160 research outputs found

    Calibrating mars orbiter laser altimeter pulse widths at mars science laboratory candidate landing sites

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    Accurate estimates of surface roughness allow quantitative comparisons between planetary terrains. These comparisons enable us to improve our understanding of commonly occurring surface processes, and develop a more complete analysis of candidate landing and roving sites. A (secondary) science goal of the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter was to map surface roughness within the laser footprint using the backscatter pulse-widths of individual pulses, at finer scales than can be derived from the elevation profiles. On arrival at the surface, these pulses are thought to have diverged to between 70 and 170 m, corresponding to surface roughness estimates at 35 and 70 m baselines respectively; however, the true baseline and relationship remains unknown. This work compares the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter pulse-widths to surface roughness estimates at various baselines from high-resolution digital terrain models at the final four candidate landing sites of Mars Science Laboratory. The objective was to determine the true baseline at which surface roughness can be estimated, and the relationship between surface roughness and the pulse-widths, to improve the reliability of current global surface roughness estimates from pulse-width maps. The results seem to indicate that pulse-widths from individual shots are an unreliable indicator of surface roughness, and instead, the pulse-widths should be downsampled to indicate regional roughness, with the Slope-Corrected pulse-width dataset performing best. Where Rough Patches are spatially large compared to the footprint of the pulse, pulse-widths can be used as an indicator of surface roughness at baselines of 150 to 300 m; where these patches are spatially small, as observed at Mawrth Vallis, pulse-widths show no correlation to surface roughness. This suggests that a more complex relationship exists, with varying correlations observed, which appear dependent on the distribution of roughness across the sites

    Global surface slopes and roughness of the Moon from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter

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    The acquisition of new global elevation data from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter, carried on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, permits quantification of the surface roughness properties of the Moon at unprecedented scales and resolution. We map lunar surface roughness using a range of parameters: median absolute slope, both directional (along-track) and bidirectional (in two dimensions); median differential slope; and Hurst exponent, over baselines ranging from ~17 m to ~2.7 km. We find that the lunar highlands and the mare plains show vastly different roughness properties, with subtler variations within mare and highlands. Most of the surface exhibits fractal-like behavior, with a single or two different Hurst exponents over the given baseline range; when a transition exists, it typically occurs near the 1 km baseline, indicating a significant characteristic spatial scale for competing surface processes. The Hurst exponent is high within the lunar highlands, with a median value of 0.95, and lower in the maria (with a median value of 0.76). The median differential slope is a powerful tool for discriminating between roughness units and is useful in characterizing, among other things, the ejecta surrounding large basins, particularly Orientale, as well as the ray systems surrounding young, Copernican-age craters. In addition, it allows a quantitative exploration on mare surfaces of the evolution of surface roughness with age

    Cloud Formation and Water Transport on Mars after Major Outflow Events

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    The triggering of a robust water cycle on Mars might have been caused by the gigantic flooding events evidenced by outflow channels. We use the Ames Mars General Circulation Model (MGCM) to test this hypothesis, studying how these presumably abrupt eruptions of water might have affected the climate of Mars in the past. We model where the water ultimately went as part of a transient atmospheric water cycle, to answer questions including: (1) Can sudden introductions of large amounts of water on the Martian surface lead to a new equilibrated water cycle? (2) What are the roles of water vapor and water ice clouds to sudden changes in the water cycle on Mars? (3) How are radiative feedbacks involved with this? (4) What is the ultimate fate of the outflow water? (5) Can we tie certain geological features to outflow water redistributed by the atmosphere

