126 research outputs found

    Applications of the Standardized Nordic Questionnaire: A Review

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    Sustainability seeks to provide economically viable products in an environmentally friendly way while respecting worker rights. Physical wellbeing forms part of these rights. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) diminish productivity, cause absence from work, impose costs on the public health system and can cast doubt on the sustainability of a company or a product. The objective of the present work is to review the literature on the application of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) on a worldwide level. In this work, the use of the NMQ has been classified by categories of knowledge, countries and years. The search was made using “Web of Science-Core Collection”. In total, 259 articles were chosen from scientific journals and conferences related, according to the title and or abstract, to the practical application of the questionnaire. In conclusion, the NMQ has been applied mainly in three sectors: “activities related to treating human health and social issues”, “manufacturing industries”, and “agriculture, livestock, fishing, and forestry”. The NMQ is an indirect method commonly used individually or complemented with other methods for evaluating the MSD and possible associated psychosocial and labour risks. The use of NMQ can help in the evaluation of the sustainability of a company

    The Dark Side of the Self-Determination Theory and Its Influence on the Emotional and Cognitive Processes of Students in Physical Education

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    Amongst the main objectives of physical education (PE) classes is the consolidation of healthy lifestyle habits in young people and adolescents. Nonetheless, these classes can also provide the basis from which adverse experiences are generated which affect students’ perceptions of these classes. Previously conducted studies have focused on motivational processes and not on emotional processes, nor on the way in which students learn. The objective of the present study was to explore the dark side of the self-determination theory, its influence on emotional intelligence and the meta-cognitive strategies of students. Methodology: A total of 1602 young people undertaking secondary education participated, with self-reported ages between 13 and 19 years. The following questionnaires were utilized: Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale, Frustration of Psychological Needs in PE classes Scale, Emotional Intelligence in PE Scale and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. A structural equation model was developed which explained causal associations between the study variables. Results: Psychological control positively predicted each one of the sub-factors of frustration of psychological needs. Frustration of psychological needs negatively predicted emotional intelligence. Finally, emotional intelligence positively predicted meta-cognitive thinking. Conclusions: The influence and importance of the teaching style adopted by teachers is indicated, in addition to the effect of students’ psychological experiences on emotions and learning strategie

    Percepción sobre la igualdad en jóvenes adolescentes y el rol de la educación

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    The present project aims to treat one of the most current topics although it is not something new: equality between men and women. Historically, there has been an unstoppable struggle by women to achieve full equality of rights and freedoms with men. Even today, there are differences that are detrimental to them and that must continue to be eradicated. Education plays a crucial role in the acquisition of these values, because if change is possible, it is in the hands of future generations. The aim of this study is to analyse the perception of secondary school students with regard to this subject. Methodology: data from 182 participants were obtained through an online survey during the spring of 2020. Results: Regarding gender stereotypes, a positive concept about gender stereotypes is highlighted at a general level. However, when dealing with the topic related to love, the percentages vary in favour of toxicity and loss of personal privacy. The same applies to work, where half of the participants do not consider that there exists discrimination in this area. Conclusions: According to revised literature and participants’ responses, there is a need for education that addresses and advocates gender non-discrimination. El presente trabajo trata de abordar un tema actual y de carácter social, la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres. Históricamente, se ha llevado a cabo una lucha imparable por parte de las mujeres para alcanzar la plena igualdad de derechos y libertades con respecto a los hombres. Aún en la actualidad, existen diferencias que perjudican a éstas y que se debe continuar tratando de erradicar. La educación desarrolla un papel crucial en la adquisición de estos valores, pues si el cambio es posible, está en mano de las futuras generaciones. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido el análisis de la percepción del alumnado de secundaria con respecto al tema. Metodología: se obtuvieron los datos de 182 participantes a través de una encuesta online durante la primavera de 2020. Resultados: En lo referente a los estereotipos ligados al genero, se destaca a nivel general un concepto positivo sobre los mismos. Sin embargo, al tratar el tema del amor, los porcentajes varian a favor de la toxicidad y perdida de la privacidad personal. Lo mismo sucede con respecto al trabajo, donde la mitad de los participantes no consideran que exista discriminacion en este ambito. Conclusiones: Según la literatura revisada y las respuestas de los jóvenes, se denota la necesidad de una educación que trate y abogue por la no discriminación por razón de género

    Emotion, Psychological Well-Being and Their Influence on Resilience. A Study with Semi-Professional Athletes

