749 research outputs found

    Biochemical composition and physicochemical properties of Moringa oleifera seed oil

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    Moringa oleifera tree has been recognized internationally for its nutritional, therapeutic and medicinal properties. Dry seeds are rich sources of oil with a high potential of commercial exploitation. The present study reports the physicochemical characterization, polyphenol content, DPPH radical scavenging capacity and fatty acid profile of moringa seed oil, and the chemical composition of the seed cultivated in Sonora, Mexico. Moisture, ash, protein and lipid contents in the seed were found to be 4.7, 5.8, 26 and 39%, respectively. The oil showed a refractive index of 1.4642. The saponification number was 183 mg KOH/g oil, iodine value: 75 g I/100 g of oil, acid value: 0.49 (% oleic acid). The polyphenol content was 0.137 mg of gallic acid equivalent/g and DPPH radical scavenging capacity was 87.39%. The moringa seed oil was rich (68%) in the major fatty acid, oleic acid (C18:1n9). Moringa oil extracted by sonication showed a fatty acid profile and physicochemical properties comparable to the oil from seeds grown in different regions of the world. The optimization of the oil extraction process on a large scale shows high potential, as the oil could be marketed as edible vegetable oil, for frying purposes, or as a functional ingredient

    The microbiota-gut-brain axis:Neurobehavioral correlates, health and sociality

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    Recent data suggest that the human body is not such a neatly self-sufficient island after all. It is more like a super-complex ecosystem containing trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that inhabit all our surfaces; skin, mouth, sexual organs, and specially intestines. It has recently become evident that such microbiota, specifically within the gut, can greatly influence many physiological parameters, including cognitive functions, such as learning, memory and decision making processes. Human microbiota is a diverse and dynamic ecosystem, which has evolved in a mutualistic relationship with its host. Ontogenetically, it is vertically inoculated from the mother during birth, established during the first year of life and during lifespan, horizontally transferred among relatives, mates or close community members. This micro-ecosystem serves the host by protecting it against pathogens, metabolizing complex lipids and polysaccharides that otherwise would be inaccessible nutrients, neutralizing drugs and carcinogens, modulating intestinal motility, and making visceral perception possible. It is now evident that the bidirectional signaling between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain, mainly through the vagus nerve, the so called “microbiota–gut–vagus–brain axis,” is vital for maintaining homeostasis and it may be also involved in the etiology of several metabolic and mental dysfunctions/disorders. Here we review evidence on the ability of the gut microbiota to communicate with the brain and thus modulate behavior, and also elaborate on the ethological and cultural strategies of human and non-human primates to select, transfer and eliminate microorganisms for selecting the commensal profile

    Scalar-field Pressure in Induced Gravity with Higgs Potential and Dark Matter

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    A model of induced gravity with a Higgs potential is investigated in detail in view of the pressure components related to the scalar-field excitations. The physical consequences emerging as an artifact due to the presence of these pressure terms are analysed in terms of the constraints parting from energy density, solar-relativistic effects and galactic dynamics along with the dark matter halos.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, Minor revision, Published in JHE