    Megafans as Hydrous Environments

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    The mesoscale sedimentary environment known as the megafan, is a low-angle, partial cone of fluvial sediment generated where a river enters an unconfined basin where it begins the process of avulsing over wide areas. In shifting to different positions, the river lays down a partial cone of sediment and establishes a characteristic radial pattern of paleo courses. The apparent paucity of sedimentary bodies obviously tied to martian outflow channels may also relate to the difficulty of recognition due to their sheer size and featurelessness. However, the existence of megafans on Mars is being examined now that their ubiquity and characteristics on Earth are better understood. Accordingly we suggest two likely candidates on Mars: Maja Valles fluvial cone and Amazonis Planitia fluvial sedimentary bodies. Two cryptic examples from Amazonis Planitia may be important for understanding subsurface hydrous accumulation. For at least some of its history, discharges from Mangala Valles likely resulted in megafans. Distances from the end of Mangala Valles to the northern (low) margin of the planitia are very large, a fact that has suggested that fluvial emplacement was unlikely. However, the megafan model shows that long megafan radii are indeed feasible. It has been suggested further that discharge from Labou Vallis (8.5S 154.5W) must have led to fluvial sedimentation in the planitia. We suggest that during locally non-lacustrine/ocean phases, this sedimentation would have occurred in the form of megafans. However, the megafan model shows that long megafan radii are indeed feasible. It has been suggested further that discharge from Labou Vallis (8.5S 154.5W) must have led to fluvial sedimentation in the planitia. We suggest that during locally non-lacustrine/ocean phases, this sedimentation would have occurred in the form of megafans. Megafans emanating from Marte, Mangala and Labou valles have probably contributed to hydrous near-subsurface environments--in their distal reaches, i.e. along the northern, eastern and southeastern margins of Amazonis Planitia at various times. Following a new terrestrial analog, we conclude groundwater has at times accumulated preferentially beneath distal slopes of the Maja Valles feature, and along the northern, eastern and southeastern margins of Amazonis Planitia

    Our evolving understanding of aeolian bedforms, based on observation of dunes on different worlds

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    Dunes, dune fields, and ripples are unique and useful records of the interaction between wind and granular materials – finding such features on a planetary surface immediately suggests certain information about climate and surface conditions (at least during the dunes’ formation and evolution). Additionally, studies of dune characteristics under non-Earth conditions allow for “tests” of aeolian process models based primarily on observations of terrestrial features and dynamics, and refinement of the models to include consideration of a wider range of environmental and planetary conditions. To-date, the planetary aeolian community has found and studied dune fields on Mars, Venus, and the Saturnian moon Titan. Additionally, we have observed candidate “aeolian bedforms” on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the Jovian moon Io, and – most recently – Pluto. In this paper, we hypothesize that the progression of investigations of aeolian bedforms and processes on a particular planetary body follows a consistent sequence – primarily set by the acquisition of data of particular types and resolutions, and by the maturation of knowledge about that planetary body. We define that sequence of generated knowledge and new questions (within seven investigation phases) and discuss examples from all of the studied bodies. The aim of such a sequence is to better define our past and current state of understanding about the aeolian bedforms of a particular body, to highlight the related assumptions that require re-analysis with data acquired during later investigations, and to use lessons learned from planetary and terrestrial aeolian studies to predict what types of investigations could be most fruitful in the future

    Boulders on Mercury

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    Boulders on the surfaces of planets, satellites and small bodies, as well as their geological associations, provide important information about surface processes. We analyzed all available images of the surface of Mercury that have sufficient resolution and quality to detect boulders, and we mapped all the boulders observed. The lower size limit of detectable boulders was ~5 m. All boulders found on Mercury are associated with fresh impact craters hundreds of meters in diameter or larger. We compared boulder population on Mercury with population of boulders of the same size on the Moon, and found that boulders on Mercury are ~30 times less abundant than in the lunar highlands. This exact quantitative estimate is inherently inaccurate due to the limitation in the source data; however, the significant relative rarity of boulders on Mercury can be firmly and reliably established. We discuss possible causes of the observed difference. Higher thermal stresses and more rapid material fatigue due to diurnal temperature cycling on Mercury may cause rapid disintegration of the upper decimeters of the boulder surface and thus contribute to more rapid boulder obliteration; however, these factors alone cannot account for the observed difference. A proposed thicker regolith on Mercury is likely to significantly reduce boulder production rate. A higher micrometeoritic flux on Mercury is likely to result in micrometeoritic abrasion being a dominant contributor to boulder degradation; this high abrasion rate likely shortens the boulder lifetime. A combination of these factors appears to be able to account for the relative rarity of boulders on Mercury. © 2021 Elsevier Inc.We are grateful to P. Senthil Kumar and an anonymous reviewer for their positive and helpful reviews. We appreciate useful discussions with Larissa Starukhina. This paper is partly based upon work supported by NASA under award number 80NSSC17K0217 to MK. JWH acknowledges support from the NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Mission, Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Experiment Team, for the study of lunar slopes and bedrock exposures, under NASA Grant 80NSSC19K0605 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Goddard . MG acknowledges the Academy of Finland project no. 325806 (PlanetS) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research project no. 19-05-00028

