347 research outputs found

    Perturbative Corrections for Staggered Four-Fermion Operators

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    We present results for one-loop matching coefficients between continuum four-fermion operators, defined in the Naive Dimensional Regularization scheme, and staggered fermion operators of various types. We calculate diagrams involving gluon exchange between quark lines, and ``penguin'' diagrams containing quark loops. For the former we use Landau gauge operators, with and without O(a)O(a) improvement, and including the tadpole improvement suggested by Lepage and Mackenzie.For the latter we use gauge-invariant operators. Combined with existing results for two-loop anomalous dimension matrices and one-loop matching coefficients, our results allow a lattice calculation of the amplitudes for KKˉK\bar K mixing and KππK\to\pi\pi decays with all corrections of O(g2)O(g^2) included. We also discuss the mixing of ΔS=1\Delta S=1 operators with lower dimension operators, and show that, with staggered fermions, only a single lower dimension operator need be removed by non-perturbative subtraction.Comment: 44 pages latex (uses psfig), 3 ps figures, all bundled using uufiles (correctly this time!), UW/PT-93-

    Evaluation de méthodes CFD avec prise en compte de la transition laminaire-turbulent pour l'aéroélasticité des voilures laminaires

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    International audienceHigh fidelity aeroelastic simulations of laminar wings require an accurate prediction of the aerodynamic forces taking into account non-linear phenomena due to the laminar-turbulent transition. This paper proposes an evaluation of CFD RANS based methods associated with transition criteria or models for flight conditions of interest from an aeroelastic point of view (low and high incidences, transonic Mach numbers). This evaluation is carried out through comparisons with wind tunnel tests. The first step consists in assessing different models for steady transonic flow fields around a 2D laminar airfoil. The influence of crossflow transition on the aerodynamic response to a 3D wing oscillating in pitch is addressed in a second step for low speed flight conditions

    Perturbative Corrections for Staggered Fermion Bilinears

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    We calculate the perturbative corrections to fermion bilinears that are used in numerical simulations when extracting weak matrix elements using staggered fermions. This extends previous calculations of Golterman and Smit, and Daniel and Sheard. In particular, we calculate the corrections for non-local bilinears defined in Landau gauge with gauge links excluded. We do this for the simplest operators, i.e. those defined on a 242^4 hypercube, and for tree level improved operators which live on 444^4 hypercubes. We also consider gauge invariant operators in which the ``tadpole'' contributions are suppressed by projecting the sums of products of gauge links back in to the gauge group. In all cases, we find that the variation in the size of the perturbative corrections is smaller than those with the gauge invariant unimproved operators. This is most strikingly true for the smeared operators. We investigate the efficacy of the mean-field method of Lepage and Mackenzie at summing up tadpole contributions. In a companion paper we apply these results to four-fermion operators.Comment: 29 pages latex, 4 postscript figures included, UW/PT-92-13 and CEBAF-TH-92-2

    Restauration cartilagineuse. : A propos de l'utilisation d'un greffon ostéo chondral costal : implication dans le resurfaçage articulaire au membre thoracique et conditions anatomiques de son prélèvement

