42 research outputs found

    Scaling of capillary trapping in unstable two-phase flow: Application to CO2 sequestration in deep saline aquifers

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    The effect of flow instabilities on capillary trapping mechanisms is a major source of uncertainty in CO2 sequestration in deep saline aquifers. Standard macroscopic models of multiphase flow in porous media are unable to explain and quantitatively predict the onset and structure of viscous-unstable flows, such as the displacement of brine by the injected CO2. We present the first step of a research effort aimed at the experimental characterization and mathematical (continuum) modeling of such flows. Existing continuum models of multiphase flow are unable to explain why preferential flow (fingering) occurs during infiltration into homogeneous, dry soil. We present a macroscopic model that reproduces the experimentally observed features of fingered flows. The proposed model is derived using a phase-field methodology and does not introduce new independent parameters. From a linear stability analysis, we predict that finger velocity and finger width both increase with infiltration rate, and the predictions are in quantitative agreement with experiments.Eni S.p.A. (Firm) (Multiscale Reservoir Science project)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Gilbert Winslow Career Development Chair

    Prognostic utility of serum free light chain ratios and heavy-light chain ratios in multiple myeloma in three PETHEMA/GEM phase III clinical trials

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    We investigated the prognostic impact and clinical utility of serum free light chains (sFLC) and serum heavy-light chains (sHLC) in patients with multiple myeloma treated according to the GEM2005MENOS65, GEM2005MAS65, and GEM2010MAS65 PETHEMA/GEM phase III clinical trials. Serum samples collected at diagnosis were retrospectively analyzed for sFLC (n = 623) and sHLC (n = 183). After induction or autologous transplantation, 309 and 89 samples respectively were available for sFLC and sHLC assays. At diagnosis, a highly abnormal (HA) sFLC ratio (sFLCr) (32) was not associated with higher risk of progression. After therapy, persistence of involved-sFLC levels >100 mg/L implied worse survival (overall survival [OS], P = 0.03; progression-free survival [PFS], P = 0.007). Among patients that achieved a complete response, sFLCr normalization did not necessarily indicate a higher quality response. We conducted sHLC investigations for IgG and IgA MM. Absolute sHLC values were correlated with monoclonal protein levels measured with serum protein electrophoresis. At diagnosis, HA-sHLCrs (73) showed a higher risk of progression (P = 0.006). Additionally, involved-sHLC levels >5 g/L after treatment were associated with shorter survival (OS, P = 0.001; PFS, P = 0.018). The HA-sHLCr could have prognostic value at diagnosis; absolute values of involved-sFLC >100 mg/L and involved-sHLC >5 g/L could have prognostic value after treatment

    An energy-stable time-integrator for phase-field models

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    We introduce a provably energy-stable time-integration method for general classes of phase-field models with polynomial potentials. We demonstrate how Taylor series expansions of the nonlinear terms present in the partial differential equations of these models can lead to expressions that guarantee energy-stability implicitly, which are second-order accurate in time. The spatial discretization relies on a mixed finite element formulation and isogeometric analysis. We also propose an adaptive time-stepping discretization that relies on a first-order backward approximation to give an error-estimator. This error estimator is accurate, robust, and does not require the computation of extra solutions to estimate the error. This methodology can be applied to any second-order accurate time-integration scheme. We present numerical examples in two and three spatial dimensions, which confirm the stability and robustness of the method. The implementation of the numerical schemes is done in PetIGA, a high-performance isogeometric analysis framework

    A Very High-Order Accurate Staggered Finite Volume Scheme for the Stationary Incompressible Navier–Stokes and Euler Equations on Unstructured Meshes

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    International audienceWe propose a sixth-order staggered finite volume scheme based on polynomial reconstructions to achieve high accurate numerical solutions for the incompressible Navier-Stokes and Euler equations. The scheme is equipped with a fixed-point algorithm with solution relaxation to speed-up the convergence and reduce the computation time. Numerical tests are provided to assess the effectiveness of the method to achieve up to sixth-order con-2 Ricardo Costa et al. vergence rates. Simulations for the benchmark lid-driven cavity problem are also provided to highlight the benefit of the proposed high-order scheme

    A Metric of Influential Spreading during Contagion Dynamics through the Air Transportation Network

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    The spread of infectious diseases at the global scale is mediated by long-range human travel. Our ability to predict the impact of an outbreak on human health requires understanding the spatiotemporal signature of early-time spreading from a specific location. Here, we show that network topology, geography, traffic structure and individual mobility patterns are all essential for accurate predictions of disease spreading. Specifically, we study contagion dynamics through the air transportation network by means of a stochastic agent-tracking model that accounts for the spatial distribution of airports, detailed air traffic and the correlated nature of mobility patterns and waiting-time distributions of individual agents. From the simulation results and the empirical air-travel data, we formulate a metric of influential spreading––the geographic spreading centrality––which accounts for spatial organization and the hierarchical structure of the network traffic, and provides an accurate measure of the early-time spreading power of individual nodes

    Forecasting long-term gas production from shale

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    Rock dissolution patterns and geochemical shutdown of CO₂–brine–carbonate reactions during convective mixing in porous media

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    Motivated by the process of CO₂ convective mixing in porous media, here we study the formation of rock-dissolution patterns that arise from geochemical reactions during Rayleigh–Bénard–Darcy convection. Under the assumption of instantaneous chemical equilibrium, we adopt a formulation of the local reaction rate as a function of scalar dissipation rate, a measure that depends solely on flow and transport, and chemical speciation, which is a measure that depends only on the equilibrium thermodynamics of the chemical system. We use high-resolution simulations to examine the interplay between the density-driven hydrodynamic instability and the rock dissolution reactions, and analyse the impact of geochemical reactions on the macroscopic mass exchange rate. We find that dissolution of carbonate rock initiates in regions of locally high mixing, but that the geochemical reaction shuts down significantly earlier than shutdown of convective mixing. This early shutdown feature reflects the important role that chemical speciation plays in this hydrodynamics–reaction coupled process. Finally, we extend our analysis to three dimensions and explore the morphology of dissolution patterns in three dimensions