989 research outputs found

    Model Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Untuk Sebesarbesarnya Kemakmuran Rakyat

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    Legal political management of Indonesia's natural resources is "the attitude and/or the attention of government/state of the management of natural resources in the form of policies as outlined in the Act and Regulation, where the rights of control by the state over natural resources as the primary basis and most fundamentally,its implementation by the state for the maximum kamakmuran people


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    Hasi lpenelitian ini secara garis besar dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kesenian Kuda Lumping di Desa Banjaranyar telah lahir dan berkembang sejak tahun 2005, namun di dalam perjalanannya kesenian kuda lumping sempat berhenti sementara atau vakum padatahun 2008 dan diaktifkan kembali padatahun 2012 dengan mayoritas pemain yang berusia muda. Di dalam perkembangannya kesenian kuda lumping di Desa Banjaranyar bisa dikatakan maju walaupun pernah mengalami kevakuman, ini terbukti dengan eksisnya kesenian kuda lumping melakukan pementasan di acara-acara hajatan baik di daerah maupun di luar daerah. Upaya pelestarian kesenian kuda lumping di Desa Banjaranyar dilakukan oleh semua lapisan masyarakat, seniman, serta aparat pemerintah di Desa Banjaranyar yang selalu berpartisipasi dan memberi dukungan di dalam perkembangan kesenian kuda lumping agar tetap eksis di kalangan masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Kuda Lumping dan Kesenian LokalABSTRACTThe guideline of the result could be concluded that the act of Kuda Lumping at Banjaranyar had been started and developed since 2005, but in the trip of that art ever stopped for a while or vacuum at 2008, and it had been started again at 2012 with the mayority of the actor was young people. In the process of developing kuda lumping art could be said that it had a progress altought it ever stopped, it had been proven by the existantial of kuda lumping art to show the performance in any kluds of events or ceremony at the region or in other region. The effort of preserving the kuda lumping art at Banjaranyar was done by all of part of society, artist, and the government at Banjaranyar which always participate and give their support on the developing of kuda lumping art in ought’to be always exist in society.Kata Kunci: Kuda Lumping and Local Art

    Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Binary System of Ethanol (1) + Eugenol (2) at 400 and 760 mmHg

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    Eugenol is the main component of clove oil, while the main impuritis of it is β-caryophyllene. Eugenol with a purity higher than 98% has a higher price than low purity eugenol. Thus, further eugenol purification process is needed. Common purification processes are extraction and distillation. In the design and simulation of the distillation process it requires a knowledge of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) data from a mixture of components to be separated (eugenol and ethanol) as the result of extraction process. In this work, the experimental VLE data were measured for binary mixtures of ethanol(1) + eugenol(2) at 400 and 760 mmHg. The apparatus used for this experiment is an othmer still equipped with a vacuum pump and a manometer. The experiments were performed to obtain equilibrium data (T), component concentrations in liquid phase (x), and in vapor phase (y). The binary VLE data were correlated with the Wilson, NRTL and UNIQUAC models to obtain the binary parameters. The reliability of these models were tested by comparing with experimental results using Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD). For the system and the operation condition studied, the Wilson, NRTL and UNIQUAC models suited well and give satisfactory results based on the RMSD values

    Sanksi Pidana Diyat Sebagai Alternartif Meminimalisir Permasalahan Overcrowding Penjara Di Indonesia

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    Kondisi Overcrowding penjara merupakan konsekwensi dari tingginya suplay para narapidana dan tahanan sebagai mata rantai system pemidanaan di Indonesia, over kapasitas jumlah penghuni lapas mencapai 107 % denganpertumbuhahnkenaikan narapidana 22.000 per tahun beresiko terhadap fasilitas yang tidak memadai, tingginya biaya operasional lapas juga sangat memungkinkan adanya potensi pelanggaran terhadap hak-hak dasar para narapidana dan tahanan sebagai manusia.Tujuan dari artikel ini yaitu untuk menganalisis alternartif sanksi pidana dengan gan tirugi (diyat) untuk meminimalisir permasalahan overcrowding penjara di Indonesia. Kesimpulan dari artikel ini yaitu perlu dikembangkan sebuah konsep pemidahaan yang sesuai dengan tujuan pemidanaan sebagai “law abiding citizens†melalui perubahan paradigma “menghukum dan pembalasan†dengan mengembalikan harga diri para narapidana dengan memperlakukan dan menganggap para narapidana sebagai manusia yang berpotens iuntuk menjadi manusia baik, selain itu juga perlu dikembangkan sanksi pidana gantirugi (diyat) pada kasus-kasus tertentu sebagai pengganti dari sanksi pidana kurungan yang selama ini ada di dalam KUHP dan peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya

    Kegiatan mikroba di rumen dan manipulasinyauntuk mena ikkan eflsiensi f\\\\u27roduksi ternak

