11 research outputs found

    SensoPlate™: Glass Bottom Microplates (24, 96, 384, 1536 Well) for High Performance Detection

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    Greiner Bio-One and Aventis Pharma have co-developed a full set of unique glass bottom microplates (24, 96, 384, 1536 well). The glass bottom plates incorporate high quality optical glass with a thickness of 175 µm bonded to the parent plastic microplate. All plates comply to the standardized microplate footprint and provide superior quality in applications where low autofluorescence and optical clarity are required. At the time, these plates are available in opaque black for high-resolution imaging, sensitive fluorescence and confocal microscopy applications, like fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and single molecule detection. The combination of modern confocal optics, new dyes as efficient fluorescent probes, sensitive PMTs, and fast data processing made FCS suitable for real time dynamics of single molecules in femtoliter volumes, close to the size of a common bacterial cell. This method has found its way as a tool for basic research as well as for industrial applications such as drug screening. Applications like FCS and confocal microscopy require high quality glass bottom plates with superior planarity. The new SensoPlates™ have a bottom flatness of less than 70 µm. The black frame of the SensoPlate™ consists of low autofluorescence, black opaque polystyrene to minimize light reflection and scattering. The glass bottom enables high transmittance and optical clarity for wavelengths from 350 up to 1000 nm. The biocompatible and medical grade adhesive applied provides strong and tight joints in water, PBS buffer and DMSO media between -10°C and 50°C. With the advent of SensoPlate™ a full set of glass bottom microplates (24, 96, 384, 1536 wells) is now available with high planarity, high optical clarity and low autofluorescence. The plates have already demonstrated its superior performance in selected applications

    Microfluidic Plastic Devices for Single-use Applications in High-Throughput Screening and DNA-Analysis

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    Microfluidic devices fabricated by mass production offer an immense potential of applications such as high-throughput drug screening, clinical diagnostics and gene analysis [1]. The low unit production costs of plastic substrates make it possible to produce single-use devices, eliminating the need for cleaning and reuse [2]. Fabrication of microfluidic devices can be applied by microtechnical fabrication processes in combination with plastic molding techniques [3]. Basically, replication in plastics requires a hot embossing or injection molding tool. Various microfabrication technologies for the masterfabrication are established, such as the LIGA technique, mechanical micromachining and the micro electrical discharge machining technique (µEDM). Depending on the specific requirements, the most suitable process can be selected. The availability of these technologies allows to generate robust metal molding tools which exhibit the inverse shapes of the intended microstructures. In close collaboration, Greiner Labortechnik and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe have fabricated prototype single-use plastic microfluidic devices in a standard microplate format by hot embossing with a mechanical micromachined molding tool and subsequent sealing of the microchannels. The microfluidic lab-on-chip structures are compatible with existing plate and liquid handling robotics. Sub-microliter sample volumes can be applied in the 96-channel multiplexed microstructures. Additionally, the combination of small assay volumes and the possibilities of integrated capillary electrophoretic separation provide a powerful tool for rapid assay development. This presentation will show a low cost production of 96-channel plastic microfluidic devices including various microfabrication technologies to demonstrate the application of microtechnical fabrication processes for high-throughput screening and DNA analysis

    Wind Energy and the Turbulent Nature of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

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    Wind turbines operate in the atmospheric boundary layer, where they are exposed to the turbulent atmospheric flows. As the response time of wind turbine is typically in the range of seconds, they are affected by the small scale intermittent properties of the turbulent wind. Consequently, basic features which are known for small-scale homogeneous isotropic turbulence, and in particular the well-known intermittency problem, have an important impact on the wind energy conversion process. We report on basic research results concerning the small-scale intermittent properties of atmospheric flows and their impact on the wind energy conversion process. The analysis of wind data shows strongly intermittent statistics of wind fluctuations. To achieve numerical modeling a data-driven superposition model is proposed. For the experimental reproduction and adjustment of intermittent flows a so-called active grid setup is presented. Its ability is shown to generate reproducible properties of atmospheric flows on the smaller scales of the laboratory conditions of a wind tunnel. As an application example the response dynamics of different anemometer types are tested. To achieve a proper understanding of the impact of intermittent turbulent inflow properties on wind turbines we present methods of numerical and stochastic modeling, and compare the results to measurement data. As a summarizing result we find that atmospheric turbulence imposes its intermittent features on the complete wind energy conversion process. Intermittent turbulence features are not only present in atmospheric wind, but are also dominant in the loads on the turbine, i.e. rotor torque and thrust, and in the electrical power output signal. We conclude that profound knowledge of turbulent statistics and the application of suitable numerical as well as experimental methods are necessary to grasp these unique features (...)Comment: Accepted by the Journal of Turbulence on May 17, 201

    The establishment of in vivo

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    Structure and evolution of Mesozoic fault zones in southwestern Altmark

