10 research outputs found


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    Meningkatnya usia harapan hidup menyebabkan keberadaan para lanjut usia (Lansia) di masyarakat menjadi keniscayaan yang tidak dapat diabaikan. Agar tidak membebani keluarga, masyarakat, dan negara, maka para Lansia harus sehat, sellingga dapat menjalankan kehidupan yang mandiri secara bio-psiko-sosiologik. Kemandirian dalam peri kehidupan bio-psiko-sosiologik dapat diperoleh bila para Lansia ikut serta secara aktifdalam kegiatan olahraga kesehatan. Keikut-sertaan para Lansia pada kegiatan olahraga kesehatan sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor motivasi, dan partisipasi, walaupun intensitas partisipasi tidak selalu sesuai dengan tingginya faktor motivasi atau sebaliknya motivasi yang tinggi tidak selalu dapat diwujudkan dalam partisipasi yang intensif. Pennasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana hubungan antara motivasi dengan kebugaran jasmani, partisipasi dengan kebugaran jasmani, motivasi dan partisipasi dengan kebugaran jasmani serta adakah perbedaan kontribusi motivasi dan partisipasi terhadap kebugaran jasmani para Lansia peserta olahraga kesehatan di Pusat Kesehatan Olahraga (PKO) PT. Telkom. Populasi adalah peserta PKO PT. Telkom yang berjumlah 300 orang, sedangkan sampel yang diambil berjumlah 85 orang yang berusia antara 60-74 tahun, yakni mereka yang secara aktif dan berkelanjutan mengikuti pro¥yam latihan, terdin dari 64 orang laki-laki dan 21 orang perempuan. Peneliuan ini menggunakan metoda deskriptif, melalui angket, obsenasi, dan penelusuran dokumen administratif untuk memperoleh data motivasi dan partisipasi, sedangkan untuk tingkat kebugaran jasmani menggunakan tes lalan cepat 4,8 km dari Cooper. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut. l) terdapat hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara motivasi dengan kebugaran jasmani, (thitung — 6,913; a = 0,05), 2) terdapat hubungan yang sangat signiflkan antara partisipasi dengan kebugaran jasmani (thitung — 6,472; a = 0,05), 3) terdapat hubungaii sangat signifikan antara variabel motivasi dan partisipasi secara bersama-sama terhadap kebugaran jasmani (thitung = 7,123; = 0,05), 4) tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara motivasi dan partisipasi dalam kontnbusinya terhadap kebugaran jasmani, (thitung= 0,250•, = 0,05). Dari hasil penelitian Ini dapat direkomendasikan bahwa semua para Lansia perlu dimotlvasi dan dibina partisipasinya dalam olahraga kesehatan untuk memelihara dan/atau meningkatkan kebugaran jasmaninya (derajat sehat dinamisnya). ----- The increase in life expectancies causing the existency of Elderly becomes more and more significant. They should always in good health, so they would not burden their family, society or country. Elderly have to be independent in their daily life activities biologically, psychologically and sociologically. Independent of daily life activities of the elderly could be achieved if Elderly participate actively in sports health. The participation of Elderly in sports health activities are strongly influenced by motivation and participation factors, although the intensity of the participation was not always in accordance with the intensity of the motivation. On the other hand the high motivations could not always be executed as intensive participations. The research was studying the correlation between motivation and the physical fitness, participation and the physical fitness, the combination of both motivation and participation related to the achievement of the physical fitness and if there is any difference between the impact of motivation and participation to the physical fitness of the Elderly in participating spons health in the PT. Telk•om Sports Health Center. Population were 300 Elderly participating the sport health activities in the PT. Telkom Sports Health Center. The sample were 85 Elderly' among them aging 60-74, consist of 64 men and 21 women, which were activelv and continually participating the programs. The study was carried out by descriptive method, using questionnaires, observation and administrative records to get the motivation and participation data, while data of the physical fitness achieved were measured by Cooper•s 4,8 km fast walking test. Result: l ) There was very significant correlation between motivation and the physical fitness (t 6.913: (1 = 0.05), 2) There was very significant correlation between participation and the physical fitness (t calculated 6.472 : a= 3) There was very significant correlation between motivation and participation as a unity and the physical fitness (t calculated ; = 0.05). 4) There was no significant difference between the contribution of motivation and participation to the physical fitness ( t calculated 0.250; 0.05). Result of the study recommending that Elderly should be motivated and encourage to participate in sports health activities to maintain and/or promoting their physical fitness (dynamic health)


