84 research outputs found

    Breakdown of disordered media by surface loads

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    We model an interface layer connecting two parts of a solid body by N parallel elastic springs connecting two rigid blocks. We load the system by a shear force acting on the top side. The springs have equal stiffness but are ruptured randomly when the load reaches a critical value. For the considered system, we calculate the shear modulus, G, as a function of the order parameter, \phi, describing the state of damage, and also the ``spalled'' material (burst) size distribution. In particular, we evaluate the relation between the damage parameter and the applied force and explore the behaviour in the vicinity of material breakdown. Using this simple model for material breakdown, we show that damage, caused by applied shear forces, is analogous to a first-order phase transition. The scaling behaviour of G with \phi is explored analytically and numerically, close to \phi=0 and \phi=1 and in the vicinity of \phi_c, when the shear load is close but below the threshold force that causes material breakdown. Our model calculation represents a first approximation of a system subject to wear induced loads.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Dysregulation of Glucagon Secretion by Hyperglycemia-Induced Sodium-Dependent Reduction of ATP Production

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.Diabetes is a bihormonal disorder resulting from combined insulin and glucagon secretion defects. Mice lacking fumarase (Fh1) in their β cells (Fh1βKO mice) develop progressive hyperglycemia and dysregulated glucagon secretion similar to that seen in diabetic patients (too much at high glucose and too little at low glucose). The glucagon secretion defects are corrected by low concentrations of tolbutamide and prevented by the sodium-glucose transport (SGLT) inhibitor phlorizin. These data link hyperglycemia, intracellular Na+ accumulation, and acidification to impaired mitochondrial metabolism, reduced ATP production, and dysregulated glucagon secretion. Protein succination, reflecting reduced activity of fumarase, is observed in α cells from hyperglycemic Fh1βKO and β-V59M gain-of-function KATP channel mice, diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats, and patients with type 2 diabetes. Succination is also observed in renal tubular cells and cardiomyocytes from hyperglycemic Fh1βKO mice, suggesting that the model can be extended to other SGLT-expressing cells and may explain part of the spectrum of diabetic complications.Peer reviewe

    CPT1a-dependent long-chain fatty acid oxidation is essential for maintaining glucagon secretion from pancreatic islets

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    Glucagon, the principal hyperglycemic hormone, is secreted from pancreatic islet α cells as part of the counter-regulatory response to hypoglycemia. Hence, secretory output from α cells is under high demand in conditions of low glucose supply. Many tissues oxidize fat as an alternate energy substrate. Here, we show that glucagon secretion in low glucose conditions is maintained by fatty acid metabolism in both mouse and human islets, and that inhibiting this metabolic pathway profoundly decreases glucagon output by depolarizing α cell membrane potential and decreasing action potential amplitude. We demonstrate, by using experimental and computational approaches, that this is not mediated by the KATP channel, but instead due to reduced operation of the Na+-K+ pump. These data suggest that counter-regulatory secretion of glucagon is driven by fatty acid metabolism, and that the Na+-K+ pump is an important ATP-dependent regulator of α cell function

    Reduced somatostatin signalling leads to hypersecretion of glucagon in mice fed a high-fat diet

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    Objectives:&nbsp;Elevated plasma glucagon is an early symptom of diabetes, occurring in subjects with impaired glucose regulation. Here, we explored alpha-cell function in female mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD)&mdash;a widely used mouse model of prediabetes. Methods:&nbsp;We fed female mice expressing the Ca2+&nbsp;indicator GCaMP3 specifically in alpha-cells an HFD or control (CTL) diet. We then conducted&nbsp;in&nbsp;vivo&nbsp;phenotyping of these mice, as well as experiments on isolated (ex&nbsp;vivo) islets and in the&nbsp;in situ&nbsp;perfused pancreas. Results:&nbsp;In&nbsp;vivo,&nbsp;HFD-fed mice exhibited increased fed plasma glucagon levels and a reduced response to elevations in plasma glucose. Glucagon secretion from isolated islets and in the perfused mouse pancreas was elevated under both hypo- and hyperglycaemic conditions. In mice fed a CTL diet, increasing glucose reduced intracellular Ca2+&nbsp;([Ca2+]i) (oscillation frequency and amplitude). This effect was also observed in HFD mice; however, both the frequency and amplitude of the [Ca2+]i&nbsp;oscillations were higher than those in CTL alpha-cells. Given that alpha-cells are under strong paracrine control from neighbouring somatostatin-secreting delta-cells, we hypothesised that this elevation of alpha-cell output was due to a lack of somatostatin (SST) secretion. Indeed, SST secretion in isolated islets from HFD mice was reduced but exogenous SST also failed to suppress glucagon secretion and [Ca2+]i&nbsp;activity from HFD alpha-cells, in contrast to observations in CTL mice. Conclusions:&nbsp;These findings suggest that reduced delta-cell function, combined with intrinsic changes in alpha-cell sensitivity to somatostatin, accounts for the hyperglucagonaemia in mice fed an HFD.</p

    Role of IL-6 in Exercise Training- and Cold-Induced UCP1 Expression in Subcutaneous White Adipose Tissue

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    Expression of brown adipose tissue (BAT) associated proteins like uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in inguinal WAT (iWAT) has been suggested to alter iWAT metabolism. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in exercise training and cold exposure-induced iWAT UCP1 expression. The effect of daily intraperitoneal injections of IL-6 (3 ng/g) in C57BL/6 mice for 7 days on iWAT UCP1 expression was examined. In addition, the expression of UCP1 in iWAT was determined in response to 3 days of cold exposure (4°C) and 5 weeks of exercise training in wild type (WT) and whole body IL-6 knockout (KO) mice. Repeated injections of IL-6 in C57BL/6 mice increased UCP1 mRNA but not UCP1 protein content in iWAT. Cold exposure increased iWAT UCP1 mRNA content similarly in IL-6 KO and WT mice, while exercise training increased iWAT UCP1 mRNA in WT mice but not in IL-6 KO mice. Additionally, a cold exposure-induced increase in iWAT UCP1 protein content was blunted in IL-6 KO mice, while UCP1 protein content in iWAT was lower in both untrained and exercise trained IL-6 KO mice than in WT mice. In conclusion, repeated daily increases in plasma IL-6 can increase iWAT UCP1 mRNA content and IL-6 is required for an exercise training-induced increase in iWAT UCP1 mRNA content. In addition IL-6 is required for a full induction of UCP1 protein expression in response to cold exposure and influences the UCP1 protein content iWAT of both untrained and exercise trained animals

    Insulin inhibits glucagon release by SGLT2-induced stimulation of somatostatin secretion.

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    Hypoglycaemia (low plasma glucose) is a serious and potentially fatal complication of insulin-treated diabetes. In healthy individuals, hypoglycaemia triggers glucagon secretion, which restores normal plasma glucose levels by stimulation of hepatic glucose production. This counterregulatory mechanism is impaired in diabetes. Here we show in mice that therapeutic concentrations of insulin inhibit glucagon secretion by an indirect (paracrine) mechanism mediated by stimulation of intra-islet somatostatin release. Insulin's capacity to inhibit glucagon secretion is lost following genetic ablation of insulin receptors in the somatostatin-secreting δ-cells, when insulin-induced somatostatin secretion is suppressed by dapagliflozin (an inhibitor of sodium-glucose co-tranporter-2; SGLT2) or when the action of secreted somatostatin is prevented by somatostatin receptor (SSTR) antagonists. Administration of these compounds in vivo antagonises insulin's hypoglycaemic effect. We extend these data to isolated human islets. We propose that SSTR or SGLT2 antagonists should be considered as adjuncts to insulin in diabetes therapy

    GLP-1 metabolite GLP-1(9-36) is a systemic inhibitor of mouse and human pancreatic islet glucagon secretion

