2,235 research outputs found
Designer: a tool to design and model workflows
This work presents the methodological and technical issues for the Designer tool in the OBJECTFLOW Workflow Management System. This tool provides to the user the possibility to model and design workflow diagrams from Business Process of a corporation. This project is the result of an industry-university cooperation.Postprint (published version
Reembolsos tarifários, tarifas sobre insumos importados e exportações: evidências de dados na empresa colombiana
Using a generalized difference-in-differences approach, this study draws on a firmcountry-product-year level database covering imports and exports from Colombia to study how duty exemptions on imported goods affect export performance. The impactwas estimated depending on the intensity exposure using the Colombian duty drawback policy —Plan Vallejo. Results suggest that input-duty reduction leads to rises in the export quantities and number of varieties, especially for products not benefited by the policy; however, the scheme allows firms to accentuate the negative impact of customs duty increases. The estimated tariff revenue leakage of the duty exemptions is non-negligible in terms of the country’s GDP.Usando un modelo de diferencias en las diferencias y una base de exportaciones e importaciones a nivel de firma-país-producto-año, este trabajo estimó cómo el desempeño exportador colombiano se ha visto afectado por las exenciones de pagos de impuestos (arancel e iva) a los productos intermedios importados a través del Plan Vallejo. Los resultados indican que las reducciones de las tarifas a los insumos incrementan las cantidades y variedades exportadas, especialmente de aquellos no beneficiados por las exenciones, pero el esquema permite atenuar el impacto negativo de un aumento de tarifas aduaneras. El costo asociado a la política no es despreciable en términos del producto interno bruto (PIB).Usando um modelo de diferenças em diferenças e uma base de exportação e importação no nível empresa-país-produto-ano, este artigo estima como o desempenho do exportador colombiano foi afetado por isenções de pagamentos de impostos (tarifa alfandegária e iva) para produtos intermediários importados por meio do Plano Vallejo. Os resultados indicam que as reduções nas tarifas de insumos aumentam as quantidades e variedades exportadas, especialmente aquelas que não se beneficiam das isenções, mas o esquema mitiga o impacto negativo de um aumento nas tarifas alfandegárias. O custo associado à política não é negligenciável em termos de PIB
Concepciones de la probabilidad en dos contextos académicos
En el programa de licenciatura en Matemáticas de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, se realiza una práctica educativa denominada: “práctica en aula”, en la cual los profesores en formación realizan propuestas para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de contenidos matemáticos. En este trabajo se presenta de manera general el desarrollo de una propuesta de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las concepciones de la Probabilidad en grado undécimo del Instituto Pedagógico Nacional en la ciudad de Bogotá. Esta propuesta generó incentivo para ahondar en el estudio de las concepciones de la probabilidad de estudiantes de secundaria con el fin de iniciar la validación de actividades para este tema como aporte a un currículo específico
The Integration of the English Language Skills to Teach Physical Education to 6th Graders from a public school
En este proyecto de aula se busca integrar las cuatro habilidades del inglés para enseñar Educación Física a estudiantes de sexto grado de un colegio público. Con el proyecto, promovemos el uso de las habilidades orales en inglés a través de la práctica en Educación Física, teniendo como enfoque la instrucción basada en contenido. Implementamos estrategias a través de las cuales los estudiantes reciben, entienden y realizan comandos orales relacionados con Educación Física. Este proyecto tiene como escenario una clase de sexto grado en un colegio público local en un periodo de tiempo de ocho horas a razón de una hora semanal durante dos meses. Se recogieron datos haciendo uso del método cualitativo a través de diarios de campo, observaciones y artefactos producidos por los estudiantes. Una vez contrastados los objetivos del proyecto con los resultados obtenidos, se puede decir que estos fueron alcanzados
Exciting with quantum light
Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada. Fecha de lectura: 22-11-2019A two-level system—the idealization of an atom with only two energy levels—is the most
fundamental quantum object. As such, it has long been at the forefront of the research in
Quantum Optics: its emission spectrum is simply a Lorentzian distribution, and the light it
produces is the most quantum that can be. The temporal distribution of the photon emission
displays a perfect antibunching, meaning that such a system will never emit two (or more)
photons simultaneously, which is consistent with the intuition that the two-level system can
only sustain a single excitation at any given time. Although these two properties have been
known for decades, it was not until the advent of the Theory of Frequency-filtered and Time-resolved
Correlations that it was observed that the perfect antibunching is not the end of the story: the
correlations between photons possess an underlying structure, which is unveiled when one
retains the information about the color of the photons. This is a consequence of the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle: measuring perfect antibunching implies an absolute knowledge about
the time at which the photons have been emitted, which in turn implies an absolute uncertainty
on their energy. Thus, keeping some information about the frequency of the emitted photons
affects the correlations between them. This means that a two-level system can be turned into
a versatile source of quantum light, providing light with a large breadth of correlation types
well beyond simply antibunching. Furthermore, when the two-level system is driven coherently
in the so-called Mollow regime (in which the two-level system becomes dressed by the laser
and the emission line is split into three), the correlations blossom: one can find every type of
statistics—from antibunching to super-bunching—provided that one measures the photons
emitted at the adequate frequency window of the triplet. In fact, the process of filtering the
emission at the frequencies corresponding to N-photon transitions is the idea behind the
Bundler, a source of light whose emission is always in bundles of exactly N photons.
