21 research outputs found

    Effects of school-based mindfulness intervention on health-related quality of life : moderating effect of gender, grade, and independent practice in cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Object We investigated the impact of a school-based 9-week mindfulness program vs. active control program (relaxation) and inactive control group on children's self-reported Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) moderated by gender, grade, and independent practice. Method In total 3519 (50/50% boys/girls) Finnish students aged 12-15 years from 56 schools were randomized into mindfulness intervention, active, and inactive control groups. HRQoL was measured at baseline, at 9 weeks, and at 26 weeks and analyzed with multilevel linear modeling. Results Significant improvement on HRQoL was found (beta = mean difference) (beta = 1.587, 95% CI 0.672-2.502, p < 0.001) after 9 weeks and at 26 weeks of follow-up among students in the mindfulness group as compared to the active control group. Moderating effects on HRQoL were found for gender, grade, and independent practice: girls, 7th and 8th grade students, and students with regular independent mindfulness practice benefited most. Conclusions Gender and developmental stage may moderate the effects of mindfulness interventions on HRQoL and offer guidance in designing effective promotive interventions for children and adolescents.Peer reviewe

    Healthy Learning Mind (HLM) : Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial on A Mindfulness Intervention, Moderators and Association with Perceived Socioeconomic Status, and Comparison to Other National Data

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    Background This paper presents the baseline characteristics and their moderators in the Healthy Learning Mind (HLM)- school-based cluster-randomized controlled trial. Objectives The paper evaluates the state of various measures of well-being, their moderators and how these results compare to national and global norms/population studies. Methods Data were collected from all participants prior to the intervention and further analyzed by gender, grade and perceived socioeconomic status, including standardized measures for resilience, depressive symptoms and socioemotional functioning; health-related quality of life, dispositional mindfulness, satisfaction with life, compassion/self-kindness, self-rated health and morning tiredness. Results Participating 2793 students (1425 girls, 1368 boys), ages 12 to 15 years, filled in the questionnaires. The outcomes were in line with previous research, demonstrating gender differentiation and lower wellbeing among older children and adolescents. Conclusions All outcomes were associated with perceived socioeconomic status, suggesting that perceived low socioeconomic status should be addressed as a serious risk factor and included as a moderator in similar trials.Peer reviewe

    The Effects of School-based Mindfulness Intervention on Executive Functioning in a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Executive functions (EFs) are essential for student's learning and classroom functioning. The current cluster randomized controlled trial examines the effects of mindfulness intervention vs. active control program (i.e., relaxation) focusing on the main EFs (i.e., working memory, response inhibition, cognitive processing, cognitive flexibility and verbal fluency). A total of 131 students from 6th grade and 8th grade (median age 12 and 15) from four comprehensive schools participated. The schools were to equal shares randomized to intervention and active control groups, i.e., groups who underwent a 9-week mindfulness practice or relaxation program, respectively. Participants completed a cognitive test-package at baseline/pre-intervention, post-intervention at 9 weeks and follow-up at 6 months. Both intervention and active relaxation-based control groups improved on a majority of EF measures at both 9 weeks and 6 months. There was no significant difference between the mindfulness intervention group and the active control program in EFs. The current study suggests that mindfulness intervention and active control program do not differ in their effects to EFs, although both may have positive outcomes. Further research with both active and inactive control groups is needed to map the potential benefits of similar programs for cognitive functioning.Peer reviewe

    Effects of school-based mindfulness intervention on health-related quality of life: moderating effect of gender, grade, and independent practice in cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Object We investigated the impact of a school-based 9-week mindfulness program vs. active control program (relaxation) and inactive control group on children's self-reported Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) moderated by gender, grade, and independent practice. Method In total 3519 (50/50% boys/girls) Finnish students aged 12-15 years from 56 schools were randomized into mindfulness intervention, active, and inactive control groups. HRQoL was measured at baseline, at 9 weeks, and at 26 weeks and analyzed with multilevel linear modeling. Results Significant improvement on HRQoL was found (β = mean difference) (β = 1.587, 95% CI 0.672-2.502, p Conclusions Gender and developmental stage may moderate the effects of mindfulness interventions on HRQoL and offer guidance in designing effective promotive interventions for children and adolescents.</p

