423 research outputs found

    Three Phenolic and a Sterol Glycosides Identified for the First Time in Matthiola longipetala Growing in Tunisia

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    Three phenolic glycosides: 4-O-ß-D-glycopyranosyl zingerone 1, 4-O-ß-D-glycopyranosylhomovanillyl alcohol 2 and eugenol glycoside 3, together with 3-O-ß-D-glycopyranosyl sitosterol 4, were isolated and identified for the first time from the flowers of Matthiola longipetala (Crucifers) growing in Tunisia. The structures of 1, 2 and 3 were identified via their acetylated derivatives on the basis of the 1 and 2D NMR data analysis, mass spectrometry and IR spectroscopy

    Assimilation of ocean-colour plankton functional types to improve marine ecosystem simulations

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    We assimilated plankton functional types (PFTs) derived from ocean colour into a marine ecosystem model, to improve the simulation of biogeochemical indicators and emerging properties in a shelf sea. Error-characterized chlorophyll concentrations of four PFTs (diatoms, dinoflagellates, nanoplankton and picoplankton), as well as total chlorophyll for comparison, were assimilated into a physical-biogeochemical model of the North East Atlantic, applying a localized Ensemble Kalman filter. The reanalysis simulations spanned the years 1998 to 2003. The skill of the reference and reanalysis simulations in estimating ocean colour and in situ biogeochemical data were compared by using robust statistics. The reanalysis outperformed both the reference and the assimilation of total chlorophyll in estimating the ocean-colour PFTs (except nanoplankton), as well as the not-assimilated total chlorophyll, leading the model to simulate better the plankton community structure. Crucially, the reanalysis improved the estimates of not-assimilated in situ data of PFTs, as well as of phosphate and pCO2, impacting the simulation of the air-sea carbon flux. However, the reanalysis increased further the model overestimation of nitrate, in spite of increases in plankton nitrate uptake. The method proposed here is easily adaptable for use with other ecosystem models that simulate PFTs, for, e.g., reanalysis of carbon fluxes in the global ocean and for operational forecasts of biogeochemical indicators in shelf-sea ecosystems

    Modelling the Stoichiometric Regulation of C-Rich Toxins in Marine Dinoflagellates

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    Toxin production in marine microalgae was previously shown to be tightly coupled with cellular stoichiometry. The highest values of cellular toxin are in fact mainly associated with a high carbon to nutrient cellular ratio. In particular, the cellular accumulation of C-rich toxins (i.e., with C:N > 6.6) can be stimulated by both N and P deficiency. Dinoflagellates are the main producers of C-rich toxins and may represent a serious threat for human health and the marine ecosystem. As such, the development of a numerical model able to predict how toxin production is stimulated by nutrient supply/deficiency is of primary utility for both scientific and management purposes. In this work we have developed a mechanistic model describing the stoichiometric regulation of C-rich toxins in marine dinoflagellates. To this purpose, a new formulation describing toxin production and fate was embedded in the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM), here simplified to describe a monospecific batch culture. Toxin production was assumed to be composed by two distinct additive terms; the first is a constant fraction of algal production and is assumed to take place at any physiological conditions. The second term is assumed to be dependent on algal biomass and to be stimulated by internal nutrient deficiency. By using these assumptions, the model reproduced the concentrations and temporal evolution of toxins observed in cultures of Ostreopsis cf. ovata, a benthic/epiphytic dinoflagellate producing C-rich toxins named ovatoxins. The analysis of simulations and their comparison with experimental data provided a conceptual model linking toxin production and nutritional status in this species. The model was also qualitatively validated by using independent literature data, and the results indicate that our formulation can be also used to simulate toxin dynamics in other dinoflagellates. Our model represents an important step towards the simulation and prediction of marine algal toxicity

    Ecoregions in the Mediterranean Sea Through the Reanalysis of Phytoplankton Functional Types and Carbon Fluxes

