465 research outputs found

    Key Success Factors to Increase Value Proposition in the Hospitality Industry

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    Purpose of this conceptual study is the identification and analysis of key success factors to increase value proposition based on design thinking of hotel executives and value co-creation with customers in the hospitality industry. Globalized dynamic markets and ever-changing customer needs and demands require ongoing experimentation and communication to steadily identify customer needs and wants in order to adjust products and services to ensure an increase of value proposition. In this research article, the two-fold role of customers and hotel executives in value co-creation processes leading to an identification of key success factors of value proposition increase is analyzed. The article emphasizes the essential role of customers as contributors to value co-creation processes and hotel executives as contributors to the creation and delivery of value proposition. Superior value proposition can be achieved by understanding actual needs and demands of customers based on design thinking and comparing them to value proposition elements that are perceived as being important by customers. Following this approach, key success factors for enhancing value proposition are analyzed

    The Importance of Hip Hop Events and their Impact on Event Management in Dubai

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    Background – Events and concerts give participants a chance to display their talents or showcase a new idea, perspective or invention. Dubai has established itself as one of the major destinations for events, specifically in the genre of Hip Hop. Hip Hop has become a worldwide cultural phenomenon and has impacted Dubai’s large international young community. The world market is becoming increasingly saturated and differentiation has become essential.Purpose – An assessment needs to be conducted on the usage of marketing and event management tools in major hip hop events and their effectiveness in providing economic benefit.Design/methodology/approach – This research study will utilize both primary and secondary data sources, mainly primary, in the form of interviews with industry professionals and experts in Dubai’s event field, to obtain an accurate perspective.Findings – Understanding the importance of hip hop and its economic impact will help to open up a new perspective to current research streams in the field. The research will focus on three key areas through analyzing Dubai’s hip hop events significance:- The city’s ability to differentiate itself through hip hop events.- The ability to attract major artists and audience from the region.- The benefits for the event management sector. Research limitations – At this stage, there is limited secondary data on this topic as Hip Hop events are specifically occurring in select cities with the infrastructural, audience, and economic provisions.Originality/value – Development of surrounding businesses, employment opportunities, culture awareness and crowd attraction are potential outcomes which can be expected from the above presented events in Dubai. The study aims at supporting a successful initiation and execution of hip-hop events which will give Dubai an economic edge against its competitors in this growing sector. Keywords: Culture, Dubai, Events, Event Management, Hip-Ho

    The Effects of Hosting Events on Destination Branding: Dubai Expo 2020

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    Background - This paper evaluates the effects of events on the destination brand of Dubai as it prepares to host the Expo 2020. Destination branding assists in understanding the city’s strong “assets” and their impact on the upcoming Expo.Purpose – The purpose of the study is to understand how large events impact development of a city’s brand. Based on the results, conclusions can be made on whether the efforts for the Expo will have a lasting impact on Dubai’s destination brand.Methodology – The methodology acquires information about the effects of hosting events on Dubai’s destination brand through the analysis of the Expo 2020. Primary research, primarily in-depth interviews, bring perspective from industry professionals about destination branding, event management, and their economic implications. The Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) and other comparative models are utilized to understand correlations and applications to the Expo 2020.Findings – The paper considers the preliminary efforts of Dubai indicating the increased opportunities in the city and excitement in the global community. The results highlight that the successful initiation of Expo 2020 would display Dubai’s capability of hosting events, differentiating it from other cities, and presenting a positive outlook for the economy. Areas that will experience growth include Dubai as a major event venue, a major tourist destination, and an economic hub in the region.Research limitations – This study has been conducted before the official commencement of the Expo 2020 and therefore it gives a “before the event” perspective only. It could be improved by assessing the visitor interest and attitudes after the event and making cause and effect models to develop comprehensive conclusions about the impact.Originality/value – There are limited studies on this topic as World Expos are major events occurring in select cities with economic and infrastructural capabilities. The current research on the impact of events mainly focuses on sports or festivals. Expo 2020 has great importance to Dubai due to its economic and destination brand implications, confirming the uniqueness of the research. Based on the results, future studies can assess large-scale events around the world, present accurate information on the impacts of expos, and enrich destination branding studies.Keywords: Dubai, Destination Branding, Events, Expo 2020, World Exp

