5,187 research outputs found

    Removable sets for holomorphic functions of several complex variables

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    We show that every closed subset of CN that has finite (2N-2) dimensional measure is a removable set for holomorphic functions, and we obtain a related result on the ball

    Meaningful Access: True Equality or Frightening Reality?

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    “It’s too good to be true” summarizes the decision in Childress v. Fox Associates, LLC. The Childress court admirably aimed to create a more accessible society for individuals with disabilities but may have unintentionally created the exact opposite. Courts require public accommodations to provide “meaningful access” to individuals with disabilities in order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). However, “meaningful access” is an unclear, evolving standard. The Childress decision strayed from precedent by heightening the standard for meaningful access to a level equal to identical access. While this heightened standard strives for the goal of true equality, it consequently shifts the focus of courts’ decisions to the sufficiency of a claimed affirmative defense – that is, the requested accommodation would pose an undue buden. Analyzing a case based on the sufficiency of an affirmative defense – especially in the context of ADA Accommodations – is detrimental because it forces courts to determine whether an accommodation must be provided at all, instead of deciding what degree satisfies meaningful access. The framework for analyzing meaningful access set forth by the Childress decision may create detrimental impacts long into the future

    Legal Ethics

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    Hindsight 20/20: Missouri’s Use of Statutory Interpretation as a Key Insight for Future Litigation Missouri State Conference of Nat’l Ass’n for the Advancement of Colored People v. State, 607 S.W.3d 728 (Mo. 2020).

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    In Missouri State Conference of Nat’l Ass’n for the Advancement of Colored People v. State (hereinafter “NAACP v. State”), the Supreme Court of Missouri interpreted a Missouri statute that expanded the right to vote absentee in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new provision allowed all registered Missouri voters to vote absentee during the 2020 elections but required most absentee voters to have their ballots notarized. Voters who were “confined due to illness” or qualified as part of an “at-risk” category, however, were not required to have their ballots notarized. Appellants challenged the bill, claiming that voluntarily confining oneself as a precautionary measure and in accordance with social distancing guidelines was a form of “confinement due to illness,” which would permit valid absentee voting without requiring the certification of a notary. Appellants also argued that requiring notarization for individuals that do not fall into the enumerated categories infringed on their fundamental right to vote under the Missouri Constitution. The Supreme Court of Missouri employed various methods of statutory interpretation to determine when individuals are “confined due to illness” and how enacted safety and social distancing measures affect the Constitutional right to vote.6 The decision in NAACP v. State provides insight into the Supreme Court of Missouri’s interpretation of legislative action in response to emergency situations

    Occupational Nepotism Among Law Firms: A Study of Nepotism Beyond Anecdotal Evidence

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    Although nepotism is not a new subject, there are not many studies addressing the psychological issues associated with the phenomenon, particularly in the workplace. The idea of “new nepotism” has emerged with the notion that some offspring have chosen the same profession as their parents, and have not been forced into a career decision or made an opportunistic decision regardless of their ability to perform. The purpose of this study was to explore workplace nepotism using an empirical research approach. Using a career choice and self-determination theory framework, a survey was devised and sent to 673 practicing attorneys in a Midwestern metropolitan area. Lawyers were chosen for this study due to the findings of prevalence of nepotism within this population. Scales in the survey measured work satisfaction, selfdetermination in choosing a career, and workplace nepotism. Data from the returned questionnaires was analyzed and correlations among the levels of self-determination, nepotism and satisfaction were determined. Results show that self-determination is positively correlated with work satisfaction regardless of the presence of nepotism in the workplace. Self-determination was negatively correlated with coercive nepotism and positively correlated with self-determined nepotism. These findings support the hypothesis that individuals high in self-determination are more likely to choose a career based on full volition and by doing so will have higher work satisfaction

    Development and Application of Hydraulic and Hydrogeologic Models to Better Inform Management Decisions

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    Water is one of the most important and limited resources in regions with little rainfall. As populations continue to grow, so does the need for water. Individuals in water management positions need to be well informed in order to avoid potential negative effects concerning the overall quality and amount of water available for both people and the environment. In order to provide better information for these individuals, computer models and mathematical relationships are commonly developed to estimate the outcome of different situations regarding surface water and groundwater. Along these lines, this study focused on two modeling studies that provide information to managers regarding either stream restoration techniques or the amount of groundwater available. The first study investigated the effects that beaver dams have on streams. In order to do this, a computer model was developed to represent a section of stream with beaver dams and a section without. The model provided information regarding changes in the average depth, width, and velocity of the stream as a result of having beaver dams. We also measured changes in sediment size distributions between the two stream sections to confirm that beaver dams additionally impact sediment movement and channel shape. Results indicated that only a few dams are actually needed to achieve many of the desired changes in stream restoration. The second study involved testing an equation that was used to predict how much precipitation would become groundwater in a Midwestern watershed. Variables in the equation included measurements of natural or developed land, movement of water through soil, the depth of the water table, and hillslope steepness. We tested the equation in two western watersheds to determine if variables used in the earlier study remain relevant when applied under different conditions. The independent application of the method to each western watershed stressed the importance of meeting simplifying assumptions and developing more complete datasets. We also found that the application of existing simplified empirical relationships may not be suitable in estimating groundwater recharge in mountain watersheds

    A review of three species-level taxa of the \u3ci\u3eAnthocharis sara\u3c/i\u3e complex (Lepidoptera: Pieridae: Pierinae: Anthocharidini)

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    A combination of five characters supports the arrangement of three species in the Anthocharis sara complex (Lepidoptera: Pieridae: Pierinae: Anthocharidini) consisting of Anthocharis sara Lucas, 1852 (Sara orangetip), Anthocharis thoosa Scudder, 1878 (southwestern orangetip), and Anthocharis julia W.H. Edwards, 1872 (Julia orangetip). These five characters include adult phenotypes, fifth instar larval coloration, pupal cone curvature and color, number of overwintering cycles, and interspecific contact zone behavior. This taxonomic treatment is generated from extensive life history studies from 12 western U.S. states through most of the sara complex distribution

    Lamb merchandising in Ohio retail stores with related industry surveys

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