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    In this work we produced a long‐term reanalysis of the phytoplankton community structure in the Mediterranean Sea and used it to define ecoregions. These were based on the spatial variability of the phytoplankton type fractions and their influence on selected carbon fluxes. A regional ocean color product of four phytoplankton functional types (PFTs; diatoms, dinoflagellates, nanophytoplankton, and picophytoplankton) was assimilated into a coupled physical‐biogeochemical model of the Mediterranean Sea (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal Ocean Modelling System‐European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model, POLCOMS–ERSEM) by using a 100‐member ensemble Kalman filter, in a reanalysis simulation for years 1998–2014. The reanalysis outperformed the reference simulation in representing the assimilated ocean color PFT fractions to total chlorophyll, although the skill for the ocean color PFT concentrations was not improved significantly. The reanalysis did not impact noticeably the reference simulation of not assimilated in situ observations, with the exception of a slight bias reduction for the situ PFT concentrations, and a deterioration of the phosphate simulation. We found that the Mediterranean Sea can be subdivided in three PFT‐based ecoregions, derived from the spatial variability of the PFT fraction dominance or relevance. Picophytoplankton dominates the largest part of open ocean waters; microphytoplankton dominates in a few, highly productive coastal spots near large‐river mouths; nanophytoplankton is relevant in intermediate‐productive coastal and Atlantic‐influenced waters. The trophic and carbon sedimentation efficiencies are highest in the microphytoplankton ecoregion and lowest in the picophytoplankton and nanophytoplankton ecoregions. The reanalysis and regionalization offer new perspectives on the variability of the structure and functioning of the phytoplankton community and related biogeochemical fluxes, with foreseeable applications in Blue Growth of the Mediterranean Sea

    Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) growth modelling and indicators for offshore aquaculture in Europe under climate change uncertainty

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    Aquaculture development in Europe, while critical to the European Union (EU) Blue Growth strategy, has stagnated over the past decades due largely to high competition for space in the nearshore coastal zone among potential uses and the lack of clear priorities, policy, and planning at EU and national scales. Broad Marine Spatial Planning, including the designation of Allocated Zones for Aquaculture, requires spatial data at the corresponding broad spatial scale, which has not been readily available, as well as model projections to assess potential impacts of climate change. Here, daily chlorophyll-a, water temperature, salinity, and current speed outputs from a marine ecosystem model encompassing the coastal North East Atlantic, the North Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea (the pan-European POLCOMS-ERSEM model configuration) are used to drive a Dynamic Energy Budget growth model of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Areas broadly suitable for growth were iden�tified using threshold tolerance range masking applied using the model variables mentioned above, as well as bathymetry data. Oyster growth time series were transformed into simplified indicators that are meaningful to the industry (e.g., time to market weight) and mapped. In addition to early-century indicator maps, modelling and mapping were also carried out for two contrasting late-century climate change projections, following representative concentration pathways 4.5 and 8.5. Areas found to have good oyster growth potential now and into the future were further assessed in terms of their climate robustness (i.e., where oyster growth predictions are comparable between different future climate scenarios). Several areas within Europe were highlighted as priority areas for the development of offshore Pacific oyster cultivation, including coastal waters along the French Atlantic, the southern North Sea, and western Scotland and Ireland. A large potential growth hot spot was also identified along northwestern Africa, associated with a cool, productive upwelling coastal zone. The framework proposed here offers a flexible approach to include a large range of ecological input data, climate and ecosystem model scenarios, aquaculture-related models, species of interest, indicator types, and tolerance thresholds. Such information is suggested to be included in more extensive spatial assessments and planning, along with further socioeconomic and environmental data

    Effect of Boron and Cross-Section Thickness on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ductile Iron

