218 research outputs found

    Cochlear Implantation aus Sicht der Gehörlosengemeinschaft

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    Die Arbeit widmete sich der Identifikation von Diskursen innerhalb der Gehörlosengemeinschaft und deren Bezugnahme auf Bildungsaspekte und Bildungsprozesse. Aktuelle Fachpublikationen wurden durch die wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse nach Keller in Kombination mit einzelnen Elementen der Grounded Theory Methodologie nach Strauss und Corbin einer Analyse unterzogen. Als Ergebnisse der Analyse konnten Diskurse über Gehörlosigkeit, Normalität, Sprache, Zwang und Autonomie, Risiken und Möglichkeiten von Cochlear Implantationen, die Förderung und Bildung von Cochlear Implantat Trägern und Trägerinnen, und über Gebärdensprachen und die Gehörlosengemeinschaft ermittelt werden. All diese Diskurse wiesen starke Bezugspunkte zu Bildungsaspekten und Bildungsprozessen auf und ließen den Schluss zu, dass die Perspektiven der Gehörlosengemeinschaft weltweit sich nicht auf die Ablehnung oder Befürwortung von Cochlear Implantationen reduzieren lassen. Förderung und Bildung von gehörlosen Kindern mit und ohne Cochlear Implantat, die Anerkennung der Gebärdensprache allgemein als auch im Förderungs- und Bildungskontext, und die Akzeptanz von Gehörlosigkeit als Merkmal der menschlichen Vielfalt traten in den Diskursen über Cochlear Implantationen dominant in den Vordergrund. Schlussendlich musste festgestellt werden, dass ein grundlegender Mangel an Akzeptanz für die jeweils konträre Perspektive der anderen Akteure und Akteurinnen im Diskurs über Cochlear Implantationen vorherrschte, welche sich nicht in der Ablehnung oder Befürwortung jener Technologie erschöpfte, sondern sich bereits in Diskursen über Normalität und Sprache aufzeigte.This thesis centers on the usage of cochlear implants and the opinions of culturally Deaf people connected with this technology. The explicit focus of this thesis was the identification of connections to all possible facts about learning und education within the discourses about cochlear implants and the international Deaf community. Discourse analysis was used to reconstruct existing discourses on cochlear implantation within the Deaf Community. Basis for the analysis were current publications which were seen as discourse fragments. Twenty publications were chosen to be part of the analysis corpus. Those were produced by members of the international Deaf community, or showed strong links to the Deaf Community and their struggle for linguistic and cultural rights, and recognition as linguistic minority. The analysis results showed that facts and views of different speakers about learning and education made up the biggest part of the discourses about the topic, but even nowadays there were a lot of conflicts about cochlear implants and language in support and tutoring of deaf/Deaf children

    It pays to be nice, but not really nice: Asymmetric evaluations of prosociality across seven cultures.

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    Cultures differ in many important ways, but one trait appears to be universally valued: prosociality. For one’s reputation, around the world, it pays to be nice to others. However, recent research with American participants finds that evaluations of prosocial actions are asymmetric—relatively selfish actions are evaluated according to the magnitude of selfishness but evaluations of relatively generous actions are less sensitive to magnitude. Extremely generous actions are judged roughly as positively as modestly generous actions, but extremely selfish actions are judged much more negatively than modestly selfish actions (Klein & Epley, 2014). Here we test whether this asymmetry in evaluations of prosociality is culture-specific. Across 7 countries, 1,240 participants evaluated actors giving various amounts of money to a stranger. Along with relatively minor cross-cultural differences in evaluations of generous actions, we find cross-cultural similarities in the asymmetry in evaluations of prosociality. We discuss implications for how reputational inferences can enable the cooperation necessary for successful societies

    Climate Ready Great Lakes Cities

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    Rising out of the strategic alliance between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative (GLSLCI), the motivating goal of this 13- month project was to create a more resilient Great Lakes region by fostering climate adaptation planning. NOAA and GLSLCI recognize that municipalities across the Great Lakes Region will suffer economic, structural, health, and other impacts under a changing climate, and will need to engage in adaptation planning in order to mitigate and minimize these losses. The problem this project seeks to address is to surmount challenges in building adaptive capacity in a governance environment that is multi-level, crossjurisdictional and resource-limited. Our team focused on showcasing the ongoing efforts of Great Lakes cities to move the region towards a more resilient future, and our deliverables were designed to fill critical information gaps that may hinder robust action. We provided a suite of multimedia decision support tools that: 1) Support city officials’ efforts to increase Great Lakes-specific climate literacy within their municipalities 2) Disseminate descriptive climate adaptation “best practices” among Great Lakes municipal officialsMaster of ScienceNatural Resources and EnvironmentUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111046/1/Climate_read_Great_Lakes_2015.pd

    Influence of Substitutions in the Binding Motif of Proline-Rich Antimicrobial Peptide ARV-1502 on 70S Ribosome Binding and Antimicrobial Activity

