178 research outputs found

    Mistä ero sepelvaltimotaudissa idän ja lännen välillä johtuu?

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    Sepelvaltimotautisairastavuus ja -kuolleisuus on ollut vuosikymmeniä suurempaa Koillis-Suomessa kuin Lounais-Suomessa (niin sanottu itä-länsiero). Viime vuosikymmeninä työikäisten sepelvaltimotautikuolleisuus on vähentynyt yli 80 %, ja samalla itä-länsierokin on kaventunut. Itäsuomalaisten riski menehtyä sepelvaltimotautiin on kuitenkin edelleen noin viidenneksen suurempi kuin länsisuomalaisten. Itä-länsiero ei ole selitettävissä pelkästään sepelvaltimotaudin tunnetuilla vaaratekijöillä. Yleisesti hyväksyttyä selitystä tälle erolle ei runsaasta tutkimuksesta huolimatta ole onnistuttu löytämään. Todennäköisesti kyseessä ovat joko perinnölliset erot tai vaihtoehtoisesti ympäristön tai käyttäytymisen erot, jotka jo lapsuudessa vaikuttavat peruuttamattomasti aikuisiän sepelvaltimotautiriskiin. Geneettisten tutkimusmenetelmien kehitys tuonee tulevaisuudessa lisätietoa perimän merkityksestä eron taustalla

    Ideal cardiovascular health in childhood-Longitudinal associations with cardiac structure and function : The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP) and the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study (YFS)

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    Background: Ideal cardiovascular health (CVH), defined by the American Heart Association, is associated with incident cardiovascular disease in adults. However, association of the ideal CVH in childhood with current and future cardiac structure and function has not been studied. Methods and results: The sample comprised 827 children participating in the longitudinal Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP) and The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study (YFS). In STRIP, complete data on the seven ideal CVH metrics and left ventricular (LV) mass measured with echocardiography were available at the age of 15 (n= 321), 17 (n= 309) and 19 (n= 283) years. In YFS, the cohort comprised children aged 12-18 years (n = 506) with complete ideal CVH metrics data from childhood and 25 years later in adulthood, and echocardiography performed in adulthood. In STRIP, ideal CVH score was inversely associated with LV mass during childhood (P = 0.036). In YFS, childhood ideal CVH score was inversely associated with LV mass, LV end-diastolic volume, E/e' ratio, and left atrium end-systolic volume in adulthood (all P <0.01). In addition, improvement of the ideal CVH score between childhood and adulthood was inversely associated with LV mass, LV end-diastolic volume, E/e' ratio, and left atrium end-systolic volume (all P Conclusions: Childhood ideal CVH score has a long-lasting effect on cardiac structure and function, and the association is evident already in childhood. Our findings support targeting the ideal CVHmetrics as part of primordial prevention of cardiovascular diseases. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Use of antibiotics and risk of type 2 diabetes, overweight and obesity : the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study and the national FINRISK study

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    Purpose To investigate whether exposure to systemic antibiotics influences the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and overweight/obesity. Methods The study sample comprised 2209 (110 with incident diabetes) participants from the population-based Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study (YFS) aged 24-39 years in 2001. The exposure was national linked register data on purchased antibiotic courses between 1993 and 2001. Clinical examinations including BMI were conducted in 2001, 2007 and 2011. Participants with prevalent diabetes in 2001 were excluded. Data on type 2 diabetes was also obtained from two national registers until 2017. Data from four population-based National FINRISK studies were used for replication (N = 24,674, 1866 with incident diabetes). Results Prior antibiotic exposure (> 5 versus 0-1 antibiotic courses) was associated with subsequent type 2 diabetes in both YFS (OR 2.29; 95%CI 1.33-3.96) and FINRISK (HR 1.73; 95%CI 1.51-1.99). An increased risk for type 2 diabetes was observed in YFS (OR 1.043; 95%CI 1.013-1.074) and FINRISK (HR 1.022; 95%CI 1.016-1.029) per course. Exposure to antibiotics increased the risk of overweight/obesity (BMI > 25 kg/m(2)) after a 10-year follow-up in YFS (OR 1.043; 95%CI 1.019-1.068) and in FINRISK (OR 1.023; 95%CI 1.018-1.029) at baseline per antibiotic course. Adjustments for confounders from early life in YFS and at baseline in FINRISK, including BMI, socioeconomic status, smoking, insulin, blood pressure, and physical activity, did not appreciably alter the findings. Conclusion Our results show that exposure to antibiotics was associated with increased risk for future type 2 diabetes and overweight/obesity and support judicious antibiotic prescribing.Peer reviewe

