44 research outputs found

    Women's Cooperatives and their Contribution to the Local Development of the North Aegean Region, Greece

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    In the last twenty years Greece has witnessed the emergence and establishment of women’s cooperatives, a form of productive agricultural cooperatives. This paper explores their importance and their contribution to local development. Evidence is presented for an island region, the North Aegean. Personal interviews, using structured questionnaires, were conducted with the chairwomen of all the region’s cooperatives in order to obtain an insight into their structure and dynamics. According to the findings of this study, women’s cooperatives are characterized by substantial potential on the one hand and by serious drawbacks on the other. The economic performance of the cooperatives is satisfactory, while the use of local resources and ‘know how’ contribute to the development of the region. Interpersonal problems, the inability of the cooperatives’ members to fully understand their new role as businesswomen and the small participation of rural women are the cooperatives’ major problems. The future of the women’s cooperatives is still unclear despite their 20 years of existence.women’s cooperatives, North Aegean, local development, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Exploring the impact of Crohn’s disease on the intragastric environment of fasted adults

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    We explored the potential impact of Crohn’s disease on the intragastric environment of fasted adults with a view to potential effects on intragastric performance of orally administered drugs in the fasted state. Data were collected from 15 healthy individuals and 15 patients with Crohn’s disease. All subjects remained fasted for at least 12h prior to gastroscopy. Intragastric resting volume and pH were measured upon aspiration. Osmolality, surface tension, pepsin activity, and content of six bile acids were measured within 4 months upon sample collection. Unlike intragastric volumes, intragastric osmolality was significantly increased by Crohn’s disease. However, mean osmolality value in patients was only slightly higher than in healthy individuals (293 vs. 257 mOsmol/kg, respectively), therefore, unlikely to affect intragastric drug product performance. Primarily due to the high variability of data in healthy individuals, the potential effects on intragastric pH and surface activity could not be evaluated on a statistical basis. However, based on average (mean and median) values, even if they are statistically significant, it seems unlikely to be of clinical significance. Inter-subject variability of pepsin activity, and total bile acids content was high in both the healthy and the patients’ groups. Statistical investigation of the potential impact of Crohn’s disease on these parameters requires prior designation of the minimum differences to be detected; such differences will determine the minimum sample size required of relevant investigations

    Sodium and potassium intake in healthy adults in Thessaloniki Greater Metropolitan Area—the salt intake in Northern Greece (SING) Study.

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    A reduction in population sodium (as salt) consumption is a global health priority, as well as one of the most cost-effective strategies to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. High potassium intake is also recommended to reduce cardiovascular disease. To establish effective policies for setting targets and monitoring effectiveness within each country, the current level of consumption should be known. Greece lacks data on actual sodium and potassium intake. The aim of the present study was therefore to assess dietary salt (using sodium as biomarker) and potassium intakes in a sample of healthy adults in northern Greece, and to determine whether adherence to a Mediterranean diet is related to different sodium intakes or sodium-to-potassium ratio. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in the Thessaloniki greater metropolitan area (northern Greece) (n = 252, aged 18–75 years, 45.2% males). Participants’ dietary sodium and potassium intakes were determined by 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretions. In addition, we estimated their adherence to Mediterranean diet by the use of an 11-item MedDietScore (range 0–55). The mean sodium excretion was 175 (SD 72) mmol/day, equivalent to 4220 (1745) mg of sodium or 10.7 (4.4) g of salt per day, and the potassium excretion was 65 (25) mmol/day, equivalent to 3303 (1247) mg per day. Men had higher sodium and potassium excretions compared to women. Only 5.6% of the sample had salt intake <5 g/day, which is the target intake recommended by the World Health Organization. Mean sodium-to-potassium excretion ratio was 2.82 (1.07). There was no significant difference in salt or potassium intake or their ratio across MedDietScore quartiles. No significant relationships were found between salt intake and adherence to a Mediterranean diet, suggesting that the perception of the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet does not hold when referring to salt consumption. These results suggest the need for a larger, nation-wide survey on salt intake in Greece and underline the importance of continuation of salt reduction initiatives in Greece

    Insights into the molecular mechanisms of stress and inflammation in ageing and frailty of the elderly

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    Frailty is a natural state of physical, cognitive and mental decline that is expected in the elderly. The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of frailty has been hypothesized, and so far many studies have been performed in order to understand the mechanism of action underlying this association. Recent studies support this hypothesis and show a clear association between inflammation, frailty, and age-related disease. Chronic inflammation is key pathophysiologic process that contributes to the frailty directly and indirectly through other intermediate physiologic systems, such as the musculoskeletal, endocrine, and hematologic systems. The complex multifactorial etiologies of frailty also include obesity and other age-related specific diseases. Herein, we investigate the link between chronic inflammation and frailty of the older people. In particular, we present an up-to-date review of the role of cytokines, interleukins, cardiovascular abnormalities, chronic high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and diabetes in relation to the severity of frailty in the elderly

    Isotopic Niche and Trophic Position of the Invasive Portunid Portunus segnis ForskÄl, (1775) in Elounda Bay (Crete Island, Eastern Mediterranean)

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    There is a growing recognition that an advanced understanding of the trophic characteristics of an invasive consumer can provide important information on its ecological impact. In recent years, the blue swimming crab Portunus segnis, one of the earliest Lessepsian invaders, has considerably expanded its distribution range in the Mediterranean Sea, yet, its trophic habits in invaded areas remain scarcely investigated. In this study, we used carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes analysis (SIA) to determine the trophic position and isotopic niche of the crab compared with other representatives of the flora and fauna occurring in Elounda Bay (Crete). P. segnis showed a trophic position of 3.9, higher than the values determined by SIA or conventional gut content analysis in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea or in the native range. Crab specimens showed a high inter-individual variability in both delta C-13 and delta N-15 values; further analysis indicated negligible differences in the isotopic niche of adult males and females. Conversely, delta N-15 values were significantly related to the size of the specimens, ultimately suggesting an ontogenetic dietary shift. This study represents the first attempt to characterize the trophic habits of the blue swimming crab in the context of an invaded food web and may contribute to the implementation of long-term management strategies of control and mitigation of its ecological impact

    Evaluating Ocean Literacy of Elementary School Students: Preliminary Results of a Cross-Cultural Study in the Mediterranean Region

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    A good understanding of the role and function of the ocean seems to be of paramount importance in recent years, constituting the basic tool for the promotion of healthy and sustainable marine environment, and a target area of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this study, the content knowledge of elementary school students (grades 3–6) in regards to ocean sciences issues was examined. A structured questionnaire was administered to 1004 students participating in a cross-cultural study from three Mediterranean countries (Italy, Croatia, and Greece). The results of the study indicated a rather moderate level of knowledge in the total sample, while slight differences were recorded among the three countries revealing common knowledge gains and misconceptions. Rasch analysis was applied to further evaluate the validity of the results, while the influence of certain demographics on students' knowledge level was also investigated. This study concludes with a discussion of the implications on national curriculum development in elementary education level, in order to promote ocean literacy and to ensure protection and conservation of the Mediterranean Sea

    The ESPON 2013 programme : the development of the islands – European islands and cohesion policy (EUROISLANDS)

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    The report was accepted by the ESPON Monitoring Committee as it demonstrates interesting outputs and observations on the situation and development of the European islands. The report raises awareness of the specificities and diversity of this specific type of territories and takes into consideration the current policy debate related to European Cohesion Policy. The revised version of the Final Report has been considered meeting the minimum demands in contractual terms. However, some case studies raised comments from individual stakeholders involved. Some improvements requested were not implemented to their entire satisfaction as part of the revision of the Final Report. It was felt that the case studies could have been better used and integrated in the analysis, making the report richer, more precise and evidence based, enhancing its narrative.peer-reviewe

    Mediterranean Sea Literacy: When Ocean Literacy becomes region-specific

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    Ocean Literacy (OL) has been defined as an understanding of the ocean’s influence on people and their influence on the ocean. The OL movement was born in the US and its framework consisted of seven essential principles and 45 fundamental concepts; it is now largely accepted worldwide for use in both formal (schools and universities) and non-formal (research institutes, aquaria, museums, etc.) education settings. Based on this framework, marine scientists and educators developed the “Mediterranean Sea Literacy” (MSL) guide adapted to the specificities of the Mediterranean region, presented here. The MSL principles (7) and concepts (43), serving as guidance for research, education, informed decision-making, and improved citizens’ lifestyles, aim to contribute to environmental protection, conservation, and restoration of the Mediterranean Sea as well as to help to achieve a blue innovative and sustainable economy

    Dust inputs and bacteria influence dissolved organic matter in clear alpine lakes

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    Remote lakes are usually unaffected by direct human influence, yet they receive inputs of atmospheric pollutants, dust, and other aerosols, both inorganic and organic. In remote, alpine lakes, these atmospheric inputs may influence the pool of dissolved organic matter, a critical constituent for the biogeochemical functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Here, to assess this influence, we evaluate factors related to aerosol deposition, climate, catchment properties, and microbial constituents in a global dataset of 86 alpine and polar lakes. We show significant latitudinal trends in dissolved organic matter quantity and quality, and uncover new evidence that this geographic pattern is influenced by dust deposition, flux of incident ultraviolet radiation, and bacterial processing. Our results suggest that changes in land use and climate that result in increasing dust flux, ultraviolet radiation, and air temperature may act to shift the optical quality of dissolved organic matter in clear, alpine lakes

    Trace elements in size-segregated urban aerosol in relation to the anthropogenic emission sources and the resuspension

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    Size segregated particulate samples of atmospheric aerosols in urban site of continental part of Balkans were collected during 6 months in 2008. Six stages impactor in the size ranges: Dp ≀ 0.49 ÎŒm, 0.49 < Dp ≀ 0.95 ÎŒm, 0.95 < Dp ≀ 1.5 ÎŒm, 1.5 < Dp ≀ 3.0 ÎŒm, 3.0 < Dp ≀ 7.2 ÎŒm, and 7.2 < Dp ≀ 10.0 ÎŒm was applied for sampling. ICP-MS was used to quantify elements: Al, As, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, Li, Na, Ni, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sb, V, and Zn. Two main groups of elements were investigated: (1) K, V, Ni, Zn, Pb, As, and Cd with high domination in nuclei mode indicating the combustion processes as a dominant sources and (2) Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, Cr, Ga, Co, and Li in coarse mode indicating mechanical processes as their main origin. The strictly crustal origin is for Mg, Fe, Ca, and Co while for As, Cd, K, V, Ni, Cu, Pb, and Zn dominates the anthropogenic influence. The PCA analysis has shown that main contribution is of resuspension (PC1, σ2 ≈ 30 %) followed by traffic (PC2, σ2 ≈ 20 %) that are together contributing around 50 % of elements in the investigated urban aerosol. The EF model shows that major origin of Cd, K, V, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, and As in the fine mode is from the anthropogenic sources while increase of their contents in the coarse particles indicates their deposition from the atmosphere and soil contamination. This approach is useful for the assessment of the local resuspension influence on element’s contents in the aerosol and also for the evaluation of the historical pollution of soil caused by deposition of metals from the atmosphere