    KINDL-R: Lasten ja nuorten terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua arvioiva geneerinen mittari

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    KINDL-R on alle 18-vuotiaiden lasten terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua arvioiva geneerinen mittari. Tämän katsauksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida KINDL-R-mittarin geneerisen osan validiteettia, reliabiliteettia ja käyttökelpoisuutta. Kirjallisuushaku tehtiin PubMed- ja CINAHL-tietokannoista (N = 133). Mittarin ominaisuuksia arvioitiin COSMIN-taksonomian mukaisesti aineiston 17 väestötutkimuksesta. KINDL-R-mittarissa on lapsille ja heidän vanhemmilleen omat erilliset lomakkeet, joiden tuloksista voidaan laskea lapsen terveyteen liittyvän elämänlaadun kokonaisarvio. Reliabiliteetti, validiteetti ja käyttökelpoisuus todettiin hyväksi 8–17-vuotiaiden lomakkeissa. Alle 8-vuotiaiden lomakkeista ei ole saatavilla tutkimustuloksia. KINDL-R-mittarin avulla voidaan saada kokonaisvaltainen käsitys lapsen hyvinvoinnista. Sitä voitaneen käyttää myös tuen tarpeen tunnistamiseen ja interventioiden kohdentamiseen. Mittarin soveltuvuudesta Suomessa terveydenhuollon käyttöön ja alle 8-vuotiaille tarvitaan lisätutkimusta

    Keskustelupaperi: Kognitiivinen intruusio : Miksi hybridivaikuttaminen toimii?

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    Hybridivaikuttamisessa on kyse valtiollisten tai ei-valtiollisten toimijoiden toiminnasta, jonka tavoitteena on heikentää liberaalien demokratioiden päätöksentekokykyä, vaarantaa niiden koskemattomuutta sekä kuormittaa niiden tilannetietoisuutta ja toimintavalmiuksia. Hybridivaikuttamisen keskeisenä tavoitteena on vaikuttaa kohteen päätöksentekokykyyn. Tässä julkaisussa keskitytään erityisesti informaatiovaikuttamiseen ja psykologiseen vaikuttamiseen hybridivaikuttamisen muotoina. Tässä julkaisussa hahmotellaan poikkeuksellista termiä kognitiivinen intruusio (cognitive intrusion) korostamaan sellaisia psykologisia ja sosiaalisia painostus- ja tehokeinoja, joilla voi olla vaikutusta hybridivaikuttamisen tehokkuuteen. Julkaisun tavoitteena on havainnollistaa sellaisia tehokeinoja, joilla pyritään aggressiivisesti muuttamaan kohdehenkilön tai -ryhmän tietoisuutta ja käyttäytymismalleja. Tämä voi tapahtua muun muassa ennakkoluuloja, yhteiskunnallisia narratiiveja sekä vakiintuneita asenteita ja uskomuksia hyödyntämällä. Keskustelupaperi etenee yksilötason vaikuttamisesta yhteisötason efekteihin, jotka osaltaan edistävät tai hidastavat yhteiskuntatason ilmiöitä. Tämän keskustelunavauksen tavoitteena on pyrkiä ymmärtämään paremmin, missä määrin kognitiivinen intruusio voi lisätä hybridivaikuttamisen tehokkuutta, sekä valaista, millaisten mekanismien kautta se voi vaikuttaa yksilöihin ja yhteiskuntiin. Keskustelupaperin tarkoituksena on herättää keskustelua myös siitä, millä tavoin hybridivaikuttamista voitaisiin torjua tehokkaammin psykologisia taustavaikuttimia ymmärtämällä. Julkaisu pohjautuu Euroopan Hybridiuhkien torjunnan osaamiskeskuksen ja Euroopan komission yhteisen tutkimuskeskuksen hybridiuhkien konseptimalliin sekä aiempiin psykologian alan ja kompleksisuustieteiden käsitteenmäärittelyihin. Tämän keskustelunavauksen tavoitteena on tuottaa ihmiskeskeisempi, käyttäytymistieteellinen näkökulma hybridiuhkien tarkasteluun. Julkaisun tavoitteena ei ole antaa tyhjentävää kuvausta psykologisten toimintamallien ja tapahtumaketjujen merkityksistä hybridivaikuttamisen taustalla.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston kanslian Käyttäytymistieteellinen ennakointi ja tieto tulevaisuuden hallinnossa -toimintaa. Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Healthy Learning Mind (HLM): Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial on A Mindfulness Intervention, Moderators and Association with Perceived Socioeconomic Status, and Comparison to Other National Data

