918 research outputs found

    Instrumentos jurídicos internacionales

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    Fil: López Alfonsín, Marcelo Alberto. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina.Fil: Martínez, Adriana Norma. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina.Hoy en día existe un cuerpo específico de normas internacionales\npara la protección del ambiente, que se denomina comúnmente\n"Derecho Internacional Ambiental" o "Derecho Internacional del\nMedio Ambiente". Es un elemento consolidado de ese derecho el\nbien jurídico tutelado, el cual "desde una perspectiva substantiva o\nmaterial" es el medio vital humano, considerado en una dimensión\nplanetaria y universal, podríamos decir global. Sin embargo, desde\nla práctica, se aparta de los planteamientos totalizantes,\ninabarcables, para regular aspectos más específicos de la\nproblemática ambiental

    Complexity of the behaviour of asphalt materials in cyclic testing

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    This paper compares the results obtained in two types of cyclic tension-compression tests, a time sweep test, constant strain amplitude, and a strain sweep test, increasing strain amplitude every 5000 cycles, called EBADE (standing for the Spanish words for strain sweep test). This comparison has shown that the rapid loss of stiffness during the initial part of cyclic testing is recoverable in bituminous materials. It has been found that reversible phenomena dominate in asphalt binders, while in mixtures are as important as damage. A damage equation has been proposed to describe the evolution of the material distress during the phase II in time sweep tests. In addition, a new methodology to estimate the fatigue law of bituminous mixtures is proposed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effect of the use of Marpol waste as a partial replacement of the binder for the manufacture of more sustainable bituminous mixtures

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in International Journal of Pavement Engineering on 2022, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/10298436.2022.2046275Society must move towards an economy in which sustainability is its main driving force. A sustainable solution to avoid sending waste to landfill, the consumption of raw materials and, therefore, the depletion of natural resources, is the reuse or recycling of waste. Here, pavement engineering has great potential, as waste can be used for the manufacture of bituminous mixes. In particular, one of these residues is Marpol, which is generated during shipping, maintenance and cleaning operations, including wastewater and waste other than cargo waste. There are few studies on the analysis of its use in mixtures. Thus, in this work, the effect of partially replacing the binder of bituminous mixtures for another obtained from the treatment of Marpol oily waste was studied in order to contribute to environmental sustainability and circular economy. For this, water sensitivity, deformation and cracking resistance were analysed of two asphalt mixtures whose binder was partially replaced by Marpol binder. Furthermore, the binder ageing resistance was studied. The results obtained from the laboratory, plant and test section mixture were very close to those obtained for the reference. These results have demonstrated the feasibility of partially replacing the conventional binder by one obtained from Marpol waste.This research was funded by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the framework of the project “Nuevo ligante bituminoso para firmes de carreteras a partir de técnicas de recuperación de residuos oleosos derivados del Marpol” (IDI-20180889).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Estrategias para el desarrollo de la socialización en los niños y niñas de II nivel del Preescolar Paula Úbeda, anexo a la Escuela Sotero Rodríguez de Estelí, en el turno vespertino, durante el año 2015

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    La socialización es el proceso mediante el cual los niños aprenden a diferenciar lo aceptable y positivo de lo inaceptable y negativo en su comportamiento. El presente estudio sobre “Estrategias para el desarrollo de la socialización en el Preescolar Paula Úbeda, en el municipio de Estelí, del año 2015” fue realizado en el marco de la asignatura Investigación aplicada. El propósito de esta investigación es promover estrategias para el desarrollo de la socialización en los niños y niñas de edad preescolar a fin de compartir experiencias educativas. Para desarrollar este trabajo se hizo uso de técnicas e instrumentos propios de la investigación como la observación, entrevista, grupo focal y diario de campo, los que fueron aplicados a docente, directora, niños y niñas con sus respectivas guías, se tomó como muestra a niños y niñas de segundo nivel. La información se procesó mediante tablas que permitieron reducir la información y la selección de los resultados. Los resultados de este estudio servirán de apoyo al personal docente y a la comunidad educativa, así como a estudiantes de Educación Infantil, para que este pueda aplicar estrategias nuevas en su planificación que favorezca el aprendizaje de los y las niñas. Los agentes que influyen en dicho proceso como la familia la escuela y su entorno sirven de base en este proceso para poder darle respuesta a los principales conflictos que enfrentan los niños/as, derivados de la vida diaria del hogar, y posteriormente que sean trasladados a la vida diaria del aula de clase por ellos. El juego, los cantos con mímicas, las dinámicas son las mejores estrategias que podemos implementar con los y las niñas, para que establezcan relaciones afectivas, psicomotoras, sociales e intelectuales con los demás. Es un reto para el docente promover estrategias educativas y actividades prácticas que puedan favorecer en el desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas sobre el principio de la socialización de nuestros niños y niñas

