729 research outputs found

    The Creation of Hegemonic Masculinity in the Working Class in Malmö

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    Abstract Author: Björn Karlsson Title: The Creation of Hegemonic Masculinity in the Working Class in Malmö SIMV2130 credits Supervisor: Mats Beronius Lund University Department of Sociology Division; Sociology Spring, 2013 Problems/background: This paper revolves around understanding how hegemonic masculinity is created. It aims to develop theoretical tools to further understand masculinity and class. Objective: The objective of the thesis is to understand how hegemonic masculinity is discursively created in four interviews and archive material. Developing the theoretical tool of class composition is an important aim of the paper. Summary: This thesis investigates the creation of hegemonic masculinities within the working class in Malmö. Coupled with a Marxist postoperaist analysis it locates the creation of hegemonic masculinity through a discursive strategy. Interviews and archive material from the Family Right’s Bureau in Malmö, an agency handling custody cases, together form the material for the paper. Masculinity is analysed as a biopower concept and as fixed between positions of class, ethnicity and gender. Conclusion/result: The thesis shows how hegemonic masculinity is created through a position of power on the labour market that is entwined with gender and ethnicity. Hegemonic masculinity is supported by biopolitics to make up how it is the normal and the norm. It further concludes that the class composition concept must be expanded to integrate class and ethnicity

    Gender, Productivity and the Nature of Work and Pay: Evidence from the Late Nineteenth-Century Tobacco Industry

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    Women have, on average, been less well-paid than men throughout history. Prior to 1900, most economic historians see the gender wage gap as a reflection of men's greater strength and correspondingly higher productivity. This paper investigates the gender wage gap in cigar making around 1900. Strength was rarely an issue, but the gender wage gap was large. Two findings suggest that employers were not sexist. First, differences in earnings by gender for workers paid piece rates can be fully explained by differences in experience and other productivity-related characteristics. Second, conditioning on those characteristics, women were just as likely to be promoted to the better paying piece rate section. Neither finding is compatible with a simple model of sex-based discrimination. Instead, the gender wage gap can be decomposed into two components. First, women were typically less experienced, in an industry in which experience mattered. Second there were some jobs that required strength, for which men were better suited. Because strength was so valuable in the other jobs at this time, men commanded a wage premium in the general labour market, raising their reservation wage. Hiring a man required the firm to pay a 'man's wage'. This implies that firms that were slow to feminise their time rate workforce ended up with a higher cost structure than those that made the transition more quickly. We show that firms with a higher proportion of women in their workforce in 1863 were indeed more likely to survive 35 years later.gender, productivity, discrimination, piece-rates, time-rates, labour markets, firm survival

    Internal Linings, the Interim Solution and a Simplified Classification System

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    In January 1990 an expert group was set up by DP2 of TC2, CEC to define the research and development work needed to be undertaken within the community to achieve a robust solution with respect to reaction-to-fire material classification. The expert group delivered in December 1990 its proposal for a 5-year research and development program. But a system of harmonised European fire test methods and classification system cannot await this period of development, so the search for an "interim solution" is on. The objective of this paper is to inform that very recent research (during the last year) at Lund University and other places has demonstrated that there exist simplified approaches, using the test developed within IS0 TC92/SCl, for an interim solution. In practical terms "the simplified approach" implies the following: the fire hazard assessment is made on the basis of a specified scenario (to bedenoted by scenario A), using DIS 9705 with a 100 kW ignition source and liningson walls and ceiling. Ignitability, and heat release rate (HRR) curves from DIS 5660 are directly used to calculate two indices dividing the products into 3 groups: 1. products where flame spread either does not start or immediately begins to decrease; 2. products where flame spread first accelerates but then stops; 3. products with experimentially increasing flamespread, generating room flashover. For group 3 materials, ignitability data and a direct, time weighted integral of the HRR-curve from DIS 5660 are combined into a simple algebraic expression or index, giving time to flashover tfo and providing a more detailed classification for that group of materials. Extensive validation studies have been carried out in the Nordic countries. The experience available from these studies strongly suggests that the whole procedure is simple, unambiguous and reliable. In addition, it complies with the requirements of fire engineering and is scientifically based. The same methodology has been applied to another scenario (to be denoted as scenario B): again DIS 9705 but with linings on three walls only. Again, indices giving time to flashover for those materials which cause room flashover or maximum value of heat released in the full-scale room test for material causing flashover are directly calculated from ignitability data and the KRR-curve generated by DIS 5660. The problem with scenario B as a basis for classification is that full-scale experimental validation is severely limitied (although validation by a 113 scale model of DIS 9705 is extensive). Underlying the calculation of the mentioned classification indices is a long term theoretical study of the fire growth process on internal linings and the development of various computer programs numerically simulating this process. This paper presents a summary review of these research activities and finishes by outlining explicitly the possible classification system

