321 research outputs found

    El costo de inacción en la prevención de la obesidad: análisis prospectivo de Uruguay: Custo da inação na prevenção da obesidade: análise prospectiva no Uruguai

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    En los últimos diez años en Uruguay, el gasto médico total financiado con fondos públicos se ha triplicado en dólares americanos corrientes. Un aumento sustancial en la prevalencia del sobrepeso (IMC ≥25) y la obesidad (IMC ≥30) ha contribuido a este crecimiento. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, Uruguay es el país con mayor prevalencia tanto en sobrepeso como en obesidad de América del Sur, con tendencia creciente. Esta realidad nos ha motivado a estudiar en profundidad el costo de atención sanitaria de la obesidad y sus enfermedades relacionadas. Nuestra estimación es que los costos de atención de estas enfermedades para el 2030 ascenderá a más de 500 millones de dólares americanos, lo que equivale a casi el 1% del PIB del país. Las políticas antiobesidad implementadas en la última década han tenido un desem- peño difícil de medir, y en algunos casos han resultado ineficientes, no tanto por la política o programa en sí, sino por su deficiencia en la implementación y seguimiento.  Nuestro estudio intenta generar una forma de medición de valor para determinar el costo de inacción sobre el combate a la obesidad y sus enfermedades no trasmisibles. El costo de inacción no es definido como el costo de no hacer, sino como el costo de no implementar las políticas adecuadas (en este caso de prevención en salud), en el momento oportuno

    Speckle activity images based on the spatial variance of the phase

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    We propose the display of the local spatial variance of the temporal variations of the phase as an activity descriptor in dynamic speckle images. The spatial autocorrelation of the speckle intensity is calculated in sliding windows, and an estimation of the variance of the phase variations in each region of the sample is determined. The activity images obtained in this way depict some interesting features and in some cases they could be related to physical magnitudes in the samples. A simulation is presented, and examples corresponding to usual study cases are also shown, namely, fruit bruising and paint drying

    Speckle activity images based on the spatial variance of the phase

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    We propose the display of the local spatial variance of the temporal variations of the phase as an activity descriptor in dynamic speckle images. The spatial autocorrelation of the speckle intensity is calculated in sliding windows, and an estimation of the variance of the phase variations in each region of the sample is determined. The activity images obtained in this way depict some interesting features and in some cases they could be related to physical magnitudes in the samples. A simulation is presented, and examples corresponding to usual study cases are also shown, namely, fruit bruising and paint drying.Facultad de Ingeniería (FI)Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas (CIOp

    Speckle activity images based on the spatial variance of the phase

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    We propose the display of the local spatial variance of the temporal variations of the phase as an activity descriptor in dynamic speckle images. The spatial autocorrelation of the speckle intensity is calculated in sliding windows, and an estimation of the variance of the phase variations in each region of the sample is determined. The activity images obtained in this way depict some interesting features and in some cases they could be related to physical magnitudes in the samples. A simulation is presented, and examples corresponding to usual study cases are also shown, namely, fruit bruising and paint drying.Facultad de Ingeniería (FI)Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas (CIOp

    Are b-corps ready to be a gateway to the job market for women and young people in Latin America? : a prospective study of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay

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    The document presents findings regarding the type and quality of the impact that B-Corps and Purpose-Driven Companies (PDC) have in the inclusion of women and youth in Latin America. This study investigates whether B-Corps are a genuine means of employability for these two groups so that future strategies can be effectively designed in terms of public policy. B Corporation (also B Lab or B Corp) certification of "social and environmental performance" is a private certification of for-profit companies, distinct from the legal designation as a Benefit corporation. B Corp certification is conferred by B Lab in Latin America with Sistema B