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    Studies on microorganism in the role in the rumen and its activity\u27s responses, and efforts of manipulation to increase the production efficiency of livestock were discussed to obtain steps necessary conducted Of basic data of animal growth and published microbial activities feedstuff characteristics in Indonesia, it is more likely that now is suitable to engineer strains of energy and protein yielding-microbes, use anabolic agents, and choose and treat feedstuffs in order to gain the utilisation of end product fermentation to the animal.(Keywords: Microbes, Strain engineering, Energy, Protein, Efficienc

    Affinity Biosensor Based On Screen-Printed Electrode Modified With Dna

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    ABSTRACT An electrochemical method for the detection of the genotoxic compounds using a DNA-modified electrode was developed. This electrode was successfully used for the electrochemical detection of genotoxic compounds in water samples. The electrochemical results clearly demonstrated t.\u27Jat, the development is related to the molecular interaction between the surface-linked DNA obtained from calf thymus and the target compounds, such as pollutants, in order to develop a simple device for rapid screening of genotoxic compounds in environmental samples. The detection of such compounds was measured by their effect on the oxidation signal of the guanine peak of the DNA immobi/ised on the surface of carbon based Screen-Printed Electrode (SPE) in disposable mode, and monitored by square-wave voltametric analysis. The DNA biosensor is able to detect known intercalating and groove-binding genotoxic compounds such as Dioxin, Bisphenol A, PCBs, and Phtalates. Application to real water samples is discussed and reported. Keywords: electrochemical, screen-printed electrode, DNA biosensor, genotoxic compound

    Pra Desain Pabrik Floating LNG Di Blok Masela

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    Gas alam dapat ditemukan di ladang minyak, ladang gas bumi dan juga tambang batu bara. Gas alam cair (Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG) adalah gas alam yang telah diproses untuk menghilangkan pengotor dan hidrokarbon berat, kemudian gas alam dikondensasi menjadi cairan pada tekanan atmosfer dengan mendinginkannya sekitar -160° C. Proses pembuatan LNG dari gas alam terdiri dari 3 unit utama, diantaranya 1. Treating unit: yang terdiri dari dehydration unit.  2. Fractionation unit : Plant  Fractionation Unit bertujuan untuk memisahkan hidrokarbon berat dalam gas alam sehingga menghasilkan LNG dengan kandungan methane tinggi. 3. CO2 Removal Unit dan Liquefaction unit : yang terdiri dari Refrigeration Unit dan Liquefaction Unit diikitu oleh CO2 Removal. Sekitar sepertiga atau 60 Trillyun Ft3 cadangan gas alam di dunia berada di lepas pantai, sehingga dengan adanya Floating LNG plant dapat memaksimalkan sumber daya gas alam yang selama ini masih belum terjamah. Maka dari itu, Floating LNG Plant ini diproyeksikan menjadi solusi jangka panjang guna memenuhi pasokan gas untuk pembangkit listrik. Selain itu dapat mengatasi permasalahan pembebasan tanah untuk jalur pipa yang selama ini sulit untuk dilakukan, sehingga lebih memungkinkan untuk membangun pabrik LNG terapung (Floating LNG Plant). Proses FLNG ini berlangsung secara kontinyu, selama 24 jam/hari dan 330 hari/tahun dengan perencanaan sebagai berikut dengan kapasitas produksi = 2,5 MTPA (Juta Ton/Tahun). Berdasarkan analisa ekonomi dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan Discounted Cash Flow yang terdiri dari perhitungan biaya produksi dan aliran kas/kinerja keuangan yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: IRR = 40,05 % pertahun Pay Back Periode = 3,23 tahun dan BEP = 46,8 % Ditinjau dari uraian di atas, dapat disimpulkan secara teknis dan ekonomis, bahwa pra desain pabrik “Floating LNG” ini layak untuk didirikan


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    Initial characterization, the MIC, Fe uptake and detection of siderophores, of the resistance K.pneumoniae mutants against BRL41897A (KSL mutants) showed that there were differences amongs them. Therefore it was necessary to observe the OMP and IROMP proteins of the mutants especially which had different MIC’s to the WT galur (M10). Results from SDS-PAGE analysis showed that KSL19 produced 49kDa protein weakly and similar result was found in the 22 kDa protein production by KSL38, KSL52, KSL58 and KSL59. Using Fe-CAA media -media lack of Fe - showed that 3 mutants synthesized certain protein weaker than M10 galur, KSL19 in the production of the 88 kDa protein, KSL38 and KSL59 at the 80 kDa protein. We also observed that KSL19 synthesized new 88 kDa protein. This result showed that certain mutant which had decreased production of one protein could stimulate another weak protein.Key words: SDS-PAGE – IROMP – K.pneumoniae mutants – BRL 41897A.
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