802 research outputs found

    Reply to comment by P. Olivier on “Thermal control on the modes of crustal thinning leading to mantle exhumation: Insight from the Cretaceous Pyrenean hot paleomargins”

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    International audienceWe thank Philippe Olivier for the great attention he paid in reading our work and for the discussion he initiated. P. Olivier has been alarmed by our proposition that some Pyrenean granulites might have been (re)granulitized during the Cretaceous rifting event. In a rigorous scientific approach, this hypothesis has to be envisioned. However, in the paper, we proposed two alternative scenarios: one involving a Cretaceous (re)granulitization and another one implying a succession of metamorphic events with a first Paleozoic High Temperature (HT) metamorphism event responsible for the granulitization, followed by a second HT metamorphism event during the Cretaceous. Our main point here was to put in relation the strikingly similar fields of metamorphisms responsible for the granulitization of the crystalline basement and for the HT metamorphism of the prerift and synrift Mesozoic sedimentary cover. In other words: with temperatures up to 600°C in the metasedimentary cover, we would expect temperatures at least as high as 600°C in the basement. If not, it would mean that the continental crustal basement was already withdrawn from the metamorphic domain at that point. This scenario corresponds in fact to the concept of lateral extraction of the continental crust that we retained from our field constraints and that we defend here

    Magnetic, electrical, and GPR waterborne surveys of moraine deposits beneath a lake: A case history from Turin, Italy

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    Bathymetry and bottom sediment types of inland water basins provide meaningful information to estimate water reserves and possible connections between surface and groundwater. Waterborne geophysical surveys can be used to obtain several independent physical parameters to study the sediments. We explored the possibilities of retrieving information on both shallow and deep geological structures beneath a morainic lake by means of waterborne nonseismic methods. In this respect, we discuss simultaneous magnetic, electrical, and groundpenetrating radar (GPR) waterborne surveys on the Candia morainic lake in northerly Turin (Italy).We used waterborne GPR to obtain information on the bottom sediment and the bathymetry needed to constrain the magnetic and electrical inversions. We obtained a map of the total magnetic field (TMF) over the lake from which we computed a 2D constrained compact magnetic inversion for selected profiles, along with a laterally constrained inversion for one electrical profile. The magnetic survey detected some deep anomalous bodies within the subbottom moraine. The electrical profiles gave information on the more superficial layer of bottom sediments. We identify where the coarse morainic material outcrops from the bottom finer sediments from a correspondence between high GPR reflectivity, resistivity, and magnetic anomalie

    Passive obduction and gravity-driven emplacement of large ophiolitic sheets: The New Caledonia ophiolite (SW Pacific) as a case study?

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    International audience– The 300 km long allochthonous sheet of oceanic mantle forming the New Caledonia ophiolite displays three specific characters: 1) the ophiolite pile lacks concordant sheeted dykes and pillow basalt layers; 2) the ophiolite, refered to as the Peridotite nappe, is thrusted over the basaltic formations of the Poya terrane which are classicaly thought to originate from a different oceanic environment; 3) The basal contact of the ultramafic sheet is remarkably flat all along New-Caledonia and the Peridotite nappe has not been thickened during obduction, rather it experienced significant extension. This suggests that the peridotites have not been emplaced by a tectonic force applied to the rear. New petrological and geochemical results obtained from mantle rocks finally show that the Poya terrane may originate from the same oceanic basin as the peridotites. In this article, we consider such possible cogenetic links and we propose a simple model for the obduction of the New Caledonia ophiolite in which the Poya basalts represent the original cover of the Peridotite nappe. We infer that continuous uplift of the subducted units buried beneath the oceanic lithosphere in the northern part of New Caledonia drove passive uplift of the ophiolite and led to erosion and to initiation of sliding of the basaltic layer. During the Priabonian (latest Eocene), products of the erosion of the basaltic layer were deposited together with sediments derived from the Norfolk passive oceanic margin. These sediments are involved as tectonic slices into an accretionary wedge formed in response to plate convergence. The volcaniclastic sedimentation ends up with the emplacement of large slided blocks of basalts and rafted mafic units that progressively filled up the basin. Obduction process ended with the gravity sliding of the oceanic mantle sheet, previously scalped from its mafic cover. This process is contemporaneous with the exhumation of the HP-LT units of Pouebo and Diahot. Gravity sliding was facilitated by the occurrence of a continuous serpentine sole resulting from metasomatic hydratation of mantle rocks, which developed during the uplift of the Norfolk basement and overlying Diahot and Pouébo units. Progressive emersion of the obducted lithosphere allowed subsequent weathering under subaerial, tropical conditions. Obduction passive et mise en place gravitaire des grandes nappes ophiolitiques : les ophiolites de Nouvelle-Calédonie (SW Pacifique) sont-elles un cas d'école ? Résumé. – La nappe de manteau de Nouvelle-Calédonie, s'étendant sur 300 km de long montre trois caractéristiques im-portantes: 1) La succession ophiolitique ne contient ni dykes, ni basaltes en coussin, 2) l'ophiolite est charriée sur des formations basaltiques (nappe de Poya) que l'on considère classiquement comme originaires d'un bassin océanique dif-férent de celui d'où est issu le manteau, et 3) le contact basal de la nappe ultrabasique est remarquablement plat tout le long de l'île et celle-ci n'a pas été épaissie durant l'obduction. Cela suggère que les péridotites n'ont pas été mises en place en réponse à une poussée tectonique arrière. De nouveaux résultats pétrologiques et géochimiques obtenus sur l'ophiolite montrent en réalité que les basaltes de Poya peuvent être extraits de la fusion du manteau de l'ophiolite. Nous proposons donc un nouveau modèle pour l'obduction, dans lequel les basaltes de Poya forment la couver-ture initiale primitive du manteau de la nappe des péridotites. La surrection progressive des unités profondes enfouies lors de la subduction de la lithosphère du bassin sud-Loyauté à l'Eocène, a permis le soulèvement passif de l'ophiolite et l'érosion puis le glissement des unités basaltiques. Durant le Priabonien, l'accumulation des produits de l'érosion de la couche des basaltes et de la marge passive de Norfolk ont formé les séquences de flysch comprenant localement des débris basaltiques grossiers. Ces sédiments font partie d'un prisme d'accrétion tectonique construit en réponse à la convergence au front de la subduction. La sédimentation détritique se termine par la mise en place de grandes unités ba-saltiques glissées qui comblent le bassin. Le processus de l'obduction se termine par le glissement gravitaire de l'écaille de manteau océanique sur les basaltes. Cet événement est contemporain de l'exhumation des unités HP-BT de Pouébo et du Diahot. Le glissement gravitaire a été facilité par la présence sous l'ophiolite, d'une semelle continue de serpentines résultant de l'interaction du manteau avec des fluides métasomatiques remontant durant l'exhumation des unités en-fouies pendant la subduction continentale. L'émersion progressive de la lithosphère obduite a placé le manteau dans des conditions d'altération supergène tropicale