    estudio prospectivo en Uruguay

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    La investigación tiene como objetivo determinar y analizar el costo en la pandemia del Sars-cov2 en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (en adelante UCI). En forma conjunta, determinar el costo por paciente, por día y por cama en casos de obesidad para Uruguay en la misma Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Especialmente, identificar el desvío entre el costo de pacientes internados en UCI con obesidad y sin obesidad. Esto implica la definición operacional de los componentes y de las variables, que incluye la metodología, y establecer la forma en que éstas son incorporadas para el cálculo de costos y resultados en salud. Se trata de una metodología prospectiva, con uso de estadísticos descriptivos. Los datos muestran que el 80% de los pacientes en UCI tenían un Índice de Masa Corporal superior a 30. Los costos considerados directos implican tratamientos médicos, recursos fungibles y fármacos, camillas, tomógrafos con ventilación especial para traslados que no suelen estar diseñados para pesos superiores a 150 kgs del paciente. Como resultado, se abren alternativas de acciones en la sociedad, dirigidas al tratamiento preventivo y la medición de potenciales ahorros en recursos públicos y del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo en 261 pacientes, entre los meses de mayo y julio de 2021. Las variables estudiadas de costo responden a día paciente, día cama, fármacos, insumos médicos fungibles, alimentación, costo por recursos humanos médicos y no médicos, y equipamiento de largo plazo específico para la atención hospitalaria en UCI. Para la obtención del costo total de un día paciente y de un día cama, se sumaron los costos directos e indirectos, expresados en dólares estadounidenses a la fecha de utilización del recurso. El costo para pacientes con obesidad y sin obesidad se calcula enfatizando el tiempo medio de internación en UCI (estancia en días). Resultados: Se observó una mayor estancia en UCI para pacientes obesos, en algunos meses observados duplicando los días promedio que para los no obesos. El costo diario por cama ocupada en UCI resulta en $1.585 dólares estadounidenses, resultado alineado a los reportados por UCI de otros países en la región. [Resumen de los autores

    Speckle activity images based on the spatial variance of the phase

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    We propose the display of the local spatial variance of the temporal variations of the phase as an activity descriptor in dynamic speckle images. The spatial autocorrelation of the speckle intensity is calculated in sliding windows, and an estimation of the variance of the phase variations in each region of the sample is determined. The activity images obtained in this way depict some interesting features and in some cases they could be related to physical magnitudes in the samples. A simulation is presented, and examples corresponding to usual study cases are also shown, namely, fruit bruising and paint drying.Facultad de Ingeniería (FI)Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas (CIOp

    Sex-dependent role of CD300f immune receptor in generalized anxiety disorder.

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    Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) presents a high prevalence in the population, leading to distress and disability. Immune system alterations have been associated with anxiety-related behaviors in rodents and GAD patients. CD300f immune receptors are highly expressed in microglia and participate not only in the modulation of immune responses but also in pruning and reshaping synapses. It was recently demonstrated that CD300f might be influential in the pathogenesis of depression in a sex-dependent manner. Here, we evaluated the role of CD300f immune receptor in anxiety, using CD300f knockout mice (CD300f-/-) and patients with GAD. We observed that male CD300f-/- mice had numerous behavioral changes associated with a low-anxiety phenotype, including increased open field central locomotion and rearing behaviors, more exploration in the open arms of the elevated plus-maze test, and decreased latency to eat in the novelty suppressed feeding test. In a cross-sectional population-based study, including 1111 subjects, we evaluated a common single-nucleotide polymorphism rs2034310 (C/T) in the cytoplasmatic tail of CD300f gene in individuals with GAD. Notably, we observed that the T allele of the rs2034310 polymorphism conferred protection against GAD in men, even after adjusting for confounding variables. Overall, our data demonstrate that CD300f immune receptors are involved in the modulation of pathological anxiety behaviors in a sex-dependent manner. The biological basis of these sex differences is still poorly understood, but it may provide significant clues regarding the neuropathophysiological mechanisms of GAD and can pave the way for future specific pharmacological interventions

    European Expert Opinion on ANT-DBS therapy for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy (a Delphi consensus)

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    Introduction: Although deep brain stimulation of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus (ANT-DBS) represents an established third-line therapy for patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy, guiding reports on practical treatment principles remain scarce. Methods: An Expert Panel (EP) of 10 European neurologists and 4 neurosurgeons was assembled to share their experience with ANT-DBS therapy. The process included a review of the current literature, which served as a basis for an online survey completed by the EP prior to and following a face-to-face meeting (Delphi method). An agreement level of >= 71 % was considered as consensus. Results: Out of 86 reviewed studies, 46 (53 %) were selected to extract information on the most reported criteria for patient selection, management, and outcome. The Delphi process yielded EP consensus on 4 parameters for selection of good candidates and patient management as well as 7 reasons of concern for this therapy. Since it was not possible to give strict device programming advice due to low levels of evidence, the experts shared their clinical practice: all of them start with monopolar stimulation, 79 % using the cycling mode. Most (93 %) EP members set the initial stimulation frequency and pulse width according to the SANTE parameters, while there is more variability in the amplitudes used. Further agreement was achieved on a list of 7 patient outcome parameters to be monitored during the follow-up. Conclusions: Although current evidence is too low for definite practical guidelines, this EP report could support the selection and management of patients with ANT-DBS