330 research outputs found

    Secondary user relations in emerging mobile computing environments

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    Mobile technologies are enabling access to information in diverse environ.ments, and are exposing a wider group of individuals to said technology. Therefore, this paper proposes that a wider view of user relations than is usually considered in information systems research is required. Specifically, we examine the potential effects of emerging mobile technologies on end-­‐user relations with a focus on the ‘secondary user’, those who are not intended to interact directly with the technology but are intended consumers of the technology’s output. For illustration, we draw on a study of a U.K. regional Fire and Rescue Service and deconstruct mobile technology use at Fire Service incidents. Our findings provide insights, which suggest that, because of the nature of mobile technologies and their context of use, secondary user relations in such emerging mobile environments are important and need further exploration

    Санитарно-эпидемиологическая экспертиза импортной пищевой продукции и продовольственного сырья как составляющая профилактического направления транспортной медицины

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    Санітарно епідеміологічна експертиза імпортної харчової продукції й продовольчої сировини (далі експертиза) є одним з пріоритетних напрямів діяльності транспортних підрозділів санепідслужби. Здійснюючи функцію по контролю, виявленню та попередженню впливу небезпечних факторів, пов’язаних з перевезенням вантажів, вона є однією зі складових частин профілактичного напряму транспортної медицини. Експертиза імпортованої продукції харчового призначення нерозривно пов’язана та базується на загальних принципах всієї державної політики у сфері безпеки харчової продукції та продовольчої сировини. Основою для проведення усього комплексу робіт санітарно епідеміологічного направлення є нормативна база, яка була сформована в нашій країні кілька десятиліть назад. Механізм визначення безпеки продукції та ті критерії оцінки, які були закладені в її основі, вимагають перегляду у відповідності з вимогами сьогодення та враховуючи розвиток міжнародних відносин. Зроблені деякі кроки у цьому напрямку. Наприклад, визначення експертизи у законі «Про внесення змін до закону України «Про якість та безпеку харчових продуктів та продовольчої сировини» поряд зі встановленням відповідності продукції нормативним вимогам передбачає оцінку ризику дії шкідливих факторів у процесі обігу харчових продуктів, що відповідає сучас ним вимогам до вирішення задач профілактичного напрямку, запобігання шкідливого впливу факторів, керування санітарно-епідеміологічною ситуацією взагалі та на етапі транспортування харчових грузів зокрема. Такий підхід потрібно враховувати при подальшому необхідному перегляді та формуванні нової нормативної бази.Sanіtarу epidemiological examination of imported foodstuffs and edible raw materials (then «examination») is one of the priority directions of transport sanіtarу epidemiological servise. Examination controls, discovers and prevents an influence of dangerous factors while in transportation of loads. So it’s one of the component of the transport medicine preventive activity. Examination of import foodstuffs and edible raw materials inseparably linked with and based on general principles of the food safety state policy. The foundation of the sanitary service work is the normative base, that was formed in our country about twenty years ago. It is necessary to review the mechanism of the food safety determination and its criteria in accordance with requirements of present day time and with account of the development of the international relations. One of taken steps in this direction is a characteristic of examination in law «About contributing the modification to law of the Ukraine «About quality and safety of foodstuffs and foodraw materials» where along with determination of the products correspondence to the normative requirements is provided forrisk assessment of the harmful factors in process of the turn of the food stuffs. Such approach corresponds with modern requests to decision of the prophylactic problems, prevention bad influence dangerous factors, management sanіtarу epidemiological situation in general and in step of transportation food cargo in particular. And it should be taken into account during the further necessary process of revision and forming the new normative base

    Formalizing (web) standards: an application of test and proof

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    Most popular technologies are based on informal or semiformal standards that lack a rigid formal semantics. Typical examples include web technologies such as the DOM or HTML, which are defined by the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). While there might be API specifications and test cases meant to assert the compliance of a certain implementation, the actual standard is rarely accompanied by a formal model that would lend itself for, e.g., verifying the security or safety properties of real systems. Even when such a formalization of a standard exists, two important questions arise: first, to what extend does the formal model comply to the standard and, second, to what extend does the implementation comply to the formal model and the assumptions made during the verification? In this paper, we present an approach that brings all three involved artifacts - the (semi-)formal standard, the formalization of the standard, and the implementations - closer together by combining verification, symbolic execution, and specification based testing

    Real-time detection of TDP1 activity using a fluorophore-quencher coupled DNA-biosensor

