75 research outputs found

    Profile of toll-like receptor mRNA expression in the choroid plexus in adult ewes

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    The blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB) located in the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus (CP) forms the interface between the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and pathogen components circulating in the blood. The CP is also implicated in the passage of peripheral immune signals and circulation of immune cells into the central nervous system. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are patternrecognition receptors that play a crucial role in the recognition of pathogens and triggering of the innate immune response. In sheep, ten members of the TLR family have been identified and cloned. We used real-time PCR analyses to examine the profiles of TLR mRNA expression in the CP of cerebral ventricles in healthy adult ewes. The transcripts for all ten TLRs except TLR8 were present; however, we observed a high variation in the degree of expression of the TLR5 and TLR1 genes (coefficient of variation: 61% and 46%, respectively) as well as a moderate variation in the expression of the TLR4 (34%), TLR2 (27%) and TLR6 (26%) genes. The TLR9, TLR7, TLR3 and TLR10 genes were the four receptors with relatively invariable expression levels (coefficient of variation: 7%, 8%, 16% and 17%, respectively) across the six adult ewes. The concentration of cortisol in blood collected prior to sacrificing the ewes ranged from 0.18 to 78.9 ng/ml. There was no correlation between cortisol concentration and mRNA expression of any of the examined TLRs. These data suggest that the CP has the potential to sense the presence of many bacterial and viral components and mediate responses for the elimination of invading microorganisms, thereby protecting the brain

    Wsparcie społeczne jako element instytucjonalnej pomocy rodzinie z osobą zależną

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperThe family is the basic social group among all historically known types of societies and cultures. The institutional nature of the family is that it is not just a collection of individuals with their features but above all a team of related people. Health of the family is not the sum of ontogenetic health of its members, but the state achievable through a dynamic process in which behavior and health condition of a family member are not without impact on the health and functioning, and the functioning of the rest of the family. A healthy family is characterized by the capability to persevere and functioning, despite the changes taking place within it and outside it – is not only able to fulfi ll the function present, but also to prepare for the future (resources, culture, health, relationships between members of the ruling family, the ability and opportunity to procreation, care and welfare, and education of the new generations). The basic elements of family health assessment factors associated with somatic and mental health of family members, socio-economic factors, social and cultural environment and its dynamics. Disorganized family is not able to provide proper care for a sick person. This should stimulate various institutional measures. It is the social support. J. Melibruda highlighting the essence of the adequacy of support reports that „helping a man is one of the commonly accepted values. To help another human being that is, above all, for his sake do what you really need”. These actions should lead to the use all elements ranging from health care, the financial activities (various types of incentives and subsidies), to the use of specialized instruments closely within the broader social policy

    Problemy seksualne ludzi otyłych w życiu społecznym – marginalizacja i fascynacja

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperOtyłość jest chorobą, z którą boryka się coraz większy odsetek populacji współczesnego świata. Dotyczy to zarówno kobiet, jak i mężczyzn. Otyłość ma negatywne konsekwencje dla różnych aspektów jakości życia, zwłaszcza wśród osób z otyłością olbrzymią. Osoby otyłe mają bowiem wiele fizycznych i psychicznych ograniczeń do pokonania, dlatego otyłość wiąże się z gorszą jakością życia – zależną od zdrowia oraz z gorszym dobrostanem psychicznym. Psychiczna potrzeba kontaktów seksualnych i fizyczna możliwość ich spełnienia dają natomiast podstawy do budowania poczucia wartości, godności i oceny samego siebie w roli partnera życiowego i seksualnego. Ludzie otyli w przeważającej większości z powodu kompleksów mają zaniżoną samoocenę, a tym samym utrudniony dostęp do inicjowania kontaktów intymnych. Dlatego celem psychologicznego leczenia otyłości jest wzmacnianie poczucia własnej wartości, kształtowanie siły woli oraz odporności na stres i doskonalenie umiejętności radzenia sobie z negatywnymi emocjami.Obesity is a disease which is facing a growing proportion of the population of the modern world. This applies to both women and men. Obesity causes a negative impact on various aspects of quality of life, especially among patients with morbid obesity. Obese people have had great physical and mental limitations to overcome. Therefore, obesity is associated with poorer quality of life depends on the health and welfare of poorer mental health. Psychological need for sexual and physical opportunity to meet them on the other hand provide a basis for building self-esteem, dignity and self-assessment as a partner and sexual life. Obese people in the cause of the vast majority of the complexes have low selfesteem, and thus limited access to initiate male-female relations. Therefore, the purpose of psychological treatment of obesity is to enhance self-esteem, willpower and the development of resistance to stress and coping skills with negative emotions

