93 research outputs found

    R&D spending, stock market valuation & profitability : The effect of mergers and acquisitions in technology-intensive industries

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    Firms pursue growth internally via research & development activities and externally through mer-gers and acquisitions. There is a trade-off between them, and optimal allocation is crucial to company’s long-term profitability and competitiveness. This study investigates the relationship between mergers & acquisition and research & development. More specifically, the aim is to examine how these strategic decisions affect stock market valuation and long-term profitability of the acquiring firm in technology-driven industries. A sample of 401 US technology acquirer between 2010-2018 is constructed to test the linkage between M&As and R&D on stock market valuation and profitability. Previous studies report the positive effect of technology mergers to acquiring firm’s valuation and profitability. Hence, the first hypothesis states that acquiring a technology firm increases the current market valuation of technology acquirer’s R&D spending. Second hypothesis continues by examining whether M&As strengthen the linkage between acquirer’s current R&D spending and its future profitability. The stock market response towards R&D spending is found to be positive after M&As. That indi-cates that investors expect the merger to intensify the R&D activities of the acquiring firm lead-ing to better performance in future. However, the expectations are not always fulfilled since the acquirer’s R&D spending in the year of the M&A is not reflected more strongly in its future profit-ability than in other years. It is also found that the overall R&D spending of the acquirer decreas-es after M&As. These results illustrate the shift from so called scale deals to scope deals, where the mergers are motivated by access to new markets or product lines. It is suggested that due to more complex nature of the scope deals the post-merger integration problems may be pro-nounced

    If your parents didn’t vote, chances are you won’t either – unless you move up the social ladder

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    You are less likely to vote if your parents didn’t go to the polls. But new research by Hannu Lahtinen, Heikki Hiilamo and Hanna Wass suggest this effect is at least partly overcome if you move up the social ladder yourself. The more social mobility a society can achieve, the smaller the gaps in turnout between social classes

    Marketing channels for start-up companies in the service industry : a case study of Akretus AB

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    Det blir svĂ„rare och svĂ„rare för företag att nĂ„ ut till potentiella kunder genom traditionell marknadsföring. Samtidigt som potentiella kunder Ă€r alltmer kritiska till marknadsföring blir ocksĂ„ de tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt som finns tillgĂ€ngliga för företag att marknadsföra sig via allt fler, vilket försvĂ„rar företagens val av marknadsföring för just sina tjĂ€nster eller produkter. I denna problematik finner vi kommunikationskanaler som kan ses som en mĂ€ngd klart definierade tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt som företag kan anvĂ€nda sig av för att nĂ„ ut med ett budskap till potentiella kunder. Sett till relationsmarknadsföring sĂ„ Ă€r kommunikationskanaler den del som möjliggör pĂ„börjandet av en relation mellan företag och kund. Att identifiera vilken eller vilka av kommunikationskanaler som lĂ€mpar sig bĂ€st för det specifika företagets situation kan hjĂ€lpa till att förbĂ€ttra företagets marknadsföringsarbete i tids-, effektivitets- och kostnadsperspektiv. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r sĂ„ledes att identifiera vilka kommunikationskanaler som Ă€r lĂ€mpligast för ett startupföretag i servicesektorn att anvĂ€nda sig av. Eftersom valet av kommunikationskanaler Ă€r en stor utmaning siktar den empiriska studien pĂ„ att ge ett underlag för vilka kanaler som Ă€r lĂ€mpligast ur ett kundperspektiv. Studien genomförs med semistrukturerade intervjuer med nĂ„gra av fallföretagets nuvarande kunder i syfte att ge en bild av vilka kommunikationskanaler de anvĂ€nder sig av, samt vilka Ă„sikter och vĂ€rderingar de har i avseende till de olika kanalerna. De slutsatser som studien visar pĂ„ Ă€r att kunder sĂ€tter ett vĂ€rde pĂ„ vilka kommunikationskanaler ett företag vĂ€ljer att anvĂ€nda sig av och att det vĂ€ger in i beslutet pĂ„ om en relation med företaget ska inledas eller inte. Studien visar ocksĂ„ att en högre tillit ges till vissa kanaler samtidigt som tjĂ€nstens storlek och omfattning har en inverkan pĂ„ hur mycket vikt detta ges i beslutet.It is getting harder and harder for companies to reach potential customers through traditional marketing means. Potential customers and consumers are constantly bombarded by targeted marketing and are growing resistant towards it. At the same time the amount of methods available to companies to market themselves are growing, this adds to the challenge company’s face when choosing how to market their services or products. It is in this dilemma we find communication channels which can be viewed as transport routes through which companies can communicate and reach out with their message to potential customers. In relationship marketing communication channels is what makes it possible for a relationship to begin between a company and a customer. Identifying which communication channels that best suits a company’s specific situation can be a great help in optimising their marketing work measured in time, effectiveness and cost-perspectives. The purpose of this paper is to find a base for which communication channels that are best suited to be used by a start-up company that sells services. Because the choice of which communication channels to use is a big challenge, this empirical study aims to find a ground for which channels that are the best from a customer’s point of view. Therefore empirical data is collected from interviews with customers at a company chosen for this study. The findings of this study shows that customers value which communication channels a company uses and weighs that into the decision to begin a relationship with the company or not. The study also shows that customers have higher trust in some channels over others and considers this into the decision as well. The size and extent of the service in question also affects how much weight the customer puts on the trust factor of the channel when making the decision

