1,859 research outputs found

    Impact of overlapping in the radio coverage areas of multiple Wi-Fi access points on detecting encounters

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    Understanding the potential role of Smartphones and other portable wireless devices as relay nodes in message dissemination and content delivery in Delay Tolerant and Opportunistic networks depend on the knowledge about patterns and the number of encounter events among mobile nodes. One of the main challenges for extracting encounters is overlapping in the radio coverage areas of nearby access points (APs). Data about the usage of Wi-Fi networks can be used to perform an analysis of encounters among mobile devices. A realistic estimation of the number of encounters among mobile nodes is now a big challenge. In this paper, the effects of overlapping of radio coverage area among multiple APs for extracting realistic encounters among mobile devices has been discussed, and also an analytical approach has been proposed for extracting realistic encounters from overlapping in the coverage areas of multiple nearby APs. A significant difference was observed between the number of encounters by considering and ignoring overlapping. Our study finds that Wi-Fi datasets are not reliable source to estimate the number of encounters when there are overlapping in radio coverage areas of multiple APs

    Cost Effective Cloud Storage Interoperability Between Public Cloud Platforms

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    With recent advancement in technology, cloud storage became cheaper enabling organizations around the world to store more data on the cloud (texts, images, videos, databases etc.), whereas it’s for a backup, archiving or just storing data streams. New digital laws and regulation (eg. General Data Protection Regulation) require these organizations to change their way of processing or handling data, which results usually in a change of cloud providers or adoption of hybrid architecture or multi-cloud one. With the amount of data stored increasing year after year, it becomes difficult for these organizations to change cloud platforms or cloud provider and migrate their data without thinking about the technical complexity, the time and the huge cost it may incur. This article discusses the data migration and interoperability issues between cloud platforms; the proposed approach provides a simple cost-effective migration that would help organizations save time and money in this process based on a  hybrid ontology approach for the brokerage of data transfers.. Keywords-Cloud Computing; Storage; Security; data; migration; cost optimization

    On the impact of the galaxy window function on cosmological parameter estimation

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    One important source of systematics in galaxy redshift surveys comes from the estimation of the galaxy window function. Up until now, the impact of the uncertainty in estimating the galaxy window function on parameter inference has not been properly studied. In this paper, we show that the uncertainty and the bias in estimating the galaxy window function will be salient for ongoing and next-generation galaxy surveys using a simulation-based approach. With a specific case study of cross-correlating Emission-line galaxies from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys and the Planck CMB lensing map, we show that neural network-based regression approaches to modelling the window function are superior in comparison to linear regression-based models. We additionally show that the definition of the galaxy overdensity estimator can impact the overall signal-to-noise of observed power spectra. Finally, we show that the additive biases coming from the window functions can significantly bias the modes of the inferred parameters and also degrade their precision. Thus, a careful understanding of the window functions will be essential to conduct cosmological experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, complementary paper to an upcoming paper on Cross-Correlation of ELGs and Planck CMB lensing, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Métodos teóricos para medir las propiedades químico-físicas de los ácidos nucleicos durante la radicalización del adn y la incidencia del cáncer

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    Uno de los casos considerados para diagnosticar daños en el ADN es el diagnóstico de daños probables en el ADN contra agentes oxidantes, incluidos productos químicos oxidantes y diversos rayos incidentes que hacen que las bases en el ADN se oxiden y especialmente las bases G en la secuencia del ADN que se oxida más fácilmente que las otras bases. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este trabajo es proveer información relevante para la medición de las propiedades físico químicas de los ácidos nucleicos durante la radicalización del ADN y la incidencia de cáncer utilizando métodos teóricos. El objeto de esta investigación fue examinar la NBO de una cadena con secuencias de GG, CG, AA AG AC: AT CT GT TT seguidas de los niveles de energía y forma de LUMO orbital y HOMO obtenidos de los cálculos de Gauss para secuencias por encima de dos cadenas. Los resultados mostraron que el material genético de la forma B es la estructura más estable frente a los agentes físicos y químicos. Sólo la cantidad de población molecular y los niveles de vibración dinámica molecular y termoquímica molecular como la entalpía y la entropía son independientes de la temperatura. En adición a eso, la brecha entre las capas y el potencial y la energía necesarios para oxidar los componentes en las dos cadenas de ADN y su estructura óptima no cambiarán con la temperatura. Las condiciones óptimas en el ADN y sus enlaces son la temperatura de 37 ° C y el pH es de 7 a 8,7. EL ADN tiene la forma B y la tasa de protección física es la más alt

    Métodos teóricos para medir las propiedades químico-físicas de los ácidos nucleicos durante la radicalización del adn y la incidencia del cáncer

