1,466 research outputs found

    What is the impact of health trainer interventions within a mental health setting?

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    This paper relates to a single case study that was part of a larger project using a tried and tested evaluation methodology to evaluate the role of health trainers (HTs) working with groups who are considered ‘difficult’ to engage in health care. In this example, the HTs were based in a mental health centre run by a charity. The service was commissioned by a Primary Care Trust (PCT) located in the North East of England. Data collected between April 2010 and July 2011 included quantitative data from 72 service users from the National Data Collection and Reporting System. Additional quantitative data were obtained from the HTs relating to the usage of group activities and a satisfaction questionnaire completed by service users. Qualitative data included interviews with four key stakeholders, a focus group with service users, case studies and progress reports provided as part of the Centre’s annual reporting requirements for the PCT. Findings reveal that more service users aged 26-44 used the service compared with national figures. Partnership working was essential to embed the initiative into the Centre. HT interventions that were flexible, and gave service users options, encouraged mental health promotion. The success of the intervention depended less on what the HT did and more importantly on how they did it

    Professional Development Strategies that Promote Science Inquiry Teaching and Learning

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    The recently released Framework for K-12 Science Education (National Research Council, 2012) calls for science education to addresses weaknesses in current science education of unorganized learning progressions, a focus on a breadth of discrete facts, and a lack of experiences in how science is actually done. Teacher professional development in inquiry science teaching and learning is one way to address these current issues in science education effectively. Higher education faculty have been one of the major groups of providers of teacher professional development programs. Many of these professional development programs have been delivered in short-term workshops and traditionally focused on increasing teacher content or learning new lesson ideas. As such, these programs have achieved limited successes in creating substantive changes and improvements in K-12 science teaching and learning. The research presented describes features of science teacher professional development that promote the adoption of inquiry-based K-12 science teaching and learning. Education and science faculty collaborated on this project to design and implement a professional development model for practicing science teachers. Sustained professional development enhanced by an immersive field study encouraged experienced teachers to modify their instruction to include scientific inquiry strategies that challenged their students to manipulate and make sense of actual scientific data. Three case studies and end of program feedback are described along with implications for other professional development programs

    Netflix: Rachel Whetstone

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    Modelling the spatial and temporal dynamics of upland birds in Scotland

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    Population numbers change in space and time. The construction of models to investigate the spatial and temporal dynamics of populations may offer a means to identify the processes driving this change. In this thesis, we make use of models to examine the population ecology of three species of upland birds: red grouse, meadow pipit and capercaillie. Populations of red grouse in the British Isles exhibit cyclic fluctuations in abundance. Time series data from 287 grouse moors across the United Kingdom were analysed to investigate co-variation in these fluctuations. Results indicate high levels of synchrony between populations on neighbouring moors, with synchrony declining with increasing intermoor distance. At distances greater than 100km, populations exhibit only weak synchrony. Synchrony is shown to be a product of strong coupling events, which occur on average every one in six years. In the absence of such events, synchrony is shown to dissipate within three years. Further, we present evidence which suggests this coupling is driven (at least in part) by dispersal between populations. The density dependent structures are also found to be sufficiently homogeneous to allow correlations in climate to synchronise dynamics, but examination of three climate variables failed to detect a relationship. We also studied the population dynamics of meadow pipits in upland grassland ecosystems. Data, collected as part of an ongoing grazing field experiment, were analysed to construct a Bayesian model of population growth, and predict the effect of grazing intensity on meadow pipit populations. Results suggest grazing has a significant impact on population growth. Grazing may act to improve meadow pipit foraging efficiency and thus productivity. Finally, a spatially explicit population viability model was constructed to predict changes in the future abundance and distribution of capercaillie. Published estimates of key demographic variables were drawn from the literature to parameterise the model. The spatial structure of the population was inferred from spatial data, documenting the extent and configuration of remnant pine woodlands in Scotland. The model predicts a low probability of extinction for capercaillie in the future, and offers insights into key processes affecting the distribution and abundance of this species. The development of these models has advanced our understanding of the environmental processes driving changes in the spatial and temporal dynamics of these species. The results of these studies may be useful in anticipating the future consequences of various drivers of change on the ecology of upland species

    From Welfare to Work: Does it Make Sense?