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    Eeffect of Boron addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ductile iron, GJS-500-7 grade was studied. Three cast batches with the Boron content of 10, 49 and 131ppm were cast in a casting geometry containing plates with thicknesses of 7, 15, 30, 50 and 75mm. Microstructure analysis, tensile test, and hardness test were performed on the samples which were machined from the casting plates. Addition of 49 ppm Boron decreased pearlite fraction by an average of 34±6% in all the cast plates. However, minor changes were observed in the pearlite fraction by increasing Boron from 49 to 131 ppm. Variation in the plate thickness did not affect the pearlite fraction. The 0.2% offset yield and ultimate tensile strength was decreased by an average of 11±1% and 18±2%, respectively. Addition of 49 ppm Boron decreased Brinell hardness by 16±1%, while 11±2% reduction was obtained by addition of 131ppm Boron

    Sensitivity of Modeled CO2 Air–Sea Flux in a Coastal Environment to Surface Temperature Gradients, Surfactants, and Satellite Data Assimilation

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    This work evaluates the sensitivity of CO2 air–sea gas exchange in a coastal site to four different model system configurations of the 1D coupled hydrodynamic–ecosystem model GOTM–ERSEM, towards identifying critical dynamics of relevance when specifically addressing quantification of air–sea CO2 exchange. The European Sea Regional Ecosystem Model (ERSEM) is a biomass and functional group-based biogeochemical model that includes a comprehensive carbonate system and explicitly simulates the production of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon and organic matter. The model was implemented at the coastal station L4 (4 nm south of Plymouth, 50°15.00’N, 4°13.02’W, depth of 51 m). The model performance was evaluated using more than 1500 hydrological and biochemical observations routinely collected at L4 through the Western Coastal Observatory activities of 2008—2009. In addition to a reference simulation (A), we ran three distinct experiments to investigate the sensitivity of the carbonate system and modeled air–sea fluxes to (B) the sea-surface temperature (SST) diurnal cycle and thus also the near-surface verticalgradients,(C)biologicalsuppressionofgasexchangeand(D)dataassimilationusingsatellite Earth observation data. The reference simulation captures well the physical environment (simulated SST has a correlation with observations equal to 0.94 with a p > 0.95). Overall, the model captures the seasonal signal in most biogeochemical variables including the air–sea flux of CO2 and primary production and can capture some of the intra-seasonal variability and short-lived blooms. The model correctlyreproducestheseasonalityofnutrients(correlation>0.80forsilicate,nitrateandphosphate), surface chlorophyll-a (correlation > 0.43) and total biomass (correlation > 0.7) in a two year run for 2008–2009. The model simulates well the concentration of DIC, pH and in-water partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) with correlations between 0.4–0.5. The model result suggest that L4 is a weak net source of CO2 (0.3–1.8 molCm−2 year−1). The results of the three sensitivity experiments indicate that both resolving the temperature profile near the surface and assimilation of surface chlorophyll-a significantlyimpacttheskillofsimulatingthebiogeochemistryatL4andallofthecarbonatechemistry related variables. These results indicate that our forecasting ability of CO2 air–sea flux in shelf seas environments and their impact in climate modeling should consider both model refinements as means of reducing uncertainties and errors in any future climate projections

