46 research outputs found


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    Social Media Applications are inevitable in today’s people’s lives, especially for university students who cannot be separated with their gadgets. It is undeniable that the use of social media changes the way people communicate with each other, from oral communication to written text communication. This study tries to find out whether social media usage influences the language used in communication, especially among university students. Another question addressed by this study is whether students with ethnic language background still maintain their ethnic languages when communicating using social media. Forty (40) English Department students of Bina Nusantara University were conveniently selected as participants for this study. They were given a questionnaire consisting of two parts, the first relating to the language use in daily communication and the second relating to the language use in social media communication. Research revealed that social media affect the way students communicate to each other. There is a shift in the use of language from ethnic language to Indonesian. Yet, a shift from Indonesian to English will not happen in a short time

    Accounting for L2 learners’ errors in word stress placement

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    Stress placement in English words is governed by highly complicated rules. Thus, assigning stress correctly in English words has been a challenging task for L2 learners, especially Indonesian learners since their L1 does not recognize such stress system. This study explores the production of English word stress by 30 university students. The method used for this study is immediate repetition task. Participants are instructed to identify the stress placement of 80 English words which are auditorily presented as stimuli and immediately repeat the words with correct stress placement. The objectives of this study are to find out whether English word stress placement is problematic for L2 learners and to investigate the phonological factors which account for these problems. Research reveals that L2 learners have different ability in producing the stress, but three-syllable words are more problematic than two-syllable words. Moreover, misplacement of stress is caused by, among others, the influence of vowel lenght and vowel height


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    This paper discusses the implications of using the auditory priming method in teaching English word stress to Indonesian university students. In auditory priming experiment, 30 participants had to pronounce 80 English words after hearing the stimuli (i.e. prerecorded 80 words with correct stress placement). The data was taken from the recordings of the students’ responses, which were transcribed carefully to determine the stress placement. Research revealed that auditory priming effect was achieved although the result was not statistically significant. The result of this study was significant for Indonesian EFL teachers as it give insight for the implementation of the auditory priming method to teach English pronunciation.Keywords : Auditory priming, word stress placement,priming effec

    Comparing the effect of ICT and longhand note-taking instructions towards learners’ comprehension test results

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    With the advancement of technology nowadays, taking notes by hand seems old-fashioned to most students nowadays. They prefer typing using their various gadgets since it will be done faster, especially when there is a lot of information to be recorded. However, the use of ICT devices (such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets) in the classroom has a tendency to be distracting for the students – it is very easy for the students to take out their gadgets and click on Facebook or other applications during a dull lecture. The purpose of the present study is to find out whether note-taking using ICT devices affect the students’ understanding of the lecture. This study will use a quasi-experimental design, with 52 English department students of a private university as the participants. They will be divided into two groups as the control and experimental group. Participants of both groups were instructed to watch a video from TED talks twice. While watching the video, the control group was instructed to take notes by hand, while the other group was instructed to take notes using their various devices. After that, participants had to do a comprehension test of the lecture video. The results revealed that participants who took notes by handwriting performed better in comprehension test compared to those who took notes using ICT devices

    auditory repetition priming for English word stress applying auditory priming in teaching English word stress

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    This paper discusses the implications of using the auditory priming method in teaching English word stress to Indonesian university students. In auditory priming experiment, 30 participants had to pronounce 80 English words after hearing the stimuli (i.e. pre-recorded 80 words with correct stress placement). The data was taken from the recordings of the students’ responses, which were transcribed carefully to determine the stress placement. Research revealed that auditory priming effect was achieved although the result was not statistically significant. The result of this study was significant for Indonesian EFL teachers as it give insight for the implementation of the auditory priming method to teach English pronunciation

    Investigation of Scalar Implicatures of Binus University Students

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    Scalar implicatures are based on a range of quantifiers ordered in terms of informational strength, for example in quantity: some, most, all; in frequency: sometimes, often, and always. This study measures the scalar implicatures among university students who learn English as a foreign language. The participants for this study are fourth semester English Department students at Binus University. Using the same instruments as in Slabakova (2009) and Noveck’s study (2001) the present study aims to find out the general ability of the university students of computing scalar implicatures and to discover the level of pragmatic/logical competence of the university students with regards to their gender and grade point average. The results show that the students with GPA lower than three are more logical than those with GPA higher than three; while female students are more pragmatic than male students

    Sociophonetic Analysis of the Characters' Speech in "Troubled Blood" by R. Galbraith