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    This research aims to improve students reading skills through the application of the technique of composing words. This technique is a form of cooperative learning development that has characterized the developing activities thinking through discussion or group work. The subject of research is the grade 1 SDN 070 Pasirluyu, years 2017/2018 lesson. The research approach used is qualitative while the type of research that is a class act (CAR). Data analysis techniques using interactive model analysis technique consist of three components, namely the reductions of data, data and cereal drawdown conclusion. Based on a result of research that has been carried out can be concluded that crafting game techniques can improve the ability to read grade 1 SDN 070 Pasirluyu. It can be seen from the increase in the number of studying thoroughly in the percentage of the initial conditions that only 54% increased to 71% in cycle 1 and reach 92% the end of cycle 2. The total increase in the result of the study is of 46%  yield close to average at this stage of pre-cycle of 58 rose to 71 in cycle 1 and cycle 2 be 87 on. pre-cycle

    The Effect of Religious Music Therapy on the Intensity of Menstrual Pain in Teenage Girls in Daarul Muttaqien II Islamic Boarding School Tangerang

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    Adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood which includes biological, psychological and social changes. During menstruation there will be problems or complaints such as dysmenorrhea. Meanwhile, menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) is a physical disorder that is very prominent in women who are experiencing menstruation in the form of pain in the stomach. This study aims to determine the effect of religious music on the intensity of menstrual pain in class X adolescents at the Daarul Muttaqien II Modern Islamic boarding school, Tangerang. The research design used was a quasy-experiment with a pre and post-test design without control (self-control). Collecting data using the NRS observation sheet and pain measurement that has been tested for validity and reliability. The sample consisted of 35 respondents who were taken by consecutive sampling technique. This study showed that 68.6% of respondents had mild pain, while 31.4% of respondents had no pain. The results of the Wilcoxon statistical test showed that there were significant differences in the level of knowledge before and after religious music therapy with a value of p = 0.001 (p <0.05). This research is expected to be developed in further research and can be used as a reference by increasing the number of samples and variables as a comparison.Keywords: Effect of Music Therapy, Menstrual Pain

    The Relationship of Personal Hygiene Knowledge with Leucorrhoea Event in Santriwati in Babus Salam Pabuaran Sibang Islamic Boarding School

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    Reproductive health in adolescent girls is an important health problem because Indonesia is a tropical region that increases the risk of vaginal discharge due to high humidity in genetal areas and behaviors that are not optimal hygiene. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of personal hygiene knowledge with the incidence of fluor albus santriwati in Islamic Boarding School Babus Salam Pabuaran Sibang. Design type is quantitative research with cross sectional research method. The population in this study is santriwati class IX in Islamic Boarding School Babus Salam Pabuaran Sibang with sample of 83 respondents according to using sampling technique of consecutive sampling. Instruments used questionnaire. The majority had a high knowledge level of 63.9% and the majority of the respondents did not experience whiteness as much as 79.5%. There is p value = 0,002 (p value <α 0,05). Obtained shows the relationship between personal hygiene knowledge with the incidence of fluor albus in Islamic Boarding School Babus Salam Pabuaran Sibang. Advice for santriwati to pay more attention to personal hygiene is good to prevent the occurrence of vaginal discharge. Keywords:  Teenager; Knowledge; Personal Hygiene; Fluor Albus

    Product Expansion dari Endowment Factor Pepaya Desa Mayangan Kecamatan Gumukmas Kabupaten Jember

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    The activity service aims to increase the productivity of the "Bolo Dewo".&nbsp; Partners located in the Muneng Hamlet RT. 02 RW. 03 and RT. 04 RW. 03, Mayangan Village, Gumukman District, Jember Regency, East Java. They have a papaya-based food processing business, which is abundant in the village. The implementation team offers a solution to solve the Partner's problem, thereby affecting the increase in family income in particular and the village economy in general. The solution was, the Implementation Team bought a set of tools in the form of a cup sealer machine, which could be used to package the Candied Carica Papaya. The results of the implementation of this service are: 1) diversifying papaya processed products into Candied Carica Papaya, which is a fresh drink in a package that many children like to remember sweet, sour, and fresh when consumed in cold conditions; 2) provide a set of tools in the form of a cup sealer used to package drinks in a cup; 3) screen printing design /branding cup cover permanently; 4) help from the marketing aspect by loading on youtube, so that the product is known to many people

    The Effect of Giving Mint Decoction of Mint Leaves on the Reduction Of Nausea And Vomiting In First Trimester Pregnant Women at The Puskesmas Cipondoh Of Tangerang

