997 research outputs found

    La fase inicial de la colonización fenicia en el Mediterráneo Occidental

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    Se analizan los problemas de la primera fase de la presencia fenicia en el sur de la Península Ibérica y el Norte de África, resaltando los puntos de contraste y coincidencias entre la documentación literaria y los nuevos hallazgos arqueológicosUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Familia, poder y culto a Melqart gaditano

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    Este artículo analiza la relación no causal entre el templo de Melqart gaditano y la consolidación en el poder político de distintas familias y personajes vinculados a la historia gaditana tanto en época republicana como en el período imperial. Se observa su interesada emulación de Hércules y la instrumentalización de su culto como protector familiar. Como consecuencia de esta relación la antigua ciudad fenicia obtendría una serie de beneficios y favores otorgados por aquellos que lograron posiciones de privilegio en el ejercicio del poder._____________________________Lobjectif ici visé est la relation entre le sanctuaire de Melqart a Gades et la consolidation du pouvoir politique entre les mains des families et des personnes qui ont eu participation á l'histoire gadítaine aussi bien a l'époque républicaine qu'á la periode impériale. Il a été possible d'observer une intéressée imitatio Herculis et la manipulation du dieu en tant que protecteur de la famille. La conséquence de ces rapports sont les bénéfices et les faveurs cueillis par la cité phénicienne qui auront été octroyés par tous ces qui ont acquís des positions privílégiées dans l'exercise du pouvoir

    El poblamiento rural fenicio en el sur de la Península Ibérica entre los siglos VI a III a.C.

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    En el artículo se analizan las evidencias del poblamiento rural fenicio occidental y la explotación de los recursos durante los siglos VI a III a.C. en el Sur de Iberia, entendiendo que se trata de poblamiento perteneciente a los territorios de las ciudades fenicias. Se propone una síntesis de un tema poco estudiado, a partir de una tipología de asentamientos rurales atendiendo al rango y al tamaño de los mismos, empleando la información procedente de excavaciones y prospecciones, así como los análisis arqueobotánicos.In the paper are analyzed the evidences of rural western Phoenician population and soil exploitation between 6th to 3rd centuries BC in southern Iberia, assuming that all they belonged to the political territories of western Phoenician cities. A tipology of rural settlements is proposed using range and size criteria. Archaeological surveys information and agricultural evidences from excavations, based on archaeobotanical analysis in some western Phoenician sites are used to propose a synthesis of a non well studied topic

    El Foedus de Gadir del 206 a. C.: Una revisión

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    The paper is a review of the problem of the foedus concluded between Gádir, the phoenician town of South Spain, and Rome in 206 B.C., which have been studied by many scholars from both historical and roman law perspectives. The author suggests a new interpretation of the treaty based on the evidence of litterary sources and on the general context of the Second Punic War in Spain. The foedus would be established with the participation of P. Comelio Scipion.The paper is a review of the problem of the foedus concluded between Gádir, the phoenician town of South Spain, and Rome in 206 B.C., which have been studied by many scholars from both historical and roman law perspectives. The author suggests a new interpretation of the treaty based on the evidence of litterary sources and on the general context of the Second Punic War in Spain. The foedus would be established with the participation of P. Comelio Scipion

    Giribaile : una plaza fuerte cartaginesa en el contexto de la ocupación bárquida del Alto Guadalquivir

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    Metals and metallurgy in Phoenician Abdera. Isotopic data for the provenance and exchange of raw material

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    Se presentan los primeros resultados de análisis isotópicos llevados a cabo a una selección de muestras de galena, goterones de plomo y objetos de base cobre del asentamiento fenicio de Abdera (Adra, Almería). Según los datos de isótopos de plomo, se pueden distinguir dos zonas diferentes de aprovisionamiento de mineral, Sierra de Gádor y la Cuenca de Vera (posiblemente Cerro Minado o Herrerías), todas ellas zonas mineras de la actual provincia de Almería (España). Los resultados ponen de relieve aspectos inéditos de gran interés sobre el comercio de metales entre los fenicios occidentales.Proyecto HAR2010-21105-C02-02Peer reviewe

    Factors determining the persistence of campesino corn farming: The case municipality of Libres, Puebla

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    The most important economic activity in the municipality of Libres Puebla, in terms of harvested area and production value, is the corn production. This activity is characterized by plots of less than two hectares, low application of modern inputs and rain-fed production. Even though these production systems faced adverse technical, political and market conditions in the last two decades, the production of white corn is sustained by small scale campesino farming systems, combining sustainable traditional practices including a multicrop systems, conservation and use of landrace corn seed,family labor, and use of income from non-agricultural activities to finance agriculture. In most cases, production economic costs are higher than economic benefits, but including social benefits, such as food security objectives and campesino preferences; total benefits overcome economic production costs

    Do one‐step mechanisms always involve simultaneous evolution of electron density? QTAIM/IQA analysis of the Curtius rearrangement

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    The Curtius rearrangement reaction is studied by using quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) analysis of the electron density and the interacting quantum atoms (IQA) formalism. Although the rearrangements take place in one stage, two phases are distinguished when the rearranged atom is H: the first one corresponds to the separation of N2, and the second one to the N‐H/C‐H bond rearrangement. The transition state (TS) for the reaction does not represent an intermediate between reagent and product for the migration but for the isolation of the N2 molecule. When the migration is undergone by a fluorine atom, no electronic phases can be distinguished and the process is really concerted. As the migration happens closer to the TS, the TS is more similar to the product. The IQA analysis reveals different electron density evolutions for H and F migrations, and the scarce relevance (in terms of energy) of the point where BCPs appear or disappear.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/2

    Electron density analysis on the alpha acidity of nitriles

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    24 substituted cyanocompounds and the corresponding anions obtained upon H + -abstraction from diverse positions were subjected to an electron density analysis with the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM). All the electron densities were obtained at the B3LYP/6–31 +  + G(2d,2p) level on completely optimized geometries. In accordance to experimental evidence, α-H + abstraction is found as the most favored one (by at least 100 kJ mol −1 in all the tested compounds). The presence of additional resonance electron attractors reduces significantly the α-deprotonation energy, whereas this magnitude is quite insensitive to the inclusion of resonance electron donors. The electron density rearrangement accompanying the deprotonation is apparently in line with the predictions of the resonance model (RM). In fact, a significant part of the electron density gained by expelling the proton is transferred to cyano N and to other groups where significant resonance structures delocalize the negative charge. Nevertheless, some significant modifications have to be introduced on the RM picture when the QTAIM results are studied in detail.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC 2019/24Universidade de Vigo/CISU