44 research outputs found

    Proyecto multimedia con vídeos didácticos para la docencia de técnicas reconstructivas en cirugía oncológica de cabeza y cuello

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    En la actualidad, el empleo de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación permite la organización de contenidos educacionales, favoreciendo la retroalimentación entre docentes y alumnos y permitiendo su utilización acorde con las necesidades académicas del estudiante. Las actuales generaciones son reconocidas como nativos digitales, ya que incorporan la información multimedia, desde imágenes y videos, a su estrategia didáctica de aprendizaje reemplazando los textos tradicionales, y presentan una mayor predisposición a utilizar las tecnologías y los entornos digitales en actividades de experiencia educativa y de aprendizaje. Es por esto que los videos didácticos surgen como una herramienta eficaz para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje activo a través de la entrega de información y la promoción de la participación de los estudiantes en su formación profesional. Las técnicas reconstructivas en cirugía oncológica de cabeza y cuello se utilizan de forma habitual por parte de los Servicios de Cirugía Maxilofacial, Otorrinolaringología, Cirugía Plástica, Cirugía General y Dermatología. Son técnicas que utilizan colgajos locales, regionales y microquirúrgicos para la reconstrucción de defectos óseos y de partes blandas en cabeza y cuello. La mayoría de los estudiantes realizan rotaciones cortas sólo en algunos de estos Servicios y no consiguen obtener una idea completa de la reconstrucción en cabeza y cuello. En las clases se describen las técnicas y características de los diferentes colgajos, pero los alumnos terminan su carrera universitaria sin ver ni tener una idea clara y precisa de estas técnicas. En este proyecto de innovación docente se propone la realización de vídeos didácticos de los diferentes colgajos utilizados en cirugía reconstructiva de cabeza y cuello por parte de los estudiantes y docentes de los diferentes Servicios implicados. El fin último de la realización de los videos didácticos es el fortalecimiento de aprendizajes previos, el refuerzo de contenidos y la evaluación de aprendizajes.Depto. de CirugíaFac. de MedicinaFALSEsubmitte

    A Complex Regulatory Network Governs the Expression of Symbiotic Genes in Sinorhizobium Fredii HH103

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    Introduction: The establishment of the rhizobium-legume nitrogen-fixing symbiosis relies on the interchange of molecular signals between the two symbionts. We have previously studied by RNA-seq the effect of the symbiotic regulators NodD1, SyrM, and TtsI on the expression of the symbiotic genes (the nod regulon) of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 upon treatment with the isoflavone genistein. In this work we have further investigated this regulatory network by incorporating new RNA-seq data of HH103 mutants in two other regulatory genes, nodD2 and nolR. Both genes code for global regulators with a predominant repressor effect on the nod regulon, although NodD2 acts as an activator of a small number of HH103 symbiotic genes. Methods: By combining RNA-seq data, qPCR experiments, and b-galactosidase assays of HH103 mutants harbouring a lacZ gene inserted into a regulatory gene, we have analysed the regulatory relations between the nodD1, nodD2, nolR, syrM, and ttsI genes, confirming previous data and discovering previously unknown relations. Results and discussion: Previously we showed that HH103 mutants in the nodD2, nolR, syrM, or ttsI genes gain effective nodulation with Lotus japonicus, a model legume, although with different symbiotic performances. Here we show that the combinations of mutations in these genes led, in most cases, to a decrease in symbiotic effectiveness, although all of them retained the ability to induce the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules. In fact, the nodD2, nolR, and syrM single and double mutants share a set of Nod factors, either overproduced by them or not generated by the wild-type strain, that might be responsible for gaining effective nodulation with L. japonicus.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-107634RB-I0

    Results of a survey on peri-operative nutritional support in pancreatic and biliary surgery in Spain

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    Introduction: a survey on peri-operative nutritional support in pancreatic and biliary surgery among Spanish hospitals in 2007 showed that few surgical groups followed the 2006 ESPEN guidelines. Ten years later we sent a questionnaire to check the current situation. Methods: a questionnaire with 21 items sent to 38 centers, related to fasting time before and after surgery, nutritional screening use and type, time and type of peri-operative nutritional support, and number of procedures. Results: thirty-four institutions responded. The median number of pancreatic resections (head/total) was 29.5 (95 % CI: 23.0-35; range, 5-68) (total, 1002); of surgeries for biliary malignancies (non-pancreatic), 9.8 (95 % CI: 7.3-12.4; range, 2-30); and of main biliary resections for benign conditions, 10.4 (95 % CI: 7.6-13.3; range, 2-33). Before surgery, only 41.2 % of the sites used nutritional support (< 50 % used any nutritional screening procedure). The mean duration of preoperative fasting for solid foods was 9.3 h (range, 6-24 h); it was 6.6 h for liquids (range, 2-12). Following pancreatic surgery, 29.4 % tried to use early oral feeding, but 88.2 % of the surveyed teams used some nutritional support; 26.5 % of respondents used TPN in 100 % of cases. Different percentages of TPN and EN were used in the other centers. In malignant biliary surgery, 22.6 % used TPN always, and EN in 19.3 % of cases. Conclusions: TPN is the commonest nutrition approach after pancreatic head surgery. Only 29.4 % of the units used early oral feeding, and 32.3 % used EN; 22.6 % used TPN regularly after surgery for malignant biliary tumours. The 2006 ESPEN guideline recommendations are not regularly followed 12 years after their publication in our country