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    The first trimester of pregnancy is the formation that starts from the conception of the ovum with a sperm cell. Pregnancy is the process of conception that is complete with gestational age at 1 week to 12 weeks during pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy a woman experiences complaints of nausea, vomiting. Pregnant women who experience nausea and vomiting can consume decoction of mint leaves because mint leaves contain essential oils which can help relieve nausea and vomiting. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mint leaf decoction on the reduction of nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women at Puskesmas Cipondoh of Tangerang. This study used quantitative research with quasi-experimental research methods with one group pretest-posttest design. The sample in this study amounted to 10 respondents, selected through purposive sampling. Data retrieval was done using the Pregnancy Unique Quantification of Emesis And Nausea (PUQE) questionnaire to measure nausea and vomiting. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon statistical test with a confidence level of 95%. The results of this study found that there was an effect of giving decoction of mint leaves to a decrease in nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women in Puskesmas Cipondoh Kota Tangerang with p value= 0.008 (p < 0.05). The conclusion of this study is that giving mint leaves boiled for three days can reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. This research can be recommended to add the number of samples so that they can be made into two intervention groups and control groups so that they can be used as comparative materials. Researchers expect health workers to be able to implement therapy to reduce nausea and vomiting by using mint leaves. Keywords: Mint leaves, Pregnancy, Nausea vomitin

    Woman Entrepreneurial Orientation Based on Synthetic Scooping Review

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    The research uses the synthetic scoping review method to reveal a state-of-the-art entrepreneurial orientation study in social entrepreneurship context. This research was carried out in a mixed method approach with three stages: a systematic review and scoping review as a qualitative approach and bibliometric mapping with co-occurrence analysis as a quantitative approach. The results of a systematic review show that a social entrepreneurial orientation has been initiated since 1906. In Spain and the United States, quantitative research dominates. The scoping review results reveal seven dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation typical in the social entrepreneurship context. Furthermore, the results of the co-occurrence analysis raise five major themes, namely 1) women entrepreneurial orientation and women empowerment, 2) the dimension of women entrepreneurial and get new dimensions are women flexibility and women ethics, 3) women entrepreneurial orientation and intangible resources, 4) women entrepreneurial orientation and family to work conflict, 5) business performance. Keywords: women empowerment, dimension of women entrepreneurial orientation, intangible resources, family to work conflict, business performanc

    Minat belajar sosiologi kooperatif dengan metode student team achievement division (STAD) kelas XI di MA Pembangunan UIN Jakarta

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui minat belajar sosiologi siswa serta untuk meningkatkan minat belajar sosiologi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran sosiologi siswa di kelas XI. Adapun metode yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Kemudian instrument yang digunakan adalah instrument tes yang berupa pretest dan postes, serta instrument nontes berupa lembar angket, lembar observasi, jurnal harian siswa, catatan lapangan, dan lembar wawancara. Hipotesis tindakannya adalah Jika pembelajaran sosiologi dilakukan dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dengan metode Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), maka siswa akan memiliki minat yang tinggi. Adapun indikator keberhasilannya yang dicapai adalah 80 dari KKM > 70. Dari hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa penguasaan siswa terhadap materi pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa adanya minat belajar sosiologi tinggi yaitu dengan dibuktikan siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaran serta ditunjukkan dengan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar sosiologi siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II. Nilai rata-rata N-Gain siklus I adalah 0,49. Sedangkan siklus II rata-rata N-Gainnya mencapai 0,62. Berdasarkan analisa angket, respon siswa setelah belajar sosiologi dengan metode STAD adalah sebagian besar baik, yaitu mencapai 100%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya minat belajar sosiologi siswa tinggi dari siklus I ke siklus II yaitu dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dengan menggunakan metode STAD. Setelah belajar dengan metode STAD siswa menjadi lebih aktif dan menyenangkan dalam proses pembelajaran

    Analysis of the Inception of the Community Enhances its Existence as a Leader Surrounded by a Central Response

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    The rise of women in the era of globalization has brought change; women are no longer merely wives or mothers but have been oriented to the quality of their existence as human beings. With the development of education and career maturity, many women have positions as leaders. There is one key: a woman’s multitasking ability; that is, women have the potential to be a leader outside the home and also a second leader within the household. In the business world, leadership styles have a strong influence on the course of an organization and its survival. The role of leadership is strategic and important in an organization as one of the determinants of its success in achieving its vision, mission, and goals. The leadership theory used in this study is a blend of Situational Leadership Style and Transformational leadership style. Results of the combination of situational-transformational leadership styles by researchers show the accuracy of the application of leadership style in the IWAPI Central Environment in improving its existence as a leader