230 research outputs found

    Thermal coal drying with the high volatile matter output

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    Наведено аналіз сучасних технологій сушіння вугілля з високим вмістом летких. Промислове застосування набули парові сушарки з киплячим шаром продуктивністю 55 т/год, в яких теплоносієм є інертний азот, а необхідне тепло отримують за рахунок відхідних газів газифікатора, при цьому теплопередача здійснюється за допомогою гарячої води.Приведен анализ современных технологий сушки углей с высоким содержанием летучих. Промышленное применение получили паровые сушилки с кипящим слоем производительностью 55 т/ч, в которых теплоносителем служит инертный азот, а необходимое тепло получают за счет отходящих газов газификатора, при этом теплопередача осуществляется посредством горячей воды.An analysis of modern technologies of drying of coals with high content of volatile. Industrial applications received steam dryer with a fluidized bed with capacity of 55 tons/h, in which the coolant is inert nitrogen, and the necessary heat is generated by waste gases of the gasifier, the heat transfer is carried out by means of hot water

    Reactamole: Functional Reactive Molecular Programming

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    Chemical reaction networks (CRNs) are an important tool for molecular programming, a field that is rapidly expanding our ability to deploy computer programs into biological systems for a variety of applications. However, CRNs are also difficult to work with due to their massively parallel nature, leading to the need for higher-level languages that allow for easier computation with CRNs. Recently, research has been conducted into a variety of higher-level languages for deterministic CRNs but modeling CRN parallelism, managing error accumulation, and finding natural CRN representations are ongoing challenges. We introduce Reactamole, a higher-level language for deterministic CRNs that utilizes the functional reactive programming (FRP) paradigm to represent CRNs as a reactive dataflow network. Reactamole equates a CRN with a functional reactive program, implementing the key primitives of the FRP paradigm directly as CRNs. The functional nature of Reactamole makes reasoning about molecular programs easier, and its strong static typing allows us to ensure that a CRN is well-formed by virtue of being well-typed. In this paper, we describe the design of Reactamole and how we use CRNs to represent the common datatypes and operations found in FRP. We also demonstrate the potential of this functional reactive approach to molecular programming by giving an extended example where a CRN is constructed using FRP to modulate and demodulate an amplitude modulated signal

    Age-dependent resistance to Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication in swine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) causes a prolonged, economically devastating infection in pigs, and immune resistance to infection appears variable. Since the porcine adaptive immune system is not fully competent at birth, we hypothesized that age influences the dynamics of PRRSV infection. Thus, young piglets, growing 16-20-week-old finisher pigs, and mature third parity sows were infected with virulent or attenuated PRRSV, and the dynamics of viral infection, disease, and immune response were monitored over time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Virulent PRRSV infection and disease were markedly more severe and prolonged in young piglets than in finishers or sows. Attenuated PRRSV in piglets also produced a prolonged viremia that was delayed and reduced in magnitude, and in finishers and sows, about half the animals showed no viremia. Despite marked differences in infection, antibody responses were observed in all animals irrespective of age, with older pigs tending to seroconvert sooner and achieve higher antibody levels than 3-week-old animals. Interferon γ (IFN γ) secreting peripheral blood mononuclear cells were more abundant in sows but not specifically increased by PRRSV infection in any age group, and interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels in blood were not correlated with PRRSV infection status.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings show that animal age, perhaps due to increased innate immune resistance, strongly influences the outcome of acute PRRSV infection, whereas an antibody response is triggered at a low threshold of infection that is independent of age. Prolonged infection was not due to IL-10-mediated immunosuppression, and PRRSV did not elicit a specific IFN γ response, especially in non-adult animals. Equivalent antibody responses were elicited in response to virulent and attenuated viruses, indicating that the antigenic mass necessary for an immune response is produced at a low level of infection, and is not predicted by viremic status. Thus, viral replication was occurring in lung or lymphoid tissues even though viremia was not always observed.</p

    Oil and gas single-industry zones Russia

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    The article deals with oil and gas company towns in Russia. The analysis of the main indicators. A review of the social activities of oil companies. Special attention is paid to the standard of living in these cities

    Comparative study of the resistance of the protective nanocomposite Al-Si-N and In-Sn-O coatings to the shock impact of solid microparticles

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    The results of investigations of the structural and phase state, mechanical, optical and protective properties of Al-Si-N and In-Sn-O systems coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering on K-208 glass are presented

    Parallelization of a software based intrusion detection system - Snort

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    Computer networks are already ubiquitous in people’s lives and work and network security is becoming a critical part. A simple firewall, which can only scan the bottom four OSI layers, cannot satisfy all security requirements. An intrusion detection system (IDS) with deep packet inspection, which can filter all seven OSI layers, is becoming necessary for more and more networks. However, the processing throughputs of the IDSs are far behind the current network speed. People have begun to improve the performance of the IDSs by implementing them on different hardware platforms, such as Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) or some special network processors. Nevertheless, all of these options are either less flexible or more expensive to deploy. This research focuses on some possibilities of implementing a parallelized IDS on a general computer environment based on Snort, which is the most popular open-source IDS at the moment. In this thesis, some possible methods have been analyzed for the parallelization of the pattern-matching engine based on a multicore computer. However, owing to the small granularity of the network packets, the pattern-matching engine of Snort is unsuitable for parallelization. In addition, a pipelined structure of Snort has been implemented and analyzed. The universal packet capture API - LibPCAP has been modified for a new feature, which can capture a packet directly to an external buffer. Then, the performance of the pipelined Snort can have an improvement up to 60% on an Intel i7 multicore computer for jumbo frames. A primary limitation is on the memory bandwidth. With a higher bandwidth, the performance of the parallelization can be further improved

    Reduction of aversive learning rates in Pavlovian conditioning by angiotensin II antagonist losartan: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Angiotensin receptor blockade has been linked to aspects of aversive learning and memory formation and to the prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder symptom development. Methods: We investigated the influence of the angiotensin receptor blocker losartan on aversive Pavlovian conditioning using a probabilistic learning paradigm. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled design, we tested 45 (18 female) healthy volunteers during a baseline session, after application of losartan or placebo (drug session), and during a follow-up session. During each session, participants engaged in a task in which they had to predict the probability of an electrical stimulation on every trial while the true shock contingencies switched repeatedly between phases of high and low shock threat. Computational reinforcement learning models were used to investigate learning dynamics. Results: Acute administration of losartan significantly reduced participants’ adjustment during both low-to-high and high-to-low threat changes. This was driven by reduced aversive learning rates in the losartan group during the drug session compared with baseline. The 50-mg drug dose did not induce reduction of blood pressure or change in reaction times, ruling out a general reduction in attention and engagement. Decreased adjustment of aversive expectations was maintained at a follow-up session 24 hours later. Conclusions: This study shows that losartan acutely reduces Pavlovian learning in aversive environments, thereby highlighting a potential role of the renin-angiotensin system in anxiety development

    Analysis of X.500 Distributed Directory Refresh Strategies

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    Distributed database directory refresh strategies, commonly recommended for the X.500 standard, are defined and analytically modeled for variations on push/pull and total/differential under idealistic asynchronous control conditions. The models are implemented in a HyperCard-based tool called DirMod (for "directory model"). Experimental test results show important elapsed time performance tradeoff among the different strategies, and live test data contribute to the verification of the models.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/107872/1/citi-tr-90-6.pd