    Empoderamiento del alumnado adulto y de las personas mayores para una ciudadanía activa

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    Esta obra reúne iniciativas y experiencias de sensibilización y formación del profesorado y del alumnado adulto y mayor hacia una educación en competencias que contribuya a desarrollar la práctica de una ciudadanía activa compartiendo el tiempo libre, los conocimientos y las experiencias en proyectos sociales que consoliden y mejoren el entramado social de la ciudad, de las personas que la habitan y de la atención a sus necesidades. Su origen fue el proyecto CiudAct cofinanciado por el Programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea y en su desarrollo ha intervenido un equipo interinstitucional liderado por el Aula de Mayores+55 de la Universidad de Málaga y participado por el Centro de Profesorado «José Rodríguez Galán» de Antequera, la Asociación Cívica para la Prevención (ACP), la Asociación de Igualdad de Género Universitario (AIGU), y el Ayuntamiento de Faraján (Málaga). Con ellos, y con otras tantas instituciones y sus respectivos consorcios locales en toda Europa, se participa en la red supranacional Ciudades en Crecimiento.Programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea (referencia de proyecto 2015-1-ES01-KA104-014944

    Pancreatic metastases from renal cell carcinoma. Postoperative outcome after surgical treatment in a Spanish multicenter study (PANMEKID)

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    Background: Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) occasionally spreads to the pancreas. The purpose of our study is to evaluate the short and long-term results of a multicenter series in order to determine the effect of surgical treatment on the prognosis of these patients. Methods: Multicenter retrospective study of patients undergoing surgery for RCC pancreatic metastases, from January 2010 to May 2020. Variables related to the primary tumor, demographics, clinical characteristics of metastasis, location in the pancreas, type of pancreatic resection performed and data on short and long-term evolution after pancreatic resection were collected. Results: The study included 116 patients. The mean time between nephrectomy and pancreatic metastases' resection was 87.35 months (ICR: 1.51-332.55). Distal pancreatectomy was the most performed technique employed (50 %). Postoperative morbidity was observed in 60.9 % of cases (Clavien-Dindo greater than IIIa in 14 %). The median follow-up time was 43 months (13-78). Overall survival (OS) rates at 1, 3, and 5 years were 96 %, 88 %, and 83 %, respectively. The disease-free survival (DFS) rate at 1, 3, and 5 years was 73 %, 49 %, and 35 %, respectively. Significant prognostic factors of relapse were a disease free interval of less than 10 years (2.05 [1.13-3.72], p 0.02) and a history of previous extrapancreatic metastasis (2.44 [1.22-4.86], p 0.01). Conclusions: Pancreatic resection if metastatic RCC is found in the pancreas is warranted to achieve higher overall survival and disease-free survival, even if extrapancreatic metastases were previously removed. The existence of intrapancreatic multifocal compromise does not always warrant the performance of a total pancreatectomy in order to improve survival. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Repeated pancreatic resection for pancreatic metastases from renal cell Carcinoma: A Spanish multicenter study (PANMEKID)

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    Background and objectives: Recurrent isolated pancreatic metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) after pancreatic resection is rare. The purpose of our study is to describe a series of cases of relapse of pancreatic metastasis from renal cancer in the pancreatic remnant and its surgical treatment with a repeated pancreatic resection, and to analyse the results of both overall and disease -free survival. Methods: Multicenter retrospective study of patients undergoing pancreatic resection for RCC pancreatic metastases, from January 2010 to May 2020. Patients were grouped into two groups depending on whether they received a single pancreatic resection (SPS) or iterative pancreatic resection. Data on short and long-term outcome after pancreatic resection were collected. Results: The study included 131 pancreatic resections performed in 116 patients. Thus, iterative pancreatic surgery (IPS) was performed in 15 patients. The mean length of time between the first pancreatic surgery and the second was 48.9 months (95 % CI: 22.2-56.9). There were no differences in the rate of postoperative complications. The DFS rates at 1, 3 and 5 years were 86 %, 78 % and 78 % vs 75 %, 50 % and 37 % in the IPS and SPS group respectively (p = 0.179). OS rates at 1, 3, 5 and 7 years were 100 %, 100 %, 100 % and 75 % in the IPS group vs 95 %, 85 %, 80 % and 68 % in the SPS group (p = 0.895). Conclusion: Repeated pancreatic resection in case of relapse of pancreatic metastasis of RCC in the pancreatic remnant is justified, since it achieves OS results similar to those obtained after the first resection

