2,930 research outputs found

    Maximum Lift-to-drag Ratio of a Slender, Flat-top, Hypersonic Body

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    Maximum lift-drag ratio of slender, flat top, hypersonic body assuming modified Newtonian pressure distribution and constant surface averaged skin friction coefficien

    Physicochemical composition of Cabernet-Sauvignon wine made from grapes affected by grape ripe rot.

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    Aim: In the last years, grape ripe rot has been one of the most important diseases of the Serra Gaúcha vineyards, RS, Brazil. In order to determine its influence on wine quality, we studied the hysicochemical composition of must and wine made from affected Cabernet-Sauvignon grapes. Methods and results : The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with six treatments - musts containing 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, and 20 % of affected grapes - and three replications. Grape musts were extracted from ripe fruits and wines were made in 20-L glass recipients. Polynomial regression analysis showed that ripe rot significantly increased the ºBrix, density, pH, and ºBrix/total acidity ratio of grape must. In wine, increases were observed for most variables evaluated except for density, absorbance at 520 nm, color intensity, and anthocyanins, which decreased. Conclusions : These results show that grape ripe rot affects must and wine composition. The effect is more striking in wine, where it significantly reduces color. In this way, grape ripe rot should be prevented or controlled in the vineyards. Significance and impact of the study : These results are important because they show the negative effect of grape ripe rot on wine composition and quality

    Rootstock-scion interaction: 1. effect on the yield components of cabernet sauvignon grapevine.

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    A interação entre porta-enxerto, copa e meio ambiente pode induzir diferentes respostas à fisiologia da videira. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito do porta-enxerto nos componentes de produção da videira Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) cultivada na região vitivinícola da Serra Gaúcha. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com 15 tratamentos, três repetições e dez plantas por parcela. Os resultados mostram que todas as variáveis avaliadas foram significativamente afetadas pelo ano e pelo porta-enxerto. A combinação CS/Solferino está entre as combinações que foram afetadas significativamente e apresentaram maior produtividade/planta. De fato, ela foi superior a CS/Rupestris du Lot, CS/101-14 Mgt., CS/3309 C, CS/5BB K, CS/161-49 C, CS/1103P e CS/Isabel. O número de cachos por gema, por gema brotada e por planta e o peso por cacho também foram afetados significativamente pelo ano e pelo porta-enxerto. O peso da poda/planta, a produção/peso da poda, a área foliar/planta, o índice de área foliar e a área foliar/peso de frutos frescos são variáveis relacionadas à fisiologia da videira que também foram afetadas pelo porta-enxerto. Em geral, os porta-enxertos adaptaram-se bem ao ambiente em que foi conduzido o trabalho, transmitindo vigor e alta produtividade à videira Cabernet Sauvignon, o que significa que eles podem ser usados por viticultores dessa região. No entanto, a escolha do porta-enxerto depende de vários aspectos, tais como os relacionados às características do solo, condições climáticas, cultivares de uva, e até mesmo clones, e propósitos da produção. Termos para indexação: uva, Vitis vinifera, enxertia, produção. The interaction between rootstock, scion and environment can induce different responses to the grapevine physiology. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the rootstock effect on the yield components of Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) grapevine grown in the Serra Gaúcha viticultural region. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with 15 treatments, three replicates and ten vines per plot. The results show that all variables evaluated were significantly affected by the year and the rootstock. The CS/Solferino was among other combinations influenced by the year and had higher significant yield/vine. Indeed, it was higher than that CS/Rupestris du Lot, CS/101-14 Mgt., CS/3309 C, CS/5BB K, CS/161-49 C, CS/1103 P. and CS/Isabel. The number of clusters/bud, per burst bud and per vine and the weight of clusters were affected by the rootstock as well. Pruning weight/vine, yield/pruning weight, leaf area/vine, leaf area index and leaf area/fresh fruit weight are variables related to the physiology of grapevine which were also affected by the rootstock. In general, rootstocks had adapted well to the environment where the experiment was carried out, giving vigor and high yield to Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine, which means that they may be used by grape growers in this region. However, the choice of the right rootstock depends on various aspects, such as those related to the soil characteristics, climate conditions, grape varieties, and even clones, and production purposes. Index terms: grape, Vitis vinifera, grafting, production

    Rootstock-scion interaction: 4. Effect on the sensory characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon wine.