    The Effects of Hosting Events on Destination Branding: Dubai Expo 2020

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    Background - This paper evaluates the effects of events on the destination brand of Dubai as it prepares to host the Expo 2020. Destination branding assists in understanding the city’s strong “assets” and their impact on the upcoming Expo.Purpose – The purpose of the study is to understand how large events impact development of a city’s brand. Based on the results, conclusions can be made on whether the efforts for the Expo will have a lasting impact on Dubai’s destination brand.Methodology – The methodology acquires information about the effects of hosting events on Dubai’s destination brand through the analysis of the Expo 2020. Primary research, primarily in-depth interviews, bring perspective from industry professionals about destination branding, event management, and their economic implications. The Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) and other comparative models are utilized to understand correlations and applications to the Expo 2020.Findings – The paper considers the preliminary efforts of Dubai indicating the increased opportunities in the city and excitement in the global community. The results highlight that the successful initiation of Expo 2020 would display Dubai’s capability of hosting events, differentiating it from other cities, and presenting a positive outlook for the economy. Areas that will experience growth include Dubai as a major event venue, a major tourist destination, and an economic hub in the region.Research limitations – This study has been conducted before the official commencement of the Expo 2020 and therefore it gives a “before the event” perspective only. It could be improved by assessing the visitor interest and attitudes after the event and making cause and effect models to develop comprehensive conclusions about the impact.Originality/value – There are limited studies on this topic as World Expos are major events occurring in select cities with economic and infrastructural capabilities. The current research on the impact of events mainly focuses on sports or festivals. Expo 2020 has great importance to Dubai due to its economic and destination brand implications, confirming the uniqueness of the research. Based on the results, future studies can assess large-scale events around the world, present accurate information on the impacts of expos, and enrich destination branding studies.Keywords: Dubai, Destination Branding, Events, Expo 2020, World Exp

    Design Thinking for Creating an Increased Value Proposition to Improve Customer Experience

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    Purpose of this conceptual study is the identification of design thinking approaches and underlying logic for increasing the value proposition to improve customer experience in today´s dynamic and fast-changing business environment. Method of research based on content analysis of distinctive streams in the literature on design thinking for delivering the increased value proposition. Core elements of design thinking were identified and combined with service-oriented thinking logics aiming at providing superior value proposition and thus to improve customer experience. Furthermore, the article elaborates on the delimitation of Design thinking from Designerly thinking, and a new model for enhancing customer value propositions, the wheel of Design thinking, was developed based on core elements of Design thinking approaches. This approach has a potential to shape and redefine existing markets and to improve adjustment of products and services to dynamic customers´ needs and demands.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v17i2.7311</p

    Diseño de la red eléctrica subterránea en medio y bajo voltaje del barrio Eloy Alfaro