    From Generation to Generation : The Role of Grandparents in the Intergenerational Transmission of (Non-)Voting

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    The literature on the reproduction of political participation across generations has focused almost exclusively on parental effects. Yet, other family members may plausibly play an important role as well. This study explores the role of grandparents in the intergenerational transmission of the propensity to vote. Grandparental effects are theorized in terms of both social learning and status transmission. The analysis takes advantage of a unique dataset that links official turnout data for grandparents, parents, and adult grandchildren with demographic and socioeconomic information from administrative sources. Even controlling for a variety of status-related characteristics, grandchildren are significantly less likely to vote when their grandparents are non-voters. The association between grandparental turnout and the turnout of their adult grandchildren is only partly explained by the mediating effect of parental turnout. Having non-voting grandparents appears to reinforce the effect of having parents who do not vote and may even offset the effects of having parents who are both voters. These results suggest that it is time to take the role of grandparents seriously if we want to understand how political disadvantage is transmitted across generations.Peer reviewe


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    Tiedontuotannon vastuullisuuden lisÀÀminen on tÀllÀ hetkellÀ yksi eurooppalaisen tutkimus- ja innovaatiopolitiikan keskeisiÀ pyrkimyksiÀ. KÀytÀnnössÀ tÀmÀ nÀkyy muun muassa siinÀ, ettÀ tutkimuksessa kerÀttÀvien aineistojen hallintaan kiinnitetÀÀn aiempaa enemmÀn huomiota. Monet rahoittajat edellyttÀvÀtkin hankehakemuksilta tutkimusaineiston tallentamista, jatkokÀyttöÀ ja mahdollista jakamista pohtivaa aineistonhallintasuunnitelmaa. Ammattikorkeakouluissa aineistojen tallentamisen, jakamisen ja hyödyntÀmisen kÀytÀnnöt ovat vasta kehittymÀssÀ

    Informaatiolukutaidon monet kasvot

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    Lokakuussa jÀrjestetyssÀ European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) tapahtumassa Istanbulissa oli hyvin innostava ilmapiiri. KansainvÀlistÀ keskustelua leimasi vahvasti tarve mÀÀrittÀÀ IL uudelleen ja laajemmin, jotta se olisi kÀyttökelpoisempi työkalu uusissa toimintaympÀristöissÀ. Esitysten yksi keskeinen viesti oli tarve kehittÀÀ informaatiolukutaitoa (IL) vastaamaan paremmin yhÀ nopeammin muuttuvaa tieto- ja teknologiaympÀristöÀ. Kuvaamme tÀssÀ artikkelissa konferenssin innoittamina erilaisia nÀkökulmia IL:oon. Keskeinen kysymys on, pysyvÀtkö IL standardit muutoksen perÀssÀ

    Children's disclosures of sexual abuse in a population-based sample

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    Most previous studies on disclosing child sexual abuse (CSA) have either been retrospective or focused on children who already have disclosed. The present study aimed to explore the overall CSA disclosure rate and factors associated with disclosing to adults in a large population-based sample. A representative sample of 11,364 sixth and ninth graders participated in the Finnish Child Victim Survey conceming experiences of violence, including CSA. CSA was defined as having sexual experiences with a person at least five years older at the time of the experience. Within this sample, the CSA prevalence was 2.4%. Children reporting CSA experiences also answered questions regarding disclosure, the disclosure recipient, and potential reasons for not disclosing. The results indicate that most of the children (80%) had disclosed to someone, usually a friend (48%). However, only 26% had disclosed to adults, and even fewer had reported their experiences to authorities (12%). The most common reason for non-disclosing was that the experience was not considered serious enough for reporting (41%), and half of the children having CSA experiences did not self-label their experiences as sexual abuse. Relatively few children reported lacking the courage to disclose (14%). Logistic regression analyses showed that the perpetrator's age, the age of the victim at the time of abuse, and having no experiences of emotional abuse by the mother were associated with disclosing to an adult. The results contribute to understanding the factors underlying children's disclosure patterns in a population-based sample and highlight the need for age-appropriate safety education for children and adolescents.Peer reviewe