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    It is known that rootstock can induce changes on grapevine yield components and on the physicochemical composition of musts and wines. However, its effect on the sensory characteristics of wines has been scarcely studied. For this reason, an experiment was conducted to determine the effect of 15 rootstocks on the sensory characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon wine, whose grapevines were graftedon Rupestris du Lot, 101-14 Mgt, 3309 C, 420A Mgt, 5BB K, 161-49 C, SO4, Solferino, 1103 P, 99 R, 110 R, Gravesac, Fercal, Dogridge and Isabel, which feature some genetic diversity altogether. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with 15 treatments, three replicates, 10 vines per plot. Mature grapes were harvested, and wines were made in 20-L glass recipients. When alcoholic and malolactic fermentations were finished, the wines were bottled and stored at 18°C. Sensory analysis was performed in the next year, following international procedures. The tasting panel was formed by 12 experienced enologists, who evaluated the wines in individual cells separated by opaque glass. They were served monadically and the perception of each taster was recorded in 9-cm unstructured scale sheets. Twenty-two variables were evaluated, which were related to the visual, olfactory and taste aspects. The results show that the tasting panel was not able to detect significant differences (p> 0.05) of rootstocks in any variable related to the sensory characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon wine.Index terms: Vitis vinifera, grapevine, Cabernet Sauvignon, wine tasting.1Agronomist, Dr., Embrapa Uva e Vinho, Bento Gonçalves-RS, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 0000-0001-9465-570X2Enologist, Dr., Embrapa Uva e Vinho, Bento Gonçalves-RS, Brasil.Retired. E-mail: [email protected]ção entre porta-enxerto e copa: 4. Efeito nas características sensoriais do vinho Cabernet SauvignonResumo - Sabe-se que o porta-enxerto pode causar modificações nos componentes de produção da videira e na composição físico-química do mosto e do vinho. Entretanto, seu efeito nas características sensoriais do vinho tem sido pouco estudado. Por essa razão, conduziu-se um experimento para determinar o efeito de 15 porta-enxertos nas características sensoriais do vinho Cabernet Sauvignon, cujas videiras foram enxertadas em Rupestris du Lot, 101-14 Mgt, C 3309, 420A Mgt, K 5BB, C 161-49, SO4, Solferino, P 1103, R 99, R 110, Gravesac, Fercal, Dogridge e Isabel, os quais apresentam certa diversidade genética. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com 15 tratamentos, três repetições, 10 videiras por parcela. As uvas foram colhidas quando maduras, e os vinhos foram elaborados em recipientes de vidro de 20 L. Após a conclusão das fermentações alcoólica e malolática, os vinhos foram engarrafados e armazenados a 18°C. No ano seguinte, procedeu-se à análise sensorial, que foi realizada segundo procedimentos internacionais. O painel de degustação foi formado por 12 experientes enólogos que avaliaram os vinhos em celas individuais, separadas por vidro opaco. Os vinhos foram servidos monadicamente, e sua avaliação foi registrada em fichas não estruturadas com escala de 9 cm. Avaliaram-se 22 variáveis relacionadas aos aspectos visual, olfativo e gustativo. Os resultados mostram que o painel de degustação não detectou diferença significativa (p>0,05) dos porta-enxertos em nenhuma variável relacionada às características sensoriais do vinho Cabernet Sauvignon.Termos para indexação: Vitis vinifera, videira, Cabernet Sauvignon, degustação de vinho

    Rootstock-scion interaction: 2.effect on the composition of cabernet sauvignon grape must.

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    The interaction between rootstock, scion and the environment may induce different responses to the grapevine physiology and, consequently, to the grape composition. The vineyards of Serra Gaúcha, Brazil, are established in different soil types, each with different morphological and physicochemical attributes. Moreover, the grapevines are grafted onto a diversity of rootstocks. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of 15 rootstocks in the composition of the Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) grape must. The following rootstocks were used: Rupestris du Lot, 101-14 Mgt., 3309 C, 420A Mgt., 5BB K, 161-49 C, SO4, Solferino, 1103 P, 99 R, 110 R, Gravesac, Fercal, Dogridge and Isabel, featuring some genetic diversity altogether. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with 15 treatments, three replicates, 10 vines per plot. The grapes were harvested at maturity for four years, and then crushed for winemaking. Next, the grape musts were centrifuged to separate the solid phase from the liquid phase, which was used for analyses related to sugar, acidity and minerals. The data were submitted to correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis. The main results from the average of four years show that, in general, the grape musts of the CS/101-14 Mgt., CS/161-49 C, CS/3309 C, CS/Rupestris du Lot and CS/Gravesac combinations had high values of density, total soluble solids, pH and °Brix/titratable acidity ratio, and low titratable acidity, which was high with CS/99 R, CS/110 R, CS/Dogridge and CS/1103 P. Potassium had higher concentrations in the grape musts of CS/SO4 and CS/5BB K. Titratable acidity did not correlate with density and total soluble solids, but positively correlated with yield. Density, total soluble solids, and the concentration of potassium were positively correlated with pH. Index terms: Vitis vinifera, grapevine, grafting, composition, minerals

    Physicochemical characteristics of the Brazilian Cabernet Sauvignon wine as a function of the vintage,

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the physicochemical composition of the Cabernet Sauvignon wine from the Serra Gaúcha, the Brazilian most important viticultural region

    Rootstock-scion interaction: 3. Effect on the composition of Cabernet Sauvignon wine.