The versatility of the correlations decking the emitted light motivates the topic of this
Dissertation, in which I focus on the theoretical study of the behaviour that arises when
physical systems are driven with quantum light, i.e., with light that cannot be described through
the classical theory of electromagnetism. As the canon of excitation used in the literature is
restricted to classical sources, namely lasers and thermal reservoirs, our description starts
with the most fundamental objects that can be considered as the optical targets: a harmonic
oscillator (which represents the field for non-interacting bosonic particles) and a two-level
system (which in turn represents the field for fermionic particles). We describe which regions
of the Harmonic oscillator’s Hilbert space can be accessed by driving the harmonic oscillator
with the light emitted by a two-level system, i.e., which quantum steady states can be realized.
Analogously, we find that the quality of the single-photon emission from a two-level system
can be enhanced when it is driven by quantum light. Once the advantages of using quantum,
rather than classical, sources of light are demonstrated with the fundamental optical targets, we
turn to the quantum excitation of more involved systems, such as the strong coupling between
a harmonic oscillator and either a two-level system—whose description is made through the
Jaynes-Cummings model—or a nonlinear harmonic oscillator—which can be realized in systems
of, e.g., exciton-polaritons. Here we find that the statistical versatility of the light emitted by
the Mollow triplet allows to perform Quantum Spectroscopy on these systems, thus gaining
knowledge of its internal structure and dynamics, and in particular to probe their interactions
with the least possible amount of particles: two. In the process of exciting with quantum light,
we are called to further examine the source itself. In fact, there is even the need to revisit the
concept of a single-photon source, for which we propose more robust criterion than g(2). We also
turn to toy-models of the Bundler so as to use it effectively as an optical source. We can then
xix study the advantages that one gets and shortcomings that one faces when using this source of
light to drive all the systems considered on excitation with the emission of a two-level system.
Finally, we go from the continuous to the pulsed regime of excitation, which is of higher interest
for applications and comes with its own set of fundamental questions
N = 1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and adjoint QCD on the lattice
In this work we study the low-energy physics of Yang-Mills theory (YM) coupled to adjoint matter by means of lattice Monte Carlo simulations. A main ingredient of our computations is the YM gradient flow (GF). The kernel of the flow operator smoothens the fields in such a way that correlators of local operators can be computed avoiding divergences and extra multiplicative renormalisations. The flow kernel can also be related to a renormalisation group (RG) transformation. This property allows to compute the scaling dimensions of operators with respect to variations of the energy scale. We exploit these two properties of the GF in order to study non-perturbative properties of YM with adjoint fermions (adjoint QCD). First, we study the case when the YM field is coupled to a single adjoint fermion, i.e the N=1 supersymmetric YM. It is the only QCD-like supersymmetric theory in the sense that it has no scalars, is asymptotically free, has a low-energy mass-gap, is confining, and shows fermion condensation. We study these properties at zero and finite temperatures for the SU(2) and SU(3) gauge groups. With the GF we are able to confirm the formation of a non-vanishing chiral condensate at zero temperature and its melting at higher temperatures. We also observe that chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement occur at the same critical temperature. We moreover investigate SU(3) supersymmetric YM on a cylinder at different compactification radii. We compare the fate of confinement with the thermal case and measure the trace of the energy-momentum tensor, which gives us information about the Witten index. Depending on the number of flavours, adjoint QCD may lie inside the conformal window, i.e it may be a conformal field theory in the infrared. In this context, we use the GF and the lattice in order to measure the scaling of the mass anomalous dimension. The goal is to see hints for conformal behaviour and to determine the value of the critical anomalous dimension
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