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    Proline-rich antimicrobial peptides (PrAMPs) are promising candidates to treat bacterial infections. The designer peptide ARV-1502 exhibits strong antimicrobial effects against Enterobacteriaceae both in vitro and in vivo. Since the inhibitory effects of ARV-1502 reported for the 70 kDa heat-shock protein DnaK do not fully explain the antimicrobial activity of its 176 substituted analogs, we further studied their effect on the bacterial 70S ribosome of Escherichia coli, a known target of PrAMPs. ARV-1502 analogues, substituted in positions 3, 4, and 8 to 12 (underlined) of the binding motif D3KPRPYLPRP12 with aspartic acid, lysine, serine, phenylalanine or leucine, were tested in a competitive fluorescence polarization (FP) binding screening assay using 5(6)-carboxyfluoresceinlabeled (Cf-) ARV-1502 and the 70S ribosome isolated from E. coli BW25113. While their effect on ribosomal protein expression was studied for green fluorescent protein (GFP) in a cell-free expression system (in vitro translation), the importance of known PrAMP transporters SbmA and MdtM was investigated using E. coli BW25113 and the corresponding knockout mutants. The dissociation constant (Kd) of 201 16 nmol/L obtained for Cf-ARV-1502 suggests strong binding to the E. coli 70S ribosome. An inhibitory binding assay indicated that the binding site overlaps with those of other PrAMPs including Onc112 and pyrrhocoricin as well as the non-peptidic antibiotics erythromycin and chloramphenicol. All these drugs and drug candidates bind to the exit-tunnel of the 70S ribosome. Substitutions of the C-terminal fragment of the binding motif YLPRP reduced binding. At the same time, inhibition of GFP expression increased with net peptide charge. Interestingly, the MIC values of wild-type and DsbmA and DmdtM knockout mutants indicated that substitutions in the ribosomal binding motif altered also the bacterial uptake, which was generally improved by incorporation of hydrophobic residues. In conclusion, most substituted ARV-1502 analogs bound weaker to the 70S ribosome than ARV-1502 underlining the importance of the YLPRP binding motif. The weaker ribosomal binding correlated well with decreased antimicrobial activity in vitro. Substituted ARV-1502 analogs with a higher level of hydrophobicity or positive net charge improved the ribosome binding, inhibition of translation, and bacterial uptake

    Digital Transformation: An Overview of the Current State of the Art of Research

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    The increasing digitalization of economies has highlighted the importance of digital transformation and how it can help businesses stay competitive in the market. However, disruptive changes not only occur at the company level; they also have environmental, societal, and institutional implications. This is the reason why during the past two decades the research on digital transformation has received growing attention, with a wide range of topics investigated in the literature. The following aims to provide insight regarding the current state of the literature on digital transformation (DT) by conducting a systematic literature review. An analysis of co-occurrence using the software VOSviewer was conducted to graphically visualize the literature’s node network. Approached this way, the systematic literature review displays major research avenues of digital transformation that consider technology as the main driver of these changes. This paper qualitatively classifies the literature on digital business transformation into three different clusters based on technological, business, and societal impacts. Several research gaps identified in the literature on DT are proposed as futures lines of research which could provide useful insights to the government and private sectors in order to adapt to the disruptive changes found in business as a result of this phenomenon, as well as to reduce its negative impacts on society and the environment

    Digital transformation in business and management research: An overview of the current status quo

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    It is no surprise that research on digital transformation (DT) has raised vast interest among academics in recent decades. Countries, cities, industries, companies, and people all face the same challenge of adapting to a digital world. The aim of the paper is twofold. First, map the thematic evolution of the DT research in the areas of business and management, because existing research in these areas to date has been limited to certain domains. To achieve this, articles were identified and reviewed that were published in the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ (ABS) ≥ 2-star journals. Based on these findings, the second objective of this paper will be to propose a synergistic framework that relates existing research on DT to the areas of business and management, which will help form the evolutionary perspective taken in this paper. Considering the emerging development of the topic under investigation, the framework is understood as a sound basis for continued discussion and forthcoming research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consideration of sex/gender in publications of quantitative health-related research: Development and application of an assessment matrix

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    During the last years the need to integrate sex and gender in health-related research for better and fairer science became increasingly apparent. Various guidelines and checklists were developed to encourage and support researchers in considering the entangled dimensions of sex/gender in their research. However, a tool for the assessment of sex/gender consideration and its visualization is still missing. We aim to fill this gap by introducing an assessment matrix that can be used as a flexible instrument for comprehensively evaluating the sex/gender consideration in quantitative health-related research. The matrix was developed through an iterative and open process based on the interdisciplinary expertise represented in our research team and currently published guidelines. The final matrix consists of 14 different items covering the whole research process and the publication of results. Additionally, we introduced a method to graphically display this evaluation. By developing the matrix, we aim to provide users with a tool to systematically compare sex/gender consideration qualitatively between different publications and even different fields of study. This way, the assessment matrix represents a tool to identify research gaps and a basis for future research. In the long term, the implementation of this tool to evaluate the consideration of sex/gender should contribute to more sex/gender equitable health-related research.Peer Reviewe

    Investigating the association between occupational exposure to asbestos and ovarian carcinoma: results from a pilot study in Germany

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    Background The aim of this pilot study was to assess the feasibility of a large-scale epidemiologic investigation elucidating the quantitative association between occupational exposure to asbestos and ovarian cancer in former German asbestos workers. Methods Between December 2017 and May 2018, a random sample of one thousand insured woman registered at the health service of a German trade association as formerly occupationally exposed to asbestos were invited to participate in a pilot study. Participation included a phone interview using a standardised questionnaire. The feasibility of the project was evaluated using a priori defined criteria. They included response, number of cases, eligibility of the questionnaire data for exact estimation of asbestos fibre-years, and availability of relevant medical documentation (imaging procedures, medical reports, and histologic materials). Results The response (17%) was clearly below the intended number of 60%. With six tumour suspects, of which two could be confirmed by medical documents, the number of cases was within the expected range of two to eleven cases. Exact asbestos fibre-year estimations could be performed for 29% of all interviewees, but only for one suspected case. Medical documentation could be collected for only few participants, while no histology reports could be obtained for all cases. Thus, only the feasibility criterion of the expected number of cases was fulfilled. Conclusion The results of the pilot study indicate that the planned project is feasible only to a very limited extent. For further planning of the study, measures to improve recruitment of participants are necessary
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