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    The objective of the present study is to analyze the influence of coaches on emotional intelligence and on levels of anxiety, motivation, self-esteem, and resilience among athletes. Five-hundred forty-seven semi-professional athletes between the ages of 16 and 19 participated in this study. Various statistical analyses were conducted which explain the causal relationships between the variables. The results, obtained using a structural equations model, find that while autonomy support positively predicts emotional intelligence, perceived control predicts it negatively. Moreover, emotional intelligence positively predicts self-esteem and self-determined motivation, but negatively predicts anxiety. Other results show that self-esteem positively predicts self-determined motivation, whereas anxiety predicts it negatively. Finally, self-determined motivation positively predicts resilience. Indeed, the study demonstrates the influence and the importance of coaches in relation to the emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and motivational processes of adolescent athletes when the latter engage in their respective sports. These results help to better understand how different behavioral, emotional, and social aspects belonging to the athlete interrelate with one another during competition

    Influence of Physical Education Teachers on Motivation, Embarrassment and the Intention of Being Physically Active During Adolescence

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    According to a WHO report (2018), more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough physical activity. Physical Education (PE) classes should be aimed at solving this problem. The present study aims to analyze the influence teachers have on motivation, embarrassment and intention to be physically active among their students. A total of 604 secondary school students participated in the study. Various statistical analyses were carried out to explain the causal relationships between the variables. The results revealed a positive relation between the autonomy support and the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPN), and a negative relation with the frustration of BPN. In contrast, perceived control revealed a positive relation with frustration of BPN, and a negative relation with the satisfaction of BPN. Satisfaction of BPN was negatively related to embarrassment and positively related to self-determined motivation. On the other hand, frustration of BPN was positively related to embarrassment and negatively with self-determined motivation. Embarrassment was negatively related to self-determined motivation, and the latter was positively related to intention to be physically active. Indeed, the study demonstrates the influence and the importance of PE teachers and of the motivational and emotional processes of adolescents during PE classes and the role they play in acquiring the habits of an active lifestyle

    Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Motivation and Resilience on Academic Performance and the Adoption of Healthy Lifestyle Habits among Adolescents

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    Included among the basic objectives of Physical Education (PE) classes is the consolidation of habits of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents. However, the main studies in this field have focused on cognitive aspects related to students during these classes, yet they ignore the role that emotions can play in the adoption of future habits. Objectives: To analyze how emotions (emotional intelligence and emotional state) can influence the resilience and motivation of adolescents, as well as academic performance and adoption of healthy lifestyle habits. Methodology: 615 secondary school students between the ages of 14 and 19 participated (M = 16.02; SD = 1.57) in the study. A structural equations model was developed using the main variables and by applying some of the principles of Self-Determination Theory. The results show that emotional intelligence is positively related to positive emotions and negatively related to negative emotions. Positive emotions positively predict both self-motivation towards physical education classes and resilience. Resilience positively predicts self-motivation. Finally, self-motivation acts as a predictor of both academic performance and regular participation in physical activity. Conclusions: This study successfully shows the importance of focusing on emotions in PE classes inasmuch as emotion increases the tendency to get good grades and maintain active lifestyle habits. In this sense, focusing on the emotions of students in PE could prove quite beneficial

    Percepción de la cultura de seguridad del paciente en enfermeros de atención primaria

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    Objetivo: describir la percepción que tienen 201 enfermeros en relación a la Seguridad del Paciente (SP) en sus centros, valorar cuáles son los puntos fuertes y las áreas de mejora en los Distritos Sanitarios de la provincia de Almería. Metodología: Se ha utilizado el cuestionario denominado MOSPSC (Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture), traducido, adaptado y validado para profesionales españoles de Atención Primaria. A través del programa estadístico SPSS, se calculó la media y el intervalo de confianza al 95% de cada una de las dimensiones del cuestionario. Resultados: se observa una percepción positiva de la SP en casi todas las dimensiones, a excepción de la “Comunicación sobre el error”, el “Seguimiento de la atención a los pacientes”, la “Comunicación franca” y el “Ritmo y Carga de trabajo”. Uno de los puntos fuertes de los enfermeros es el “trabajo en equipo”. Conclusiones: Los resultados de esta investigación también han destacado “el intercambio de información con otros equipos”; en cambio, entre las áreas de mejora que deberían tenerse en cuenta se halla, “la Comunicación franca y sobre el error”. Estos resultados deberían ayudar a evaluar la importancia de la SP en las organizaciones, para dialogar sobre los errores y crear un clima de aprendizaje y deseo de mejora en los profesionales que repercuta en la calidad de la atención ofrecida a los usuarios

    Validación de un cuestionario de satisfacción con el servicio de fisioterapia en residencias de mayores institucionalizados = Validation of a satisfaction questionnaire with physiotherapy service in institutionalized nursing homes

