349 research outputs found

    Preosteoblast Cell Adhesion and Proliferation on Polycaprolactone (PCL) 3D Scaffolds with Hyaluronic Acid Nano Layer

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    Polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds have been widely used for bone tissue engineering. However, PCL is not good due to the lack of cell recognition sites and hydrophobic surface. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan that plays an important role in adhesion, migration and proliferation. The object of this study is to fabricate the polymeric thin film in order to improving the preosteoblast cells adhesion and proliferation on HA immobilized PCL scaffolds using amine plasma polymerization. HA immobilized PCL scaffold showed no significant effect on preosteoblast cell attachment and proliferation. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3547

    Searching for Ground Truth: a stepping stone in automating genre classification

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    This paper examines genre classification of documents and its role in enabling the effective automated management of digital documents by digital libraries and other repositories. We have previously presented genre classification as a valuable step toward achieving automated extraction of descriptive metadata for digital material. Here, we present results from experiments using human labellers, conducted to assist in genre characterisation and the prediction of obstacles which need to be overcome by an automated system, and to contribute to the process of creating a solid testbed corpus for extending automated genre classification and testing metadata extraction tools across genres. We also describe the performance of two classifiers based on image and stylistic modeling features in labelling the data resulting from the agreement of three human labellers across fifteen genre classes.

    Constraints on diffuse neutrino background from primordial black holes

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    We calculated the energy spectra and the fluxes of electron neutrino emitted in the process of evaporation of primordial black holes (PBHs) in the early universe. It was assumed that PBHs are formed by a blue power-law spectrum of primordial density fluctuations. We obtained the bounds on the spectral index of density fluctuations assuming validity of the standard picture of gravitational collapse and using the available data of several experiments with atmospheric and solar neutrinos. The comparison of our results with the previous constraints (which had been obtained using diffuse photon background data) shows that such bounds are quite sensitive to an assumed form of the initial PBH mass function.Comment: 18 pages,(with 7 figures

    Teacher support and guidelines for diverse student learners during COVID-19

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    Teachers serving students from low-income backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds are experiencing a myriad of challenges due to the pandemic that is exacerbating existing inequities and risks. The purpose of this study was to assess whether and to what extent teachers received access to professional development support that would enable them to more effectively respond to the education to the challenges experienced in managing through COVID-19 and evaluate the impact of this access on their perceptions on student engagement. Using the RAND 2020 American Teacher Panel (ATP) COVID-19 collected in October 2020, four clusters of support and resources were identified: Most Supported, Least Supported, Moderate Supported A (received support primarily with students with Disabilities) and Moderate Supported B (received support primarily with diverse backgrounds). Teachers classified as relatively less supported groups were more likely to be teaching in more urbanized settings with larger size schools than the other clusters and perceived their students as attending less often and being less ready for grade-level coursework. Recommendations for school psychologists and human service professionals organizing professional development to address teacher self-care and social emotional learning are described.First author draf

    Viability of primordial black holes as short period gamma-ray bursts

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    It has been proposed that the short period gamma-ray bursts, which occur at a rate of 10yr1\sim 10 {\rm yr^{-1}}, may be evaporating primordial black holes (PBHs). Calculations of the present PBH evaporation rate have traditionally assumed that the PBH mass function varies as MBH5/2M_{{\rm BH}}^{-5/2}. This mass function only arises if the density perturbations from which the PBHs form have a scale invariant power spectrum. It is now known that for a scale invariant power spectrum, normalised to COBE on large scales, the PBH density is completely negligible, so that this mass function is cosmologically irrelevant. For non-scale-invariant power spectra, if all PBHs which form at given epoch have a fixed mass then the PBH mass function is sharply peaked around that mass, whilst if the PBH mass depends on the size of the density perturbation from which it forms, as is expected when critical phenomena are taken into account, then the PBH mass function will be far broader than MBH5/2 M_{{\rm BH}}^{-5/2}. In this paper we calculate the present day PBH evaporation rate, using constraints from the diffuse gamma-ray background, for both of these mass functions. If the PBH mass function has significant finite width, as recent numerical simulations suggest, then it is not possible to produce a present day PBH evaporation rate comparable with the observed short period gamma-ray burst rate. This could also have implications for other attempts to detect evaporating PBHs.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev. D with additional reference

    Bounds from Primordial Black Holes with a Near Critical Collapse Initial Mass Function