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    Background This paper presents the baseline characteristics and their moderators in the Healthy Learning Mind (HLM)- school-based cluster-randomized controlled trial. Objectives The paper evaluates the state of various measures of well-being, their moderators and how these results compare to national and global norms/population studies. Methods Data were collected from all participants prior to the intervention and further analyzed by gender, grade and perceived socioeconomic status, including standardized measures for resilience, depressive symptoms and socioemotional functioning; health-related quality of life, dispositional mindfulness, satisfaction with life, compassion/self-kindness, self-rated health and morning tiredness. Results Participating 2793 students (1425 girls, 1368 boys), ages 12 to 15 years, filled in the questionnaires. The outcomes were in line with previous research, demonstrating gender differentiation and lower wellbeing among older children and adolescents. Conclusions All outcomes were associated with perceived socioeconomic status, suggesting that perceived low socioeconomic status should be addressed as a serious risk factor and included as a moderator in similar trials.</p

    Working paper: Cognitive intrusion : Why hybrid influencing works?

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    Hybrid threat campaigns are a spectrum of actions conducted by state or non-state actors, whose goal is to undermine liberal democracies’ decision-making, compromise their integrity and saturate their situational awareness and response capacities. Hybrid threat campaigns combine overt and covert military and non-military means. This publication focuses on information influence activities and psychological influencing as forms of hybrid operations. The effectiveness of hybrid threat campaigns (including actions on the information domain and attempts at social engineering) depends on individual and collective psychological factors and different circumstantial factors. Understanding the psychology of hybrid threats is crucial to better deter campaigns and to mitigate their impact. In this discussion paper, we outline some key psychological concepts and mechanisms of action under the umbrella term cognitive intrusion. This working paper refers to the conceptual model of Hybrid threats developed by Hybrid Coe and the EC’s JRC (The Landscape of Hybrid Threats: A conceptual model). The aim of this working paper is to better understand the extent to which cognitive intru-sion mechanisms can increase the effectiveness of hybrid activity and to illustrate how and why they can affect individuals and societies. The purpose of the discussion paper is also to stimulate discussion on how hybrid influence could be combated more effectively by understanding psychological background motives. The aim of the publication is not to provide an exhaustive description of the significance of psychological models and event chains behind hybrid influencing. Here we specifically focus on the underlying psychological mechanisms by which the decision-making capability of individuals and communities can get hampered.This publication has been carried out as part of the Finnish Behavioural Policy Team activities at the Prime Minister's Office. The content of the publication is the responsibility of the producers of information and the content may not represent the view of the Government

    The Effects of School-based Mindfulness Intervention on Executive Functioning in a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Executive functions (EFs) are essential for student's learning and classroom functioning. The current cluster randomized controlled trial examines the effects of mindfulness intervention vs. active control program (i.e., relaxation) focusing on the main EFs (i.e., working memory, response inhibition, cognitive processing, cognitive flexibility and verbal fluency). A total of 131 students from 6th grade and 8th grade (median age 12 and 15) from four comprehensive schools participated. The schools were to equal shares randomized to intervention and active control groups, i.e., groups who underwent a 9-week mindfulness practice or relaxation program, respectively. Participants completed a cognitive test-package at baseline/pre-intervention, post-intervention at 9 weeks and follow-up at 6 months. Both intervention and active relaxation-based control groups improved on a majority of EF measures at both 9 weeks and 6 months. There was no significant difference between the mindfulness intervention group and the active control program in EFs. The current study suggests that mindfulness intervention and active control program do not differ in their effects to EFs, although both may have positive outcomes. Further research with both active and inactive control groups is needed to map the potential benefits of similar programs for cognitive functioning