705 research outputs found

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    Het samenstellen en de implementatie van de ‘Kennisbasis rekenen-wiskunde voor de lerarenopleiding basisonderwijs’ vormden aanleiding om na te gaan wat de studielast is voor het vak rekenen-wiskunde. In 2013 werd voor een derde keer nagegaan hoeveel tijd studenten aan het vak rekenen-wiskunde besteden. Daarvoor maakten in 2009 en 2011 peilingen duidelijk dat de studielast voor rekenen-wiskunde gemiddeld toenam, maar ook de verschillen tussen opleidingen groter werden. De peiling in 2013 toont dat de gemiddelde studielast toeneemt, maar dat de verschillen tussen de opleidingen onverkort groot blijve

    Teaching formal mathematics in primary education. Fraction learning as mathematising process.

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    How Noisy Data Affects Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming

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    Noise is a consequence of acquiring and pre-processing data from the environment, and shows fluctuations from different sources---e.g., from sensors, signal processing technology or even human error. As a machine learning technique, Genetic Programming (GP) is not immune to this problem, which the field has frequently addressed. Recently, Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming (GSGP), a semantic-aware branch of GP, has shown robustness and high generalization capability. Researchers believe these characteristics may be associated with a lower sensibility to noisy data. However, there is no systematic study on this matter. This paper performs a deep analysis of the GSGP performance over the presence of noise. Using 15 synthetic datasets where noise can be controlled, we added different ratios of noise to the data and compared the results obtained with those of a canonical GP. The results show that, as we increase the percentage of noisy instances, the generalization performance degradation is more pronounced in GSGP than GP. However, in general, GSGP is more robust to noise than GP in the presence of up to 10% of noise, and presents no statistical difference for values higher than that in the test bed.Comment: 8 pages, In proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017), Berlin, German

    Welfare guarantees for proportional allocations

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    According to the proportional allocation mechanism from the network optimization literature, users compete for a divisible resource -- such as bandwidth -- by submitting bids. The mechanism allocates to each user a fraction of the resource that is proportional to her bid and collects an amount equal to her bid as payment. Since users act as utility-maximizers, this naturally defines a proportional allocation game. Recently, Syrgkanis and Tardos (STOC 2013) quantified the inefficiency of equilibria in this game with respect to the social welfare and presented a lower bound of 26.8% on the price of anarchy over coarse-correlated and Bayes-Nash equilibria in the full and incomplete information settings, respectively. In this paper, we improve this bound to 50% over both equilibrium concepts. Our analysis is simpler and, furthermore, we argue that it cannot be improved by arguments that do not take the equilibrium structure into account. We also extend it to settings with budget constraints where we show the first constant bound (between 36% and 50%) on the price of anarchy of the corresponding game with respect to an effective welfare benchmark that takes budgets into account.Comment: 15 page

    № 61. Із щотижневого зведення Секретного відділу ДПУ УСРР № 14/76 за час з 1 до 7 квітня 1928 р.

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    Regelmatig verschijnen berichten in de pers over de geringe rekenvaardigheid van de leraar basisonderwijs. Om de berichten kracht bij te zetten, verwijst men nogal eens naar zwak rekenende studenten aan de lerarenopleiding basisonderwijs. Het is goed dat de lerarenopleiding eisen stelt aan de rekenvaardigheid van studenten. Zwakke rekenaars mogen geen leraar basisonderwijs worden en daar zorgt de opleiding voor

    Mechanisms of normal and abnormal pulmonary development

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    One of the prerequisites of life is the process of respiration in which an organism exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen in order to obtain energy through the oxygenation of molecules containing carbon. The interfaces used by different organisms for gas exchange vary from simple diffusion between prokaryotic bacteria and the medium in which they reside, to a much more complex diffusible interface, namely a gas-exchanging organ also known as the lung used by higher eukaryotes, such as humans. The human lungs have an estimated 300.000.000 alveoli with a surface area of approximately 70 m2 by 0.1 flm in early adulthood (Comroe, 1965; Weibel, 1963) and is comprised of at least 40 differentiated cell types. The alveolar surface of the lung is surrounded by a capillary network that develops in close apposition. This enables gas exchange to occur with the blood that delivers the oxygen to the tissues. Therefore a 70 kg adult human can use 14.5 L oxygen per hour or 1020 molecules per second at rest. The oxygen demand can rise to approximately 330 L per hour during exercise (Comroe, 1965; Weibel, 1963). To establish such a highly complex organ, well-o

    Trio-One: Layering Uncertainty and Lineage on a Conventional DBMS

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    Trio is a new kind of database system that supports data, uncertainty, and lineage in a fully integrated manner. The first Trio prototype, dubbed Trio-One, is built on top of a conventional DBMS using data and query translation techniques together with a small number of stored procedures. This paper describes Trio-One's translation scheme and system architecture, showing how it efficiently and easily supports the Trio data model and query language

    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Comparison of animal models and relevance to the human situation

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    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) occurs in 1 in 3,000 newborns. Mortality and morbidity are due to the amount of pulmonary hypoplasia (PH), the response on artificial ventilation and the presence of therapy-resistant pulmonary hypertension. The pathogenesis and etiology of CDH and its associated anomalies are still largely unknown despite all research efforts over the past years. Several animal models have been proposed to study CDH. In this review we compare surgical, pharmacological and transgenic models, and discuss their strengths and limitations to study PH