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    Recent numerical evidence suggests that a mass spectrum of primordial black holes (PBHs) is produced as a consequence of near critical gravitational collapse. Assuming that these holes formed from the initial density perturbations seeded by inflation, we calculate model independent upper bounds on the mass variance at the reheating temperature by requiring the mass density not exceed the critical density and the photon emission not exceed current diffuse gamma-ray measurements. We then translate these results into bounds on the spectral index n by utilizing the COBE data to normalize the mass variance at large scales, assuming a constant power law, then scaling this result to the reheating temperature. We find that our bounds on n differ substantially (\delta n > 0.05) from those calculated using initial mass functions derived under the assumption that the black hole mass is proportional to the horizon mass at the collapse epoch. We also find a change in the shape of the diffuse gamma-ray spectrum which results from the Hawking radiation. Finally, we study the impact of a nonzero cosmological constant and find that the bounds on n are strengthened considerably if the universe is indeed vacuum-energy dominated today.Comment: 24 pages, REVTeX, 5 figures; minor typos fixed, two refs added, version to be published in PR

    Tracking Performance of the Scintillating Fiber Detector in the K2K Experiment

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    The K2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment uses a Scintillating Fiber Detector (SciFi) to reconstruct charged particles produced in neutrino interactions in the near detector. We describe the track reconstruction algorithm and the performance of the SciFi after three years of operation.Comment: 24pages,18 figures, and 1 table. Preprint submitted to NI

    Search for sterile neutrino oscillation using RENO and NEOS data

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    We present a reactor model independent search for sterile neutrino oscillation using 2\,509\,days of RENO near detector data and 180 days of NEOS data. The reactor related systematic uncertainties are significantly suppressed as both detectors are located at the same reactor complex of Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant. The search is performed by electron antineutrino\,(νe\overline{\nu}_e) disappearance between six reactors and two detectors with baselines of 294\,m\,(RENO) and 24\,m\,(NEOS). A spectral comparison of the NEOS prompt-energy spectrum with a no-oscillation prediction from the RENO measurement can explore reactor νe\overline{\nu}_e oscillations to sterile neutrino. Based on the comparison, we obtain a 95\% C.L. excluded region of 0.1<Δm412<70.1<|\Delta m_{41}^2|<7\,eV2^2. We also obtain a 68\% C.L. allowed region with the best fit of Δm412=2.41±0.03|\Delta m_{41}^2|=2.41\,\pm\,0.03\,\,eV2^2 and sin22θ14\sin^2 2\theta_{14}=0.08±\,\pm\,0.03 with a p-value of 8.2\%. Comparisons of obtained reactor antineutrino spectra at reactor sources are made among RENO, NEOS, and Daya Bay to find a possible spectral variation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures: This manuscript has been significantly revised by the joint reanalysis by RENO and NEOS Collaborations. (In the previous edition, the RENO collaboration used publicly available NEOS data to evaluate the expected neutrino spectrum at NEOS.

    Cohesin Releases DNA through Asymmetric ATPase-Driven Ring Opening

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    Cohesin stably holds together the sister chromatids from S phase until mitosis. To do so, cohesin must be protected against its cellular antagonist Wapl. Eco1 acetylates cohesin's Smc3 subunit, which locks together the sister DNAs. We used yeast genetics to dissect how Wapl drives cohesin from chromatin and identified mutants of cohesin that are impaired in ATPase activity but remarkably confer robust cohesion that bypasses the need for the cohesin protectors Eco1 in yeast and Sororin in human cells. We uncover a functional asymmetry within the heart of cohesin's highly conserved ABC-like ATPase machinery and find that both ATPase sites contribute to DNA loading, whereas DNA release is controlled specifically by one site. We propose that Smc3 acetylation locks cohesin rings around the sister chromatids by counteracting an activity associated with one of cohesin's two ATPase sites. Tight regulation of DNA entrapment and release by the cohesin complex is crucial for its multiple cellular functions. Elbatsh et al. find that cohesin's release from DNA requires an activity associated with one of its ATPase sites, whereas both sites control cohesin's loading onto DNA

    Measurement of single pi0 production in neutral current neutrino interactions with water by a 1.3 GeV wide band muon neutrino beam

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    Neutral current single pi0 production induced by neutrinos with a mean energy of 1.3 GeV is measured at a 1000 ton water Cherenkov detector as a near detector of the K2K long baseline neutrino experiment. The cross section for this process relative to the total charged current cross section is measured to be 0.064 +- 0.001 (stat.) +- 0.007 (sys.). The momentum distribution of produced pi0s is measured and is found to be in good agreement with an expectation from the present knowledge of the neutrino cross sections.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Lett.