    Działania środowiskowe i współpraca instytucji na rzecz osób chorujących psychicznie

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperMental and behavioral disorders are common diseases affecting more than 25% of the population. They are as universal as they relate to people from all countries and societies, people of all ages – both women and men, people of varying financial status, living in urban areas or rural areas. Changing the behavior of a suffering persons concern his/her family, then other members of local society, because no one really understand what had happen to her or him. This lack of awareness of the disease often leads to delay in seeking help, thus, these preventable diseases remain undiagnosed and untreated. This promotes social stigmatization associated with the disease, and the sick are the object of stigmatization and discrimination. Th e statistics show that even one in four families has in its midst a person suffering from a mental or behavioral disorders. Picked debunking stereotypes is difficult for people with mental illness for many of the medical, scientific, non-governmental organizations. In a society there is still a belief that these people are dangerous and should be isolated. Family – especially at the beginning of the disease is experiencing a very high stress. It is therefore important a social support, the aim of which is to bring the solution to the problem, to overcome the difficulties, the reorganization of disturbed relations with the environment and emotional support. Environmental measures aimed to help those people should be designed to increase their self-confidence and a sense of their abilities in dealing with other members of their societes; gradually increase their activity and development interests, education, copying skills with experience of mental illness, to provide opportunities to share their experiences and seek solutions and development of basic social skills. Th e more the rise of the greater society a chance to create a climate of understanding, acceptance, a sense of security and integration in local communities the bette

    Ból i cierpienie dziecka krzywdzonego

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    Cierpienie w samotności wśród ludzi - o samotności dziecka we współczesnej rodzinie

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    Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleSamotność to złożone i wielowymiarowe zjawisko, definiowane na różnych płaszczyznach. Samotność może dotyczyć człowieka w każdej fazie jego rozwoju, a w zależności od okresu, w którym się pojawi, przybiera odmienne formy. Zazwyczaj kojarzona jest z negatywnymi doznaniami, takimi jak: smutek, żal, tęsknota, nostalgia czy też gniew, ale również bywa łączona z przyjemnymi odczuciami: uczucie ulgi czy odpoczynek. Nasilone stany osamotnienia są trudne i mogą wpłynąć negatywnie na funkcjonowanie dorosłego człowieka. U ludzi dorosłych samotność bywa wyborem, nie koniecznością. U dziecka samotność ma zawsze wydźwięk negatywny. Współczesne społeczeństwo charakteryzuje się dużym stopniem egoizmu. Efektem tego jest m.in. drastyczny wzrost liczby dzieci przeżywających dotkliwe osamotnienie wśród osób formalnie najbliższych, w rodzinie. Na tym tle pojawia się niedostatek psychicznego kontaktu dzieci z rodzicami. Świadomość powszechności zjawiska osamotnienia dzieci w rodzinach jest przytłaczająca. Do czynników będących przyczyną poczucia samotności u dziecka, można zaliczyć: brak więzi emocjonalnej pomiędzy dzieckiem a rodzicami, autokratyzm w wychowaniu, a także stosowanie nieodpowiednich metod wychowawczych, niewłaściwy system kar i nagród w procesie wychowania. Czynnikiem powodującym poczucie samotności może być choroba lub niepełnosprawność dziecka, dysfunkcyjność rodziny, występowanie w rodzinie zjawisk o charakterze patologicznym, uzależnienia rodziców powodujące wzrost poczucia osamotnienia we wszystkich obszarach funkcjonowania dziecka – głównie w emocjonalnych i społecznych. Różnorodność interakcji i sytuacji, które stwarza życie rodzinne, przyczynia się do subiektywnego poczucia samotności dzieci wśród ludzi

    Umiejętność niesienia profesjonalnej pomocy rodzinom dotkniętym patologią społeczną przez pielęgniarki środowiskowe