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    INTRODUCTION: The role of the professional of nursery compromised with the excellence on giving care competent of quality to the population user in the institutions of health is to provide information during the procedures that it realizes, and facilitates the acceptance and the fulfilment of the treatment. OBJETIVE: To identify the participation of nursery on the information that grants the users on having realized procedures and ministration of medicines. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Descriptive study elaborated in August and September 2004, the size of the sample was 43 adults users, in the services of internal medicine, gynaecology and surgery, in the shifts morning and vespertine of the Hospital Genreal Regional N°1 of IMSS. The information was gathered across a direct interview to the wer loy a constructed form with 16 items of multiple options,using for it´s measuring the categories: always, sometimes, never and doesn´t apply, the content of the instrument was valited by experts. For the analysis is used the arithmetic mean, frecuency and percentage. RESULTS: The nurse takes part giving information in them following procedures: capture of vital signs always77%, results of the vital signs always68%, venopunción always79% , Taken care of the venopunción always 74% , ministration of medicines :medicine name’s always 42%, possible allergies , interaction and contraindications always 39 % , in the signs of the alarm of the injuries always 30%. CONCLUSIONS: The obtained results reflect that the nurse if it informs the users in the procedures that it realizes, the service that less reports is a surgery and the fact that more it reports it is gynaecology.INTRODUCCIÓN: El papel del profesional de enfermería comprometido con la excelencia al brindar cuidados competentes de calidad a la población usuaria en las instituciones de salud, le proporcionan información durante los procedimientos que realiza y facilita la aceptación y el cumplimiento del tratamiento. OBJETIVO: Identificar la participación de Enfermería sobre la información que otorga a los usuarios al realizar procedimientos y administración de medicamentos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo elaborado en los meses de Agosto y Septiembre de 2004, el tamaño de la muestra fue de 43 usuarios adultos hospitalizados en los servicios de Medicina Interna, Ginecología y Cirugía, en los turnos matutino y vespertino del Hospital General Regional N°1 del IMSS. La información se recolectó a través de una entrevista directa al usuario con un formulario estructurado con 16 ítems de opción múltiple, utilizando para su medición las categorías siempre, algunas veces, nunca y no aplica, el contenido del instrumento fue validado por expertos. Para el análisis de los resultados se utiliza frecuencia y porcentaje. RESULTADOS: La enfermera participa dando información en los siguientes procedimientos: toma de signos vitales siempre 77%, resultado de los signos vitales siempre 68%; venopunción siempre 79%, cuidados de la venopunción siempre 74%; procedimiento de curaciones siempre 49%, signos de alarma de la lesión siempre 30%; administración de medicamentos: sobre el nombre del medicamento siempre 42%, posibles alergias, interacciones y contraindicaciones siempre 39%. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados obtenidos reflejan que la enfermera informa a los usuarios en los procedimientos que realiza siempre en un 43%, en el servicio que menos informa es cirugía y el que más informa es ginecología

    EPDR1 up-regulation in human colorectal cancer is related to staging and favours cell proliferation and invasiveness

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    The finding of novel molecular markers for prediction or prognosis of invasiveness in colorectal cancer (CRC) constitutes an appealing challenge. Here we show the up-regulation of EPDR1 in a prospective cohort of 101 CRC patients, in a cDNA array of 43 patients and in in silico analyses. EPDR1 encodes a protein related to ependymins, a family of glycoproteins involved in intercellular contacts. A thorough statistical model allowed us to conclude that the gene is significantly up-regulated in tumour tissues when compared with normal mucosa. These results agree with those obtained by the analysis of three publicly available databases. EPDR1 up-regulation correlates with the TNM staging parameters, especially T and M. Studies with CRC cell lines revealed that the methylation of a CpG island controls EPDR1 expression. siRNA knocking-down and overexpression of the gene following transient plasmid transfection, showed that EPDR1 favours cell proliferation, migration, invasiveness and adhesion to type I collagen fibres, suggesting a role in epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Both statistical and functional analysis correlated EPDR1 overexpression with invasiveness and dissemination of tumour cells, supporting the inclusion of EPDR1 in panels of genes used to improve molecular subtyping of CRC. Eventually, EPDR1 may be an actionable target.Fil: Gimeno Valiente, F.. No especifíca;Fil: Riffo Campos, Á. L.. Universidad de La Frontera; ChileFil: Ayala, G.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Tarazona, N.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Gambardella, V.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Rodríguez, Fernanda Mariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Huerta, M.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Martínez-Ciarpaglini, C.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Montón Bueno, J.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Roselló, S.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Roda, D.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Cervantes, A.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Franco, L.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: López Rodas, G.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Castillo, J.. Universidad de Valencia; Españ

