Wsparcie społeczne jako element instytucjonalnej pomocy rodzinie z osobą zależną


Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperThe family is the basic social group among all historically known types of societies and cultures. The institutional nature of the family is that it is not just a collection of individuals with their features but above all a team of related people. Health of the family is not the sum of ontogenetic health of its members, but the state achievable through a dynamic process in which behavior and health condition of a family member are not without impact on the health and functioning, and the functioning of the rest of the family. A healthy family is characterized by the capability to persevere and functioning, despite the changes taking place within it and outside it – is not only able to fulfi ll the function present, but also to prepare for the future (resources, culture, health, relationships between members of the ruling family, the ability and opportunity to procreation, care and welfare, and education of the new generations). The basic elements of family health assessment factors associated with somatic and mental health of family members, socio-economic factors, social and cultural environment and its dynamics. Disorganized family is not able to provide proper care for a sick person. This should stimulate various institutional measures. It is the social support. J. Melibruda highlighting the essence of the adequacy of support reports that „helping a man is one of the commonly accepted values. To help another human being that is, above all, for his sake do what you really need”. These actions should lead to the use all elements ranging from health care, the financial activities (various types of incentives and subsidies), to the use of specialized instruments closely within the broader social policy

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