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperNurse’s occupation is a tough competition, where the performance of professional tasks often comes to tend to the social problems of others. Since nurses are expected to the highest possible quality of services, but also empathy. Especially aid to people affected by social pathology requires high competence of members of the profession, to the integration of people affected by the pathology society. Receiving effective assistance by the competent public health nurse can act as a buffer that is able to protect a person against some additional consequences of ill health. Preparing nurse in the system of professional education to work in families affected by social pathology should provide knowledge and skills relevant to the care of the functions. Have been analyzed selected aspects of motivation to work, social skills, choice of occupation, educational activities in the legal profession. Th rough a survey of people who work professionally nurse has been obtained about the level of skills of nurses in the implementation of professional tasks

    Serotonin in Neurological Diseases

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    Serotonin (5-HT) is responsible for anxiety, aggression, and stress. Alterations in a serotonergic system play a significant role in pathogenesis of neurological diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders. A wide range of disturbances associated with serotonergic neurotransmission results from different functions of 5-HT in a nervous system. It is believed that 5-HT may be involved in the pathogenesis of migraine, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In these diseases, disturbances of 5-HT and its metabolites, such as 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), were observed in the plasma, blood platelets, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Changes in the level of this biogenic amine (5-HT) may be associated with malfunction of 5-HT receptors, reuptake transporter for 5-HT (5-HTT, SERT), the enzymes responsible for the synthesis and metabolism of 5-HT, and genetic variants for serotonergic system. It seems that 5-HT and its metabolites may be used as a diagnostic and prognostic marker for neurological diseases or a target for more efficient therapy in neurology in the future

    A hidden community: justifying the inclusion of Roma as an ethnic identity in the 2021 Scottish census

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    This article investigates the invisibility of Roma communities within Scottish census ethnic monitoring categories and broader empirical data. Consistent negative stereotyping as well as systematic oppression within social policy, dominant discourses, and data collection processes excludes Roma from participatorycitizenship. This article identifies precise forms of marginality and invisibility within official government data – permeated through social and education policy – that thereby limit the effective targeting of resources to marginalized communities. Specifically, the article argues that omitting Roma as an ethnic category from past data gathering processes limits understanding of the commonalities and differences within and amongScottish communities, rendering entire populations invisible within broader empirical data and therefore restricting both identification of needs and effective resource allocation. Thus, the article presents a timely argument for the inclusion of Roma as an ethnic category in the 2021 Scottish census, while addressingissues within the census approach to data collection – including the impending digitization of the process. Through discussing and advancing the case for the inclusion of Romani communities in the 2021 Scottish Census, the paper also seeks to establish the current social context by chronicling the history of Romanimigration and marginalization within Europe

    Stem cells migration during skeletal muscle regeneration - the role of Sdf-1/Cxcr4 and Sdf-1/ Cxcr7 axis

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    The skeletal muscle regeneration occurs due to the presence of tissue specific stem cells - satellite cells. These cells, localized between sarcolemma and basal lamina, are bound to muscle fibers and remain quiescent until their activation upon muscle injury. Due to pathological conditions, such as extensive injury or dystrophy, skeletal muscle regeneration is diminished. Among the therapies aiming to ameliorate skeletal muscle diseases are transplantations of the stem cells. In our previous studies we showed that Sdf-1 (stromal derived factor ¡1) increased migration of stem cells and their fusion with myoblasts in vitro. Importantly, we identified that Sdf-1 caused an increase in the expression of tetraspanin CD9 - adhesion protein involved in myoblasts fusion. In the current study we aimed to uncover the details of molecular mechanism of Sdf-1 action. We focused at the Sdf-1 receptors - Cxcr4 and Cxcr7, as well as signaling pathways induced by these molecules in primary myoblasts, as well as various stem cells - mesenchymal stem cells and embryonic stem cells, i.e. the cells of different migration and myogenic potential. We showed that Sdf-1 altered actin organization via FAK (focal adhesion kinase), Cdc42 (cell division control protein 42), and Rac-1 (Ras- Related C3 Botulinum Toxin Substrate 1). Moreover, we showed that Sdf-1 modified the transcription profile of genes encoding factors engaged in cells adhesion and migration. As the result, cells such as primary myoblasts or embryonic stem cells, became characterized by more effective migration when transplanted into regenerating muscle