    Lower plate deformation at the Chile Triple Junction from the paleomagnetic record (45°30’-46° S)

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    International audienceDuring the CTJ cruise, geophysical surveys were conducted between 45°S and 48°S, in the region of the Chile Triple Junction (CTJ), where the Nazca and Antarctica plates are subducting beneath the South America plate. Near the CTJ, the South Chile Rise (SCR), which separates the Nazca and Antarctica lower plates, consists of three spreading segments trending ~N160°, separated by a series of parallel fracture zones. The active spreading centers of the three segments consist of grabens with various widths and depths, bounded by steep fault scarps. We provide robust data showing that the SCR recorded remote and long-term effects of ridge subduction far from the subduction front. Magnetic profiles, multibeam bathymetric and seismic data were acquired at intervals of 13 km along a N80°E direction across the SCR during the CTJ cruise of R/V L’Atalante. Deformation of the oceanic lithosphere includes: (1) a segmentation of the spreading axes along strike, (2) some ridge jumps, and (3) local constriction and changes in trend of the fracture zone valleys. Off-axis volcanism is observed in places that may suggest a link with an abnormal stress field induced by ridge subduction. The tectonic and volcanic anomalies, which occurred in response to the subduction of the SCR1 axis may be correlated with geochemical anomalies and slab fragmentation recognized by previous works

    Représentations (dés-)enchantées du sida : Jeanne et le garçon formidable

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    Jeanne et le garçon formidable, l’un des premiers films français abordant le sida, propose une narration inédite de la maladie et des questions qui y sont liées. Le choix même de la comédie musicale ainsi que le jeu entre sérieux et légèreté, hommage à Jacques Demy, permettent aux réalisateurs de politiser le genre, notamment à travers une esthétique camp. Au cœur de celle-ci se trouvent les chansons, qui, laissant se déployer les sentiments des protagonistes mais aussi les critiques à l’égard de la société s’exprimer, se lisent comme une voix/une voie d’expression des tensions qui ont accompagné (et continuent de le faire) le sida dans sa dimension individuelle et collective. Les chansons apparaissent ainsi comme une voix plurielle sur la maladie, voix qui sert le message du film, à savoir que le sida tue, mais que la vie, les plaisirs et les désirs, eux, continuent

    Les ophiolites : marqueurs de l'histoire tectonique des domaines océaniques : le cas des Alpes franco-italiennes (Queyras, Piémont) : comparaison avec les ophiolites d'Antalya (Turquie) et du Coast Range de Californie

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    Etude des unités à ophiolites du Queyras et du piemont, des ophiolites d'Antalya (Turquie) et des ophiolites du Coast Range de Californie. Les séquences sédimentaires recouvrant ces ophiolites sont, selon les cas, des témoins d'une ou de plusieurs étapes ponctuant l'évolution des domaines oceaniques: accrétion, écaillages intra-oceaniques, obduction et collision. Dans chaque cas consideré, des observations détaillées permettent de proposer des modèles d'évolution thermique des paléo-domaines océaniques impliqués dans les orogènes étudiéspas de résum
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