    Analysis and simulation of shading effects on photovoltaic cells

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    The usage of conventional energy applications generates disproportionate emissions of greenhouse gases and the consumption of part of the energy resources available in the world. It has become an important problem which has serious effects on the climatic change. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce these emissions as much as possible. To be able to achieve this, renewable energy technologies must be used instead of conventional energy applications. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) technologies do not release greenhouse gas emissions directly and can save more than 30 million tonnes of carbon per exajoule of electricity generated relative to a natural gas turbine running at 45% efficiency. Shadowing is one of the most important aspects that affects the performance of PV systems. Consequently, many investigations through this topic are being done in order to develop new technologies which mitigate the impact of shadowing during PV production. In order to minimise the impact of shadowing it is desired to be able to predict the performance of a system with PV-modules during shadowing. In this thesis a simulation program for calculating the IV-curve for series connected PV-modules during partial shadowing has been developed and experimentally validated. PV systems modelling and simulation in LTspice environment has been presented and validated by means of a comparative analysis with the experimental results obtained in a set of tests performed in the laboratory of GĂ€vle University. Experimental measurements were carried out in two groups. The first group corresponds with the experiments done in the string of six modules with bypass diodes while the measurements of the second group have been performed on a single PV module at HIG University. The simulation results of both groups demonstrated a remarkable agreement with the experimental data, which means that the model designed at LTspice supposes a very useful tool that can be used to study the performance of PV systems. This tool contributes to the investigations in this topic and it aims to benefit future installations providing a better knowledge of the shading problem. The master’s thesis shows an in-depth description of the required method to design a PV cell, a PV module and a PV array using LTspice IV and the input parameters as well as the needed tests to adjust the models. Moreover, it has been carried out a pedagogical study describing the effect that different shadow configurations have in the performance of solar cells. This study facilitates the understanding of the performance of PV modules under different shadowing effects. Lastly, it has also been discussed the benefits of installing some newer technologies, like DC-DC optimizers or module inverters, to mitigate the shadowing effects. The main conclusion about this topic has been that although most of the times the output power will be increased with the use of optimizers sometimes the optimizer does not present any benefits

    Thick screens perforated with a periodic array of apertures with arbitrary cross-section

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    A plane wave impinges on a perfectly conducting thick screen perforated with a periodic array of apertures with arbitrary cross-section. The transmission and reflection coefficients are determined by a mode matching technique, earlier used by other authors for the case where the apertures have the geometry of a classical waveguide. The fields outside the screen are expanded in plane waves, while the fields inside the apertures are expanded in waveguide modes, obtained by the finite element method (FEM). Excellent agreement between computed and measured transmission is found for a thick screen at the X-band (8.2−12.4 GHz). Moreover, the present method and the spectral Galerkin method (which assumes that the thickness of the screen is zero) is compared for very thin screens, e.g., for a frequency selective surface (FSS). Investigation of the thickness dependence is also done, and it is found that the bandwidth decreases when the thickness of the screen is increased. Finally two complex geometries, hexagonal and tripole apertures, are studied

    Recent Research Concerning the Walls at Asea

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    Papers from the third international seminar on Ancient Arcadia, held at the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 7-10 May 2002The fortification walls of Asea Paleokastro in Arcadia have recently been studied in several different aspects. Thus, the parts of the walls which are still visible above the ground have been documented in detail. Furthermore, an attempt has been made to trace the course of the lower city walls which are covered by modem alluvium with the help of various geophysical methods. As a result we suggest that the acropolis walls should be dated to the classical period, whereas the lower city walls probably were constructed during the Kleomenic war (229/28-222 B.C.) Cleaning work done around the main gateway of the acropolis indicates that the road leading up to the acropolis originallly was constructed for carts. During the Late Byzantine period the acropolis was refortified, and some walls belonging to this phase are still to be seen at the main gateway and the summit of the acropolis. Preliminary results of the geophysical prospection finally indicate that the lower circuit wall may have had a total length of ca. 1 km, enclosing an area of about 11 ha

    Modeling of wide-band MIMO radio channels based on NLoS indoor measurements

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    Bergsbrukets början, samt dess och jordbrukets pÄverkan pÄ vegetationen uti Garpenbergs socken i sydöstra Dalarna

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    Bergsbruket har under lĂ„ng tid haft stor betydelse för Sverige bĂ„de ekonomiskt och politiskt. Det har ocksĂ„ haft en inverkan pĂ„ naturmiljön bland annat genom huggningar för brĂ€nsle och utslĂ€pp av tungmetaller. Ett av de omrĂ„den i Sverige som Ă€r mest kĂ€nt för sin metallhantering Ă€r Bergslagen. Idag Ă€r mĂ„nga gruvor nedlagda. En som fortfarande Ă€r i drift Ă€r gruvan i Garpenberg i Dalarna. Hur lĂ„ngt tillbaka i tiden gruvdriften har hĂ„llit pĂ„ i Garpenberg och dess historiska pĂ„verkan pĂ„ miljön Ă€r dock oklar, trots bergshanteringens stora historiska betydelse för bĂ„de samhĂ€llet och miljön. Det övergripande syftet för detta examensarbete Ă€r att med analyser av skogshistorien och föroreningshistorien faststĂ€lla nĂ€r bergsbruket började i Garpenberg och hur bergsbruket och jordbruket har pĂ„verkat vegetationen. För att studera detta har jag anvĂ€nt mig av pollenanalys och geokemisk metallanalys pĂ„ ett sjösediment frĂ„n Gruvsjön i Garpenberg socken. Jag anvĂ€nt kol-14 datering Ă„ldersbestĂ€mma olika djup i sedimentet. Resultaten visar att skogarna för 3000 Ă„r sedan var öppnare och hade mer buskar, lövtrĂ€d samt Ă€ven Ă€dla lövtrĂ€d. Vid granens etablering för ca 2600 Ă„r sedan förĂ€ndrades skogarna dĂ„ skogen blev mer sluten och buskarna och lövtrĂ€den minskade. Först pĂ„ 600–800-talet finns spĂ„r av mĂ€nskligt nyttjande, dĂ„ betesgynnade vĂ€xter som en och risvĂ€xter indikerar pĂ„ skogsbete. Metallföroreningar av bly och koppar tyder ocksĂ„ pĂ„ nĂ„gon form av metallhantering. FrĂ„n 1000-talet och framĂ„t kan man se spĂ„r av en mer fast bosĂ€ttning med jordbruk och troligen bergsbruk. Garpenbergs natur förĂ€ndras mer storskaligt runt 1300 dĂ„ metallföroreningar och kolpartiklar samt sĂ€deslagspollen indikerar en mer storskalig etablering av bergsbruk och jordbruk. Tallen minskade till följd av jordbruket och bergsbruket och andelen trĂ€dpollen Ă€r som lĂ€gst frĂ„n 1300-talet till slutet av 1800-talet. Under 1900-talet ökar andelen trĂ€dpollen pĂ„ grund av mindre pĂ„verkan frĂ„n bergsbruket och jordbruket. Detta markutnyttjande har lett till en förĂ€ndrad trĂ€dslagsblandning och högre andel störningsgynnade arter idag. FĂ„ skogar Ă€r numera opĂ„verkade av mĂ€nniskan och det Ă€r troligen lĂ€gre biologisk mĂ„ngfald idag Ă€n det var i det gamla jordbrukslandskapet eller i de blandskogar som fanns för 3000 Ă„r sedan.Mining has during a long time been of great importance for Sweden both economically and politically. It has also had an impact on the natural environment. The region that is most famous for its metal processing in Sweden is Bergslagen. Today many of the mines are closed down, but the mine in Garpenberg in the province of Dalarna is still in use. How old it is and it’s historical impact on the environment is unclear despite the historical importance of mining. The overall purpose for this thesis is to use forest history and the pollution history to assess when mining began in Garpenberg and how it has influenced the local vegetation. Vegetation changes, forest development and the distribution of metal pollution from the mine was studied with pollen analysis and geochemical metal analysis, in the lake sediment from Gruvsjön in Garpenberg, Sweden. Carbon-14 dating has been used to date different depths in the sediment. The results show that mining began at large scale in the beginning of the 14th century. Some evidence suggests that the metal processing probably have an even earlier start in Garpenberg between 8th and 14th century. The nature and the ecosystem around Gruvsjön has changed many times, i.e. due to the establishment of spruce (2600 years ago), introduction of forest grazing (8th century), farming and periodically cutting of pine (11th - 14th-century), forest decline and expansion of farming and mining (14th century) and at last the decline of farming (20th century). This land use has created a different mix of tree species and a bigger proportion of apophytes today. Few areas are today without impact from man and it is perhaps a lower biodiversity today than in the natural mixed conifer- deciduous forest 3000 years ago or in the old farming landscape.Bergbau hat in Schweden eine lange Tradition und war von großer ökonomischer und politischer Bedeutung. Des Weiteren hat es eine Auswirkung auf der Umwelt gehabt. In Schweden ist das Gebiet um Bergslagen am bekanntesten fĂŒr seinen Bergbau. Die meisten Bergwerke sind heutzutage jedoch stilllegt, aber in Garpenberg in Dalarna ist ein Bergwerk noch aktiv. Sein Alter oder sein Einfluss auf die Umwelt sind unbekannt. Das Ziel dieses Berichtes ist die Bestimmung der BergwerksgrĂŒndung sowie das VerstĂ€ndnis seines Einflusses auf die umgebende Vegetation mittels Analysen der Wald- und Verunreinigunggeschichte Um VerĂ€nderungen in der Vegetation und Verbreitung von Verunreinigungen besser zu verstehen, wurden Pollen- und XRF an Seesedimenten aus Gruvsjön, Garpenberg durchgefĂŒhrt. C-14 ist fĂŒr die Datierung verwendet. Bergbau wurde im grĂ¶ĂŸeren Umfang ab circa 1300 AD betrieben, aber hat seine AnfĂ€nge um ca. 1000 AD. Erste AktivitĂ€ten sind bereits seit ca. 700 AD andeutet, jedoch nicht zweifelsfrei bestĂ€tigt. Die Umwelt um Gruvsjön hat sich viele Male verĂ€ndert: die Verbreitung von Fichten (2600 Jahre BP), Waldweide (ca. 700 AD), der Anbau und periodisch Abholzen von Kiefern (ca. 1000 AD), der RĂŒckgang von WĂ€ldern und die Expansion von Landwirtschaft und dem Bergbau (ca.1300 AD) und letztlich der RĂŒckgang von dem Landwirtschaft nach ca. 1900 AD. Die AbhĂ€ngigkeit dieser VerĂ€nderungen von Bergbau oder Landwirtschaft ist schwer zu sagen. Diese VerĂ€nderungen haben in Garpenberg eine Landschaft kreiert, die nur vereinzelt nicht vom Menschen beeinflusst ist

