42 research outputs found

    Analysis of organic and conventional beetroot juice assortment in Warsaw shops and consumer sensory evaluation of selected products

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    Organic food is produced in accordance with strictly defined rules, established by the European Union legislation. Thanks to this is considered to be safer and healthier than produced conventionally. Many studies show that organic products, especially vegetables, fruits and preserves contained more dry matter, vitamin C, vitamin B group, total sugar, indispensable amino acids and mineral compounds. At the same time organic plant products usually have been in general better evaluated in terms of taste and smell than conventional food. The aim of this study was to analyze the assortment of beetroot juice from organic and conventional stores in Warsaw, Poland and consumer sensory evaluation of selected products. Analysis of the products was carried out in grocery stores taking into account the size of usable floor space - large-and small area, and due to the specific origin of the range of products - organic and conventional food stores. The results showed that the market of beetroot juices were diverse - organic producers juices were available mainly in specialist organic stores, and conventional juices were available in all the analyzed places. Consumer sensory evaluation, which was conducted among the students, showed that consumers did not have a explicit preference for the taste, smell, color and consistency of beet juice, due to the origin of the product

    The advantages of the introduction of a medical electronic file system in vascular surgery

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    Wstęp. Zwiększająca się liczba roszczeń przeciwko placówkom służby zdrowia i brak standaryzowanego wzoru świadomej zgody uwzględniającego indywidualnie szacowane ryzyko zgonu i powikłań leczenia są narastającym problemem w Polsce. Celem pracy była ocena przydatności Elektronicznego Systemu Dokumentacji Medycznej (ESDM) w chirurgii naczyniowej oraz weryfikacja użyteczności kalkulatora P-POSSUM jako narzędzia dostarczającego szczegółowych informacji o ryzyku zgonu i wczesnych powikłań w formularzu świadomej zgody pacjenta. Materiał i metody. Porównania czasu pracy pomiędzy elektronicznym i klasycznym systemem prowadzenia dokumentacji medycznej dokonano w grupie 50 planowo leczonych chorych. Analizę przydatności skali P-POSSUM w chirurgii naczyniowej przeprowadzono wśród 1270 pacjentów leczonych w ciągu jednego roku. Oceniono działanie ESDM stworzonego dla Kliniki Chirurgii Naczyniowej, Ogólnej i Angiologii Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego (PUM) w Szczecinie, przez porównanie czasu pracy nad elektroniczną i klasyczną dokumentacją medyczną. Dokonano statystycznej oceny praktycznej przydatności skal ryzyka P-POSSUM w chirurgii naczyniowej i poszukiwano innych predykatorów wczesnego zgonu. Wyniki. Elektroniczny System Dokumentacji Medycznej został uzgodniony z Międzynarodową Organizacją Normalizacyjną (ISO), pozwolił zaoszczędzić prawie połowę czasu przeznaczonego na prowadzenie dokumentacji medycznej (14 godzin 6 minut vs. 7 godzin 53 minuty). O około 30% (3 godziny 43 minuty vs. 2 godziny 42 minuty) skrócił się również czas poświęcany przez lekarza na prowadzenie dokumentacji medycznej, ponadto poprawiła się jej czytelność. Potwierdzono przydatność kliniczną i prawidłowe własności prognostyczne skali P-POSSUM i ASA w chirurgii naczyniowej. Dodatkowa analiza pozwoliła wykryć niezależny wpływ czynników nieuwzględnianych dotychczas w kalkulatorach ryzyka zgonu wczesnego, w tym: współczynnika filtracji kłębuszkowej (GFR) mniejszego niż 30 ml/min/1,73 m2 (p = 0,0014), uogólnionej reakcji zapalnej (SIRS) (p = 0,00078), krytycznego niedokrwienia kończyn dolnych (p = 0,000039), ostrego niedokrwienia kończyn (p = 0,000001). Wnioski. 1. Wprowadzenie ESDM w Klinice Chirurgii Naczyniowej PUM w Szczecinie wymiernie skróciło czas poświęcany przez lekarza na prowadzenie dokumentacji medycznej i poprawiło jej jakość. 2. Skala P-POSSUM dobrze prognozuje ryzyko zgonu wczesnego w chirurgii naczyniowej, ale wobec dokonujących się w medycynie zmian może wymagać weryfikacji. 3. Stworzenie Krajowego Rejestru Operacji Naczyniowych (KRON) może być pomocne w pracach nad kalkulatorami przedoperacyjnego ryzyka dla „pacjenta naczyniowego” i przy porównywaniu wyników osiąganych w poszczególnych ośrodkach naczyniowych. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 2: 158–172Background. A rising number of claims against hospitals and the lack of a standardized consent form based on individual calculations of death and complications is a growing problem in Poland. Aim: Evaluation of the usefulness of the Medical Electronic File System (ESDM) in clinical practice on the Vascular Surgery Ward. Accuracy evaluation of the P-POSSUM scale as a tool supplying detailed risk calculation for the patient consent form. Material and methods. A comparison of the time consumption of the two parallel patient’s medical file systems (electronic and classic/paper) done on 50 elective cases. Evaluation of the predictive accuracy of the P-POSSUM scale in a group of 1270 patients treated in the Vascular Surgery Department of Pomerania University during one year. A prospective comparison of the time taken in dealing with the two systems of medical data files (electronic versus paper). Statistical (Statistica PL) assessment of the accuracy of the P-POSSUM risk calculator and searching for new predictors of early death in Vascular Surgery. Results. The Medical Electronic File System (ESDM) was certified with ISO (hospital quality standard). It allowed a saving of almost half the time for dealing with medical files (14 hours and 6 minutes versus 7 hours and 53 minutes). The time consumed in doctors’ paperwork has been decreased by about 30 per cent (3 hours and 43 minutes versus 2 hours and 42 minutes) and the quality of the paperwork has been improved. We confirmed the clinical effectiveness of P-POSSUM as well as ASA scale in vascular surgery. Additional multifactor analysis of early death predictors shows the independent influence of the new factors never used in calculators, e.g. glomellular filtration rate (GFR) beloved 30 ml/min/1.73 msq (p = 0.0014), systemic inflamatory response syndrome (SIRS) (p = 0.00078), critical limb ischaemia (p = 0.000039), acute limb ischaemia (p = 0.000001). Conclusions. 1. Introduction of the Medical Electronic File System (ESDM) in the Vascular Surgery Department of Pomerania Medical University in Szczecin has improved the quality of medical files and greatly reduces the paperwork time. 2. The P-POSSUM calculator is suitable for risk assessment in Vascular Surgery but, due to the progress in medicine, might need to be refreshed. 3. The creation of the National Vascular Surgery Register (KRON) might support work on the suitable risk calculator for “vascular patent” and allow comparison of the results between the sites and the surgeons in Poland. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 2: 158–17