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    British English has several regional varieties for almost every English county, e.g. Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cornwall, and so on. Each dialect can be distinguished by distinct vocabularies and pronunciation; for example the Cockney dialect use the glottal stop [?] instead of alveolar stop [t] in words like butter and bitter, so they are pronounced as [bΛ?ər] and [bɪ?ər]. These distinctive dialects’ pronunciation can be identified easily in spoken interaction, but it would be more problematic if it was represented in written text, such as in a novel. This paper attempts to analyse the distinguishing features of six intra-national varieties of British English found in the detective novel ‘Troubled Blood’ by Robert Galbraith, which is a pseudonym of J.K. Rowlings. The data for this study were taken from the speech samples of six characters from six regional dialects: Irish, Cornish, Scottish, Cockney, Eastender, and Essex. The speech samples data were extracted from the chapters in which the detective (Strike) or her partner (Robin) conversed with the chosen characters whose language backgrounds were stated clearly in the novel. The data were analysed by transcribing the speech samples phonetically, then from the transcriptions, phonetic features of each regional variation were identified using the theories of sociophonetic and regional variations. The interpretation of the sounds was based on the standard British English pronunciation. Results showed that a woman with East End dialect had some characteristics such as omission of initial h-sound, as in ‘appens, ‘ad, ‘eadaches, while a Scottish dialect was identified by the use of ‘havenae’ for ‘have not’. These results indicate that regional dialects or variations can be represented accurately in written text. Yet, it also suggests that the writer should have ample knowledge of each dialect to be able to represent distinctive variations in their writing.   Abstrak Bahasa Inggris British memiliki beberapa variasi regional untuk hampir setiap wilayah Inggris, misalnya Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cornwall, dan sebagainya. Setiap dialek dapat dibedakan dengan kosakata dan pengucapan yang berbeda; misalnya dialek Cockney menggunakan glottal stop [?] alih-alih alveolar stop [t] dalam kata-kata seperti ‘butter’ dan ‘bitter’ sehingga diucapkan sebagai [bΛ?ər] dan [bɪ?ər]. Pengucapan dialek yang khas ini dapat diidentifikasi dengan mudah dalam interaksi lisan, tetapi akan lebih bermasalah jika direpresentasikan dalam teks tertulis, seperti dalam novel. Makalah ini mencoba menganalisis ciri-ciri pembeda dari enam dialek intra nasional Bahasa Inggris British yang ditemukan dalam novel detektif 'Troubled Blood' karya Robert Galbraith, yang merupakan nama samaran dari J.K. Rowling. Data untuk penelitian ini diambil dari sampel tuturan enam karakter dari enam dialek daerah: Irlandia, Cornish, Skotlandia, Cockney, Eastender, dan Essex. Data sampel ujaran diambil dari bab-bab di mana detektif (Strike) atau pasangannya (Robin) berbicara dengan karakter terpilih yang latar belakang bahasanya disebutkan dengan jelas dalam novel. Data dianalisis dengan mentranskripsikan sampel ujaran secara fonetis, kemudian dari transkripsi tersebut diidentifikasi ciri-ciri fonetik masing-masing variasi regional dengan menggunakan teori sosiofonetik dan variasi regional. Penafsiran suara didasarkan pada pengucapan bahasa Inggris standar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seorang wanita dengan dialek East End memiliki beberapa karakteristik seperti penghilangan bunyi h awal, seperti pada 'appens, 'ad, 'eadaches, sedangkan dialek Skotlandia diidentifikasi dengan penggunaan 'havenae' untuk 'have not' . Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa dialek atau variasi daerah dapat direpresentasikan secara akurat dalam teks tertulis. Namun, hal itu juga mensyaratkan bahwa penulis harus memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup tentang setiap dialek untuk dapat mewakili variasi yang berbeda dalam tulisan merek


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    Nowadays, the beauty community has a rapid growth of beauty influencers from both genders. The language style that is used on each gender has its own features and characteristics that can be explored from video sharing platform, YouTube. The aim of this study is to find the language features and distinctive characteristics of the male and female beauty influencers and the differences of comments from their audience. The writer applies qualitative research method by using text analysis of the video script. The data shows that male and female beauty influencers have shown differences in their features and characteristic of language. Men beauty influencers tend to be more straightforward and directive. They also use a more plain and simple words. On the other hand, the women beauty influencers are more polite and intimate in using language. This study is hoped to be the foundation for further research in the same topic of language feature in gendered community within limited topic especially in this modern era

    The Translation of Indonesian Reduplication into English

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    Every language has its own way to communicate its expression. Indonesian has reduplication such as pagi-pagi, cantik-cantik, and jalan-jalan. The English translation of this reduplication is not *morning-morning, *beautiful-beautiful, and*walking-walking respectively. In this case, the translators should make an adjustment when they transfer the message of the Indonesian reduplication into English. This study investigates how Indonesian university students, teachers, and professionals translate the Indonesian reduplications into English. It explores the meaning and structure resulted from the translation. The participants are university students, lecturers and employees. They are given questionnaires in which they translate the Indonesian reduplication into English. The analysis involves the morphological, syntactic and semantic aspects of the translation, as well as the deviations that possibly occur in the translation