46 research outputs found

    Long-term electricity sources cost calculation

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    Obsahem předkládané práce je popis způsobu výroby elektrické energie v uhelných a jader-ných elektrárnách, jejich technologických částí a použitého paliva. Dále je v práci uvedeno celkové využití a řazení těchto elektráren v elektrizační soustavě České republiky. Hlavním cílem práce je popis a určení hlavních výrobních nákladů elektrické energie, včetně investič-ních nákladů na výstavbu. Součástí je také definice výpočtu měrných výrobních nákladů a rovněž jejich stanovení u vybraného vzorku elektráren v České republice. Následně je pro-vedena citlivostní analýza jednotlivých vstupů a rozbor dopadu jednotlivých složek na celkové náklady. V závěru je srovnání těchto elektráren s obdobnými zařízeními v ostatních členských státech OECD.The thesis describes a method of producing electricity in coal-fired and nuclear power plants, their technical parts and used fuel. The study also indicates total usage and sorting of the power plants in the electricity system in the Czech Republic. The key aim of the thesis is a description and identification of the main production cost of electricity, including capital con-struction costs. It also includes a definition of the production cost calculation, consequently calculating production costs in selected sample of plants in the Czech Republic. Finally, a sen-sitivity analysis of individual variables and analysis of the impact of different variables on overall costs are carried out. In conclusion, the plants under study are compared with those within other OECD Member States

    Digitalized two parametric system for gamma/neutron spectrometry

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    Many types of detectors like stilbene, NE-213 etc. in conjunction with photomultiplier loaded with low working resistance produce pulses of approximately 100 ns length and contain information about deposited particle in the trailing edge. Using fast analog to digital converters (ADC) and field-programmable gate array (FPGA) it is possible to create a spectrometric system working in mixed gamma and neutron fields which is not loaded dead time. The count rate of processed pulses can reach more than one million per second. Such a high count rate of processed pulses can be achieved due to the pulse processing is implemented in FPGA. The output of this pulse processing is amplitude which describes the energy of deposited particle and discrimination parameter whereby it is possible to discriminate photons and neutrons. To increase the dynamic range of energy of detectable particle the signal from photomultiplier is separated into two branches with different amplification. Each branch is digitalized by separate ADC. Components from which the system is composed are so light that the spectrometer can be easily transported. Its weight is less than 3 kilograms. Spectrometer was tested in the research reactor LR-0 in Rez near Prague (Czech Republic). The measured data was processed using deconvolution into a neutron flux density and compared with nowadays used analog spectrometer and simulation result. Measured neutron spectrum of Cf-252 is included.Článek popisuje spektrometr pro měření ve směsných polích gama/neutrony. Analogový signál z detektoru je vzorkován AD převodníky pracujícími na frekvenci 1 GHz. Předzpracování signálu probíhá v FPGA a tím je zajištěna vysoká propustnost systému bez mrtvé doby. Spektrometr byl testován v Centru výzkumu Řež na reaktoru LR-0.Many types of detectors like stilbene, NE-213 etc. in conjunction with photomultiplier loaded with low working resistance produce pulses of approximately 100 ns length and contain information about deposited particle in the trailing edge. Using fast analog to digital converters (ADC) and field-programmable gate array (FPGA) it is possible to create a spectrometric system working in mixed gamma and neutron fields which is not loaded dead time. The count rate of processed pulses can reach more than one million per second. Such a high count rate of processed pulses can be achieved due to the pulse processing is implemented in FPGA. The output of this pulse processing is amplitude which describes the energy of deposited particle and discrimination parameter whereby it is possible to discriminate photons and neutrons. To increase the dynamic range of energy of detectable particle the signal from photomultiplier is separated into two branches with different amplification. Each branch is digitalized by separate ADC. Components from which the system is composed are so light that the spectrometer can be easily transported. Its weight is less than 3 kilograms. Spectrometer was tested in the research reactor LR-0 in Rez near Prague (Czech Republic). The measured data was processed using deconvolution into a neutron flux density and compared with nowadays used analog spectrometer and simulation result. Measured neutron spectrum of Cf-252 is included

