54 research outputs found

    Pola efikasi guru-guru novis sekolah menengah

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    Purpose – This study was aimed at determining the level of teacher efficacy among novice teachers in 21 secondary schools in Sabah, Malaysia. It also intended to investigate if there is any difference in teacher efficacy with respect to gender, types of teacher training and teaching subject. Method – Using the causal comparison design study, data were collected using the Teacher Sense of Effi cacy Scale from 176 novice teachers. Findings – The mean obtained for teacher efficacy was moderately high, with novice teachers being more efficacious in class management. The findings showed that there were significant differences in teacher efficacy according to gender, types of teacher training, and teaching subject. The types of teacher training was found to be the main contributor to the variance in teacher efficacy as compared to gender and teaching subject. Value – The study might implicate the conventional practice in school systems pertaining to professionalism opportunities upon novice teachers

    The perception of teachers and students toward lesson study implementation at rural school of Sabah

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    This study examined the perception of the teachers and students towards the implementation of lesson study in a rural school in Sabah. Researchers used purposive sampling because the practice of Lesson Study has yet to be a culture in schools in Malaysia, especially in Sabah. A total of 10 teachers and 60 students were selected. A questionnaire used to obtain information on the perceptions of students and teachers on the implementation of Lesson Study. The questionnaires were distributed to respondents after the implementation of Lesson Study. SPSS data analysis shows that teachers and students have a positive perception towards the implementation of Lesson Study. Survey results show that the implementation of Lesson Study provides a new perspective in the context of pedagogy in schools among teachers. At the same time, the implementation of lesson study also increases student participation in learning activities in the classroom

    Pengajaran Guru dan Kepercayaan Motivasi Pelajar dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Sekolah Menengah

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    Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di kalangan pelajar aliran agama adalah satu kemestian dan wajib dipelajari kerana termasuk dalam peperiksaan umum seperti PT3, SPM dan STPM. Untuk mempelajarinya dengan berkesan, pelajar perlu mempunyai kepercayaan motivasi yang tinggi kerana Bahasa Arab merupakan mata pelajaran yang agak susah dan mencabar tambahan pula bagi pelajar yang bukan penutur jatinya. Beberapa kajian lepas merekodkan tahap motivasi pelajar yang rendah terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab kerana merasa sukar untuk menguasainya. Justeru, kajian ini akan menjelaskan kemungkinan aspek pengajaran guru yang menjadi punca perubahan kepercayaan motivasi pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Kajian yang menggunakan reka bentuk kuantitatif secara tinjauan ini menggunakan soal selidik Students' Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness Rating Scale (SETERS) dan Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) sebagai instrumen yang direspon oleh 542 pelajar aliran agama tingkatan 4 dan data terkumpul diproses menerusi analisis korelasi pearson. Hasil kajian mendapati hubungan yang sederhana namun signifikan dan positif antara pengajaran guru dan kepercayaan motivasi pelajar aliran agama terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Sehubungan itu, guru perlu mempelbagaikan strategi pengajaran mereka dari segi penyampaian bahan pembelajaran, interaksi dan aspek penyediaan suasana pembelajaran yang kondusif. Usaha ini akan dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan motivasi dan minat pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab sekaligus mengembangkan potensi penguasaan bahasa yang lebih berkesan dan komprehensif

    Peranan Rekabentuk Dalam Mengekalkan Keunikan Adat Dan Budaya Makan Masyarakat Melayu

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    Rekabentuk merupakan satu bidang seni yang dapat membantu dalam membuat penambahbaikan dan menghasilkan sesuatu produk mengikut keperluan masyarakat hari ini. Keunikan adat dan budaya masyarakat Melayu di Malaysia mempunyai elemen yang menarik sehingga menjadi satu identiti kepada masyarakat tersebut. Dalam kajian ini, rekabentuk dilihat sebagai satu medium yang penting dalam mengekalkan adat dan budaya masyarakat Melayu yang makan menggunakan tangan dan hal ini merupakan satu nilai budaya yang unik. Adat makan merupakan salah satu adat yang seringkali diasosiasikan dengan masyarakat Melayu, malah ianya turut menjadi salah satu identiti yang unik dan masih dipraktikkan hingga ke hari ini. Berdasarkan kajian, set pinggan mangkuk yang berada di pasaran hari ini tidak sesuai untuk digunakan bagi hidangan yang menggunakan tangan, di mana masyarakat Melayu terpaksa mengadaptasikan penggunaan set pinggan mangkuk yang terdapat di pasaran yang kebanyakannya direka mengikut rekabentuk dan citarasa Barat. Justeru itu, kajian ini telah meneroka dan menganalisa rekabentuk dan penggunaan set pinggan mangkuk yang bersesuaian dengan adat makan masyarakat Melayu bagi mengekalkan keunikan adat tempatan ini. Di atas kesedaran itu, satu set pinggan mangkuk yang sesuai dengan keunikan budaya makan masyarakat Melayu turut dicadangkan melalui proses rekabentu

