113 research outputs found

    Humus Dynamics along Forest Conversion Sequences in the Lowland and Ore Mountain Region of Saxony, Germany

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der steigenden CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre gewinnt die Rolle des Waldes als C-Speicher zunehmend an Bedeutung. Eine besonders wichtige Funktion kommt hierbei dem Boden zu, denn Böden speichern weltweit mehr C als Vegetation und boden zusammen (Brady and Weil, 2002). Im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Waldbewirtschaftung werden in Sachsen derzeit großflächig die bestehenden Nadelforsten in naturnahe, strukturierte Laub- und Laubmischwälder umgewandelt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, baumarten- und bewirtschaftungsspezifische Effekte auf den Humus und die C-Speicherung im Waldboden aufzuzeigen. Die Untersuchungsflächen wurden entlang von Waldumbausequenzen gruppiert, welche die Entwicklung von konventionell bewirtschafteten Kiefern- und Fichten-Reinbeständen zu mehr oder weniger strukturierten Rotbuchen- und Rotbuchen-Traubeneichenbeständen über die Stufe der Voranbauten widerspiegeln. Die Untersuchungen wurden im Mittleren Erzgebirge und im Nordsächsischen Tiefland durchgeführt. Zusammenfassend zeigte die Untersuchung (i) einen um 24 % höheren C-Input über den Streufall unter Laubholz, (ii) eine höhere C-Freisetzung durch die C-Mineralisierung, welche im Laufe des Jahres im Of-Horizont unter Laubholz (BuEi) um 68 % höher war als unter Ki und (iii) eine höhere Akkumulation von C unter laubholzbestockten Beständen. Die Oh-Lagen unter den untersuchten Voranbauten und Laubholzbeständen enthielten entsprechend hohe Anteile von 61 % (Bu) und 40 % (BuEi) des in der organischen Auflage gespeicherten C und auch die oberen Mineralböden enthielten deutlich höhere C-Mengen unter LH als unter NH. Die Mechanismen, welche zur C-Sequestrierung in der Oh-Lage unter BuEi führen, konnten in der vorliegenden Arbeit detailliert durch die Humusdynamik in der organischen Auflage im verlauf eines Jahres erklärt werden. Im Gegensatz indizieren die Ergebnisse unter Ki einen verzögerten, aber vergleichbar intensiven Streuabbau im L-Horizont, gefolgt von einer Phase relativer Stagnation in der Of-Lage und einer wiederum aktiven Umsatzphase im vergleichsweise geringmächtigen Oh-Horizont. Die Menge bzw. der Anteil der langfristig gespeicherten organischen Substanz wird wesentlich durch die Streuqualität bestimmt, d.h. die Qualität der Streu steuert die bestandesspezifische Humusdynamik. Neben den standörtlichen und klimatischen Faktoren ist der Einfluss der Bewirtschaftung hingegen ein Faktor, welcher sich primär auf die Abbauaktivität und somit auf die Menge des akkumulierten C auswirken. Die für das Tiefland dokumentierten Effekte werden vermutlich auch im Erzgebirge wieder relevant sein, wenn die Kalkung an Wirkung verliert. Aus der vorliegenden Arbeit kann die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden, dass im Vergleich zur Ki in der organischen Auflage unter LH (BuEi) größere Mengen C aktiv umgesetzt werden und in Folge dieser spezifischen Humusdynamik größere Mengen C in der Oh-Lage und im Mineralboden gespeichert werden können.Against the background of the increased CO2 concentration of the atmosphere the role of the forest as C store gains interest. An especially important function comes up to soil as soils sequester more C than vegetation and atmosphere together on a global scale (Brady and Weil, 2002). In the sense of a sustainable forest management of Saxony the vast areas covering coniferous stands are currently converted to semi-natural and structured deciduous and mixed forests. It was thus, the aim of this study to show species- and management-specific effects on humus dynamics and to evaluate top soils as possible C sink. All study sites involved were arranged along sequences representing the development from pure and conventionally managed Scots pine or Norway spruce stands to more or less structured European beech or European beech/Common oak stands via advanced plantings. The study was performed in the Ore mountain region and lowland of Saxony. In sum, the study revealed (i) a by 24 % higher litter-derived C input in the deciduous stand, (ii) a higher release of C by potential C mineralisation, that was in mean of one year by 68 % significantly higher in the F layer under beech/oak than under pine, and (iii) a higher accumulation of C under deciduous stands. The H layer under the studied advanced plantings and deciduous stands contained higher portions of 61 % (beech) and 40 % (beech/oak) of the total C accumulated in the organic layer and also upper mineral soil held evidently higher C under deciduous than under the pine stand. The specific mechanisms of C storage in the H layer under the beech/oak stand were explained in detail by explaining humus dynamics in the different horizons throughout the year. In contrast, the results under pine indicate a retarded, but as intensive decomposition in the L layer, followed by a phase of relative stagnancy (F layer) and in turn again active turnover phase in the comparatively thin H layer. The amount and portion of the long-term sequestered organic matter is substantially affected by the quality of the litter, that is that litter quality rules the stand-specific humus dynamics. Besides the site- and climate-specific factors, forest management in contrast is a factor, that affects turnover activity and thus, the amount of C accumulated. The effects documented for the lowland will presumably be relevant in the Ore Mountain region once the lime looses its effect. It can be concluded that in comparison to pine in the organic layer under deciduous trees (i.e., beech/oak) a higher amount of C is actively turned over and subsequently of this specific humus dynamics a higher amount of C is sequestered in the H layer and in mineral soil