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    One of cases considered for diagnosing DNA damages is diagnosing DNA probable damages against oxidizing agents, including oxidizing chemicals and various incident rays which cause the bases in the DNA to be oxidized and especially bases G in the DNA sequence which is more easily oxidized than the other bases. Therefore, the main objective of this comprehensive survey is to provide relevant information on measure physical chemical properties of nucleic acids during DNA radicalization and incidence of cancer using theoretical methods. The aim of the present study is to examine the single-stranded NBO with sequences of GG, CG, AA AG AC: AT CT GT TT followed by the levels of energy and form of orbital LUMO and HOMO obtained from Gaussian computations for above double-stranded sequences. Our results showed that form B genetic material is the most stable structure against physical and chemical agents. Only the number of molecular population and the levels of molecular dynamic vibration and molecular thermochemistry such as enthalpie and entropie are temperature independent. In addition to this, the gap between the layers and the potential and energy needed to oxidize the components in the two strands of DNA and its optimum structure will not change with temperature. Optimum conditions on DNA and its bonds are the temperature of 37 ° C and pH is 7 to 8.7. DNA has form B and the rate of physical protection is the highest.Uno de los casos considerados para diagnosticar daños en el ADN es el diagnóstico de daños probables en el ADN contra agentes oxidantes, incluidos productos químicos oxidantes y diversos rayos incidentes que hacen que las bases en el ADN se oxiden y especialmente las bases G en la secuencia del ADN que se oxida más fácilmente que las otras bases. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este trabajo es proveer información relevante para la medición de las propiedades físico químicas de los ácidos nucleicos durante la radicalización del ADN y la incidencia de cáncer utilizando métodos teóricos. El objeto de esta investigación fue examinar la NBO de una cadena con secuencias de GG, CG, AA AG AC: AT CT GT TT seguidas de los niveles de energía y forma de LUMO orbital y HOMO obtenidos de los cálculos de Gauss para secuencias por encima de dos cadenas. Los resultados mostraron que el material genético de la forma B es la estructura más estable frente a los agentes físicos y químicos. Sólo la cantidad de población molecular y los niveles de vibración dinámica molecular y termoquímica molecular como la entalpía y la entropía son independientes de la temperatura. En adición a eso, la brecha entre las capas y el potencial y la energía necesarios para oxidar los componentes en las dos cadenas de ADN y su estructura óptima no cambiarán con la temperatura. Las condiciones óptimas en el ADN y sus enlaces son la temperatura de 37 ° C y el pH es de 7 a 8,7. EL ADN tiene la forma B y la tasa de protección física es la más alta

    The Effect of Boron and Zirconium on Microstructure and Stress-Rupture Life of Nickel-based Superalloy ATI 718Plus

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    The effects of boron and zirconium on the microstructure, hardness and stressrupture life of the nickel-based superalloy ATI 718Plus were investigated in this study. Four alloys with different percentages of boron (0.005-0.01 wt.%) and zirconium (0-0.1 wt%) were cast through a vacuum induction melting furnace and then were rolled. The microstructural studies indicated an increased percentage of δ phase, carbide precipitates and twins in the presence of zirconium. The percentage of carbide (boron carbide) precipitates was increased and the solidification range of the alloy was decreased in the presence of boron in the composition. Furthermore, the results obtained from the hardness and stress-rupture tests showed the significant role of both elements in increasing hardness and improved rupture life of the alloy. The maximum rupture life was observed in the alloy which contained the highest percentages of boron and zirconium in its composition. This can be attributed mainly to the increased percentage of δ phase on grain boundaries and their enhanced high-temperature strength

    Sequential Reinstatement of Neocortical Activity during Slow Oscillations Depends on Cells’ Global Activity

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    During Slow Wave Sleep (SWS), cortical activity is dominated by endogenous processes modulated by slow oscillations (0.1–1 Hz): cell ensembles fluctuate between states of sustained activity (UP states) and silent epochs (DOWN states). We investigate here the temporal structure of ensemble activity during UP states by means of multiple single unit recordings in the prefrontal cortex of naturally sleeping rats. As previously shown, the firing rate of each PFC cell peaks at a distinct time lag after the DOWN/UP transition in a consistent order. We show here that, conversely, the latency of the first spike after the UP state onset depends primarily on the session-averaged firing rates of cells (which can be considered as an indirect measure of their intrinsic excitability). This latency can be explained by a simple homogeneous process (Poisson model) of cell firing, with sleep averaged firing rates employed as parameters. Thus, at DOWN/UP transitions, neurons are affected both by a slow process, possibly originating in the cortical network, modulating the time course of firing for each cell, and by a fast, relatively stereotyped reinstatement of activity, related mostly to global activity levels

