50 research outputs found

    Effect on Procrastination and Learning of Mistakes in the Design of the Formative and Summative Assessments - A Case Study

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    [EN] The design of the formative and summative assessment processes is of paramount importance to help students avoid procrastination and guide them towards the achievement of the learning objectives that are described in the course syllabus. If the assessment processes are poorly designed the outcome can be disappointing, including high grades but poor learning. In this paper, we describe the unexpected and undesirable effects that an on-demand formative assessment and the timetable of a summative assessment that left the most cognitively demanding part, problem-solving, to the end of the course, had on the behavior of students and on both grading and learning. As the formative assessment was voluntary, students procrastinated till the last minute. However, the real problem was that due to the design of the summative assessment, they focused their efforts mainly on the easiest parts of the summative assessment, passing the course with ease, but achieving a low learning level, as evidenced by the low scores of the problem-solving part of the summative assessment.Salas Vicente, F.; Vicente-Escuder, Á.; Pérez Puig, MA.; Segovia-López, F. (2021). Effect on Procrastination and Learning of Mistakes in the Design of the Formative and Summative Assessments - A Case Study. Education Sciences. 11(8):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11080428S11211

    Carta de Vicente Fidel López a José María Moreno

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    Conociendo que el rector a suscitado una intriguilla para designar como Secretario de la Universidad al "galleguillo" Sebastián García, solicita intervenga para que se otorgue ese puesto a su hijo porque es hijo del país y además por la pobreza relativa que su familia esta atravesando teniendo en cuenta su posición social.Vicente Fidel Lópe

    An Overview about the Current Situation on C&D Waste Management in Italy: Achievements and Challenges

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    [EN] The disposal volume of material for Construction and Demolition in Europe is increasing each year, that the European Union has decided to take control of the matter unifying practices and goals to achieve. This article analyses how waste management works in Italy adjusting its system to the European Union, regarding Construction and Demolition, taking into consideration the disposal of material coming from C&D (Construction and Demolition) production. In Italy, the disposition may differ according to the regions in which it is divided, and this must be taken into consideration when analysing information that reflects the different logistical aspect linked to the territory. It is also necessary to consider how the volume of waste can vary according to the size of the region considered and the type of industrial development to which it belongs. The analysis of the Italian situation shows their achievements regarding reaching a good level of recycling waste volume; indeed, their amount of C&D recycled waste after 2010 was always up to the 70% value established by the European Union, though barriers are still present in the field of waste management. Through data collecting, it has been seen the different volume that is generated in construction-related activities in the country, along with the recovered waste volume. Thus, the goal of this paper is to deepen the general knowledge on waste produced by Construction and Demolition in Italy and waste management practices adopted according to the European Union.This work was carried out at the Universitat Politècnica de València in the framework of CONDEREFF project (Ref. PGI05560-CONDEREFF).Cárcel-Carrasco, J.; Peñalvo-López, E.; Pascual Guillamón, M.; Salas Vicente, F. (2021). An Overview about the Current Situation on C&D Waste Management in Italy: Achievements and Challenges. Buildings. 11(7):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11070284S11211

    Biological Properties of Solid Free Form Designed Ceramic Scaffolds with BMP-2: In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation

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    Porous ceramic scaffolds are widely studied in the tissue engineering field due to their potential in medical applications as bone substitutes or as bone-filling materials. Solid free form (SFF) fabrication methods allow fabrication of ceramic scaffolds with fully controlled pore architecture, which opens new perspectives in bone tissue regeneration materials. However, little experimentation has been performed about real biological properties and possible applications of SFF designed 3D ceramic scaffolds. Thus, here the biological properties of a specific SFF scaffold are evaluated first, both in vitro and in vivo, and later scaffolds are also implanted in pig maxillary defect, which is a model for a possible application in maxillofacial surgery. In vitro results show good biocompatibility of the scaffolds, promoting cell ingrowth. In vivo results indicate that material on its own conducts surrounding tissue and allow cell ingrowth, thanks to the designed pore size. Additional osteoinductive properties were obtained with BMP-2, which was loaded on scaffolds, and optimal bone formation was observed in pig implantation model. Collectively, data show that SFF scaffolds have real application possibilities for bone tissue engineering purposes, with the main advantage of being fully customizable 3D structures

    Informe del Comité de Bioética de España sobre los aspectos éticos y jurídicos de la maternidad subrogada

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    El Comité de Bioética de España en su reunión plenaria del pasado 8 de mayo de 2017 acordó por unanimidad de los vocales presentes aprobar un Informe sobre los aspectos éticos y jurídicos de la maternidad subrogada, elaborado a iniciativa del propio Comité, dada la preocupación que suscitaba a sus miembros el debate presente en la opinión pública y en algunas instituciones sobre la conveniencia de regular o, al menos, dotar de legalidad, a los contratos de maternidad subrogada. Como se pone de manifiesto al inicio del Informe, la maternidad subrogada es uno de los temas bioéticos más controvertidos del momento por su carácter disruptivo sobre el modo en que la procreación humana, y las consecuentes relaciones de maternidad y filiación, han sido entendidas y reguladas hasta la actualidad, planteándose por primera vez en la historia la posibilidad de disociar la gestación de la maternidad. Ciertamente, no es un fenómeno nuevo, los primeros casos tuvieron lugar hace más de cuarenta años. Sin embargo, durante mucho tiempo tuvo un alcance limitado, no siendo hasta los últimos quince años cuando la práctica se ha extendido y, sobre todo, se ha internacionalizado. Los medios de comunicación se han venido haciendo eco de informaciones que han atraído la atención de la opinión pública, generando gran repercusión mediática los casos de personajes famosos que han recurrido a este medio para ser padres. En líneas generales, como se expone detalladamente en el Informe, son dos los principales problemas jurídicos que se plantean en España. El primero tiene que ver con el hecho de que la maternidad subrogada sea contraria a la ley nacional y, sin embargo, muchos españoles consigan ser padres recurriendo a ella en otros países donde es legal. ¿Se puede pretender que las leyes aprobadas en España tengan verdadera eficacia y que no solo sean de aplicación para quienes, por carecer de recursos y de temeridad, no pueden sortearlas en el extranjero? Hay otros ámbitos en los que los hechos son perseguibles, incluso penalmente, aunque se realicen en el extranjero

    Cognitive Reserve Characteristics and Occupational Performance Implications in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    The Cognitive Reserve hypothesis suggests that there are individual differences in the ability to cope with the pathologic changes in Alzheimer’s Disease. The proportion of elderly individuals has increased in recent years; this increase emphasizes the importance of early detection of mild cognitive impairment and the promotion of healthy ageing. The purpose of our study is to characterize cognitive reserve and occupational performance implications in people with mild cognitive impairment. 125 patients with mild cognitive impairment were enrolled. The Montreal Cognitive Assessments (MoCA) was used to evaluate cognitive status and the Cognitive Reserve Index Questionnaire (CRIq) as an indicator of cognitive reserve. Higher level of education was associated with higher MoCA scores (r = 0.290, p = 0.001). Positive significant correlations were observed between MoCA and total CRIq (r = 0.385, p < 0.001) as well as its three sub-domains, education (r = 0.231, p = 0.010), working activity (r = 0.237, p = 0.008) and leisure time (r = 0.319, p < 0.001). This study findings provide the importance of considering socio-behavioral factors in cognitive status. This research helps to describe the importance of engaging occupationally along the whole life-course as a potential protective factor in ageing, and includes a perspective of occupational therapy regarding the hypothesis of cognitive reserve.Depto. de EnfermeríaFac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEpu