PROZIMA (Productivity, Optimization and Manufacturing System Engineering)
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    28 research outputs found

    Optimisasi Jumlah Produksi Menggunakan Model Newsboy dan Perencanaan Pengendalian Bahan Baku Menggunakan Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

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    A company have to do inventory control for available guarantying of material, component or item at the time to fulfill production schedule, and available guarantying of product become to consumer and take care of inventory at minimum condition. As object of research is CV. Cita Nasional located in Salatiga. Problems that exist in the CV. Cita Nasional often experience shortages of raw materials caused by internal and external factors. The approach taken to solve this problem by making a production plan using the Newsboy Problem because milk products including perishable product and raw material inventory planning (MRP). From the calculation results obtained the company must produce optimal demand every Monday to Sunday. While the raw material inventory plan using Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method. Company decreased cost for fresh milk amounting to Rp.35.526.780 and decreased raw material expense cost for whey powder amounting to Rp. 22.573.650

    Integrasi Metode SWOT dan AHP Untuk Merumuskan Strategi Pemasaran (Studi Kasus : PT. Rattan Craft Indonesia)

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    PT.  Rattan Craft  Indonesia  is  the p roducers  of  Wooden  indoor  Furniture.  Rattan Craft  does  not have  the right  marketing strategy  so that  is  th e  reason the level  of sales is  not  on  maximum grade. From the  background above,  the the problem of this research is: 1. How are the good marketing strategy based  on a SWOT method?  2. What a re the good strategy based on AHP. The data analysis in this research  using Metod e analysis Swot and AHP. The results of this research get a value  of  the  respective  weights  by AHP each  criterion ,  namely  the  ad ministration  of  0.057,  0.082  quality, competitive 0.097, 0 .119 raw materials, products already exported 0.151, 0.163 market opportunities, relationships 0.175,  0.156  discipline.  The  conclusion  of  this  study  are:  1.  The  company  utilizes  the  existing  opportunities  by maintaining  good  relations  with  the  relationships  that  the  co mpany's  products  have  been  exported  can  be maintained or even increase exports. 2. The decipline of employees should be more guarded and must be improved so that the company's product quality is maintained..

    Algoritma LPT-Branch and Bound Pada Penjadwalan Flexible Flowshop untuk Meminimasi Makespan

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    This article discussed the problem of flow shop scheduling to minimize the makespan. The purpose of this article is to develop the LPT and Branch And Bound (LPT-Branch And Bound) algorithms to minimize the makespan. The proposed method is Longest Processing Time (LPT) and Branch And Bound. Stage settlement is divided into 3 parts. To proved the proposed algorithm, a numerical experiment was conducted by comparing the LPT-LN algorithm. The result of the numerical experiment shows that LPT-Branch And Bound's proposed algorithm is more efficient than the LPT-LN algorithm

    Peramalan Produksi Menggunakan Metode Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) di PT. XYZ

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    In production planning and control the first step is to forecast to determine how much production, the company forecasting is still not optimal, because forecasting has an important role in a company. PT. XYZ is a food company that produces chicken meatballs and chicken dumplings. So from that this study uses the forecasting method Autoregressive Integreted Moving Average (ARIMA). ARIMA is often also called the Box-Jenkins time series method. ARIMA is very good for short-term forecasting, while for long-term forecasting the forecasting accuracy is not good. The purpose of this research is to get a good ARIMA model, used to forecast production in the company. So that the production becomes optimal and not excessive which can cause waste of raw materials, which will make production costs a lot. Data processing is done with the help of an Eviews computer program to determine a good ARIMA model, from processing data obtained by ARIMA (1.0,0). With the results obtained forecasting in the period 37 to period 48.

    Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Dengan Menggunakan Metode SQC dan HRA Guna Meningkatkan Hasil Produksi Tahu di IKM H. Musauwimin

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    Small and Medium Industries (IKM) H.Musauwimin is a manufacturing industry in the field of tofu production. In the production process there are still frequent product defects, including coarse tofu, tofu surface torn, soft texture, and faded color. For this reason, we need a way to minimize the possibility of product defects. The objectives of this study are (1) Identifying disability factors using the Statistical Quality Control (SQC) method, (2) Improving employee performance performance using the Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) method, (3) Minimizing product defects in the production process so as to increase productivity. The results of this study are (1) of the four types of rejects for the biggest 3 months in tearing surface type with a percentage of 46% of all rejects (2) By testing the adequacy of the data using the SQC method in the production process for 3 months then sample we tested a total of 284. From the results of the data adequacy test data obtained a value of 7,289, so the number of samples is larger than the sample that should be. (3) From the results of measuring employee performance using the HRA method. The biggest HEP value is the type of Possible Error. The operator only estimates and there is no standard in mixing vinegar acid with the filtrate. With an HEP value of 0.48. So this factor is the most dominant cause of disability and must be corrected immediately