    Ubiquitous RFID network for highway monitoring and management

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    A simplified approach for the implementation of ubiquitous RFID networks in a Highway Management System is presented. The technique aims at deploying tagging identification in transport statistical analysis. The RFID network architecture has been designed as part of an existing system to make it more cost effective with a higher reliability. The usefulness and the merits of this easy access and user friendly approach are identified and discussed

    Intelligent Dynamic Traffic Light Sequence Using RFID

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    The proposed RFID traffic control avoids problems that usually arise with standard traffic control systems, especially those related to image processing and beam interruption techniques. This RFID technique deals with a multi-vehicle, multilane, multi road junction area. It provides an efficient time management scheme, in which a dynamic time schedule is worked out in real time for the passage of each traffic column. The real time operation of the system emulates the judgment of a traffic policeman on duty. The number of vehicles in each column and the routing are proprieties, upon which the calculations and the judgments are based

    Pembelajaran Regulasi Kendiri di kalangan Pelajar dalam Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Arab Sekolah Menengah: Satu Analisis Perbandingan Mengikut Jenis Sekolah

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    Bahasa Arab merupakan mata pelajaran elektif yang diwajibkan ke atas pelajar beraliran agama. Salah satu cara untuk menguasai bahasa ini adalah dengan mengamalkan pembelajaran regulasi kendiri yang boleh mengelakkan sikap pasif di kalangan pelajar. Namun demikian, ia mungkin sukar diamalkan jika sekolah kurang kemudahan, kelengkapan dan persekitaran yang sesuai. Di Malaysia terdapat beberapa jenis sekolah yang mewajibkan Bahasa Arab. Dalam kajian ini, pembelajaran regulasi kendiri pelajar dibandingkan berdasarkan tiga jenis sekolah menengah iaitu Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK), Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA) dan Sekolah Menengah Agama Negeri (SMAN). Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan dengan menjadikan soal selidik Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) sebagai instrumen kajian. Data dikutip daripada 542 pelajar tingkatan 4 beraliran agama di tiga jenis sekolah tersebut dan proses menerusi analisis ANOVA sehala. Secara keseluruhan, tiada perbezaan signifikan pada pembelajaran regulasi kendiri pelajar dan salah satu dimensinya; pengaturan kendiri mengikut jenis sekolah tersebut namun, dimensi penggunaan strategi kognitif didapati berbeza secara signifikan. Oleh yang demikian, pihak berkepentingan perlu memberi perhatian dalam penyediaan kemudahan, kelengkapan dan persekitaran yang boleh merangsang pembelajaran regulasi kendiri di kalangan pelajar bagi meningkatkan prestasi Bahasa Arab

    I don’t want to be a teacher: Factors restricting male students from entering the teaching profession

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    This study is motivated by concern about the small number of male school-leavers entering the teaching profession in Malaysia. It is important to determine empirically the reasons why the teaching profession is not popular as their career option, to see whether this can inform us about measures that can be taken to increase the involvement of men in the teaching profession. This study seeks to explore the factors that restrict male students from choosing teaching as a career. A total of 85 first-year male engineering students completed a questionnaire in which they were asked to rate factors that restricted them from entering the teaching profession. The findings of the study revealed that the most significant factor was associated with social influences, followed by poor job conditions, negative perceptions of the teaching profession and limited personal value. This paper proposes that halting the decline in numbers of male teachers is a task that requires the intervention and contribution of not only schools and policy makers but also parents and society, and recommends that effective strategies for attracting young male school leavers to join the teaching profession be developed

    Right of the disabled person for employment: a comparative study between Malaysia and the United Kingdom / Amizatul Izzati Johari …[et al.]

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    In Malaysia, rights of Persons with disabilities (PWDs) are protected under the Persons with Disabilities Act 2008. This Act however is not adequate enough to protect PWDs in the world of employment compared to the law in the United Kingdom (UK). Therefore, this paper aims to examine and understand the challenges that are encountered by Malaysians with disabilities in the world of employment. Section 29 of the Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 laid down the right to equal employment. Unfortunately, it is ineffective, as the Act does not include punishment for breaching its provisions. This PWDs Act 2008 can be regarded as merely rhetoric without effective enforcement mechanism. Meanwhile, in UK, Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination by employers against existing or prospective employees on the ground of disability. It protects applicants for employment and those already in employment. The comparison between Malaysian position and UK position on the protection of the rights of PWDs in employment can be seen in term of the gaps of PWDs Act 2008 and the UK law, which are Equality Act and Disability Discrimination Act 1995. There are several recommendations to ensure the equitable right for PWDs as well as improving employment opportunities for PWDs in Malaysia