10 research outputs found

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    Requirements and Opportunities for Web-Based 3D Visualization and Dissemination of Property Valuation Information

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    The timely and effective dissemination of property values is an essential part of a transparent and efficient property valuation system as property values are required in several land administration processes, such as land acquisition, taxation, transaction, consolidation, readjustment and transformation. In the last decade, a web-based data-sharing system has been increasingly used for dissemination of property values. The 3D visualization of valuation units may be required in order to better communicate with users and provide more effective and efficient dissemination, however, none of those systems share valuation information associated with 3D representation (legal or physical) of property (valuation) units. The objective of this paper is to reveal the requirements, opportunities and challenges for web-based 3D visualization and dissemination of property valuation information. To deliver this objective, the requirements for U(ser), D(ata), and V(isualization) are investigated. The general public/property owners and professionals are determined as main user groups in this research. For each of the groups specific data and 3D visualization requirements are discussed and a number of suggestions are provided for developing an effective dissemination of property valuation information. These requirements includes the visualization of multi-part properties (e.g. condominium unit, storage unit, car parking), thematic mapping of valuation information, and aggregation of valuation units into valuation units groups. Furthermore, the capabilities of the LADM Valuation Information Model as a schema for storage, and the features and functionalities of 3D visualization platforms (geoweb viewers) in terms of better value dissemination (e.g. altering visual variables, solution for occlusion, visualizing below surface properties) are briefly investigated. Lastly, an initial prototype is developed and presented

    LADM Valuation Information Model Compliant Prototype for Visualisation and Dissemination of 3D Valuation Units and Groups

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    The interest in using 3D data in property valuation has been increasing during the last decade. The usage of 3D data models in valuation can be basically grouped in two main categories: (a) supporting mathematical models with variables produced through 3D analyses (e.g. view) in order to better estimate the values of properties and (b) consuming 3D data models to visualise valuation units in 3D and disseminate values of properties associated with the visualised units (legal or physical space). The current paper focuses on the latter category in particular. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a prototype system utilising the proposed Valuation Information Model extension of ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM_VM) compliant dataset in order to create web-based, thematic valuation maps for 3D valuation units (e.g. condominium) and groups (e.g. multi-occupied building). In the first part of the paper, it is attempted to justify why an extension to the core LADM is required to represent valuation information. It is noted that LADM_VM enables to record 3D spaces of valuation units, and input and output data of 3D analyses. Therefore, LADM_VM can be used as basis for developing 3D visualisation and dissemination prototype. In the second part of the paper, special attention will be given to the 3D visualisation and dissemination of spatial, thematic and temporal characteristics of valuation information and a prototype is developed using the open datasets of the Netherlands. It is expected that the outputs of this paper will contribute to the development of local or national prototype systems for sharing valuation information effectively and efficiently. Therefore, it may be considered that the outputs of the paper not supports in increasing the communication level with public, but also supports politicians and planners in decision-making processes and helping them to understand the property market better. With the proposed system (prototype) the trust in the valuation is expected to further increase due to the high level of transparency

    3D Data for Better Property Value Estimation in the context of LADM Valuation Information Model

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    Property valuation is a process of estimating value of an immovable property. The legal, geometric, physical and environmental characteristics of the immovable property together with the economic indicators are taken into consideration during this process. Traditional cadastral systems only provide two-dimensional (2D) legal and geometric information about property units. However, today’s complex valuation practices (e.g. computer aided mass appraisal) would benefit significantly from three dimensional (3D) information on not only property units but also their physical counterparts (e.g. buildings, building parts). Moreover, 2D and 3D environmental information is needed for determining environmental conditions about immovable properties to better estimate the values of them. A collaborative research initiative has proposed an international valuation information model that extends the LADM for specifying semantics of valuation registries maintained by public authorities. The current version of the LADM Valuation Information Model, however, does not include detailed specification for the environmental characteristics of immovable properties (e.g. presence of views, level of visibility and distance to amenities) which can be derived with 2D and 3D geospatial analyses by means of various data sources. The purpose of this paper is to examine which geospatial analyses, especially 3D analyses, can be used to provide information about immovable properties including environmental and locational characteristics for property valuation activities. Furthermore, it is investigated that how property valuation can benefit from data sources including semantically rich 3D building, city and cadastral models for deriving environmental and locational characteristics of property units. To achieve these objectives, the data sources and geospatial analyses are initially investigated in the context of property valuation. Then, the paper focuses more on viewshed analysis. By using open topography, building and height datasets of the Netherlands and 3D GIS analysis, a viewshed analysis is presented to show how it can be utilized using different data sources for better understanding and explanation of values of the properties. The paper is concluded with a discussion to what extent it is possible and meaningful to include (derived) environmental characteristics of properties in the LADM Valuation Information Model