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    Real-time detection of enzyme activities may present the easiest and most reliable way of obtaining quantitative analyses in biological samples. We present a new DNA-biosensor capable of detecting the activity of the potential anticancer drug target tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP1) in a very simple, high throughput, and real-time format. The biosensor is specific for Tdp1 even in complex biological samples, such as human cell extracts, and may consequently find future use in fundamental studies as well as a cancer predictive tool allowing fast analyses of diagnostic cell samples such as biopsies. TDP1 removes covalent 3'DNA adducts in DNA single-strand break repair. This enzymatic activity forms the basis of the design of the TDP1-biosensor, which consists of a short hairpin-forming oligonucleotide having a 5'fluorophore and a 3'quencher brought in close proximity by the secondary structure of the biosensor. The specific action of TDP1 removes the quencher, thereby enabling optical detection of the fluorophore. Since the enzymatic action of TDP1 is the only "signal amplification" the increase in fluorescence may easily be followed in real-time and allows quantitative analyses of TDP1 activity in pure enzyme fractions as well as in crude cell extracts. In the present study we demonstrate the specificity of the biosensor, its ability to quantitatively detect up- or down-regulated TDP1 activity, and that it may be used for measuring and for analyzing the mechanism of TDP1 inhibition

    Sea ice breakup and marine melt of a retreating tidewater outlet glacier in northeast Greenland (81°N)

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    Rising temperatures in the Arctic cause accelerated mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet and reduced sea ice cover. Tidewater outlet glaciers represent direct connections between glaciers and the ocean where melt rates at the ice-ocean interface are influenced by ocean temperature and circulation. However, few measurements exist near outlet glaciers from the northern coast towards the Arctic Ocean that has remained nearly permanently ice covered. Here we present hydrographic measurements along the terminus of a major retreating tidewater outlet glacier from Flade Isblink Ice Cap. We show that the region is characterized by a relatively large change of the seasonal freshwater content, corresponding to ~2 m of freshwater, and that solar heating during the short open water period results in surface layer temperatures above 1 °C. Observations of temperature and salinity supported that the outlet glacier is a floating ice shelf with near-glacial subsurface temperatures at the freezing point. Melting from the surface layer significantly influenced the ice foot morphology of the glacier terminus. Hence, melting of the tidewater outlet glacier was found to be critically dependent on the retreat of sea ice adjacent to the terminus and the duration of open water

    Gene Expression of ANP, BNP and ET-1 in the Heart of Rats during Pulmonary Embolism

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    Aims: Atrial natriuretic petide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) may reflect the severity of right ventricular dysfunction (RVD) in patients with pulmonary embolism (PE). The exact nature and source of BNP, ANP and ET-1 expression and secretion following PE has not previously been studied. Methods and Results: Polystyrene microparticles were injected to induce PE in rats. Gene expression of BNP, ANP and ET-1 were determined in the 4 cardiac chambers by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (QPCR). Plasma levels of ANP, BNP, ET-1 and cardiac troponin I (TNI) were measured in plasma. PE dose-dependently increased gene expression of ANP and BNP in the right ventricle (RV) and increased gene expression of ANP in the right atrium (RA). In contrast PE dosedependently decreased BNP gene expression in both the left ventricle (LV) and the left atrium (LA). Plasma levels of BNP, TNI and ET-1 levels dose-dependently increased with the degree of PE. Conclusion: We found a close correlation between PE degree and gene-expression of ANP, and BNP in the cardiac chambers with a selective increase in the right chambers of the heart. The present data supports the idea of natriuretic peptides a

    PCR diagnostics and monitoring of adenoviral infections in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients

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    After stem cell transplantation, human patients are prone to life-threatening opportunistic infections with a plethora of microorganisms. We report a retrospective study on 116 patients (98 children, 18 adults) who were transplanted in a pediatric bone marrow transplantation unit. Blood, urine and stool samples were collected and monitored for adenovirus (AdV) DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real-time PCR (RT-PCR) on a regular basis. AdV DNA was detected in 52 (44.8%) patients, with mortality reaching 19% in this subgroup. Variables associated with adenovirus infection were transplantations from matched unrelated donors and older age of the recipient. An increased seasonal occurrence of adenoviral infections was observed in autumn and winter. Analysis of immune reconstitution showed a higher incidence of AdV infections during periods of low T-lymphocyte count. This study also showed a strong interaction between co-infections of AdV and BK polyomavirus in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantations

    A Dual Fluorescence–Spin Label Probe for Visualization and Quantification of Target Molecules in Tissue by Multiplexed FLIM–EPR Spectroscopy

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    Simultaneous visualization and concentration quantification of molecules in biological tissue is an important though challenging goal. The advantages of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) for visualization, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for quantification are complementary. Their combination in a multiplexed approach promises a successful but ambitious strategy because of spin label-mediated fluorescence quenching. Here, we solved this problem and present the molecular design of a dual label (DL) compound comprising a highly fluorescent dye together with an EPR spin probe, which also renders the fluorescence lifetime to be concentration sensitive. The DL can easily be coupled to the biomolecule of choice, enabling in vivo and in vitro applications. This novel approach paves the way for elegant studies ranging from fundamental biological investigations to preclinical drug research, as shown in proof-of-principle penetration experiments in human skin ex vivo