    Uncertainty in Ocean-Color Estimates of Chlorophyll for Phytoplankton Groups

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    Over the past decade, techniques have been presented to derive the community structure of phytoplankton at synoptic scales using satellite ocean-color data. There is a growing demand from the ecosystem modeling community to use these products for model evaluation and data assimilation. Yet, from the perspective of an ecosystem modeler these products are of limited use unless: (i) the phytoplankton products provided by the remote-sensing community match those required by the ecosystem modelers; and (ii) information on per-pixel uncertainty is provided to evaluate data quality. Using a large dataset collected in the North Atlantic, we re-tune a method to estimate the chlorophyll concentration of three phytoplankton groups, partitioned according to size [pico- (20 μm)]. The method is modified to account for the influence of sea surface temperature, also available from satellite data, on model parameters and on the partitioning of microphytoplankton into diatoms and dinoflagellates, such that the phytoplankton groups provided match those simulated in a state of the art marine ecosystem model (the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model, ERSEM). The method is validated using another dataset, independent of the data used to parameterize the method, of more than 800 satellite and in situ match-ups. Using fuzzy-logic techniques for deriving per-pixel uncertainty, developed within the ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI), the match-up dataset is used to derive the root mean square error and the bias between in situ and satellite estimates of the chlorophyll for each phytoplankton group, for 14 different optical water types (OWT). These values are then used with satellite estimates of OWTs to map uncertainty in chlorophyll on a per pixel basis for each phytoplankton group. It is envisaged these satellite products will be useful for those working on the validation of, and assimilation of data into, marine ecosystem models that simulate different phytoplankton groups.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assimilation of remotely-sensed optical properties to improve marine biogeochemistry modelling

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    In this paper we evaluate whether the assimilation of remotely-sensed optical data into a marine ecosystem model improves the simulation of biogeochemistry in a shelf sea. A localized Ensemble Kalman filter was used to assimilate weekly diffuse light attenuation coefficient data, Kd(443) from SeaWiFs, into an ecosystem model of the western English Channel. The spatial distributions of (unassimilated) surface chlorophyll from satellite, and a multivariate time series of eighteen biogeochemical and optical variables measured in situ at one long-term monitoring site were used to evaluate the system performance for the year 2006. Assimilation reduced the root mean square error and improved the correlation with the assimilated Kd(443) observations, for both the analysis and, to a lesser extent, the forecast estimates, when compared to the reference model simulation. Improvements in the simulation of (unassimilated) ocean colour chlorophyll were less evident, and in some parts of the Channel the simulation of this data deteriorated. The estimation errors for the (unassimilated) in situ data were reduced for most variables with some exceptions, e.g. dissolved nitrogen. Importantly, the assimilation adjusted the balance of ecosystem processes by shifting the simulated food web towards the microbial loop, thus improving the estimation of some properties, e.g. total particulate carbon. Assimilation of Kd(443) outperformed a comparative chlorophyll assimilation experiment, in both the estimation of ocean colour data and in the simulation of independent in situ data. These results are related to relatively low error in Kd(443) data, and because it is a bulk optical property of marine ecosystems. Assimilation of remotely-sensed optical properties is a promising approach to improve the simulation of biogeochemical and optical variables that are relevant for ecosystem functioning and climate change studies

    The Assimilation of Phytoplankton Functional Types for Operational Forecasting in the Northwest European Shelf

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    This paper proposes the use of assimilation of phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) surface chlorophyll for operational forecasting of biogeochemistry on the North‐West European (NWE) Shelf. We explicitly compare the 5‐day forecasting skill of three runs of a physical‐biogeochemical model: (a) a free reference run, (b) a run with daily data assimilation (DA) of total surface chlorophyll (ChlTot), and (c) a run with daily PFTs DA. We show that small total chlorophyll model bias hides comparatively large biases in PFTs chlorophyll, which ChlTot DA fails to correct. This is because the ChlTot DA splits the assimilated total chlorophyll into PFTs by preserving their simulated ratios, rather than taking account of the observed PFT concentrations. Unlike ChlTot DA, PFTs DA substantially improves model representation of PFTs chlorophyll. During forecasting the DA reanalysis skill in representing PFTs chlorophyll degrades toward the free run skill; however, PFTs DA outperforms free run within the whole 5‐day forecasting period. We validated our results with in situ data, and we demonstrated that (in both DA cases) the DA substantially improves the model representation of CO2 fugacity (PFTs DA more than ChlTot DA). ChlTot DA has a positive impact on the representation of silicate, while the PFTs DA seems to have a negative impact. The impact of DA on nitrate and phosphate is not significant. The implications of using a univariate assimilation method, which preserves the phytoplankton stochiometry, and the impact of model biases on the nonassimilated variables are discussed