99 research outputs found

    Degree bounded forest covering

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    Approximate min-max theorems of Steiner rooted-orientations of hypergraphs

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    Given an undirected hypergraph and a subset of vertices S ⊆ V with a specified root vertex r ∈ S, the STEINER ROOTED-ORIENTATION problem is to find an orientation of all the hyperedges so that in the resulting directed hypergraph the "connectivity" from the root r to the vertices in S is maximized. This is motivated by a multicasting problem in undirected networks as well as a generalization of some classical problems in graph theory. The main results of this paper are the following approximate min-max relations: • Given an undirected hypergraph H, if S is 2k-hyperedge-connected in H, then H has a Steiner rooted k-hyperarc-connected orientation. • Given an undirected graph G, if S is 2k-element-connected in G, then G has a Steiner rooted k-element-connected orientation. Both results are tight in terms of the connectivity bounds. These also give polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithms for both problems. The proofs are based on submodular techniques, and a graph decomposition technique used in the STEINER TREE PACKING problem. Some complementary hardness results are presented at the end. © 2006 IEEE

    Approximate min–max theorems for Steiner rooted-orientations of graphs and hypergraphs

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    Given an undirected hypergraph and a subset of vertices S subset of V with a specified root vertex r epsilon S, the STEINER ROOTFD-ORIENTATION problem is to find an orientation of all the hyperedges so that in the resulting directed hypergraph the "connectivity" from the root r to the vertices in S is maximized. This is motivated by a multicasting problem in undirected networks as well as a generalization of some classical problems in graph theory. The main results of this paper are the following approximate min-max relations: Given an undirected hypergraph H, if S is 2k-hyperedge-connected in H, then H has a Steiner rooted k-hyperarc-connected orientation. Given an undirected graph G, if S is 2k-element-connected in G, then G has a Steiner rooted k-element-connected orientation. Both results are tight in terms of the connectivity bounds. These also give polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithms for both problems. The proofs are based on submodular techniques, and a graph decomposition technique used in the STEINER TREE PACKING problem. Some complementary hardness results are presented at the end. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Approximate min-max theorems for Steiner rooted-orientations of graphs and hypergraphs

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    Given an undirected hypergraph and a subset of vertices S ⊆ V with a specified root vertex r ∈ S, the Steiner Rooted-Orientation problem is to find an orientation of all the hyperedges so that in the resulting directed hypergraph the “connectivity” from the root r to the vertices in S is maximized. This is motivated by a multicasting problem in undirected networks as well as a generalization of some classical problems in graph theory. The main results of this paper are the following approximate min-max relations: • Given an undirected hypergraph H, if S is 2k-hyperedge-connected in H, then H has a Steiner rooted k-hyperarc-connected orientation. • Given an undirected graph G, if S is 2k-element-connected in G, then G has a Steiner rooted k-element-connected orientation. Both results are tight in terms of the connectivity bounds. These also give polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithms for both problems. The proofs are based on submodular techniques, and a graph decomposition technique used in the Steiner Tree Packing problem. Some complementary hardness results are presented at the end

    Approximating Unique Games Using Low Diameter Graph Decomposition

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    We design approximation algorithms for Unique Gmeas when the constraint graph admits good low diameter graph decomposition. For the M2Lin(k) problem in K(r)-minor free graphs, when there is an assignment satisfying 1-eps fraction of constraints, we present an algorithm that produces an assignment satisfying 1-O(r*eps) fraction of constraints, with the approximation ratio independent of the alphabet size. A corollary is an improved approximation algorithm for the Min-UnCut problem for K(r)-minor free graphs. For general Unique Games in K(r)-minor free graphs, we provide another algorithm that produces an assignment satisfying 1-O(r *sqrt(eps)) fraction of constraints. Our approach is to round a linear programming relaxation to find a minimum subset of edges that intersects all the inconsistent cycles. We show that it is possible to apply the low diameter graph decomposition technique on the constraint graph directly, rather than to work on the label extended graph as in previous algorithms for Unique Games. The same approach applies when the constraint graph is of genus g, and we get similar results with r replaced by log g in the M2Lin(k) problem and by sqrt(log g) in the general problem. The former result generalizes the result of Gupta-Talwar for Unique Games in the M2Lin(k) case, and the latter result generalizes the result of Trevisan for general Unique Games

    Lower Bounds on Expansions of Graph Powers

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    Given a lazy regular graph G, we prove that the expansion of G^t is at least sqrt(t) times the expansion of G. This bound is tight and can be generalized to small set expansion. We show some applications of this result