    Childhood socioeconomic status and lifetime health behaviors : The Young Finns Study

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    Background: Differences in health behaviors partly explain the socioeconomic gap in cardiovascular health. We prospectively examined the association between childhood socioeconomic status (SES) and lifestyle factors in adulthood, and the difference of lifestyle factors according to childhood SES in multiple time points from childhood to adulthood. Methods and results: The sample comprised 3453 participants aged 3-18 years at baseline (1980) from the longitudinal Young Finns Study. The participants were followed up for 31 years (N = 1675-1930). SES in childhood was characterized as reported annual family income and classified on an 8-point scale. Diet, smoking, alcohol intake and physical activity were used as adult and life course lifestyle factors. Higher childhood SES predicted a healthier diet in adulthood in terms of lower consumption of meat (beta +/- SE -3.6 +/- 0.99, p <0.001), higher consumption of fish (1.1 +/- 0.5, p = 0.04) and higher diet score (0.14 +/- 0.044, p = 0.01). Childhood SES was also directly associated with physical activity index (0.059 +/- 0.023, p = 0.009) and inversely with the risk of being a smoker (RR 0.90 95%CI 0.85-0.95, p <0.001) and the amount of pack years (-0.47 +/- 0.18, p = 0.01). Life course level of smoking was significantly higher and physical activity index lower among those below the median childhood SES when compared with those above the median SES. Conclusions: These results show that childhood SES associates with several lifestyle factors 31 years later in adulthood. Therefore, attention could be paid to lifestyle behaviors of children of low SES families to promote cardiovascular health. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Ideal cardiovascular health in adolescents and young adults is associated with alexithymia over two decades later : Findings from The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study: Department: Research Centre of Applied and Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland

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    We evaluated the association of cardiovascular health in adolescence and young adulthood with alexithymia 25 years later. The study sample (n=1122) participated in evaluations conducted in 1986 (baseline) and in 2011−2012 (T2). Baseline health factors and behaviors were assessed utilizing seven ideal cardiovascular health metrics (ICH index) including blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, smoking, physical activity, body-mass-index, and diet. The stability of the ICH index was evaluated with corresponding assessments in 2007 (T1). At T2, alexithymia was measured with the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). The main analyses were conducted using ANCOVA and adjusted for depression, age, and present social and lifestyle factors. TAS-20 subscales, Difficulty Identifying Feelings (DIF), Difficulty Describing Feelings (DDF), and Externally Oriented Thinking, were analyzed separately. The ICH index was significantly associated with the TAS-20 total score, as well as both with DIF and DDF. A less ideal cardiovascular health was associated with higher alexithymia scores. However, regarding the separate factors, only the association between non-ideal dietary habits and DIF was significant in the multivariate analyses. The baseline ICH index score was stable from baseline to T1. We conclude that non-ideal cardiovascular lifestyle habits in adolescence and young adulthood are significantly associated with later alexithymia.Peer reviewe

    Ventilation during continuous compressions or at 30:2 compression-to-ventilation ratio results in similar arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in an experimental model of prolonged cardiac arrest