    Evaluation of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk in Patients with post Trauma Splenectomy

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    Introduction: Recent studies suggest that the spleen has an important role as a source of multipotent stem cells and precursors of beta cells of pancreas islets. In addition, increased risk of developing hyperglycemia was reported in patients who underwent splenectomy due to trauma in long-term follow up. Therefore, there might be an association between splenectomy and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this study, we evaluated the risk of type 2 diabetes and its risk factors including hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, obesity and hypertension in trauma patients with splenectomy. Materials and methods: In this study, 221 patients who underwent splenectomy surgery due to trauma in the surgical ward of Imam Hossein Hospital 5 to 10 years ago were selected. Those with a history of diabetes, cancer, hyperthyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, pancreatitis, renal failure, and cirrhosis were excluded from the study. Then fasting plasma glucose, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), triglyceride, cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (HDL), body mass index and blood pressure have been evaluated in 90 patients who had had a history of splenectomy due to trauma from 2007, July 23 to 2012, July 22. Results: The results indicate that none of these patients has diabetes, 14.4 percent are in pre-diabetic stage, 56.6 percent has dyslipidemia, 57.7 percent has obesity and 20 percent has hypertension. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that splenectomy does not increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Prevalence of diabetes risk factors was approximately the same with those of Tehran population

    Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields during foetal life on adulthood learning in male rat

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    زمینه و هدف: صنعتی شدن، محیط ما را در معرض میدان های الکترومغناطیسیی قرار داده است که حفاظت در مقابل آنها مشکل به نظر می رسد. در این مطالعه تاثیر امواج الکترومغناطیسی با فرکانس پایین در دوران جنینی بر میزان یادگیری موش صحرایی در زمان بلوغ بررسی شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه تجربی، 48 سر موش صحرایی حامله نژاد اسپراگ داولی به 6 گروه 8 تایی شامل گروه کنترل، شاهد و گروه های با فرکانس 5 یا 25 هرتز و شدتهای 50 یا 500 µT تقسیم شدند. مدت زمان تابش 4 ساعت در روز، از 8 تا 12 صبح به صورت مداوم از اولین روز حاملگی تا روز پانزدهم حاملگی بود. پس از زایمان شاخص های یادگیری، وزن بدن، وزن مغز، حجم مغز، نسبت وزن مغز به وزن بدن و چگالی مغز روی فرزندان نر دو ماهه آنها بررسی شد. یادگیری با کمک جعبه شاتل (Shuttle box) به روش یادگیری اجتنابی فعال یک طرفه آزمایش شد و تعداد پاسخ های شرطی و دوره تاخیر پاسخ ها در گروه های مختلف، به کمک آزمون آماری کروسکال والیس مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. یافته ها: بررسی آماری نتایج نشان داد که فرکانس 25 هرتز و شدت 50 میکروتسلا باعث بهبود یادگیری، کاهش وزن بدن و افزایش نسبت وزن مغز به وزن بدن می شود (05/0

    L’otospongiose: étude rétrospective à propos de 36 cas

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    L'objectif de l'étude est de rapporter notre expérience concernant la prise en charge de l'otospongiose et comparer nos résultats avec ceux de la littérature. Nous rapportons une étude rétrospective concernant 36 cas d'otospongiose colligés au service d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie de l'hôpital militaire Avicenne de  Marrakech, entre Janvier 2009 et Décembre 2012. L'âge moyen des patients était de 38 ans avec une nette prédominance masculine (77%). Notre étude a révélé un retard diagnostique (stades  audiométriques II et III). Ce diagnostic est le plus souvent simple, très fortement suspecté dès la première consultation devant l'existence d'une surdité de transmission ou mixte à tympan normal qui constitue le signe de découverte le plus prépondérant et constant dans notre série (100%), accompagnée parfois d'acouphènes (41%). L'existence d'antécédents familiaux de la maladie a été retenue chez  33,33%. L'audiométrie tonale liminaire et la tympanométrie ont été réalisées chez tous nos patients (100%) évoquant le diagnostic dans la majorité des cas. La tomodensitométrie, non obligatoire, reste  indispensable pour le diagnostic différentiel et surtout permet de prévoir les difficultés opératoires ainsi que les éventuelles associations pathologiques. Tous les patients ont subit une intervention chirurgicale comportant soit une platinectomie partielle ou totale(83%) ou une platinotomie. L'évolution et les résultats ont été généralement satisfaisants, par ailleurs nous avons constaté la survenue d'un cas de fistule périlymphatique, la persistance des acouphènes chez six patients et une surdité de transmission chez trois patients. Key words: Otospongiose, surdité, platinectomie, platinotomi