    Biocompounds content in organic and conventional raspberry fruits

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    Raspberry fruits are a source of vitamin C, phenolic acids and flavonoids, including anthocyanins. There is scientific evidence that allows to assume that organic fruit and vegetables contain more bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties than plant crops from the conventional farming. The aim of the presented studies was to compare the contents of antioxidant compounds in two varieties of raspberries fruits came from certified organic and conventional production. The vitamin C content was determined using the titration method and spectrophotometry, and the content and composition of polyphenols (flavonols, anthocyanins and phenolic acids) was determined by HPLC method, with  identification of individual phenolic compounds according to the Fluca and Sigma Aldrich standards. Significant differences were found between raspberry fruits in the content of the analyzed compounds. Organic raspberries contained more flawonols, phenolic acids and anthocyanins in comparison to conventional ones. The applied method of cultivation did not impact the content of vitamin C in raspberries tested. The results show that the cultivation system is one of the factors influencing the content of certain substances with antioxidant character in raspberry fruits. However, there is a need for further detailed research, especially research carried out in similar growing conditions.Keywords: raspberries, organic fruits, flavonoids, phenolic acids, vitamin

    COVID-19 driven adaptations in the provision of school meals in the Baltic Sea Region

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    Correction 6.5.2022 10.3389/fsufs.2022.882111The instability, rapid changes, and restrictions generated by the COVID-19 pandemic tested the provision of school meals in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). School meal services were affected by factors such as full or partial lockdowns, strict hygiene regimes, lay-offs or staff shortages, stressful working environments, supply shortages, and changes to storing, cooking, and serving models. However, the responses to the COVID-19 crisis were highlighted by innovation, new opportunities, and cooperation. This paper reviews several examples of COVID-19 crisis management at school canteens in five BSR countries (Estonia, Finland, Poland, Russia (Saint Petersburg), and Sweden) between March 2020 and March 2021. The paper reveals the significant operational, logistical, and systemic problems that appeared because of the pandemic; the solutions and adaptations that were developed are also identified. The preparatory processes, logistics, and services that were adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a new school meal provision model - a takeaway model; that includes similar features and unique characteristics across the different countries. Overall, the provision of school meals was carried out successfully in the BSR during the pandemic. Responsible, competent, and innovative professionals used their organizational skills, flexibility, and responsiveness to feed school pupils in a highly restricted and rapidly changing environment. It is expected that several of the COVID-19-driven innovations will remain in use following the pandemic.Peer reviewe

    Stresslagertest mit Gurken (Cucumis sativus L.) aus konventionellem und organischen Anbau – ein Laborvergleich

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    Ein Stress-Lagertest wurde mit Gurken (Cucumis sativus L.) durchgeführt. In 39 von 54 Vergleichen wurden signifikant höhere Werte bei ökologischen gegenüber konventionellen Gurken festgestellt

