481 research outputs found

    Information technology in use of authentic material teaching a second language

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    The importance of the research is provided by the need of choosing the effective condition of using authentic material as a method of teaching a second language. Therefore this article is devoted to finding the role of information technology in using authentic material. Authentic and adopted materials are defined. The pedagogical networked recourse model as a way of preventing the individual use of authentic materials problem is presented. The article benefits the research of authenticity and adaptation. The content of the article can be used practically in creation of the networked resource devoted to practical use of authentic materialАктуальность рассматриваемого вопроса обусловлена необходимостью поиска оптимального условия использования аутентичных материалов при обучении иностранному языку. В связи с этим, цель статьи заключается в определении роли информационных технологий в использовании аутентичных материалов. В статье рассмотрено содержание понятия аутентичные материалы, дано определение адаптированных материалов, представлена модель педагогического Интернет ресурса, позволяющего преодолеть трудности индивидуального использования аутентичных материалов. Материалы статьи вносят теоретический вклад в понимание соотношения аутентичных и адаптированных материалов, представляют практическую ценность для создания педагогического ресурса, посвященного аутентичным материала

    Geek Culture As a New ‘Image’ of Contemporary Culture

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    The aim of this article is to present the theoretical grounding of geek culture as a unique contemporary phenomenon, based on structural-functional, evolutionary, and systemic methodology within the overarching culturological approach. We verify the meaning of such concepts as ‘geek’, ‘geek community’, and ‘geek culture’; explore the role and the characteristics of geek culture as a supra-subculture; analyze its global universal features and the specifics of its Russian variant; describe a unique characteristic of geek culture as a self-organizing system; and highlight the dualistic features of geek culture as a ‘marker’ of contemporary social processes.     Keywords: geek, geek culture, geek community, supra-subculture, consumer subculture, mass subculture, youth subculture, counter-culture, mainstrea

    Statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of impurities in the snow cover in the vicinity of copper mine in the Middle Ural of Russia

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    Statistical analysis of the monitoring data of industrial enterprises influence zones is an important part of the researches related to natural environment changes. In present study, a cluster analysis of the elemental composition of the snow cover in the vicinity of a copper mine was carried out. The data were obtained as a result of the chemical analysis of the snow samples collected during annual environmental monitoring in the region of Rezh town (the Middle Ural of Russia), where Safyanovsky Copper Mine and Rezhevsky Nickel Plant are located. The elements identified by chemical analysis were grouped according to the strength of the correlation bond. The cluster analysis of these groups made it possible to identify and separate the influence zones of the Plant, Mine and other industrial objects located in the area. The obtained results became the basis for adjusting the snow cover monitoring scheme. © 2018 Author(s).The research is supported by the project of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences No. 18-5-2345-56

    Special military operation as a tool of increasing the anti-corruption potential

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    Objective: to analyze the dynamics of Russia’s anti-corruption potential in connection with the socio-political conditions of the modern Russian society development.Methods: a dialectical approach to the cognition of social phenomena, which allows analyzing the interrelation of such phenomena as politics, economics, power, corruption, as well as using comparative-historical, systemic, institutional, abstract-logical methods to predict ways to increase the anti-corruption potential of society and its anti-corruption stability.Results: the development of the anti-corruption potential of the modern Russian state is predicted, based on the formation of civil society under the influence of socio-economic and socio-political processes taking place in Russia against the background of the special military operation. The regularities in the actions of the ruling elite representatives in various difficult periods of the state development are stated, including during the special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces in the territory of Ukraine.Scientific novelty: the work presents a comparative study of the dependence between the spread of corruption in society, on the one hand, and the socio-political conditions and the characteristics of the ruling elite, on the other, including under the conditions of modern society in its extreme state during the special military operation; the impact of these conditions on the anti-corruption stability of society is also studied.Practical significance: consists in the possibility to formulate forecasting assessments regarding the ability to increase the anti-corruption potential of the society (anti-corruption sustainability of the society) and ways to achieve the goal of fighting corruption

    Impact of International Sporting Events on the Economy: Foreign Experience

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    The contribution of sporting mega-events to the growth of the host economy remains an open question in the academic and expert communities. Their preparation requires enormous investments in the construction and modernization of infrastructure, as well as trade development and tourism expansion. Theoretically, this may seem to be fertile ground for economic growth and high investment performance. However, in practice, major sporting events, as a rule, induce budget overruns and huge debt of the host country; investment strategies are rarely successful; and financial expectations from such events are overestimated. This article is devoted to the comparative analysis of foreign and Russian experience in the implementation of sports mega-events. This research helps to systematize the effects of such events for the socioeconomic development of the country

    Multifunctional semiconductor micro-Hall devices for magnetic, electric, and photo-detection

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    We report the real-space voltage response of InSb/AlInSb micro-Hall devices to local photo-excitation, electric, and magnetic fields at room temperature using scanning probe microscopy. We show that the ultrafast generation of localised photocarriers results in conductance perturbations analogous to those produced by local electric fields. Experimental results are in good agreement with tight-binding transport calculations in the diffusive regime. The magnetic, photo, and charge sensitivity of a 2 μm wide probe are evaluated at a 10 μA bias current in the Johnson noise limit (valid at measurement frequencies > 10 kHz) to be, respectively, 500 nT/√Hz; 20 pW/√Hz (λ = 635 nm) comparable to commercial photoconductive detectors; and 0.05 e/√Hz comparable to that of single electron transistors. These results demonstrate the remarkably versatile sensing attributes of simple semiconductor micro-Hall devices that can be applied to a host of imaging and sensing applications