    Synthesis of Acid Polyols As a Feedstock to Produce Flexible Polyurethanes and Their Effect on the Income Level of Furniture Craftsmen

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    Polyuretanes are widely used as elastomers, coatings, adhesivesand binders,interior and exterior cars, furniture,shoe soles, carpets, rigit and flexible foams, membrane materials as well as constuction materials .The production of polyurethanes is largely derived  from  polyols derived from petroleum . Howover, petroleum  is a non- renewable raw material . Thus it is necessary to look alternative feedstock  for the manufacture of polyol  as a polyurethane raw material. Synnthesis polyurethane by polymerization process  using  polyol volume based on polyol  oleat acid  polypropylenglycol ( PPG ) in order to know  whether fatty acid can be used  as raw materials  of polyurethane manufacture.From the result of the study. Based on Fourier Transform Infra  Red ( FTIR), showed,that the product  produced is polyol with obtained hydroxyl  group ( OH group )with hydroxylnumber is 129,81 mg KOH / g and 157,60 mg KOH / g sample of 70

    Penentuan Interval Waktu Preventive Maintenance Pada Nail Making Machine Dengan Menggunakan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) II

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    With the increasing needs of productivity and the use of high technology in the form of machines and production facilities, the need for maintenance functions is growing. At PT. Surabaya Wire that produces nails and wires of problems that arise especially related to damage to nail making machine, it causes the hours to stop (downtime) and delay in the production process so that the engine performance becomes less effective. The purpose of the research is to determine the time interval schedule of care and know the action or maintenance activities to be done. To solve the problem in this research using Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) II method with Failure Modes and Effect Analyze (FMEA) calculation. RCM II defined a process used to determine what should be done for machine maintenance, whereas for FMEA it is defined as a method to identify the highest failure form on any machine malfunction. From the calculation result using FMEA and RCM II, we got treatment interval result on side shaft component (metal handlebar) with maintenance interval for 63 hours, for crank shaft component (metal road) with maintenance interval for 81 hours, and for Electric motor component with maintenance interval for 374 hours

    Key Success Factors to Increase Value Proposition in the Hospitality Industry

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    Purpose of this conceptual study is the identification and analysis of key success factors to increase value proposition based on design thinking of hotel executives and value co-creation with customers in the hospitality industry. Globalized dynamic markets and ever-changing customer needs and demands require ongoing experimentation and communication to steadily identify customer needs and wants in order to adjust products and services to ensure an increase of value proposition. In this research article, the two-fold role of customers and hotel executives in value co-creation processes leading to an identification of key success factors of value proposition increase is analyzed. The article emphasizes the essential role of customers as contributors to value co-creation processes and hotel executives as contributors to the creation and delivery of value proposition. Superior value proposition can be achieved by understanding actual needs and demands of customers based on design thinking and comparing them to value proposition elements that are perceived as being important by customers. Following this approach, key success factors for enhancing value proposition are analyzed

    Analisis Kualitas Produk Dengan Menggunakan Metode FMEA dan Fault Tree Analisys (FTA) Di Exotic UKM Intako

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    Small and medium business of industrial bags and suitcases intako located in tanggulangin sidoarjo is a center producing varrious products such as bags, suitcases, and jacket in exotic store. Along with the increasing amount of production it must be coupled with the improvement of quality in order to be able to meet customer satisfaction. But in production activities often experience some obtacles one of them is product defect caused by human error and engine factor. This study uses the method Failure Mode and Effect Analysys (FMEA)  to identify each stage of the process and the method Failure Tree Analisys (FTA) to find the root couse of failure . there are 6 potential failures ot the 4 production process of making bags with the highest RPN value such as sewing machine often having trouble with the value of RPN 504 and there are 12 basic event of FTA tree error depiction affecting product quality in exotic UKM intako

    Analisis Persepsi Konsumen Terhadap Aspek Risiko Keamanan Pangan Pada Sistem Rantai Pasok Makanan

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    Food security has an important role in human health. Food that is not guarded can be contaminated which has a negative impact on human health. The negative impact arose due to contamination originating from various places, starting from raw materials, processes, distribution etc. In other words, contamination can be sourced from all actors chained to the supply. For this reason, consumers must be able to choose foods that are safe for consumption. This study aims to determine the extent of consumer perceptions of aspects of food safety risk. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires and processed using one way statistics. The results of the study show that food safety is the main element that is considered in carrying out the food purchasing process


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