207 research outputs found

    Strengthening the voices of human rights defenders in the media: A case study on addressing sorcery accusation related violence in Papua New Guinea

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    Civil society and human rights defenders in Papua New Guinea have played an important role in bringing about legislative changes with regard to domestic and sorcery accusation related violence in recent years. Their insights in understanding how to address complex issues at the community level when accusations occur have also proven crucial to keeping people safe and providing processes to hold perpetrators accountable. However, the mainstream media has rarely reported on their stories and included their voices in the reporting of sorcery accusation related violence. They have focused on exposing the problem, often by showcasing the horrific nature of some of the crimes related to accusations, instead of further investigating possible solutions. In this paper we explore our work with human rights defenders to capture their experiences around sorcery accusations and violence and provide ways to bring their stories into the mainstream media. In particular, we explore questions around the ethics of representation when it comes to reporting human rights abuses and violence and suggest alternative ways of reporting

    Kapori: Researching local responses to sorcery accusation–related violence in Papua New Guinea through Indigenous storytelling

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    This article explores kapori, an Indigenous form of storytelling to investigate and report experiences, motivations, responses, and challenges of sorcery accusation–related violence (SARV) by the Yuri people, a tribal group from the Papua New Guinea highlands. SARV is attributed to the belief that some people use supernatural powers to cause illness, deaths, or misfortunes to a community and, therefore, become targets of violent accusations. We outline the rationale for incorporating kapori into SARV research and discuss the findings from a storytelling workshop with 14 participants representing 13 clans of Yuri. The findings suggest that key strategies for curbing SARV include building community capacity to respond to the challenges of SARV, addressing the physical and emotional scars of SARV, and valuing collective interventions to prevent SARV. The use of kapori in this research helped to diversify, expand, and circulate Yuri narratives about SARV to support prevention strategies

    'I want to buy my own block of land': Representation of urban settlement communities in Papua New Guinea

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    Urban settlements are home to around half the urban population of Papua New Guinea. Since the end of the Second World War, PNG towns and cities have experienced significant growth of urban settlements. Urban dwellings were established on customary and untransformed state lands. With limited support for services from government, informal settlements in the urban landscape have often been perceived from the perspective of their deficiencies. However, residents of urban settlement communities play an important role in urban economies. The purpose of this article is to critically review perceptions of settlements and issues affecting settlement communities in PNG, both in the mainstream media and from within settlement communities. The authors first present a media content analysis of reporting on settlement communities on PNG’s main online media sites. Second, they examine urban market vendors’ personal experiences of the challenges and solutions of living in Kamkumung Settlement in Lae. Drawing on storytelling and photovoice workshops with market vendors at Awagasi market, they argue for the need for media actively to include the voices of settlement residents. The article suggests that, by better understanding the context and personal experience of residents, journalists and the media could make a stronger contribution to sustainable development and urban planning in PNG

    Educational Space Invaders

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Escola Politécnica/COPPE/UFRJ como requisito necessårio para a obtenção do grau de Engenheiro EletrÎnico e de Computação. Este projeto consiste em um jogo educativo para Android baseado no mesmo conceito do famoso jogo Space Invaders (1978). A ideia principal do projeto é que diferentes temas podem ser abordados pelo jogo sem a necessidade de modificação ou atualização do software. Através do carregamento de imagens armazenadas em um servidor, diferentes versÔes do jogo podem ser criadas sem qualquer conhecimento em programação

    Effects of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist Therapy on Body Mass Index and Height in Girls with Central Precocious Puberty

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    Treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist is the treatment of choice for central precocious puberty (CPP). Many of the previous studies concerning the auxological effects of treatment with GnRH agonist in CPP have focused on final height. Much less attention has been paid to changes in body weight. However, concerns have been expressed that CPP may be associated with increased body mass index (BMI) both at initial presentation and during GnRH agonist treatment. We retrospectively reviewed the height and BMI of 38 girls with CPP. All patients were treated with GnRH agonist over 18 months. The height standard deviation score (SDS) for chronological age was significantly decreased during GnRH agonist treatment, whereas the height SDS for bone age was significantly increased. The predicted adult height was increased from 157.78±6.45 cm before treatment to 161.41±8.97 cm at 12 months after treatment. The BMI SDS for chronological age was significantly increased during treatment. The BMI SDS of normal-weight girls increased more than did the BMI SDS of overweight girls, but the increase was not significant. Preventive measures, such as increased physical activity, can be introduced to minimize possible alterations in body weight, and a long-term follow-up study is required to elucidate whether GnRH agonist treatment in Korean girls with CPP affects adult obesity

    Serum Kisspeptin Levels in Korean Girls with Central Precocious Puberty

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    Central precocious puberty (CPP) is caused by premature activation of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion. Kisspeptin and G-protein coupled receptor-54 system is the essential gatekeeper of the reproductive system, playing a key role in the activation of the gonadotropic axis at puberty. We aimed to determine whether serum kisspeptin may function as a marker for CPP by investigating serum kisspeptin levels in Korean girls with CPP and their prepubertal controls. Serum kisspeptin levels of Korean girls with CPP (n = 30) and age-matched healthy prepubertal controls (n = 30) were measured with a competitive enzyme immunoassay. Serum kisspeptin levels were significantly higher in CPP group than in control group (4.61 ± 1.78 vs 2.15 ± 1.52 pM/L, P < 0.001). Serum kisspeptin was positively correlated with peak luteinizing hormone (LH), peak/basal LH ratio and peak LH/follicular-stimulating hormone (FSH) ratio during GnRH stimulation test. CPP is supposed to be triggered by premature increase of kisspeptin. Serum kisspeptin may be used as a marker of CPP. Further studies on KISS1 gene polymorphisms leading to higher risk of premature increase of kisspeptin and upstream regulator of kisspeptin are also needed

    Establishing the conceptual and practical foundations of a new form of theatre for development: Theatre in conversations

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    This research was developed between Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) over two years investigating ways in which theatre for development could be held accountable for the claims it makes especially in PNG. The motivation to improve theatre for development (TfD) practice was triggered by the desire to enhance the democratic processes of collaboration and co–creativity often lacking in TfD activity in Papua New Guinea. Through creative practice as research and reflective processes, working with established and experienced local community theatre practitioners, a new form of theatre for development, Theatre in Conversations evolved. This form integrated three related genres of TfD including process drama, community theatre and community conversations. The suitability and impact of Theatre in Conversations was tested in three remote villages in PNG. Findings and outputs from the study have the potential to be used by theatre for development practitioners in other countries

    Awareness community theatre: A local response to HIV and AIDS in Papua New Guinea

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    This essay examines the Tokaut AIDS Awareness Community Theatre (ACT) model for HIV prevention and its application in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Key to the ACT approach was realising early on that the HIV epidemic was not only a medical issue, but also a social one. This essay explores the development of locally devised theatre content that highlights participation and agency as important to the approach. Five key considerations for sustained community theatre approaches emerged from the process. These include: the process of co-creating scripts, designing culturally relevant content, implementing a layered approach, engaging in a multi-sectoral approach and generating site-specific creative developments. The theoretical framing of this essay was drawn from concepts of community theatre and dramaturgy