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    A new spectrophotometric technique has been developed for the determination of boron in the waters using berillon III and 8 % glycerol in slightly acidic reaction conditions, reaction time is 20 min. The total amount of time spent on the definition of boron, is 90 minutes. The determination range is 0.008 – 0.8 μgL-1.Keywords: boron, boric acid, spektrophotometry, berillon III, glycerol(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.016T.A. Kazakova1, O.A. Tutunnik2, Yu.M. Dedkov11 Moscow Regional State University, Moscow region, Mytischi, Russian Federation2V.I. Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of the Russian Academy Science,  Moscow, Russian FederationРазработана новая спектрофотометрическая методика определения бора в водах с помощью бериллона III в 8 %-ной по глицерину слабокислой среде. Время протекания реакции составляет 20 мин, общее время анализа - 90 мин. Диапазон определяемых содержаний бора составляет от 0.008 до 0.8 мкг/мл.Ключевые слова: бор, борная кислота, спектрофотометрия, бериллон III, глицерин DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.01


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    50 children of early age, who were on artificial digestion, wereexamined.It proved, that children, who got the mixture "Frisopep" had less allergic skin reaction and positive changes in the coprogram.Обследовано 50 детей раннего возраста на искусственном вскармливании. Доказано, что у детей, получающих смесь Фрисопеп, прошли или значительно уменьшились проявления аллергии на коже, выявлены положительные изменения в копрограмме. Обстежено 50 дітей раннього віку, які знаходились на штучному вигодовуванні. Доведено, що у дітей, які отримували суміш Фрісопеп, пройшли або значно зменшилися прояви алергії на шкірі та виявлені позитивні зміни в копрограмі


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    The research goal was to reveal possible reasons causing intestinal dysbacteriosis and to propose preventive measures. 30 children were examined. Several risk factors contributing to dysbiosis development have been identified: hereditary factors – parents’ age more than 30 years (50% child), chronic diseases of digestive system (70%), ENT organs (23.3%), allergic reactions and diseases (40%), mainly from the side of mother; factors of pregnancy (pathologic pregnancy in 100% of cases: toxicosis, acute and aggravated chronic diseases, deficiency anemia of pregnant women); factors of labour (16.6% – caesarian section). 30% of patient showed prolongation of newborn transitory dysbiosis phase to the second half-year of life. The clinical picture indicated compensated form (the 1st degree of severity), data of bacteriological survey – the 2nd–3rd degree of intestinal microbiocenosis disorder. Prevention of dysbiosis should be started from the childhood of the future mother; women of the “risk group” during pregnancy should undergo examination of intestinal biocenosis and timely corrections of its disorders; children, born by mothers of the “risk group”, need primary prophylaxis of intestinal microbiota.Целью исследования явилось выявление возможных причин возникновения дисбактериоза кишечника и предложение профилактических мероприятий. Обследовано 30 детей. Определены факторы риска возникновения дисбиоза: наследственные - возраст родителей более 30 лет (у 50% детей), хронические заболевания пищеварительной системы (70%), ЛОР-органов (23,3%), аллергические реакции и заболевания (40%), в основном со стороны матери; беременности (патологическая беременность в 100% случаев: токсикоз, острые и обострение хронических заболеваний, дефицитная анемия беременных); родов (16,6% - кесарево сечение). Выявлено удлиннение фазы транзиторного дисбиоза новородженного до второго полугодия жизни у 30% пациентов. Клиническая картина свидетельствовала о компенсированной форме (I степени тяжести), данные бактериологического исследования – о II-III степени нарушения микробиоценоза кишечника. Профилактику дисбиоза необходимо начинать с детского возраста будущей мамы; женщинам «группы риска» во время беременности следует проводить исследование состояния биоценоза кишечника и своевременно коррегировать его нарушение; дети, рожденные от матерей «групи риска», нуждаються в первичной профилактике микробиоты кишечника.Метою дослідження було виявлення чинників порушення мікрофлори кишечнику та надання профілактичних заходів. Обстежено 30 дітей. Визначені фактори ризику: у половини дітей вік батьків 30 і більше років; обтяжена спадковість, здебільшого з боку матері, хронічні захворювання органів травлення (70%), ЛОР-органів (23,3%), алергічні реакції і захворювання (40%); патологічна вагітність у всіх  жінок (токсикоз, гострі та загострення хронічних захворювань, дефіцитна анемія); патологічні пологи (кесарів розтин у 16,6% вагітни). У 30% пацієнтів виявлено подовження фази транзиторного дисбіозу новонародженої дитини до другого півріччя життя. Клінічні прояви дисбактеріозу в дітей відповідали легкій компенсованій формі (I ступень тяжкості) але дані бактеріологічного дослідження -II–III мікробіологічним ступеням дисбіозу. Профілактику дисбактеріоза потрібно починати з дитячого віку майбутньої мами; під час вагітності жінкам "групи ризику" слід проводити дослідження стану біоценозу кишечнику і коригувати його порушення. Діти, народжені від матерів цієї групи ризику, потребують первинної профілактики порушення мікробіоценоза кишечника

    The syntheses and binding properties of the novel organophosphorus calixarenes

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    Phosphorylation of bromo, dialkylaminomethyl calix[4]resorcinarenes with various long chain aliphatic radicals with a number of P(III) derivatives i.e. triamido-and diamidophosphites, and polyhalogenides of P(III), P(IV) is described. A series of phosphoamide cavitands were obtained. Structures and properties of synthesized compounds were discussed on the basis of physical and quantum chemical methods