123 research outputs found

    Sicherung und Förderung der beruflichen Eingliederung Blinder und Sehbehinderter auf PC-gestützen Büroarbeitsplätzen (Securing and promotion of the oc-cupational integration of the blind and the partially sighted in office workplaces with PC support)

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    "The blind and those with serious visual handicaps are one of the groups of disabled whose integration into the labour market is generally only possible if special assistance is provided for the initial integration and later on for safeguarding the employment relationship. These tasks are taken on by the institutions responsible for rehabilitation and - for the continued safe-guarding of the employment - the main welfare institutions. As a result of their disability the blind and those with serious visual handicaps are severely restricted with regard to the spectrum of activities they are able to perform. It is, however, possible to achieve good integration results through workplace layout and special training measures. In the area of occupational integration, however, these types of measures are among the most complicated and the most costly. It is therefore appropriate for this reason among others to evaluate the success of the measure as early as possible and if necessary to adjust it in individual cases in order to achieve the desired integration success. Modern technical development in the field of EDP has opened up considerable workplace lay-out possibilities for the blind and partially sighted in particular for office activities. Modern EDP output devices suitable for the disabled are available with a Braille line, which shows the EDP data in Braille, line by line and character-coded, as well as with diverse large print systems which enlarge sections of the screen up to about 8 times the usual size. One of the main welfare institutions has focused its advice and assistance offers for blind and partially sighted people on PC-assisted workplaces within the framework of a special programme. In this special programme a measure was implemented in which 60 office workplaces of blind people or people with serious visual handicaps were assessed by external manpower studies specialists with regard to the integration success and follow-up support. The reason for these special consultations, which although costly also provided informative results, was the considerable difficulties arising for blind people or people with serious visual handicaps with the conversion of EDP technology to graphic user interfaces. Basically in the course of these processes of technical change, extensive technical modernisation and above all a retraining programme must take place in order to safeguard the jobs of blind and partially sighted people. There are, however, also consequences for the institution and those responsible there, who are supposed to ensure the ongoing safeguarding of the jobs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Blinde, Sehbehinderte, berufliche Integration - Förderung, Bildschirmarbeit, Arbeitsplatzgestaltung, Arbeitsplatzsicherung, Büroarbeit, behindertengerechte Arbeitsplätze

    Solar Electric Propulsion Technology Development for Electric Propulsion

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    NASA is developing technologies to prepare for human exploration missions to Mars. Solar electric propulsion (SEP) systems are expected to enable a new cost effective means to deliver cargo to the Mars surface. Nearer term missions to Mars moons or near-Earth asteroids can be used to both develop and demonstrate the needed technology for these future Mars missions while demonstrating new capabilities in their own right. This presentation discusses recent technology development accomplishments for high power, high voltage solar arrays and power management that enable a new class of SEP missions

    Combined FDG-PET/CT for the detection of unknown primary tumors: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The aim of this study was to systematically review and meta-analyze published data on the diagnostic performance of combined 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) in the detection of primary tumors in patients with cancer of unknown primary (CUP). A systematic search for relevant studies was performed of the PubMed/MEDLINE and Embase databases. Methodological quality of the included studies was assessed. Reported detection rates, sensitivities and specificities were meta-analyzed. Subgroup analyses were performed if results of individual studies were heterogeneous. The 11 included studies, comprising a total sample size of 433 patients with CUP, had moderate methodological quality. Overall primary tumor detection rate, pooled sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET/CT were 37%, 84% (95% CI 78–88%) and 84% (95% CI 78–89%), respectively. Sensitivity was heterogeneous across studies (P = 0.0001), whereas specificity was homogeneous across studies (P = 0.2114). Completeness of diagnostic workup before FDG-PET/CT, location of metastases of unknown primary, administration of CT contrast agents, type of FDG-PET/CT images evaluated and way of FDG-PET/CT review did not significantly influence diagnostic performance. In conclusion, FDG-PET/CT can be a useful method for unknown primary tumor detection. Future studies are required to prove the assumed advantage of FDG-PET/CT over FDG-PET alone and to further explore causes of heterogeneity

    Programmierung und Test einer Systemsoftware zur Odometrischen Navigation von Robotern

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung eines Selbstortungsalgorithmus für Roboter auf Basis eines von der Chemnitzer Werkstoffmechanik entwickelten digitalen Bildkorrelati-onsverfahrens. Dadurch werden die Nachteile bisher verwendeter Techniken zur Positionsbe-stimmung vermieden, was zu einer genaueren Ortung führt und damit auch zu einer besseren Navigation. Die Verminderung der Rechenzeit, benötigter Systemressourcen, Entwicklung von Korrekturverfahren und die Berechnung trigonometrischer Daten, sind die wichtigsten Be-standteile, um den bereits existierenden Korrelationsalgorithmus anzupassen

    Research in abdominal imaging – current status and trends at ECR 2020

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    Objectives!#!To quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate image quality in dual-layer CT (DLCT) compared to single-layer CT (SLCT) in the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis in a reduced-dose setting.!##!Methods!#!Intraindividual, retrospective comparisons were performed in 25 patients who received at least one acquisition of all three acquisition protocols SLCT!##!Results!#!Despite matched CTDI!##!Conclusions!#!DLCT!##!Key points!#!• Clinical use of reduced-dose DLCT is feasible despite the required higher tube potential. • DLCT with reduced dose shows comparable objective and subjective image quality to reduced-dose SLCT. • Further dose reduction in the thorax might be possible by adjusting mAs thresholds


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    MR colonography: 1.5T versus 3T

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    MR colonography is a powerful noninvasive method to image colorectal masses and inflammatory bowel disease. This article describes current techniques of MR colonography and compares its implementation at 1.5T and 3T
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