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    Resumen: Introducción. La progresiva incorporación del fisioterapeuta como parte del equipo multidisciplinar en las instituciones geriátricas de todo el país se ha hecho evidente. Pero los datos sobre el grado de satisfacción que los usuarios tienen con este servicio son casi inexistentes, debido a la falta de instrumentos fiables que lo midan. Objetivo. Diseñar y validar un cuestionario útil que defina la satisfacción que tienen los usuarios de centros geriátricos con el servicio de fisioterapia que reciben. Metodología. Se establecieron diversos bloques temáticos para componer las principales cuestiones a valorar en la función del fisioterapeuta dentro de una residencia, información que fue sometida a consulta en un panel de expertos. Tras el análisis realizado por estos jueces-expertos, se generó a través de consenso una serie de ítems que conformarían el cuestionario provisional sobre satisfacción con el servicio de fisioterapia teniendo en cuenta la validez de contenido, constructo, claridad e inteligibilidad de la información. Este cuestionario provisional fue testado en una muestra de 100 usuarios; el cuestionario final se sometió a la valoración de una muestra de 353 mayores institucionalizados en Andalucía. Resultados y Conclusiones. Se ofrece un cuestionario validado que permita expresar la satisfacción con el servicio de fisioterapia en las residencias de mayores. La información que este cuestionario puede generar, contribuiría a desvelar cuales son las actuales fortalezas y debilidades de los servicios de fisioterapia prestados, abriendo nuevos horizontes tanto para la investigación como para la gestión y mejora de los mismos.Palabras clave: Cuestionario, Satisfacción, Mayores, Institución, FisioterapiaAbstract: Introduction. The progressive incorporation of the physiotherapist as part of the multidisciplinary team in geriatric institutions around the country has become evident. But data on the degree of satisfaction of users with this service are almost non-existent, due to the lack of reliable instruments for measuring it. Objective. Design and validate a useful questionnaire which defines the satisfaction of users of geriatric centers with the physiotherapy service they receive. Methodology. Different thematic blocks were established to compose the main issues in the role of the physiotherapist within a residence, information that was submitted to a panel of expert’s consultation. Following the analysis carried out by these judges-experts, generated through consensus a series of items that would form the provisional questionnaire on satisfaction with the physiotherapy service taking into account the validity of content, construct, clarity and intelligibility of information. This provisional questionnaire was tested on a sample of 100 users; the final questionnaire was submitted to the assessment of a sample of 353 institutionalized elders in Andalusia. Results and conclusions. Provides a validated questionnaire that allows expressing satisfaction with the physiotherapy service in nursing homes. The information that this questionnaire can generate could contribute to reveal what are the current strengths and weaknesses of the physiotherapy services provided and opening new horizons both for research and for the management and improvement of them.Keywords: Questionnaire, Satisfaction, Elders, Institution, Physiotherapy doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20318/recs.2016.344

    El plan andaluz de atención a las altas capacidades intelectuales: panorama actual y perspectivas de futuro

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    En nuestro trabajo reconocemos la importancia de promulgar y desarrollar un Plan específico para detectar alumnos y alumnas de altas capacidades, de cara darles la respuesta educativa más adecuada. Analizamos las características del Plan promulgado y puesto en marcha por la Junta de Andalucía, tratando de ver de modo crítico y constructivo sus ventajas y limitaciones. Finalmente, se hacen algunas sugerencias para mejorar las limitaciones detectadas.In our work we recognize the importance of enacting and develop a specific plan to detect high ability students, facing them to the most appropriate educational response. We analyze the characteristics of the issued implemented by the Government of Andalusia, trying to see, in a critical and constructive way, its advantages and limitations. Finally, some suggestions are made to improve the identified limitations.peerReviewe

    Musculoskeletal disorders of agricultural workers in the greenhouses of Almeria (Southeast Spain)

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    En el sureste de España (Almería) se encuentra la mayor concentración de cultivos de invernadero de Europa. Se emplean directamente a 55000 personas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las condiciones laborales musculoesqueléticas de los trabajadores de invernaderos a través del cuestionario nórdico estandarizado. Este cuestionario presenta 28 preguntas de opción múltiple referidas a diferentes partes del cuerpo. Se cumplimentaron un total de 1002 cuestionarios y se recogió información sobre nueve variables sociodemográficas de cada trabajador: sexo, edad, altura, peso, superficie, cultivo, estaca, invernadero y nacionalidad. Aunque los resultados muestran una alta tasa general de síntomas de trastornos musculoesqueléticos (TME), estos hallazgos no significan que los trabajadores no puedan realizar tareas agrícolas