    Connections between laser data and field measured data

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    To make it easier for forestry planning the forest owners needs data which describe characteristics of the forest. Such data you usually get from some type of inventory. A relatively new technology which probably is getting more important in the future, is laser scanning because of lower costs. But because the laser technology is relatively new you need to compare it with conventional inventory technologies to get better understanding of the possibilities the laser technology gives. This work intends to estimate field measured characteristics of the forest from laser data with help of regression analysis and then see which of the field measured properties that best could be estimated and which laser variables that gave the best results. This study shows that heights has the best estimates, but biomass, diameter and volume also gives good estimates. How stem numbers and age does not give equally good estimates. Which probably depends on that these variables only measured indirect by characteristics which is correlated with these data. The coefficient of determination and RMSE % become; high 88,6 %, 8 %; biomass 79,1 %, 23,3 %; diameter 78,3 %, 13,7%; volume 73,8 %, 29 %; stem number 66,4 %, 36 %; and for age 63,5 %, 27 %. The laser variables which seem to be most important were percentiles and different ratios which describe density of points. In the future there is a great potential for laser scanning which can be used for inventories in forest planning.För att underlÀtta för skoglig planering behöver man inom skogsbruket data som beskriver egenskaper hos skogen. SÄdana data fÄr man vanligtvis ifrÄn nÄgon form av inventering. En relativt ny teknik som förmodligen kommer att bli viktig i framtiden Àr laserskanning, pÄ grund av lÀgre kostnader. Men i och med att lasertekniken Àr relativt ny sÄ bör man jÀmföra den med konventionell inventeringsteknik för att fÄ bÀttre förstÄelse för de möjligheter lasertekniken ger och bÀttre förstÄ nÀr och hur man kan utnyttja den. Detta arbete syftar till att skatta fÀltmÀtta egenskaper hos skogen utifrÄn laserdata genom regressionsanalys inom ett omrÄde i VÀsterbotten och sedan se vilka av de fÀltmÀtta variablerna som bÀst kunde skattas, samt vilka laservariabler som gav bÀst resultat. Den hÀr studien visar pÄ att höjd skattas bÀst, men att biomassa, diameter och volym ocksÄ skattas ganska bra men lite sÀmre. SÀmst blev skattningarna för stamantal och Älder. Vilket förmodligen beror pÄ att man bara indirekt mÀter egenskaper som Àr korrelerade med dessa data. Förklaringsgrad och RMSE % blev; höjd 88,6 %, 8 %; biomassa 79,1 %, 23,3 %; diameter 78,3 %, 13,7%; volym 73,8 %, 29 %; stamantal 66,4 %, 36 %; samt Älder 63,5 %, 27 %. De laservariabler som verkar vara viktigast Àr percentiler tillsammans med olika kvoter som beskriver tÀthet av punkter. I framtiden finns stora möjligheter att laserskanning ska kunna anvÀndas för olika typer av inventeringar i skoglig planering