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    En el presente trabajo se proyecta el diseño de una red eléctrica en medio y bajo voltaje tipo subterránea, la misma que suministrará de energía eléctrica al Barrio Eloy Alfaro de la ciudad del Tena lo que permitirá promover el desarrollo productivo para el sector, para lo cual se toman varias consideraciones validadas por la Agencia De Regulación y Control De Energía y Recursos No Renovables y las normativas de la Empresa Eléctrica Ambato Regional Centro Norte S. A. En el proceso de diseño de la red subterránea se consideró principalmente la ubicación de las cámaras de transformación en el Barrio Eloy Alfaro, tomando en cuenta la caída de tensión obtenidas en las hojas de cálculo con las que se puede determinar el calibre del conductor adecuado para evitar futuras fallas por sobrecarga. Estas consideraciones técnicas están de acuerdo con las especificaciones del distribuidor sin exceder el 6% para los sistemas de iluminación y el 3% para cargas residenciales.This project shows us the design of a subway electrical network in medium and low voltage, which supplies electric energy to the "Eloy Alfaro '' neighborhood of the city of Tena. The project will promote the productive development of the city, for this reason we take some considerations which are validated by the Agency of Regulation and Control of Energy and Non Renewable Resources and the regulations of Ambato Regional Centro Norte S.A. Power Company. In the design of the subway electrical network, we consider the location of the transformation chambers in the "Eloy Alfaro '' neighborhood and the voltage drop which was obtained in the calculation sheets, with this information we can determine the appropriate conductor gauge to avoid future failures due to overloads. These technical considerations are according to the specification of the Electric Company, without exceeding the 6% for the lighting systems and the 3% for residential load

    A Rapid Review of Randomized Trials Assessing the Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Depressive Symptoms in People with Mental Illness

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    [EN] Objective: to systematically search for randomized controlled trials comparing the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) protocols vs. control without exercise or other exercise protocols, in patients with mental disorders experiencing depressive symptoms, and to provide some guidance based on the current HIIT literature to improve further interventions. Methods: we searched for relevant studies, published by 18 August 2022 on PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO and SPORTDiscus databases, that used a HIIT protocol, involving adults (≥18 years) with a diagnosis of a mental disorder, participating in a HIIT or a control condition, and assessed for depressive symptoms. Results: Four studies accounting for 108 participants (n HIIT = 55; n comparison groups = 53) met the inclusion criteria. Three out of the four studies included found significant improvements of depressive symptoms after 12 days to 8 weeks of intervention. However, there were no differences to other forms of low-to-moderate continuous exercise in 2/3 studies. Conclusions: The limited evidence suggests the effectiveness of HIIT interventions for improving depressive symptoms in people with mental illness. However, HIIT was not superior to other exercise treatments, although a trend for its superiority may be recognized. A number of methodological issues should be considered in further interventions to better characterize and identify the most efficient HIIT modalities for the treatment of depressive symptoms in these patients

    Determinación de los niveles de iluminación de las áreas administrativas de la U.A CAREN – UTC para cumplir con las normas internacionales. cantón Latacunga. provincia de Cotopaxi. periodo 2013

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    The correct lighting of working environment allows the human beings, in good conditions well-being visual, to do their job safe and productively, so it should be taken into account in designing, like that in the maintenance service. Inadequate lighting causes eyestrain, fatigue, headache, stress and accidents. The work with bit light damages the sight; also sudden light changes can be dangerous, because blind temporarily while the eye adapts to new lighting, the security degree that executes the work depends on the visual capacity, is why that to achieve a good level of visual comfort should be a balance among the quantity, quality and light stability, such get a lack of reflexes and flicker, lighting uniformity, lack of contrasts etc. All of them in visual function demands of work and personal characteristics….La iluminación correcta del ambiente laboral permite al hombre, en condiciones óptimas de confort visual, realizar su trabajo de manera más segura y productiva, por lo cual debe ser tomada en cuenta en el diseño, así como en el servicio de mantenimiento. La iluminación inadecuada origina fatiga ocular, cansancio, dolor de cabeza, estrés y accidentes. El trabajo con poca luz daña la vista; también cambios bruscos de luz pueden ser peligrosos, pues ciegan temporalmente mientras el ojo se adapta a la nueva iluminación, el grado de seguridad con el que se ejecuta el trabajo depende de la capacidad visual es por ello que para conseguir un buen nivel de confort visual se debe conseguir un equilibrio entre la cantidad, la calidad y la estabilidad de la luz, de tal forma que se consiga una ausencia de reflejos y de parpadeo, uniformidad en la iluminación, ausencia de excesivos contrastes, todo ello en función tanto de las exigencias visuales del trabajo como de las características personales…