    Untersuchungen zur Hydrolyse von beta-Casein in Modellsystemen und in ausgewählten Käsesorten

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    Die Käsereifung ist ein biochemischer Prozess, der sich durch physikalische, mikrobiologische und enzymatische Ursachen und Abläufe vollzieht. Dabei ist die Proteolyse entscheidend für Veränderungen hinsichtlich Textur und Sensorik im Endprodukt Käse. Da die Käsematrix zu komplex ist und verschiedene Einflüsse sich störend bei der Analyse von Proteinen auswirken, sollte ein Käsemodell entwickelt werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher ein geeignetes Modell zu entwickeln, welches die Käsereifung simulieren sollte. Zum Vergleich sollte ein Modell herangezogen werden, welches der Milch nachempfunden war. Als Protein sollte das b-Casein, welches bis zu 30 % an der Caseinfraktion beteiligt ist, durch Chymosin und ein mikrobielles Milchgerinnungsenzym (Suparen) hydrolysiert werden. Anschließend sollten kommerziell erhältliche Käse untersucht werden, um eventuelle Parallelen zum Modell Käse ziehen zu können

    (3S,11Z)-14,16-Dihy­droxy-3-methyl-3,4,5,6,9,10-hexa­hydro-1H-2-benz­oxacyclo­tetra­decine-1,7(8H)-dione (cis-zearalenone): a redetermination

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    The title compound, also known as cis-zearalenone (cis-ZEN), C18H22O5, has already been reported elsewhere [Griffin et al. (1981 ▶). ACA Ser. 29, 35], but no atomic coordinates are publicly available. The mol­ecule is of inter­est with respect to its toxicity. In the crystal, intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds stabilize the mol­ecular conformation, while inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules to form infinite chains along the [110] and [1-10] directions. The absolute configuration has been assigned by reference to an unchanging chiral centre in the synthetic procedure

    Consumo e renda no Brasil segungo a POF 2002-2003

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    Orientador: João Basilio Pereira NetoMonografia(Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasResumo: O presente trabalho analisa a relação agregada entre consumo e renda, a partir de micro dados da POF 2003. O segundo capítulo, após a introdução, apresenta as principais teorias agregadas de consumo. O terceiro capítulo descreve a base de dados utilizada e reporta alguns procedimentos usados no tratamento dos dados originais da POF a fim de adequar-se a amostragem de dados aos objetivos desta pesquisa. Apresenta também algumas estatísticas descritivas e faz um panorama geral da relação entre renda e consumo no Brasil e algumas características demográficas, distribuição de renda e perfil do consumo do Brasil. Por fim o quarto capítulo estima modelos econométricos que descrevem o comportamento do consumo em relação ao nível de renda e calcula as elasticidades renda para diversos níveis de renda. A pesquisa encerra-se com algumas conclusões sobre os resultados obtidos