    Combination of KIR2DS4 and FcγRIIa polymorphisms predicts the response to cetuximab in KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Cetuximab is a standard-of-care treatment for RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) but not for those harbor a KRAS mutation since MAPK pathway is constitutively activated. Nevertheless, cetuximab also exerts its effect by its immunomodulatory activity despite the presence of RAS mutation. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of polymorphism FcγRIIIa V158F and killer immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) genes on the outcome of mCRC patients with KRAS mutations treated with cetuximab. This multicenter Phase II clinical trial included 70 mCRC patients with KRAS mutated. We found KIR2DS4 gene was significantly associated with OS (HR 2.27; 95% CI, 1.08–4.77; P = 0.03). In non-functional receptor homozygotes the median OS was 2.6 months longer than in carriers of one copy of full receptor. Multivariate analysis confirmed KIR2DS4 as a favorable prognostic marker for OS (HR 6.71) in mCRC patients with KRAS mutation treated with cetuximab. These data support the potential therapeutic of cetuximab in KRAS mutated mCRC carrying non-functional receptor KIR2DS4 since these patients significantly prolong their OS even after heavily treatment. KIR2DS4 typing could be used as predictive marker for identifying RAS mutated patients that could benefit from combination approaches of anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies and other immunotherapies to overcome the resistance mediated by mutation in RAS.This clinical trial was approved and supported by Merck S.L., an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt. Germany [research project number 2010-023580-18, date: 05-06-2014

    Quality criteria of physiotherapy grade (diploma): report provided by the Spanish Association and Physiotherapists

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    [Resumen] El informe sobre criterios de calidad específicos de recursos materiales y profesorado para el título de grado de Fisioterapia ha sido elaborado por la Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas que convocó, con tal finalidad, a una comisión de expertos en Educación en Fisioterapia. El documento, realizado a propuesta de la Dirección General de Universidades en diciembre de 2004, tiene por objetivo el establecer los criterios mínimos de recursos materiales y humanos derivados de la especificidad de la titulación de Fisioterapia, que permita cubrir las nuevas demandas de la sociedad. En relación a los recursos materiales, se ha procurado darle un suficiente grado de especificación cuantitativa y cualitativa a los instrumentos que constituyen los recursos materiales específicos. La intención es, así mismo, facilitar su valoración en el momento de acreditar la titulación. Se abordan, por una parte, los recursos específicos de la titulación para la docencia teórico-práctica en el centro, dentro de los laboratorios destinados a tal efecto. Por otra parte, se definen las características o perfil de los centros sociosanitarios donde debe impartirse la formación clínica del alumno. En relación a los recursos humanos, se hace especial hincapié en el perfil y la experiencia del profesorado para la docencia, así como en el ratio profesor-alumno en la formación práctica y en la formación clínica.[Abstract] The report about specific quality criteria of resources material (items) and teaching profession to obtain the Physiotherapy Grade, has been elaborated by the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists, which aimed to convoke a Physiotherapy Education experts commission. The document was carried out on Universities General Chairmene’s proposal, aiming to establish the minimum criteria of human and Material (Items) resources, derived from the specific Physical Therapy Grade (Diploma), Which may cover the latest Society requirements. According to the Material resources, there has been a serious attempt to give the instruments, which constitute the specific material resources, an appropriate degree, quantitative and qualitative specification. The main intention by itself, consists of providing its assessment when the time to accredit the title comes. On the one hand the specific resources of the Physiotherapy Grade for the Theoric-practical Teaching in the Centre are taken up even in the laboratories aimed to get such goal. On the other hand we define the characteristics or the profile of the social. Health centres, where Pupils’ Clinical Education, must be carried out. Relating to the Human Resources, we do underline the Teaching Profession experience and profile, as well as the rate Teacher-Pupil, both in the practical Training and the Clinical Education, too

    Alternative Post-Processing on a CMOS Chip to Fabricate a Planar Microelectrode Array

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    We present an alternative post-processing on a CMOS chip to release a planar microelectrode array (pMEA) integrated with its signal readout circuit, which can be used for monitoring the neuronal activity of vestibular ganglion neurons in newborn Wistar strain rats. This chip is fabricated through a 0.6 μm CMOS standard process and it has 12 pMEA through a 4 × 3 electrodes matrix. The alternative CMOS post-process includes the development of masks to protect the readout circuit and the power supply pads. A wet etching process eliminates the aluminum located on the surface of the p+-type silicon. This silicon is used as transducer for recording the neuronal activity and as interface between the readout circuit and neurons. The readout circuit is composed of an amplifier and tunable bandpass filter, which is placed on a 0.015 mm2 silicon area. The tunable bandpass filter has a bandwidth of 98 kHz and a common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of 87 dB. These characteristics of the readout circuit are appropriate for neuronal recording applications