    The knowledge transfer from science to practice – a survey with EU researchers

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    Group members came from 12 European countries, six from new (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia) and six from old EU member states (Germany, Spain, Finland, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal). The aim of the work was to analyze the role of the scientists in a dialogue between them and the practitioners within the organic production sector. Another important aim was to find the best practice models of such dialogue as the examples to be followed by others. In order to reach this aim the survey with the scientists has been conducted by all project partners; every partner has conducted the survey with 10 selected scientists from own country. Only the scientists possessing PhD level and actively working in the organic sector could be selected. Key areas of the questionnaire were directed to the (A) person (gender, age, years of activity in teaching and/or researching), (B) number of projects, papers, trainings and interviews, (C) Examples of best practice models, (D) Estimations of potential collaboration and dialog between scientists and stakeholders, (E) Estimations about the success of personal activities with regard to the improvement of the four fields (farming, processing, trading & marketing), (F) Estimates of the improvement of communication and knowledge transfer from science to practice, (G) Estimates of potential threats for good communication and knowledge transfer among scientists and practitioners. Interviewees were finally asked for general remarks and comments. The results indicate that there is not a big difference between the scientists from the old EU member states and new EU member states in most of the analyzed areas. The main difference is that the scientists from the new EU member states provide more training sessions for practitioners outside their institutions compared to the researchers from the old EU member states. The results reveal also a relatively low level of the researchers’ activity in conducting the implementation projects and writing the popular papers, both in the old and new EU member states

    Identifying future study designs for mental health and social wellbeing associated with diets of a cohort living in eco-regions:findings from the INSUM Expert Workshop

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    Diets influence our mental health and social wellbeing (MHSW) in multiple ways. A rising community concept, Eco-Regions, has gained interest. The research project “Indicators for assessment of health effects of consumption of sustainable, organic school meals in Ecoregions” (INSUM) aims to develop future-oriented research approaches to measure the potential health effects of more sustainable and healthy diets. This first part of the project focuses on MHSW with the goal to identify suitable study designs and indicators. The methodology is based on a 2-day workshop with an interdisciplinary group of experts. This paper describes commonly applied research methods on the nexus between diet and MHSW as presented by the experts and summarises key points from the discussions. The results show that the dominating tool to investigate MSHW is questionnaires. Questionnaires vary largely depending on the research design, such as participants or distribution channels. Cohort studies addressing families and including in-depth interventional and/or experimental studies may be suitable for an Eco-Region investigation. Those MHSW studies can be conducted and combined with measurements of somatic health effects. We conclude that indicators should be seen as complementary rather than independent. Explorative research designs are required to investigate complex Eco-Regions

    Identifying Future Study Designs and Indicators for Somatic Health Associated with Diets of Cohorts Living in Eco-Regions: Findings from the INSUM Expert Workshop

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    Diets, but also overall food environments, comprise a variety of significant factors with direct and indirect impacts on human health. Eco-Regions are geographical areas with a territorial approach to rural development, utilizing organic food and farming practices, and principles and promoting sustainable communities and food systems. However, so far, little attention has been given to quantifying aspects of the health of citizens living in these sustainable transition territories. The project “Indicators for Assessment of Health Effects of Consumption of Sustainable, Organic School Meals in Eco-Regions” (INSUM) aims to identify and discuss research approaches and indicators that could be applied to effectively measure the somatic, mental, and social health dimensions of citizens in Eco-Regions, linked to the intake of organic foods in their diets. In this paper, we focus on the somatic (physical) health dimension. A two-day workshop was held to discuss suitable methodology with an interdisciplinary, international group of experts. The results showed the limitations of commonly used tools for measuring dietary intake (e.g., relying on the memory of participants), and nutritional biomarkers (e.g., variations in correlations with specific intakes) for research understanding dietary intake and the health effects of diets. To investigate the complexity of this issue, the most suitable approach seems to be the combination of traditional markers of physical and mental health alongside emerging indicators such as the microbiome, nutrigenomics, metabolomics, or inflammatory biomarkers. Using new, digital, non-invasive, and wearable technologies to monitor indicators could complement future research. We conclude that future studies should adopt systemic, multidisciplinary approaches by combining not only indicators of somatic and mental health and social wellbeing (MHSW) but also considering the potential benefits of organic diets for health as well as aspects of sustainability connected to food environments

    European Organic Food Consumers: Motives, Actions and Implications

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the motives and to characterize the profile of European organic food consumer using available literature data. According to the research published so far, organic food consumers are, e.g., better educated and more physically active compared to those who declare no interest in organic foods. They also exhibit nutritional patterns more closely adhering to current dietary guidelines, and show lower probability of overweight and obesity. Most of them do not smoke. Among the reasons to buy organic food, most of the consumers mention health in the first place, followed by the environmental aspects, animal welfare and taste.W pracy dokonano analizy motywów oraz charakterystyki profilu europejskiego konsumenta żywności ekologicznej, wykorzystując dostępne dane literaturowe. Zgodnie z wynikami dotychczas opublikowanych badań konsumenci żywności ekologicznej są m.in. lepiej wykształceni oraz bardziej aktywni fizycznie w porównaniu z tymi, którzy deklarują brak zainteresowania żywnością ekologiczną. Charakteryzują się ponadto sposobem żywienia bardziej zbliżonym do obowiązujących zaleceń, wykazują istotnie mniejsze prawdopodobieństwo nadwagi i otyłości, a także rzadziej sięgają po wyroby tytoniowe. Wśród motywów zakupu żywności ekologicznej dominują kolejno względy zdrowotne, troska o środowisko naturalne, dobrostan zwierząt oraz poszukiwanie pożądanych walorów smakowych