    Studien zur Phosphan-katalysierten γ-Addition an aktivierte Alkine und Metallhydrid-vermittelten Tishchenko-Reaktion

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    Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden Studien zur Phosphan-katalysierten intramolekularen gamma-Addition an aktivierte Alkine durchgeführt. Erstmals konnte die Synthese stickstoffhaltiger Heterozyklen durch diesen Reaktionstyp realisiert werden, ebenso wurde eine asymmetrische Variante entwickelt. Im zweiten Teil wurde die Metallhydrid-vermittelte Tishchenko-Reaktion eingehend studiert. Neben LiH, NaH und KH zeigte sich auch DIBAL als äußerst geeigneter Promoter für die Dimerisierung von Aldehyden zu den entsprechenden Estern. Zusätzlich wurden Studien zum Reaktionsmechanismus durchgeführt

    Combining satellite data and appropriate objective functions for improved spatial pattern performance of a distributed hydrologic model

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    Abstract. Satellite-based earth observations offer great opportunities to improve spatial model predictions by means of spatial-pattern-oriented model evaluations. In this study, observed spatial patterns of actual evapotranspiration (AET) are utilised for spatial model calibration tailored to target the pattern performance of the model. The proposed calibration framework combines temporally aggregated observed spatial patterns with a new spatial performance metric and a flexible spatial parameterisation scheme. The mesoscale hydrologic model (mHM) is used to simulate streamflow and AET and has been selected due to its soil parameter distribution approach based on pedo-transfer functions and the build in multi-scale parameter regionalisation. In addition two new spatial parameter distribution options have been incorporated in the model in order to increase the flexibility of root fraction coefficient and potential evapotranspiration correction parameterisations, based on soil type and vegetation density. These parameterisations are utilised as they are most relevant for simulated AET patterns from the hydrologic model. Due to the fundamental challenges encountered when evaluating spatial pattern performance using standard metrics, we developed a simple but highly discriminative spatial metric, i.e. one comprised of three easily interpretable components measuring co-location, variation and distribution of the spatial data. The study shows that with flexible spatial model parameterisation used in combination with the appropriate objective functions, the simulated spatial patterns of actual evapotranspiration become substantially more similar to the satellite-based estimates. Overall 26 parameters are identified for calibration through a sequential screening approach based on a combination of streamflow and spatial pattern metrics. The robustness of the calibrations is tested using an ensemble of nine calibrations based on different seed numbers using the shuffled complex evolution optimiser. The calibration results reveal a limited trade-off between streamflow dynamics and spatial patterns illustrating the benefit of combining separate observation types and objective functions. At the same time, the simulated spatial patterns of AET significantly improved when an objective function based on observed AET patterns and a novel spatial performance metric compared to traditional streamflow-only calibration were included. Since the overall water balance is usually a crucial goal in hydrologic modelling, spatial-pattern-oriented optimisation should always be accompanied by traditional discharge measurements. In such a multi-objective framework, the current study promotes the use of a novel bias-insensitive spatial pattern metric, which exploits the key information contained in the observed patterns while allowing the water balance to be informed by discharge observations.</jats:p

    Interleukin-11 (IL-11) receptor cleavage by the rhomboid protease RHBDL2 induces IL-11 trans-signaling