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    Background: In refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, transportation to hospital with continuous chest compressions (CCC) from a chest compression device and ventilation with 100% oxygen through an advanced airway is common practice. Despite this, many patients are hypoxic and hypercapnic on arrival, possibly related to suboptimal ventilation due to the counterpressure caused by the CCC. We hypothesized that a compression/ventilation ratio of 30:2 would provide better ventilation and gas exchange compared to asynchronous CCC during prolonged experimental cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).Methods: We randomized 30 anaesthetized domestic swine (weight approximately 50 kg) with electrically induced ventricular fibrillation to the CCC or 30:2 group and bag-valve ventilation with a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) of 100%. We started CPR after a 5-min no-flow period and continued until 40 min from the induction of ventricular fibrillation. Chest compressions were performed with a Stryker Medical LUCAS (R) 2 mechanical chest compression device. We collected arterial blood gas samples every 5 min during the CPR, measured ventilation distribution during the CPR using electrical impedance tomography (EIT) and analysed post-mortem computed tomography (CT) scans for differences in lung aeration status.Results: The median (interquartile range [IQR]) partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) at 30 min was 110 (52-117) mmHg for the 30:2 group and 70 (40-171) mmHg for the CCC group. The median (IQR) partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) at 30 min was 70 (45-85) mmHg for the 30:2 group and 68 (42-84) mmHg for the CCC group. No statistically significant differences between the groups in PaO2 (p =0.40), PaCO2 (p = 0.79), lactate (p = 0.37), mean arterial pressure (MAP) (p = 0.47) or EtCO2 (p = 0.19) analysed with a linear mixed model were found. We found a deteriorating trend in PaO2, EtCO2 and MAP and rising PaCO2 and lactate levels through the intervention. There were no differences between the groups in the distribution of ventilation in the EIT data or the post-mortem CT findings.Conclusions: The 30:2 and CCC protocols resulted in similar gas exchange and lung pathology in an experimental prolonged mechanical CPR model.Peer reviewe

    Carotid artery longitudinal wall motion alterations associated with metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance

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    Background and aims: Our objective was to study relationships between the new biomarker of vascular health, carotid artery longitudinal wall motion (CALM) and metabolic syndrome (MetS).Methods: Carotid ultrasound and assessment of MetS and its components were performed with 281 subjects aged 30-45 years. In the longitudinal motion analysis, the amplitude of motion and the antegrade-oriented and retrograde-oriented components of motion between the intima-media complex and adventitial layer of the common carotid artery wall were assessed.Results: Metabolic syndrome, according to the harmonized criteria, was detected in 53 subjects (19%). MetS was significantly associated with increased antegrade and decreased retrograde longitudinal motion in the carotid artery wall. Augmented antegrade amplitude of longitudinal motion was associated with obesity (β = 0.149, p p p p p Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance were associated with alterations in CALM. In particular, hypertension, obesity and hyperinsulinaemia were associated with reduced total peak-to-peak amplitude as well as increased antegrade and reduced retrograde amplitudes, all of which might be markers of unfavourable vascular health.</div

    Childhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Risk of Fatty Liver in Adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study

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    Fatty liver is a preventable cause of liver failure, but early risk factors for adulthood fatty liver are poorly understood. We examined the association of childhood socioeconomic disadvantage with adulthood fatty liver and tested adulthood risk factors of fatty liver as possible mediators of this link. The study population comprised 2,042 participants aged 3-18 years at baseline (1980) from the longitudinal Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Follow-up with repeated clinical examinations was 31 & x202f;years. Childhood socioeconomic disadvantage was assessed using data from parents' socioeconomic position and socioeconomic circumstances in participants' residential neighborhoods, categorized as high versus low socioeconomic disadvantage. Fatty liver was determined by ultrasound during the last follow-up (2011) at ages 34-49 years. Childhood and adulthood risk factors, including metabolic biomarkers and lifestyle variables, were assessed in clinical examinations. A total of 18.9% of the participants had fatty liver in adulthood. High childhood socioeconomic disadvantage was associated with an increased risk of fatty liver (risk ratio [95% confidence interval], 1.42 [1.18-1.70]; P = 0.0002). This association was robust to adjustment for age, sex, and childhood risk factors of fatty liver, including high body mass index, elevated insulin, and low birth weight (1.33 [1.09-1.62]; P = 0.005). High childhood socioeconomic disadvantage was also associated with the development of risk factors of fatty liver in adulthood. Adulthood risk factors linking childhood socioeconomic disadvantage with fatty liver included waist circumference (proportion mediated of the total effect of childhood socioeconomic disadvantage, 45%), body mass index (40%), systolic blood pressure (29%), insulin (20%), physical activity (15%), triglycerides (14%), and red meat consumption (7%). Conclusion: Childhood socioeconomic disadvantage was associated with multiple risk factors of fatty liver and increased likelihood of fatty liver in adulthood