    Resultados de una encuesta sobre el soporte nutricional perioperatorio en la cirugía pancreática y biliar en España

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    Introduction: a survey on peri-operative nutritional support in pancreatic and biliary surgery among Spanish hospitals in 2007 showed that few surgical groups followed the 2006 ESPEN guidelines. Ten years later we sent a questionnaire to check the current situation. Methods: a questionnaire with 21 items sent to 38 centers, related to fasting time before and after surgery, nutritional screening use and type, time and type of peri-operative nutritional support, and number of procedures. Results: thirty-four institutions responded. The median number of pancreatic resections (head/total) was 29.5 (95% CI: 23.0-35; range, 5-68) (total, 1002); of surgeries for biliary malignancies (non-pancreatic), 9.8 (95% CI: 7.3-12.4; range, 2-30); and of main biliary resections for benign conditions, 10.4 (95% CI: 7.6-13.3; range, 2-33). Before surgery, only 41.2% of the sites used nutritional support (&lt; 50% used any nutritional screening procedure). The mean duration of preoperative fasting for solid foods was 9.3 h (range, 6-24 h); it was 6.6 h for liquids (range, 2-12). Following pancreatic surgery, 29.4% tried to use early oral feeding, but 88.2% of the surveyed teams used some nutritional support; 26.5% of respondents used TPN in 100% of cases. Different percentages of TPN and EN were used in the other centers. In malignant biliary surgery, 22.6% used TPN always, and EN in 19.3% of cases. Conclusions: TPN is the commonest nutrition approach after pancreatic head surgery. Only 29.4% of the units used early oral feeding, and 32.3% used EN; 22.6% used TPN regularly after surgery for malignant biliary tumours. The 2006 ESPEN guideline recommendations are not regularly followed 12 years after their publication in our country.Introducción: realizamos una encuesta sobre soporte nutricional perioperatorio en cirugía pancreática y biliar en hospitales españoles en 2007, que mostró que pocos grupos quirúrgicos seguían las guías de ESPEN 2006. Diez años después enviamos un cuestionario para comprobar la situación actual. Métodos: treinta y ocho centros recibieron un cuestionario con 21 preguntas sobre tiempo de ayunas antes y después de la cirugía, cribado nutricional, duración y tipo de soporte nutricional perioperatorio, y número de procedimientos. Resultados: respondieron 34 grupos. La mediana de pancreatectomías (cabeza/total) fue de 29,5 (IC 95 %: 23,0-35; rango, 5-68) (total, 1002), la de cirugías biliares malignas de 9,8 (IC 95 %: 7,3-12,4; rango, 2-30) y la de resecciones biliares por patología benigna de 10,4 (IC 95 %: 7,6-13,3; rango, 2-33). Solo el 41,2 % de los grupos utilizaban soporte nutricional antes de la cirugía (< 50 % habian efectuado un cribado nutricional). El tiempo medio de ayuno preoperatorio para sólidos fue de 9,3 h (rango, 6-24 h), y de 6,6 h para líquidos (rango, 2-12). Tras la pancreatectomía, el 29,4 % habían intentado administrar una dieta oral precoz, pero el 88,2 % de los grupos usaron algún tipo de soporte nutricional y el 26,5 % usaron NP en el 100 % de los casos. Los demás grupos usaron diferentes porcentajes de NP y NE en sus casos. En la cirugía biliar maligna, el 22,6 % utilizaron NP siempre y NE en el 19,3 % de los casos. Conclusiones: la NP es el soporte nutricional más utilizado tras la cirugía de cabeza pancreática. Solo el 29,4 % de las unidades usan nutrición oral precoz y el 32,3 % emplean la NE tras este tipo de cirugía. El 22,6 % de las instituciones usan NP habitualmente tras la cirugía de tumores biliares malignos. Las guías ESPEN 2006 no se siguen de forma habitual en nuestro país tras más de 10 años desde su publicación

    Normothermic regional perfusion vs. super-rapid recovery in controlled donation after circulatory death liver transplantation