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    Interleukin-11 (IL-11) is a pleiotropic cytokine with both pro- and anti-inflammatory properties. It activates its target cells via binding to the membrane-bound IL-11 receptor (IL-11R), which then recruits a homodimer of the ubiquitously expressed, signal-transducing receptor gp130. Besides this classic signaling pathway, IL-11 can also bind to soluble forms of the IL-11R (sIL-11R), and IL-11/sIL-11R complexes activate cells via the induction of gp130 homodimerization (trans-signaling). We have previously reported that the metalloprotease ADAM10 cleaves the membrane-bound IL-11R and thereby generates sIL-11R. In this study, we identify the rhomboid intramembrane protease RHBDL2 as a so far unrecognized alternative sheddase that can efficiently trigger IL-11R secretion. We determine the cleavage site used by RHBDL2, which is located in the extracellular part of the receptor in close proximity to the plasma membrane, between Ala-370 and Ser-371. Furthermore, we identify critical amino acid residues within the transmembrane helix that are required for IL-11R proteolysis. We also show that ectopically expressed RHBDL2 is able to cleave the IL-11R within the early secretory pathway and not only at the plasma membrane, indicating that its subcellular localization plays a central role in controlling its activity. Moreover, RHBDL2-derived sIL-11R is biologically active and able to perform IL-11 trans-signaling. Finally, we show that the human mutation IL-11R-A370V does not impede IL-11 classic signaling, but prevents RHBDL2-mediated IL-11R cleavage

    Pivotal Role of Tenascin-W (-N) in Postnatal Incisor Growth and Periodontal Ligament Remodeling

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    The continuously growing mouse incisor provides a fascinating model for studying stem cell regulation and organ renewal. In the incisor, epithelial and mesenchymal stem cells assure lifelong tooth growth. The epithelial stem cells reside in a niche known as the cervical loop. Mesenchymal stem cells are located in the nearby apical neurovascular bundle and in the neural plexus. So far, little is known about extracellular cues that are controlling incisor stem cell renewal and guidance. The extracellular matrix protein tenascin-W, also known as tenascin-N (TNN), is expressed in the mesenchyme of the pulp and of the periodontal ligament of the incisor, and is closely associated with collagen 3 fibers. Here, we report for the first time the phenotype of tenascin-W/TNN deficient mice, which in a C57BL/6N background exhibit a reduced body weight and lifespan. We found major defects in the alveolar bone and periodontal ligament of the growing rodent incisors, whereas molars were not affected. The alveolar bone around the incisor was replaced by a dense scar-like connective tissue, enriched with newly formed nerve fibers likely leading to periodontal pain, less food intake and reduced body weight. Using soft food to reduce mechanical load on the incisor partially rescued the phenotype. In situ hybridization and Gli1 reporter mouse experiments revealed decreased hedgehog signaling in the incisor mesenchymal stem cell compartment, which coordinates the development of mesenchymal stem cell niche. These results indicate that TNN deficiency in mice affects periodontal remodeling and increases nerve fiber branching. Through periodontal pain the food intake is reduced and the incisor renewal and the neurovascular sonic hedgehog secretion rate are reduced. In conclusion, tenascin-W/TNN seems to have a primary function in rapid periodontal tissue remodeling and a secondary function in mechanosensation.Peer reviewe

    Investigation into the Hybrid Production of a Superelastic Shape Memory Alloy with Additively Manufactured Structures for Medical Implants

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    The demographic change in and the higher incidence of degenerative bone disease have resulted in an increase in the number of patients with osteoporotic bone tissue causing. amongst other issues, implant loosening. Revision surgery to treat and correct the loosenings should be avoided, because of the additional patient stress and high treatment costs. Shape memory alloys (SMA) can help to increase the anchorage stability of implants due to their superelastic behavior. The present study investigates the potential of hybridizing NiTi SMA sheets with additively manufactured Ti6Al4V anchoring structures using laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) technology to functionalize a pedicle screw. Different scanning strategies are evaluated, aiming for minimized warpage of the NiTi SMA sheet. For biomechanical tests, functional samples were manufactured. A good connection between the additively manufactured Ti6Al4V anchoring structures and NiTi SMA substrate could be observed though crack formation occurring at the transition area between the two materials. These cracks do not propagate during biomechanical testing, nor do they lead to flaking structures. In summary, the hybrid manufacturing of a NiTi SMA substrate with additively manufactured Ti6Al4V structures is suitable for medical implants