123 research outputs found

    Sur la symétrie et l'asymétrie des structures combinatoires

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Le but de ce texte est de prĂ©senter un panorama des propriĂ©tĂ©s fondamentales et de quelques applications concrĂ©tes des sĂ©ries indicatrices des cycles et des ƛeries indicatrices d'asymĂ©trie en combinatoire Ă©numĂ©rative. Ces sĂ©ries sont des outils permettant de calculer diverses statistiques concernant les symĂ©tries ou l'absence de symĂ©trie des structures appartenant Ă  des espĂšces donnĂ©es. Nous mettons l'emphase sur le comportement de ces sĂ©ries devant les principales opĂ©rations combinatoires que l'on peut utiliser pour dĂ©finir (rĂ©cursivement ou explicitement) des espĂ©ces de structures.AbstractThe goal of this paper is to present a panorama of the fundametal properties of cycle index series and asymmetry index series within enumerative combinatorics, as well as a few concrete applications. These series are tools by means of which one can compute various statistics concerning the symmetries or lack of symmetry of structures belonging to given species. Emphasis is laid on the behaviour of these series with respect to the main operations that can be used to define (recursively or explicitly) species of structures

    Enumeration of m-ary cacti

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    The purpose of this paper is to enumerate various classes of cyclically colored m-gonal plane cacti, called m-ary cacti. This combinatorial problem is motivated by the topological classification of complex polynomials having at most m critical values, studied by Zvonkin and others. We obtain explicit formulae for both labelled and unlabelled m-ary cacti, according to i) the number of polygons, ii) the vertex-color distribution, iii) the vertex-degree distribution of each color. We also enumerate m-ary cacti according to the order of their automorphism group. Using a generalization of Otter's formula, we express the species of m-ary cacti in terms of rooted and of pointed cacti. A variant of the m-dimensional Lagrange inversion is then used to enumerate these structures. The method of Liskovets for the enumeration of unrooted planar maps can also be adapted to m-ary cacti.Comment: LaTeX2e, 28 pages, 9 figures (eps), 3 table

    On extensions of the Newton-Raphson iterative scheme to arbitrary orders

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    Abstract. The classical quadratically convergent Newton-Raphson iterative scheme for successive approximations of a root of an equation f (t) = 0 has been extended in various ways by different authors, going from cubical convergence to convergence of arbitrary orders. We introduce two such extensions, using appropriate differential operators as well as combinatorial arguments. We conclude with some applications including special series expansions for functions of the root and enumeration of classes of tree-like structures according to their number of leaves. Résumé. Le schéma itératif classiqueà convergence quadratique de Newton-Raphson pour engendrer des approximations successives d'une racine d'uneéquation f (t) = 0 aétéétendu de plusieurs façons par divers auteurs, allant de la convergence cubiqueà des convergences d'ordres arbitraires. Nous introduisons deux telles extensions en utilisant des opérateurs différentiels appropriés ainsi que des arguments combinatoires. Nous terminons avec quelques applications incluant des développements en séries exprimant des fonctions de la racine et l'énumération de classes de structures arborescentes selon leur nombre de feuilles

    The explicit molecular expansion of the combinatorial logarithm

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    Just as the power series of log⁡(1+X)\log (1+X) is the analytical substitutional inverse of the series of exp⁡(X)−1\exp (X)-1, the (virtual) combinatorial species, Lg(1+X)\mathrm{Lg} (1+X), is the combinatorial substitutional inverse of the combinatorial species, E(X)−1E(X)-1, of non-empty finite sets. This combinatorial logarithm\textit{combinatorial logarithm}, Lg(1+X)\mathrm{Lg} (1+X), has been introduced by A. Joyal in 1986 by making use of an iterative scheme. Given a species F(X)F(X) (with F(0)=1F(0)=1), one of its main applications is to express the species, Fc(X)F^{\mathrm{c}}(X), of connected\textit{connected} FF-structures through the formula Fc=Lg(F)=Lg(1+F+)F{\mathrm{c}} = \mathrm{Lg} (F) = \mathrm{Lg} (1+F_+) where F+F_+ denotes the species of non-empty FF-structures. Since its creation, equivalent descriptions of the combinatorial logarithm have been given by other combinatorialists (G. L., I. Gessel, J. Li), but its exact decomposition into irreducible components (molecular expansion) remained unclear. The main goal of the present work is to fill this gap by computing explicitly the molecular expansion of the combinatorial logarithm and of −Lg(1−X)-\mathrm{Lg}(1-X), a "cousin'' of the tensorial species, Lie(X)\mathrm{Lie}(X), of free Lie algebras

    New combinatorial computational methods arising from pseudo-singletons

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    Since singletons are the connected sets, the species XX of singletons can be considered as the combinatorial logarithm of the species E(X)E(X) of finite sets. In a previous work, we introduced the (rational) species X^\widehat{X} of pseudo-singletons as the analytical logarithm of the species of finite sets. It follows that E(X)=exp⁥(X^)E(X) = \exp (\widehat{X}) in the context of rational species, where exp⁥(T)\exp (T) denotes the classical analytical power series for the exponential function in the variable TT. In the present work, we use the species X^\widehat{X} to create new efficient recursive schemes for the computation of molecular expansions of species of rooted trees, of species of assemblies of structures, of the combinatorial logarithm species, of species of connected structures, and of species of structures with weighted connected components

    Closed paths whose steps are roots of unity

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    We give explicit formulas for the number Un(N)U_n(N) of closed polygonal paths of length NN (starting from the origin) whose steps are nthn^{\textrm{th}} roots of unity, as well as asymptotic expressions for these numbers when N→∞N \rightarrow \infty. We also prove that the sequences (Un(N))N≄0(U_n(N))_{N \geq 0} are PP-recursive for each fixed n≄1n \geq 1 and leave open the problem of determining the values of NN for which the dual\textit{dual} sequences (Un(N))n≄1(U_n(N))_{n \geq 1} are PP-recursive

    Counting unlabelled toroidal graphs with no K33-subdivisions

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    We provide a description of unlabelled enumeration techniques, with complete proofs, for graphs that can be canonically obtained by substituting 2-pole networks for the edges of core graphs. Using structure theorems for toroidal and projective-planar graphs containing no K33-subdivisions, we apply these techniques to obtain their unlabelled enumeration.Comment: 25 pages (some corrections), 4 figures (one figure added), 3 table