    Effect of Contact Conformity on Grease Lubrication

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    This work focused on the experimental study of grease lubrication mechanisms around contacts in radial ball bearing 6314. The main objective of this work was to show the influence of conformities and their impact on grease lubrication in ball bearings. For the experiments, a tribometer of ball-on-ring configuration was used and fluorescence microscopy was chosen as the observation method. The results showed that, under starvation conditions, a conformity of 0.52 at velocities around 2 m/s produces a 50% thicker lubricating film than a conformity of 0.58. The available amount of lubricant around the contact area for conformity 0.52 was approximately three times less than that for conformity 0.58, and the same ratio was observed for the amount of lubricant on the rolling track. Experiments show that a realistic tribometer geometry allows a more accurate experimental study of the lubrication mechanisms of greases in ball bearings

    Business Plan for an internet project Svetotrip.cz

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    The thesis deals with the business plan of the online project Světotrip.cz. It is a travel portal that connects experienced travelers with people who don`t have much experience with individual travelling. The goal is to reach out to the public in general and offer them the possibility of low-cost travel. The introductory part contains theoretical starting points and explains the necessary terms. The second analytical part evaluates the market environment through external, internal and sectoral analyzes. The final part focuses on the development of a actual business plan. The reader will be thoroughly acquainted with the goal of the whole project, the various services offered, the competitive advantage and the specific business model of the whole project

    Sino-Japanese Relations: Will Economic Interests Outweigh Political Approach?

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    This Master's thesis deals with Sino-Japanese relations. Its aim is to answer to what extent the economic relations between China and Japan are affected by their political disputes, and whether political or economic interests are preferred. The first chapter tries to identify the most influential cultural and historical factors for the contemporary Sino-Japanese relations and also deals with the Senkaku Islands territorial dispute. The second chapter describes the development of the political and economic relations between China and Japan since the Second World War up to the present. The third chapter is dedicated to the future perspectives of the Sino-Japanese political and economic relations and to the changing roles of China and Japan in the Asia-Pacific region

    Credit unions

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    Práce mapuje současný stav peněžního družstevnictví, popisuje zvláštní charakter těchto subjektů a upozorňuje na jejich odlišnosti oproti družstvům a bankám. Věnuje se současné platné právní úpravě družstevních záložen v českém právu.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Lisbon strategy in 2010

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with the competitiveness of the European union. In the first chapter, I try to define the competitiveness in general, then I deal with the lisbon strategy, its origin, course and evaluation. The second chapter involves the competitiveness comparison of the Czech republic and Estonia on the basis of World Bank's and World Economic Forum's analyses. The third chapter deals with the perspectives of the European union's and Czech republic's competitiveness

    Sino-Japanese Relations: Will Economic Interests Outweigh Political Approach?

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    This Master's thesis deals with Sino-Japanese relations. Its aim is to answer to what extent the economic relations between China and Japan are affected by their political disputes, and whether political or economic interests are preferred. The first chapter tries to identify the most influential cultural and historical factors for the contemporary Sino-Japanese relations and also deals with the Senkaku Islands territorial dispute. The second chapter describes the development of the political and economic relations between China and Japan since the Second World War up to the present. The third chapter is dedicated to the future perspectives of the Sino-Japanese political and economic relations and to the changing roles of China and Japan in the Asia-Pacific region.Diplomová práce se zabývá vztahy mezi Japonskem a Čínou. Snaží se zodpovědět, do jaké míry ovlivňují vzájemné politické vztahy jejich ekonomickou spolupráci, a jestli jsou tyto dvě oblasti silně propojeny nebo spíše odděleny. První kapitola se snaží identifikovat kulturní a historické faktory, které mají na dnešní vztahy Japonska a Číny největší vliv. Zvláštní prostor je věnován teritoriálnímu sporu o souostroví Senkaku ve Východočínském moři. Druhá kapitola popisuje vývoj japonsko-čínských politických a ekonomických vztahů od druhé světové války do současnosti. Třetí kapitola se věnuje perspektivám budoucích politických a ekonomických vztahů Japonska a Číny a změnám v postavení těchto zemí v asijsko-pacifickém regionu

    Retail marketing a in-store promotion společnosti Samsung Electronics Czech and Slovak s.r.o.

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    This thesis deals with the retail marketing and the in-store promotion. It is prima-rily focused on merchandising, sales promotion and other selected activities. The work itself is devoted to Samsung Electronics Czech and Slovak s.r.o. and is mostly based on a practical experience gained from a position of an employee. Firstly, the amount of investments in marketing of Samsung in comparison with the competition is introduced. The following part describes the basic retail acti-vities across the whole Czech and Slovak republic, especially merchandising, sales promotion and other selected activities. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the retail marketing of Samsung for Czech and Slovak republic and to propose such measures that keep or even enhance its market competitiveness