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    [Background & Aims] Although there is increasing interest in its use, definitive evidence demonstrating a benefit for postmortem normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) in controlled donation after circulatory death (cDCD) liver transplantation is lacking. The aim of this study was to compare results of cDCD liver transplants performed with postmortem NRP vs. super-rapid recovery (SRR), the current standard for cDCD.[Methods] This was an observational cohort study including all cDCD liver transplants performed in Spain between June 2012 and December 2016, with follow-up ending in December 2017. Each donor hospital determined whether organ recovery was performed using NRP or SRR. The propensity scores technique based on the inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) was used to balance covariates across study groups; logistic and Cox regression models were used for binary and time-to-event outcomes.[Results] During the study period, there were 95 cDCD liver transplants performed with postmortem NRP and 117 with SRR. The median donor age was 56 years (interquartile range 45–65 years). After IPTW analysis, baseline covariates were balanced, with all absolute standardised differences <0.15. IPTW-adjusted risks were significantly improved among NRP livers for overall biliary complications (odds ratio 0.14; 95% CI 0.06–0.35, p <0.001), ischaemic type biliary lesions (odds ratio 0.11; 95% CI 0.02–0.57; p = 0.008), and graft loss (hazard ratio 0.39; 95% CI 0.20–0.78; p = 0.008).[Conclusions] The use of postmortem NRP in cDCD liver transplantation appears to reduce postoperative biliary complications, ischaemic type biliary lesions and graft loss, and allows for the transplantation of livers even from cDCD donors of advanced age.[Lay summary] This is a propensity-matched nationwide observational cohort study performed using livers recovered from donors undergoing cardiac arrest provoked by the intentional withdrawal of life support (controlled donation after circulatory death, cDCD). Approximately half of the livers were recovered after a period of postmortem in situ normothermic regional perfusion, which restored warm oxygenated blood to the abdominal organs, whereas the remainder were recovered after rapid preservation with a cold solution. The study results suggest that the use of postmortem normothermic regional perfusion helps reduce rates of post-transplant biliary complications and graft loss and allows for the successful transplantation of livers from older cDCD donors.Peer reviewe

    Phase III Trial of Adjuvant Capecitabine After Standard Neo-/Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients With Early Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (GEICAM/2003-11_CIBOMA/2004-01)

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    Altres ajuts: Agustí Barnadas: Honoraria: Pfizer. Consulting or Advisory Role: Pfizer, Novartis, Eli Lilly. Speakers'Bureau: Roche, Pfizer, Novartis, Genomic Health International. Travel, Accommodations, Expenses: Roche, Pfizer; Miguel A. Seguí: Consulting or Advisory Role: Roche, Pfizer, Novartis, Amgen, Eisai, Eli Lilly. Speakers' Bureau: Roche, Pfizer, Amgen. Research Funding: Roche (Inst), Novartis (Inst). Travel, Accommodations, Expenses: Roche, Pfizer, Novartis, Amgen.Operable triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs) have a higher risk of relapse than non-TNBCs with standard therapy. The GEICAM/2003-11_CIBOMA/2004-01 trial explored extended adjuvant capecitabine after completion of standard chemotherapy in patients with early TNBC. Eligible patients were those with operable, node-positive-or node negative with tumor 1 cm or greater-TNBC, with prior anthracycline- and/or taxane-containing chemotherapy. After central confirmation of TNBC status by immunohistochemistry, patients were randomly assigned to either capecitabine or observation. Stratification factors included institution, prior taxane-based therapy, involved axillary lymph nodes, and centrally determined phenotype (basal v nonbasal, according to cytokeratins 5/6 and/or epidermal growth factor receptor positivity by immunohistochemistry). The primary objective was to compare disease-free survival (DFS) between both arms. Eight hundred seventy-six patients were randomly assigned to capecitabine (n = 448) or observation (n = 428). Median age was 49 years, 55.9% were lymph node negative, 73.9% had a basal phenotype, and 67.5% received previous anthracyclines plus taxanes. Median length of follow-up was 7.3 years. DFS was not significantly prolonged with capecitabine versus observation [hazard ratio (HR), 0.82; 95% CI, 0.63 to 1.06; P =.136]. In a preplanned subgroup analysis, nonbasal patients seemed to derive benefit from the addition of capecitabine with a DFS HR of 0.53 versus 0.94 in those with basal phenotype (interaction test P =.0694) and an HR for overall survival of 0.42 versus 1.23 in basal phenotype (interaction test P =.0052). Tolerance of capecitabine was as expected, with 75.2% of patients completing the planned 8 cycles. This study failed to show a statistically significant increase in DFS by adding extended capecitabine to standard chemotherapy in patients with early TNBC. In a preplanned subset analysis, patients with nonbasal phenotype seemed to obtain benefit with capecitabine, although this will require additional validation