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    The interaction among rootstock, scion and environment may induce different responses to the grapevine physiology and consequently to the grape and wine composition. The vineyards of Serra Gaúcha, Brazil, are established in soils that may have different physicochemical attributes. Furthermore, the grapevines are grafted on a wide diversity of rootstocks. Therefore, this study aimed to determine their effect on the wine composition of the Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) grafted on Rupestris du Lot, 101-14 Mgt, 3309 C, 420A Mgt, 5BB K, 161-49 C, SO4, Solferino, 1103 P, 99 R, 110 R, Gravesac, Fercal, Dogridge and Isabel, featuring some genetic diversity altogether. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with 15 treatments, three replicates and 10 vines per plot. The grapes were harvested at maturity for three years, and then wines were made in glass recipients of 20 L. When alcoholic and malolactic fermentations were over, the wine analyses were performed on twenty-five variables related to alcohol, acidity, dry extract, polyphenols and volatile compounds. The main results show that all variables were affected year by year, some of them by the rootstock and a few by the interaction between rootstock and year. The rootstock effect was observed mainly on variables related to alcohol, acidity and ashes. Results show that the CS/101-14 Mgt wine had higher alcohol content than CS/Dogridge and CS/Isabel wines, which was probably due to the 101-14 Mgt rootstock favoring an early grape ripening. However, higher pH values were observed in the CS/Rupestris du Lot, CS/5BB K and CS/Gravesac than CS/420A Mgt, CS/110 R and CS/Isabel wines. These results show that there is a diversity of rootstocks that can be used by the growers due to the Cabernet Sauvignon wine composition similarities. Index terms: Vitis vinifera L., grapevine, phenolic compounds, volatile substances. Interação entre porta-enxerto e copa: 3. Efeito na composição do vinho Cabernet SauvignonResumo - A interação entre porta-enxerto, copa e meio ambiente pode induzir respostas diferenciadas na fisiologia da videira e, consequentemente, na composição da uva e do vinho. Os vinhedos da Serra Gaúcha são estabelecidos em diferentes tipos de solo, cada um com diferentes propriedades físico-químicas. Além disso, as videiras são enxertadas em uma ampla diversidade de porta-enxertos. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo determinar seu efeito na composição do vinho Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) proveniente de videiras enxertadas em Rupestris du Lot, 101-14 Mgt, C 3309, 420A Mgt, K 5BB, C 161-49, SO4, Solferino, P 1103, R 99, R 110, Gravesac, Fercal, Dogridge e Isabel, que, juntos, possuem certa diversidade genética. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com 15 tratamentos, três repetições, 10 plantas por parcela. As uvas foram colhidas durante três anos, na maturidade, e os vinhos foram feitos em recipientes de vidro de 20 L. As análises do vinhos foram realizadas quando as fermentações alcoólica e maloláctica foram concluídas. Avaliaram-se 25 variáveis relacionadas a álcool, acidez, extrato seco, polifenóis e compostos voláteis. Os principais resultados mostram que todas as variáveis foram afetadas significativamente pelo ano, algumas pelo porta-enxerto e poucas pela interação porta-enxerto e ano. O efeito do porta-enxerto foi observado principalmente em relação ao álcool, à acidez e às cinzas. Os resultados mostram que o teor de álcool foi maior no vinho CS/101-14 Mgt que nos vinhos CS/Dogridge e CS/Isabel, devido, provavelmente, ao 101-14 Mgt favorecer uma maturação mais precoce da uva. Entretanto, valores de pH mais elevados foram constatados nos vinhos CS/Rupestris du Lot, CS/K 5BB e CS/Gravesac que nos CS/420A Mgt, CS/R 110 e CS/Isabel. Estes resultados mostram que há uma diversidade de porta-enxertos que pode ser usada pelos produtores, devido à similaridade da composição do vinho Cabernet Sauvignon.Termos para indexação: Vitis vinifera L., videira, compostos fenólicos, substâncias voláteis

    Cosmological restrictions on conformally invariant SU(5) GUT models

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    Dirac's theory of constrained Hamiltonian systems is applied to the minimal conformally invariant SU(5) grand-unified model studied at 1-loop level in a de Sitter universe. For this model, which represents a simple and interesting example of GUT theory and at the same time is a step towards theories with larger gauge group like SO(10), second-class constraints in the Euclidean-time regime exist. In particular, they enable one to prove that, to be consistent with the experimentally established electroweak standard model and with inflationary cosmology, the residual gauge-symmetry group of the early universe, during the whole de Sitter era, is bound to be SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1). Moreover, the numerical solution of the field equations subject to second-class constraints is obtained. This confirms the existence of a sufficiently long de Sitter phase of the early universe, in agreement with the initial assumptions

    Are time preference and risk preference associated with cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence?

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    The authors investigated whether cognitive intelligence (intelligence quotient [IQ]) and emotional intelligence (emotional quotient [EQ]) meaningfully correlate with time preference and risk preference, finding solid evidence in support. In the realm of time preference, high-EQ individuals are less subject to present (or future) bias and more patient. Further, high-IQ subjects tend to exhibit preferences that conform to expected utility maximization. While recent research on the relationship between cognitive ability and preferences has provided important insights, the results suggest that both cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence matter