information about prominent citizens of Patara who held the high priesthood of the Lycian League and about their activities as agonothets and benefactors. One of the texts (no. 7) attests for the first time the existence of the privileged group of grain recipients (σιτομετπούμενοι ἄνδρες) at Patara. A double statue base for the well-known benefactor Tib. Claudius Eudemos and his wife Claudia Anassa (no. 9) provide an overview of the management of a bequest of 250000 denarii that Eudemos had earmarked for the funding of public buildings. Several buildings are mentioned, inter alia the house of the prophets in the oracle of Apollo. No. 7 and 10 show that the office of the prophet was split up into an arch- and a hypoprophet. The texts provide a clearer picture of the history of the sanctuary, which had supra-regional importance, during the imperial period.tbaCet article est la continuité de la publication de nouvelles inscriptions de Patara entamée dans Chiron 42, 2012 et 43, 2013. 1) Un inventaire d’offrandes votives (3e siècle avant J.-C.) est le second exemple de ce type d’inscriptions à Patara. Il demeure difficile d’identifier de quel sanctuaire les deux textes proviennent. 2) Une inscription honorifique fragmentaire pour un citoyen de Patara (2e/1er siècle avant J.-C.) contient, en plus d’autres offices de la ligue lycienne, la plus ancienne mention épigraphique connue jusqu’à maintenant de la fonction de lyciarche. 3) Deux blocs supplémentaires complètent la liste de membres du conseil présentée dans Chiron 42 (début de l’époque impériale, après 43 après J.-C.). Les inscriptions 4) – 9) présentent de nouvelles informations sur des citoyens proéminents de Patara, qui détinrent la prêtrise supérieure de la ligue lycienne sous le règne de Domitien jusqu’à celui d’Hadrien, ainsi que sur leurs activités d’agonothètes et de donateurs. L’une des inscriptions honorifiques (N°7) est le premier témoignage pour Patara du groupe privilégié des récepteurs de céréales (σιτομετπούμενοι ἄνδρες). Une double base pour l’évergète connu Tib. Claudius Eudemos et sa femme Claudia Anassa (N°9) donne un aperçu de la gestion d’un don testamentaire de 250.000 deniers qu’Eudemos avait légué pour la construction de bâtiments publics. Plusieurs bâtiments sont énumérés, parmi lesquels la maison des prophètes dans l’oracle d’Apollon. Les inscriptions n°7 et 10 illustrent la division de la fonction de prophète en un archiprophète et un hypoprophète. Les textes permettent d’obtenir une image plus claire de l’histoire de cet sanctuaire d’importance suprarégional à l’époque impériale.tb

    A GESTÃO, O PROCESSO DE INCLUSÃO E AS POLÍTICAS EDUCACIONAIS: possibilidades e inviabilidades no cenário brasileiro

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    Este diálogo constitui-se no recorte de uma pesquisa de doutorado, que analisou a forma como as políticas educacionais, na perspectiva da inclusão, orientam o gestor de escola pública da região Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e são por ele interpretadas. O estudo constitui-se numa pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa. Foram selecionadas duas escolas estaduais do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, pertencentes à 17ª Coordenadoria Regional de Educação (CRE), localizadas na sede onde está lotada a CRE. Participaram da pesquisa cinco gestores de cada escola, sendo as entrevistas uma importante fonte de evidência, assim como o diário de campo e os documentos das escolas (especificamente, o Projeto Político-Pedagógico). Cada uma das fontes permitiu a coleta dos dados necessários para realizar o procedimento de análise. Quanto aos procedimentos de análise, foram utilizados como referência a Análise Textual Discursiva (ATD), de Moraes e Galiazzi (2007). A pesquisa evidenciou que os alunos passaram a ser computados e analisados a partir da demanda dos profissionais necessários e dos recursos que podem advir de cada matrícula. Percebe-se, contudo, que sem questionar, sem reconhecer a luta histórica pelos processos inclusivos, os gestores atendem ao ideário neoliberal que transforma as escolas em pequenas empresas que visam a sobrevivência, seja mediante a seleção velada daqueles que exigem menos recursos humanos e permitem uma “educação de qualidade”, seja pela não oferta de suporte por meio de monitores ou de atendimentos na sala de recursos multifuncional

    As relações interpessoais na sala de aula: a mediação pedagógica no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem da criança com deficiência

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    Este estudo visa compreender como os professores do município de Santa Rosa (RS), que trabalham nas salas de Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) e nas salas do ensino regular, entendem e efetivam a inclusão no espaço escolar e, ainda, como eles se relacionam com os alunos da educação especial. Enquanto método emprega-se a pesquisa bibliográfica complementada pela pesquisa de campo na modalidade qualitativa. A realização da coleta de dados aconteceu por meio de observações do trabalho docente em duas escolas municipais que possuem o AEE e entrevistas semiestruturadas, envolvendo professores da sala de aula do ensino regular e educadoras do AEE que auxiliam no processo de inclusão das crianças nessas escolas. A análise desse material foi embasada pelos pressupostos de Bardin (2011) com a Análise de Conteúdo. Diante das observações e entrevistas pode-se perceber uma insegurança por parte dos profissionais que atuam junto aos estudantes da educação especial, bem como  aos alunos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista –TEA,  por falta de cursos de formação que instrumentalize-os para atuarem de forma mais efetiva, de modo que venham a ser intermediadores de conhecimento, atendendo à singularidade de cada criança, possibilitando a elaboração de conhecimentos e saberes escolares

    As relações interpessoais na sala de aula: a mediação pedagógica no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem da criança com deficiência

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    Este estudo visa compreender como os professores do município de Santa Rosa (RS), que trabalham nas salas de Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) e nas salas do ensino regular, entendem e efetivam a inclusão no espaço escolar e, ainda, como eles se relacionam com os alunos da educação especial. Enquanto método emprega-se a pesquisa bibliográfica complementada pela pesquisa de campo na modalidade qualitativa. A realização da coleta de dados aconteceu por meio de observações do trabalho docente em duas escolas municipais que possuem o AEE e entrevistas semiestruturadas, envolvendo professores da sala de aula do ensino regular e educadoras do AEE que auxiliam no processo de inclusão das crianças nessas escolas. A análise desse material foi embasada pelos pressupostos de Bardin (2011) com a Análise de Conteúdo. Diante das observações e entrevistas pode-se perceber uma insegurança por parte dos profissionais que atuam junto aos estudantes da educação especial, bem como  aos alunos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista –TEA,  por falta de cursos de formação que instrumentalize-os para atuarem de forma mais efetiva, de modo que venham a ser intermediadores de conhecimento, atendendo à singularidade de cada criança, possibilitando a elaboração de conhecimentos e saberes escolares