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    Diabetes mellitus is associated with impaired insulin secretion, often aggravated by oversecretion of glucagon. Therapeutic interventions should ideally correct both defects. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) has this capability but exactly how it exerts its glucagonostatic effect remains obscure. Following its release GLP-1 is rapidly degraded from GLP-1(7-36) to GLP-1(9-36). We hypothesised that the metabolite GLP-1(9-36) (previously believed to be biologically inactive) exerts a direct inhibitory effect on glucagon secretion and that this mechanism becomes impaired in diabetes. We used a combination of glucagon secretion measurements in mouse and human islets (including islets from donors with type 2 diabetes), total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy imaging of secretory granule dynamics, recordings of cytoplasmic Ca and measurements of protein kinase A activity, immunocytochemistry, in vivo physiology and GTP-binding protein dissociation studies to explore how GLP-1 exerts its inhibitory effect on glucagon secretion and the role of the metabolite GLP-1(9-36). GLP-1(7-36) inhibited glucagon secretion in isolated islets with an IC of 2.5 pmol/l. The effect was particularly strong at low glucose concentrations. The degradation product GLP-1(9-36) shared this capacity. GLP-1(9-36) retained its glucagonostatic effects after genetic/pharmacological inactivation of the GLP-1 receptor. GLP-1(9-36) also potently inhibited glucagon secretion evoked by β-adrenergic stimulation, amino acids and membrane depolarisation. In islet alpha cells, GLP-1(9-36) led to inhibition of Ca entry via voltage-gated Ca channels sensitive to ω-agatoxin, with consequential pertussis-toxin-sensitive depletion of the docked pool of secretory granules, effects that were prevented by the glucagon receptor antagonists REMD2.59 and L-168049. The capacity of GLP-1(9-36) to inhibit glucagon secretion and reduce the number of docked granules was lost in alpha cells from human donors with type 2 diabetes. In vivo, high exogenous concentrations of GLP-1(9-36) (&gt;100 pmol/l) resulted in a small (30%) lowering of circulating glucagon during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. This effect was abolished by REMD2.59, which promptly increased circulating glucagon by &gt;225% (adjusted for the change in plasma glucose) without affecting pancreatic glucagon content. We conclude that the GLP-1 metabolite GLP-1(9-36) is a systemic inhibitor of glucagon secretion. We propose that the increase in circulating glucagon observed following genetic/pharmacological inactivation of glucagon signalling in mice and in people with type 2 diabetes reflects the removal of GLP-1(9-36)'s glucagonostatic action. [Abstract copyright: © 2023. The Author(s).

    Arginine-vasopressin mediates counter-regulatory glucagon release and is diminished in type 1 diabetes.

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    Insulin-induced hypoglycemia is a major treatment barrier in type-1 diabetes (T1D). Accordingly, it is important that we understand the mechanisms regulating the circulating levels of glucagon. Varying glucose over the range of concentrations that occur physiologically between the fed and fuel-deprived states (8 to 4 mM) has no significant effect on glucagon secretion in the perfused mouse pancreas or in isolated mouse islets (in vitro), and yet associates with dramatic increases in plasma glucagon. The identity of the systemic factor(s) that elevates circulating glucagon remains unknown. Here, we show that arginine-vasopressin (AVP), secreted from the posterior pituitary, stimulates glucagon secretion. Alpha-cells express high levels of the vasopressin 1b receptor (V1bR) gene (Avpr1b). Activation of AVP neurons in vivo increased circulating copeptin (the C-terminal segment of the AVP precursor peptide) and increased blood glucose; effects blocked by pharmacological antagonism of either the glucagon receptor or V1bR. AVP also mediates the stimulatory effects of hypoglycemia produced by exogenous insulin and 2-deoxy-D-glucose on glucagon secretion. We show that the A1/C1 neurons of the medulla oblongata drive AVP neuron activation in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia. AVP injection increased cytoplasmic Ca2+ in alpha-cells (implanted into the anterior chamber of the eye) and glucagon release. Hypoglycemia also increases circulating levels of AVP/copeptin in humans and this hormone stimulates glucagon secretion from human islets. In patients with T1D, hypoglycemia failed to increase both copeptin and glucagon. These findings suggest that AVP is a physiological systemic regulator of glucagon secretion and that this mechanism becomes impaired in T1D
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