    Childhood oral infections associate with adulthood metabolic syndrome: A longitudinal cohort study

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    Chronic oral infection/inflammation is cross-sectionally associated with metabolic syndrome (MetS) in adults, but there are few longitudinal studies and studies on childhood oral infections and adult MetS risk. We investigated whether childhood clinical parameters indicative of oral infection/inflammation were associated with adulthood MetS and its components. A total of 755 children aged 6, 9, and 12 y underwent a clinical oral examination in 1980 as part of the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Oral health measures included bleeding on probing (BOP), periodontal probing pocket depth, caries, fillings, and visible plaque. Metabolic parameters were determined at baseline and during follow-up. MetS was diagnosed (n = 588, 77.9%) in the adulthood at 21 y (in 2001), 27 y (in 2007), and 31 y (in 2011) after the oral assessment, when the participants were 27 to 43 y old. Regression analyses were adjusted for childhood age, sex, body mass index, and family income, as well as adulthood smoking and education level. In adulthood, MetS was diagnosed in 11.9% (2001), 18.7% (2007), and 20.7% (2011) of participants at the 3 follow-ups. Childhood caries and fillings were associated with increased risk of adult MetS (risk ratio [95% CI], 1.25 [0.90 to 2.45] and 1.27 [1.02 to 1.99]) and with increased systolic blood pressure (1.78 [1.01 to 4.26] and 2.48 [1.11 to 4.12]) and waist circumference (2.25 [1.02 to 4.99] and 1.56 [1.01 to 3.25]), whereas BOP and visible plaque were associated with plasma glucose (1.97 [1.08 to 3.60] and 1.88 [1.00 to 3.53]). Severity of BOP (P = 0.015) and caries (P = 0.005) and teeth with plaque (P = 0.027) were associated with number of MetS components. No such trends were seen with probing pocket depth. Childhood oral infection/inflammation was associated with adverse metabolic parameters and MetS in adulthood.Peer reviewe

    Low childhood high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and subsequent risk for chronic inflammatory bowel disease

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    Background and aims: Several genetic and environmental risk factors have been linked to chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The incidence of IBD has significantly increased in developed countries during last decades. The aim of the present study was to examine childhood risk factors for subsequent IBD diagnosis in a longitudinal cohort study of children and adolescents. Methods: A Finnish study population consisting of 3551 children and adolescents originally evaluated as part of the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study in 1980. At baseline, participant BMI, insulin, lipid, C-reactive protein and blood pressure levels, socioeconomic position, dietary habits, and physical activity, were evaluated. In addition, information was gathered on rural residency, severe infections, breast feeding, parental smoking and birth weight. Subsequent IBD diagnosis status was evaluated based on nationwide registries on hospitalisations and drug imbursement decisions. Results: Altogether, 49 participants (1.4%) had IBD diagnosed during the 34 years of register follow-up, of which 31 had ulcerative colitis, 12 Crohn's disease and 6 undetermined colitis. In univariate analyses, significant correlations were observed between childhood HDL-cholesterol (risk ratio (95% CI) for 1-SD change (0.58 (0.42-0.79)) and CRP concentrations (1.20 (1.01-1.43)) with IBD. The inverse association between HDL-cholesterol and IBD remained significant (0.57 (0.39-0.82)) in a multivariable model including data on age, sex and CRP. In addition, a weighted genetic z-score of 71 single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with elevated HDL-cholesterol levels was significantly lower in IBD patients, p = 0.01). Conclusion: Low childhood HDL-cholesterol levels are associated with subsequent IBD diagnosis. In addition, a genetic risk score associated with low HDL-cholesterol levels predict later IBD suggesting that HDL-cholesterol metabolism might have a role in the pathogenesis of IBD. (C) 2018 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe