383 research outputs found

    Philosophie de la vie bonne

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    Para constituir la sociedad y salir de la miseria del estado de naturaleza, los seres humanos organizan la vida e imaginan las instituciones encargadas de regular los comportamientos individuales y las relaciones interpersonales. Pero, más allá de establecer los medios que hacen posible la vida individual, se las ingenian sobre todo para organizar el mundo circundante pensando la vida para intentar escapar de la violencia, del abismo del sin sentido con el fin de ser felices. En consecuencia, todas las sociedades se enfrentan a la pregunta de la vida buena: ¿para qué vivir? ¿Por qué vivir y como comportarse bien en los planos individual y colectivo en el sentido del respeto a la humanidad? Este texto se suma a las tentativas de responder a esas preguntas inmemoriales, mostrando como culturas diferentes son fuentes y recursos de la vida buena para la humanidad

    Tuberculose ostéoarticulaire (mal de Pott exclu) : à propos de 120 cas à Abidjan

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    Introduction: La tuberculose ostéoarticulaire (TOA) représente 2 à 5 % de l'ensemble des tuberculoses .Elle demeure d'actualité surtout dans les pays à forte endémicité tuberculeuse. L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence, les aspects topographiques, radiologiques de la TOA en milieu hospitalier ivoirien. Méthodes: Les auteurs rapportent une expérience de 11 ans, à travers une étude rétrospective de 120 dossiers de patientsatteints de la tuberculose ostéoarticulaire (le mal de Pott est exclu de cette étude).N'ont pas été inclus dans l'étude les dossiers ne comportant pas d'imagerie. Résultats: L'atteinte extra vertébrale représentait 09,2% de la tuberculose ostéoarticulaire. Il s'agissait de 54 hommes et 66 femmes, l'âge moyen était de 43,13 ans. On notait 123 cas d'ostéoarthrites, et 8 cas d'ostéites des os plats. L'atteinte des membres inférieurs prédominait dans 91,87% des cas. La hanche était la première localisation (45,04%), suivie du genou (25,19%). Les atteintes étaient multifocales dans 20% des cas. L'atteinte osseuse était associée à une tuberculose pulmonaire dans 05,83% des cas. Des localisations inhabituelles ont été rapportées : poignet (n=2), branches ischiopubiennes (n=4), atteinte sternoclaviculaire (n=4), médiopieds (n=2). Les lésions radiologiques étaient avancées (stades III et IV) dans 55,73% des cas. A la TDM, la prévalence des abcès était de 77%. Un geste chirurgical a été réalisé sur 16 articulations (2 épaules, 13 genoux, une cheville). Conclusion: La TOA des membres est peu fréquente contrairement à l'atteinte vertébrale. La hanche est la principale localisation. Le retard au diagnostic explique l'étendue des lésions anatomoradiologiques

    A rare case of anatomical variation of the femoral artery and vein

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    During a dissection of the two femoral trigons in a female corpse, about 14 years old, we discovered on the right side, the deep artery of the thigh arising from the medial side of the femoral artery and passed in front of the femoral vein above the mouth of the great saphenous vein; on both sides, there was the presence of a collateral canal which communicated the external iliac vein with the femoral vein on the right, on the left, it communicated the external iliac vein with the quadricipital vein. The lower part of the femoral vein was duplicated on both sides, but on the right, there was an interconnecting channel between the two trunks of the duplication. Variations of the femoral vessels are very frequent and can be responsible for an incident during the practice of certain gestures at the level of the femoral trigon such as: catheterization of the femoral artery or vein, the treatment of femoral hernias. Key words: Deep thigh artery, collateral venous canal, external iliac vein, anatomic variations

    Using open-access data to explore relations between urban landscapes and diarrhoeal diseases in CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    Unlike water and sanitation infrastructures or socio-economic indicators, landscape features are seldomly considered as predictors of diarrhoea. In contexts of rapid urbanisation and changes in the physical environment, urban planners and public health managers could benefit from a deeper understanding of the relationship between landscape patterns and health outcomes. We conducted an ecological analysis based on a large ensemble of open-access data to identify specific landscape features associated with diarrhoea. Designed as a proof-of-concept study, our research focused on CĂ´te d'Ivoire. This analysis aimed to (i) build a framework strictly based on open-access data and open-source software to investigate diarrhoea risk factors originating from the physical environment and (ii) understand whether different types and forms of urban settlements are associated with different prevalence rates of diarrhoea. We advanced landscape patterns as variables of exposure and tested their association with the prevalence of diarrhoea among children under the age of five years through multiple regression models. A specific urban landscape pattern was significantly associated with diarrhoea. We conclude that, while the improvement of water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructures is crucial to prevent diarrhoeal diseases, the health benefits of such improvements may be hampered if the overall physical environment remains precarious

    Assessment of Serum Calcium, Serum Iron and Nutritional Status among Under-Five Children in Six Municipalities of Abidjan District, Côte d’Ivoire

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    Malnutrition occurs in various forms in the world, especially in African countries. It affects two-thirds of the children in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to the protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), micronutrient deficiencies also affect many children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status, serum iron and serum calcium among under-five children. This study was conducted on a cohort from 480 children in six municipalities of Abidjan: Abobo, Cocody, Koumassi, Marcory, Treichville and Yopougon. A blood sample and anthropometric measurements (weight, height) were performed to determine the hematological profile and nutritional status of children. The results showed that stunting was the most widespread form of malnutrition among children surveyed. Depending on age, children from 0 to 6 months have a low prevalence of PEM than those from 7 to 59 months: wasting (1.2% vs 3.5%), stunting (8.6% vs 25.2%) and underweight (3.4% vs 10.7%). Also, the results reveal a lowest serum iron (µmol/l) among children from low households income (9.77 ± 2.4), illiterate mothers (8.92 ± 1.3) compared to those from mothers with a high level of education (21.75 ± 4.1) and high living standard (21.28 ± 2.1). There was no notable difference (p>0.05) between serum calcium whatever socio-demographic parameters considered. The parameters under study such as nutritional status, serum calcium and serum iron have shown a variation of malnutrition in Abidjan
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