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    A great deal of thought and energy currently is being focused on moving welfare recipients off welfare and into the job market. This article reports the results of a study of the work versus welfare choice of women who are limited to the minimum wage job market. Due to the level of the minimum wage, these women face poverty even when working full time. Working often brings them little financial benefit compared to being on welfare, and does not include important benefits such as health coverage for their children. one might ask, then, why women facing this choice would be motivated to try to enter the labor market at all. This study was designed to understand, from the women\u27s point of view, what keeps them in the labor market under these conditions, and to shed light on their perceptions of the work versus welfare choice

    Plant City, Florida, 1885-1940: A Study In Southern Urban Development

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    This study investigates the development of Plant City, Florida as a railroad town developing on the Southwest Florida frontier from 1885-1940. The study chronicles the town\u27s origins and economic, political, and social development in relationship to the broader historical theories of southern urban development, specifically those put forward in David Goldfield\u27s pioneering work, Cotton Fields and Skyscrapers: Southern City and Region 1607-1980. Goldfield contended that southern cities developed differently than their northern counterparts because they were not economically, politically, philosophically and culturally separated from their rural surroundings. Instead, they displayed and retained the positive and negative attributes of southern society and culture, including a commitment to maintaining a biracial society until the 1960s, an affinity for rural lifestyles and values among urban residents, and an economic dependence on outside markets and capital. Since Goldfield derived his findings from research that centered on the cotton producing regions of the Old South, this study sought to determine whether the tenets of his thesis applied to the urbanization process in the frontier areas of Florida, a region often considered an anomaly to the greater South. In the end analysis it was determined that Goldfield\u27s theory generally fits Plant City with some exceptions derived from regional differences found in Florida

    Future Energy: Opportunities & Challenges

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    Future Energy: Opportunities & Challenges was originally published in 2013 by the International Society of Automation. Rights for this work have been reverted to the authors by the original publisher. The author has chosen to license this work with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Click the blue Download button to download the full book PDF, or download individual chapters from the list.https://trace.tennessee.edu/openbooks/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Strictly cyclic shifts on lp

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    Analisis Dampak Pengelolaan Hutan Adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi Pada Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Lempur

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    Hutan Adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi Kabupaten Kerinci merupakan salah satu di Kabupaten Kerinci yang dikelola oleh Lembaga Adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi. Metode penelitian analisis tutupan lahan dengan menggunakan analisa citra satelit pada tahun 1995, 2015, 2016, dan 2017. Analisis sosial ekonomi masyarakat dengan wawancara langsung dengan dengan masyarakat yang aktivitas ekonomi di Hutan Adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi. Pengambilan sampel ekonomi masyarakat menggunakan metode purposive dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 35 sampel. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan tutupan lahan dan ekonomi masyarakat dari pengelolaan Hutan Adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi. Hasil analisis data citra dari tahun 1995 sampai 2015 terjadi laju deforestasi seluas 288,31 Ha, tahun 2016 tutupan lahan hutan meningkat seluas 21,59 Ha, dan tahun 2017 tutupan lahan hutan meningkat seluas 132,70 Ha. Kualitas air pada Hutan Adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi pada setelah dianalisis dan dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air tergolong pada kelas I yaitu tidak tercemar. Pengelolaan yang telah dilaksanakan pada Hutan Adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi adalah pengurusan legalitas, pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu dan bukan kayu, pemanfaatan kawasan adat untuk kegiatan perladangan, dan rehabilitasi areal kritis. Hasil Analisi ekonomi masyarakat terhadap perbedaan signifikan pada pendapatan total rumah tangga, pengeluaran total rumah tangga, pendapatan per kapita, pengeluaran per kapita, dan besar kontribusi pendapatan dari hutan adat terhadap pendapatan total. pengelolaan hutan adat tersebut dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi ekologi dan ekonomi dikarenakan kepatuhan masyarakat mengikuti aturan adat tersebut. masyarakat secara penuh mengetahui dan menjalankan semua aturan karena sudah dijalankan secara turun menurun. Masyarakat menganggap keberadaan Hutan Adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi mendukung ekosistem sekitar yang dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi kegiatan pertanian, perkebunan dan hasil hutan sehingga dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat

    Interview of Michael Kerlin, Ph.D., M.B.A.

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    Michael Joseph Kerlin (1936-2007) grew up in a row house in southwest Philadelphia. During High School he decided to join the Christian Brothers and entered La Salle College. Upon graduation he taught high school in Virginia for four years. He pursued his doctorate degree at the Gregorian in Rome and shortly after Graduation in 1966 he became a professor of philosophy at La Salle. He left the Christian Brothers on his 34 birthday but continued to teach at La Salle. He chaired the philosophy department for 28 years and won the Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award in 1986. He married Maryanne Williams in 1972, and had two children, Michael and Christine. The Interview focuses on his involvement with the Christian Brothers, his childhood, his education both at La Salle and in Europe, the philosophy department at La Salle University, and his thoughts on subjects such as: University students, the Catholic Modernist Crisis, Pope John Paul II, Brother Azarias of the Cross, and the effects of Catholicism on philosophy
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