    Una mirada constitucional a la responsabilidad por daño ambiental en el Nuevo Código Civil argentino

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    Se pretende abordar el tema de la responsabilidad por daño ambiental desde una visión innovadora, desde una mirada de la obligación constitucional de recomponer el ambiente. Solamente luego de establecer las bases, alcance y finalidad desde la perspectiva constitucional se estará en condiciones de abordar la cuestión ambiental en el nuevo Código Civil, atendiendo el marco competencial que se establece en el sistema federal argentino, en donde conviven normas de fondo con normas procesales y las leyes especiales de presupuestos mínimos de protección ambiental

    Eggshell Membrane as a Biomaterial for Bone Regeneration

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    The physicochemical features of the avian eggshell membrane play an essential role in the process of calcium carbonate deposition during shell mineralization, giving rise to a porous mineralized tissue with remarkable mechanical properties and biological functions. The membrane could be useful by itself or as a bi-dimensional scaffold to build future bone-regenerative materials. This review focuses on the biological, physical, and mechanical properties of the eggshell membrane that could be useful for that purpose. Due to its low cost and wide availability as a waste byproduct of the egg processing industry, repurposing the eggshell membrane for bone bio-material manufacturing fulfills the principles of a circular economy. In addition, eggshell membrane particles have has the potential to be used as bio-ink for 3D printing of tailored implantable scaffolds. Herein, a literature review was conducted to ascertain the degree to which the properties of the eggshell membrane satisfy the requirements for the development of bone scaffolds. In principle, it is biocompatible and non-cytotoxic, and induces proliferation and differentiation of different cell types. Moreover, when implanted in animal models, it elicits a mild inflammatory response and displays characteristics of stability and biodegradability. Furthermore, the eggshell membrane possesses a mechanical viscoelastic behavior comparable to other collagen-based systems. Overall, the biological, physical, and mechanical features of the eggshell membrane, which can be further tuned and improved, make this natural polymer suitable as a basic component for developing new bone graft materialsinisterio de Ciencia de Innovación (MCINN) (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain) project PGC2018-102047-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER/UE)Fundación Mutua Madrileña, Grant/Award Number: FMM-AP17196-2019the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ERDF funds (DTS21/00098)the Consejería de Economía y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (PYC20 RE 015 UGR; P20_00208 of 2020)European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)– Next Generation/EU program and grant AYUD/2022/33525 (FICYT)Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC, Discovery program: RGPIN-2022-04803)PID2022-142886NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe,” by the “European Union.”The Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación (Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Colombia) provided support for A.T-M´s participatio

    Niveles de consanguinidad y sus efectos sobre la expresión fenotípica en ganado Holstein