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    The use of costal graft in reconstructive surgery is known and used for a long time in maxillo-facial surgery. It is the same practice for the service of traumatologic, orthopédic, plastic and reconstructive surgery of the university hospital of Besançon. Firstly proposed in the surgical treatment of trapezo-metacarpal osteoarthritis, the operators of this service gradually appropriated this technique and used it for other traumatic or degenerative indications to restore a cartilage defect. Thus, since 15 years, this surgical technique has been proposed in trapezo-metacarpal osteoarthritis, peri-scaphoid or radio-carpal osteoarthritis, for some cases of post-traumatic fingers joint reconstruction, for malunion of distal radius, for advanced Kienbock disease and defect of osteo-cartilaginous substance of a humeral head. In a first time, this work reports the different therapeutic indications and clinical results of this original technique which have been the subject of scientific publications, especially in radio-scaphoid osteoarthritis and in a case of humeral head reconstruction.To obtain the osteo-chondral costal graft, this technique needs the surgical approach of the thorax and generally of the 8e rib. Pleuro-pulmonary complications are very uncommun. This surgical technique is simple but must be "demystified". Therefore, the second phase of this work proposes giving topographical and anatomical landmark necessary to obtain this graft. An anatomical study supplemented by a radio imaging study helped to situate the 8e osteo-chondral rib junction between the epineus process of the 11e thoracic vertebra and the first lumbar vertebra but more often at the 12e thoracic vertebra. In the thoraco-abdominal hemi perimeter, this junction was locate at the 2/3 starting from the median furrow of the back, whatever the thoracic morphology, age and sex of the patient. This 8e junction is more always located under the obliquus externus abdominis muscle and coated by a thick perichondrium which protects it from the inter costal pedicle, from the endo thoracic fascia and the parietal pleura. In surgery of upper limb, the pyrocarbon implants, used actually in radio carpal osteoarthritis and trapezo metacarpal osteoarthritis, with the same principles as the osteo chondral costal graft, do not appear to give satisfactory results. Autologous transplantation of chondrocytes or mesenchymal stromal cells cultures have problem of their matrix which must contain the grafted cells, growth factors and have to substitute for the cartilaginous defect. Finally, due to this interesting results brought by this costal osteo chondral grafting technique in orthopaedic surgery of the upper limb, we considered eventual cartilaginous transplants to restore articular defect to the lower member following a injury or a degenerative lesion such as dissecans osteo chondritis of knee or ankle. Biomechanical tests should be realised to verify the ability of the costal osteo chondral graft to support a load on a bearing joint.L’utilisation de greffon costal en chirurgie reconstructrice est connue et utilisée depuis longtemps et notamment en chirurgie maxillo-faciale. La greffe de cartilage costal fait partie de l’arsenal thérapeutique pour le service de Traumatologie, Orthopédie, Chirurgie Plastique et Reconstructrice du CHU de Besançon. Proposée initialement dans le traitement chirurgical de la rhizarthrose, les opérateurs de ce service, se sont progressivement appropriés cette technique et l’on utilisée pour d’autres indications traumatiques ou dégénératives pour réaliser une restauration cartilagineuse. Ainsi depuis 15 ans, en dehors de son utilisation en routine pour la rhizarthrose, ce greffon a été proposé dans l’arthrose péri-scaphoïdienne ou radio-carpienne mais aussi pour quelques cas de reconstruction post-traumatiques d’articulations digitales, de cals vicieux de radius, dans la maladie de kienböck avancée ou lors d’une perte de substance ostéo-cartilagineuse d’une tête humérale. Dans un premier temps, ce travail rapporte les différentes indications thérapeutiques et résultats cliniques de cette technique originale qui ont fait l’objet de publications scientifiques et notamment dans l’arthrose radio-scaphoïdienne débutante et dans un cas de reconstruction de tête humérale.Cette technique chirurgicale impose pour le prélévement du greffon ostéo-chondral costal, l’abord du thorax au niveau de la 8e côte en général. Les complications pleuro-pulmonaires sont très rares. La technique de prélèvement est simple mais doit être « démystifiée ». Dans ce but, le deuxième temps de ce travail propose de donner les repères topographiques et anatomiques nécessaires au prélèvement de ce greffon. Une étude anatomique complétée par une étude en radio imagerie a permis de situer la 8e jonction ostéo chondrale costale entre les processus épineux de la 11e vertèbre thoracique et la première vertèbre lombaire mais le plus souvent au niveau du processus épineux de la 12e vertèbre thoracique et au 2/3 de l’hémi périmètre thoraco-abdominal en partant du sillon médian du dos, quel que soit la morphologie thoracique, l’âge et le sexe du patient. Cette 8e jonction est de plus toujours située sous un seul muscle, le muscle oblique externe et protégée par un épais périchondre qui la protège des pédicules de l’espace inter costal, du fascia endo thoracique et de la plèvre pariétale.En chirurgie du membre thoracique, les implants de pyrocarbone utilisés dans l’arthrose radio carpienne et la rhizarthrose, avec les mêmes principes que les greffes ostéo chondrales costales, ne semblent pas donner pour le moment de résultats satisfaisants. Les cultures de chondrocytes autologues ou de cellules stromales mésenchymateuses avec des produits déjà commercialisés posent le problème de leur matrice qui doit à la fois contenir les cellules greffées, des facteurs de croissance et se substituer à la perte de substance cartilagineuse le temps de l’intégration. Enfin, au vue des résultats intéressants apportés par cette technique de greffe ostéo chondrale costale en chirurgie orthopédique du membre thoracique, il est envisagé d’éventuelles greffes ostéo cartilagineuses pour restaurer des pertes de substances cartilagineuse au membre pelvien que ce soit en situation d’urgence ou pour des situations dégénératives comme l’ostéo chondrite disséquante de genou ou au niveau de la cheville. Des tests biomécaniques doivent être réalisés pour vérifier la capacité du greffon ostéo chondral costal à supporter une mise en charge sur une articulation portante

    The Molecular Basis of Wolbachia-induced Cytoplasmic Incompatibility

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    One-loop matching coefficients for improved staggered bilinears

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    We calculate one-loop matching factors for bilinear operators composed of improved staggered fermions. We compare the results for different improvement schemes used in the recent literature, all of which involve the use of smeared links. These schemes aim to reduce, though not completely eliminate, O(a^2) discretization errors. We find that all these improvement schemes substantially reduce the size of matching factors compared to unimproved staggered fermions. The resulting corrections are comparable to, or smaller than, those found with Wilson and domain-wall fermions. In the best case (``Fat-7'' and mean-field improved HYP links) the corrections are 10 % or smaller at 1/a = 2 GeV.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure (misleading sentence in sec. II removed; version to appear in Physical Review D

    Perturbative matching of staggered four-fermion operators with hypercubic fat links

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    We calculate the one-loop matching coefficients between continuum and lattice four-fermion operators for lattice operators constructed using staggered fermions and improved by the use of fattened links. In particular, we consider hypercubic fat links and SU(3) projected Fat-7 links, and their mean-field improved versions. We calculate only current-current diagrams, so that our results apply for operators whose flavor structure does not allow ``eye-diagrams''. We present general formulae, based on two independent approaches, and give numerical results for the cases in which the operators have the taste (staggered flavor) of the pseudo-Goldstone pion. We find that the one-loop corrections are reduced down to the 10-20% level, resolving the problem of large perturbative corrections for staggered fermion calculations of matrix elements.Comment: 37 pages, no figure, 20 table