    Model Age Derivation of Large Martian Impact Craters, Using Automatic Crater Counting Methods

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    Determining when an impact crater formed is a complex and tedious task. However, this knowledge is crucial to understanding the geological history of planetary bodies and, more specifically, gives information on erosion rate measurements, meteorite ejection location, impact flux evolution and the loss of a magnetic field. The derivation of an individual crater's age is currently performed through manual counting. Because crater size scales as a power law, this method is limited to small (and/or young) surface areas and, in the case of the derivation of crater emplacement age, to a small set of impact craters. Here, we used a Crater Detection Algorithm, specifically retrained to detect small impact craters on large‐ and high‐resolution imagery data set to solve this issue. We applied it to a global, 5 m/pixel resolution mosaic of Mars. Here, we test the use of this data set to date 10 large impact craters. We developed a cluster analysis tool in order to distinguish potential secondary crater clusters from the primary crater population. We then use this, filtered, crater population to date each large impact crater and evaluate our results against literature ages. We found that automated counting filtered through clustering analysis produced similar model ages to manual counts. This technique can now be expanded to much wider crater dating surveys, and by extension to any other kind of Martian surface. We anticipate that this new tool will considerably expand our knowledge of the geological events that have shaped the surface of Mars, their timing and duration

    Notch signaling during human T cell development

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    Notch signaling is critical during multiple stages of T cell development in both mouse and human. Evidence has emerged in recent years that this pathway might regulate T-lineage differentiation differently between both species. Here, we review our current understanding of how Notch signaling is activated and used during human T cell development. First, we set the stage by describing the developmental steps that make up human T cell development before describing the expression profiles of Notch receptors, ligands, and target genes during this process. To delineate stage-specific roles for Notch signaling during human T cell development, we subsequently try to interpret the functional Notch studies that have been performed in light of these expression profiles and compare this to its suggested role in the mouse

    Possible climate-related signals in high-resolution topography of lobate debris aprons in Tempe Terra, Mars

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    Lobate debris aprons are common features in the midlatitudes of Mars that are assumed to be the result of the flow of ice-rich material. We produce high-resolution digital elevation models of two of these features in the Tempe Terra region of Mars using HiRISE stereo images. We identify two main topographic features of different wavelength using a power spectrum analysis approach. Short wavelength features, between approximately 10 and 20 m in length, correspond to a polygonal surface texture present throughout our study area. Long wavelength features, between approximately 700 and 1800 m in length, correspond to broad ridges that are up to 20 m in amplitude. We interpret both topographic signals to be the likely result of climate change affecting the debris contribution and/or the flow regime of the lobate debris aprons. The apparent surface age of about 300 Ma could be evidence of an astronomical forcing mechanism recorded in these lobate debris aprons at this time in Mars' history. Citation: Grindrod, P. M., and S. A. Fawcett (2011), Possible climate-related signals in high-resolution topography of lobate debris aprons in Tempe Terra, Mars, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L19201, doi: 10.1029/2011GL049295

    Water induced sediment levitation enhances downslope transport on Mars

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    On Mars, locally warm surface temperatures (~293 K) occur, leading to the possibility of (transient) liquid water on the surface. However, water exposed to the martian atmosphere will boil, and the sediment transport capacity of such unstable water is not well understood. Here, we present laboratory studies of a newly recognized transport mechanism: “levitation” of saturated sediment bodies on a cushion of vapor released by boiling. Sediment transport where this mechanism is active is about nine times greater than without this effect, reducing the amount of water required to transport comparable sediment volumes by nearly an order of magnitude. Our calculations show that the effect of levitation could persist up to ~48 times longer under reduced martian gravity. Sediment levitation must therefore be considered when evaluating the formation of recent and present-day martian mass wasting features, as much less water may be required to form such features than previously thought