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    The objective of the present study was to calculate the inbreeding levels in the Holstein population of Mexico and to evaluate their effect on the production of milk, fat, protein and final conformation points. The pedigree information was made up of 326,238 animals, to which inbreeding was calculated through the modified recursive algorithm (INBUPGF90). Inbreeding trends of animals born from 1990 to 2018 were obtained through a regression analysis, and the effect of inbreeding on productive characteristics was evaluated with an analysis of variances, for which phenotypic information from 68,779 animals was included. Six groups were formed according to the level of inbreeding (1= <1%, 2= ≥1 and <2%, 3= ≥2 and <3%, 4= ≥3 and <4%, 5= ≥4 and <5%, and 6≥ 5%). The results showed that, for each percentage point of increase in inbreeding, the production of milk, fat and protein decrease by 88, 3.16 and 2.57 kg (P<0.0001). At low levels of inbreeding (<5%), no effect on fat and protein production was detected. However, when inbreeding increased to more than 5 %, the loss in production was 12 kg of fat and 9 kg in protein. It was also observed that the animals with the lowest average conformation have low levels of inbreeding (<1%) and the highest levels did not show significant differences between them, which confirms that functional conformation is less sensitive to the effects of inbreeding than other characteristics of economic interest. It is recommended to promote selection programs based on optimal contributions to maximize genetic gains and control inbreeding levels.El objetivo del presente estudio fue calcular los niveles de consanguinidad en la población Holstein de México y evaluar su efecto sobre la producción de leche, grasa, proteína y puntos finales de conformación. La información de pedigrí constó de 326,238 animales, a los cuales se les calculó la consanguinidad a través del algoritmo recursivo modificado (INBUPGF90). Se obtuvieron tendencias de consanguinidad de animales nacidos de 1990 a 2018 a través de un análisis de regresión, y se evaluó el efecto de la consanguinidad sobre caracteres productivos con un análisis de varianzas, para lo cual se incluyó información fenotípica de 68,779 animales. Se formaron seis grupos de acuerdo al nivel de consanguinidad (1= <1%, 2= ≥1 y <2%, 3= ≥2 y <3%, 4= ≥3 y <4%, 5= ≥4 y <5%, y 6= ≥5%). Los resultados mostraron que, por cada punto porcentual de aumento en la consanguinidad, se disminuye la producción de leche, grasa y proteína en 88, 3.16 y 2.57 kg (P<0.0001). A niveles bajos de consanguinidad (<5%), no se detectó ningún efecto sobre la producción de grasa y proteína. Sin embargo, cuando la consanguinidad aumentó a más de 5%, la pérdida en producción fue de 12 kg de grasa y de 9 kg en proteína. También se observó que los animales con menor promedio de conformación, presentan bajos niveles de consanguinidad (<1%) y los niveles más elevados, no mostraron diferencias significativas entre ellos; lo que ratifica que la conformación funcional es menos sensible a los efectos de la consanguinidad que otras características de interés económico. Se recomienda promover programas de selección basados en contribuciones óptimas para maximizar las ganancias genéticas y controlar los niveles de consanguinidad

    Composite waste recycling: Predictive simulation of the pyrolysis vapours and gases upgrading process in Aspen plus.

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    [EN] Waste generation is one of the greatest problems of present times, and the recycling of carbon fibre reinforced composites one big challenge to face. Currently, no resin valorisation is done in thermal fibre recycling methods. However, when pyrolysis is used, additional valuable compounds (syngas or H2-rich gas) could be obtained by upgrading the generated vapours and gases. This work presents the thermodynamic and kinetic multi-reaction modelling of the pyrolysis vapours and gases upgrading process in Aspen Plus software. These models forecast the theoretical and in-between scenario of a thermal upgrading process of an experimentally characterised vapours and gases stream (a blend of thirty-five compounds). Indeed, the influence of temperature (500°C-1200°C) and pressure (DeltaP=0, 1 and 2bar) operating parameters are analysed in the outlet composition, residence time and possible reaction mechanisms occurring. Validation of the kinetic model has been done comparing predicted outlet composition with experimental data (at 700°C and 900°C with DeltaP=0bar) for H2 (g), CO (g), CO2 (g), CH4 (g), H2O (v) and C (s). Kinetic and experimental results show the same tendency with temperature, validating the model for further research. Good kinetic fit is obtained for H2 (g) (absolute error: 0.5wt% at constant temperature and 0.3wt% at variable temperature) and H2O (v) shows the highest error at variable T (8.8wt%). Both simulation and experimental results evolve towards simpler, less toxic and higher generation of hydrogen-rich gas with increasing operating temperature and pressure.The authors want to thank the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (Ref. PID2019-110770RB-I00) and the Basque Government (Ref. KK-2020/00107, ELKARTEK program) for the funding to carry out the investigation. The authors also thank the financing granted to the “Sustainable Process Engineering” research group for the 2016–2021 period (Basque Government, Ref. IT993-16) and are grateful to Iñaki Múgica from Su Medioambiente (SUMA Soluciones Medioambientales, S.L.) for the technical support provided