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    Der Bau der mesozoischen Störungszonen in der Südwest-Altmark wurde anhand zahlreicher Bohraufschlüsse und reflexionsseismischer Vermessungen detailliert bearbeitet sowie ihr strukturelles Inventar und ihre Entwicklung für die Teilstockwerke Subsalinar, Salinar (Zechstein) und Suprasalinar rekonstruiert. Die im Kartenbild einheitlichen Störungszonen des suprasalinaren Deckgebirges sind intern sehr unterschiedlich gebaut. In NW - SE bzw. in W - E Richtung überwiegen lineare, kompressiv überprägte Deformationszonen, z. T. mit Salzdurchbrüchen. In N - S bzw. NNE - SSW Richtung dominieren Weitungsstrukturen. An Durchkreuzungen der Hauptrichtungen brachen Salzdiapire durch. Die meridionalen Störungen in der West-Altmark-Scholle folgen dem Gifhorner Tiefenbruch, die Störungen mit W - E Streichen in der Zentralen Altmark-Scholle und mit NW - SE Streichen in der Südwest-Altmark-Scholle dem Gardelegener Abbruch als tektonischen Leitlinien. Die Störungszonen entstanden mehraktig. Altkimmerische Bewegungen sind nur in der West-Altmark festgestellt worden (bereits Salzdiapirismus). Die jungkimmerischen Weitungsstrukturen wurden während der Oberkreide (subherzynisch-laramische Bewegungen), der Zeit der intensivsten Strukturbildung, kompressiv umgeformt. Dieser Beanspruchungswechsel war mit tektonischen Inversionen verbunden, wodurch aus Abschiebungen Rückaufschiebungen entstanden. Die Vertikalbewegungen waren von horizontalen Scherungen begleitet. Sie fügen sich den aus den Spannungsfeldern für Mitteleuropa abzuleitenden Bewegungsbildern ein.Die Hauptstrukturzonen des Suprasalinars liegen über Schollenrampen des Subsalinars. Ihre Deformation wurde durch bruchtektonische Impulse aus dem Untergrund verursacht. Grundsätzlich ist der Rückschluß aus der strukturellen Entwicklung im Suprasalinar auf diejenige im Subsalinar möglich.The structures of the Mesozoic fault zones in the SW Altmark were determined from detailed investigation of numerous wells and reflection seismic surveys. The paper deals with the reconstruction of the different tectonic levels and their structural evolution: the pre-salt rocks, the Zechstein salt, and the post-salt rocks. The fault zones in the post-salt cover appear to be structurally similar on the map, but in fact they are of very different type. The tensional NW - SE and W - E faults are subsequently superimposed by a compressive phase which was locally accompanied by salt diapirism. The N - S and NNE - SSW faults are dominantly tensional structures. At the intersections of the main faults, salt diapirs have penetrated the cover. In the West Altmark block the N -S fault zones follow the Gifhorn fault zone, while the E - W faults in the Central Altmark block and the NW - SE faults in the SE Altmark block are associated with the Gardelegen fault. Both the Gifhorn fault zone and the Gardelegen fault are major, deep structures of regional extent. The fault zones have a multiphase development. Early Kimmerian tectonic movements are only observed in the West Altmark region (early salt diapirism). The late Kimmerian tensional structures were superimposed by compressional forces during Late Cretaceous times (Subhercyman-Laram1de events). The change in tectonic stress was accompanied by tectonic inversion which caused backthrusting. The vertical movements were accompanied by horizontal shearing. These observations agree with the pattern of movements derived from the stress fields of Central Europe. The main structural zones of the post-salt cover are situated above block ramps in the pre-salt beds. Their deformation was caused by tectonic movements in the basement. In principle it is possible to draw conclusions about the structural evolution of the pre-salt rocks on the basis of the structural history of the post-salt rocks

    Expert opinion paper on cardiac imaging after ischemic stroke

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    This expert opinion paper on cardiac imaging after acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) includes a statement of the "Heart and Brain" consortium of the German Cardiac Society and the German Stroke Society. The Stroke Unit-Commission of the German Stroke Society and the German Atrial Fibrillation NETwork (AFNET) endorsed this paper. Cardiac imaging is a key component of etiological work-up after stroke. Enhanced echocardiographic tools, constantly improving cardiac computer tomography (CT) as well as cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offer comprehensive non- or less-invasive cardiac evaluation at the expense of increased costs and/or radiation exposure. Certain imaging findings usually lead to a change in medical secondary stroke prevention or may influence medical treatment. However, there is no proof from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that the choice of the imaging method influences the prognosis of stroke patients. Summarizing present knowledge, the German Heart and Brain consortium proposes an interdisciplinary, staged standard diagnostic scheme for the detection of risk factors of cardio-embolic stroke. This expert opinion paper aims to give practical advice to physicians who are involved in stroke care. In line with the nature of an expert opinion paper, labeling of classes of recommendations is not provided, since many statements are based on expert opinion, reported case series, and clinical experience

    Common Market Antitrust

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