    The LADM Valuation Information Model based on INTERLIS

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    The geometric, legal, physical, economic, and environmental characteristics of property units are utilized in valuation activities. Property valuation registries and databases are supposed to record these characteristics in relation to property units that are subject to immovable property valuation. Moreover, the links between valuation registries and the other land administration registries such as cadastre, land registry, building and dwelling should be specified. Apart from procedural valuation standards, there is no internationally accepted data standard that defines the links and semantics of property valuation databases. The ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), as an international land administration standard focuses on legal requirements, but considers out of scope specifications of external information systems including valuation and taxation databases. A recently started joint activity under International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Commission 9 (Valuation and the Management of Real Estate) and FIG Commission 7 (Cadastre and Land Management) has developed an information model for the specification of valuation information maintained by public authorities especially for property taxation. This paper investigates the use of INTERLIS tools for the technical implementation of the Valuation Information Model, which has been developed as a valuation extension of ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). INTERLIS is a Swiss standard that enables modelling and integration of geographic data sets. It provides a conceptual schema language that can be used to specify a data model in a neutral system environment, similarly, class diagrams of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). It is compatible with international standards like UML, XML and GML. INTERLIS also provide some tools for the implementation of conceptual models into technical models. The core LADM, a number of the ISO191xx base models and some LADM country profiles were already expressed in INTERLIS standard. This paper presents definition of classes, code lists and constraints of the LADM Valuation Information Model and its Turkish Country Profile in INTERLIS. It also discusses possible advantageous of INTERLIS tools (UML editor, compiler, checker, validator and loader) such as system neutral data exchange format, compatibility with relevant international standards, reusable and extensible conceptual schema language, and automatic translation from the conceptual model to physical model

    A Database Implementation of LADM Valuation Information Model in Turkish Case Study

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    A recently started joint activity under International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Commission 9 (Valuation and the Management of Real Estate) and FIG Commission 7 (Cadastre and Land Management) has started development of an information model for the specification of valuation information maintained by public authorities especially for property taxation. In this initiative, ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) has been taken as the basis for the development of a Valuation Information Model. A first version of the LADM Valuation Information Model was created based on standards, literature survey and data gained from questionnaires replied by the national delegates of FIG Commission 9 and FIG Commission 7. The conceptual model was represented through class diagrams of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). This paper describes the development of a prototype for the implementation of the conceptual model in terms of a Turkish case study. The main aim of this paper is to assess and improve the proposed conceptual LADM Valuation Information Model. In the development part, the classes, attributes, constraints, cardinalities and relations between classes of the conceptual model were converted to technical (physical) model, namely the Oracle Spatial 11g database schema has been generated from the conceptual model definitions. The conceptual schema definitions were implemented into the database, which next was loaded with sample datasets related to property valuation and taxation in Turkey. The sample data includes valuation units that are the subjects of recurrently levied property taxes in Turkey, such as unimproved urban parcel and parcel and improvements together as condominium property, valuation and taxation information of the valuation units in different years, and as well as geometries of valuation units. The technical model of LADM Valuation Information Model Turkish Country Profile has been tested in evaluation phase through SQL queries and visualization tools, respectively. In this phase, it is investigated that whether the both conceptual and technical models fulfill the needs of information management aspects of valuation activities for property taxation

    Formalisation of code lists and their values – The case of ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model

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    A code list in Unified Modeling Language (UML), a simple list of values without any structure, can be employed as a simple data type to further capture the semantics of a domain. The code list values as used in international standards (e.g. ISO and OGC) are generally presented without definition, reference to the source of a definition, multi-lingual alternative term support and semantic relationships (e.g. hierarchical, associative). Moreover, managing, implementing, and maintaining UML code lists can be considered as a difficult task since they generally do not provide structured and semantically enriched values. This is also true in the case of ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), which is currently under systematic review and adding more content, meaning and structure to code list values could be considered an improvement. In last decade, there is a growing interest in representing terms as well as code list values using Semantic Web technologies (e.g. RDF, OWL, SKOS, SPARQL) and making them available on a registry (e.g. ISO/TC211 Geolexica, OGC Definitions Server, INSPIRE code list register, BARTOC), including land administration domain (e.g. CaLAThe, LandVoc). However, there is no joint understanding in structuring, extending and maintaining code list values, which may be achieved through an agreed metamodel. Such a metamodel should also provide insight into content, localisation (multi-lingual support), versioning and implementation. The aim of this study is to propose a framework (basically a metamodel) for structuring, extending, maintaining and implementing semantically enriched code lists, and to discuss the application of the proposed framework to be included in the revision of LADM. To achieve this aim, the requirements for refined code list values are firstly collected considering existing thesauri, vocabularies and standards. Subsequently, a metamodel is proposed for the refined code list. The proposed metamodel is applied to a code list of LADM as well as a part of a selected country profile

    Refining legal Land Administration-related aspects in LADM

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    Among the topics that are introduced and/ or being refined in the context of the revision of the LADM 19152:2012, the legal Land Administration-related aspects are being investigated. With the knowledge and the experience from the developments of the LADM so far, and the ongoing discussion between the parties involved in the standardisation process, the need to clarify certain legal land-related aspects and to examine the alternatives for further refinement is highlighted. Therefore, this paper presents prior work on LADM-related legal aspects since the vote of LADM as ISO standard (2012), till the time of the preparation of this paper (2021) to report the necessary background for this research. This concerns the developments related to the various legal refinements that have been proposed during this time period and specifically the refinement of the legal profiles, the LADM functional support to representation of both statutory and customary tenure and the work regarding the explicit definition of restrictions that arise from Public Law. Moreover, this paper focuses on documenting the proposals on a refined legal model for the LADM Edition II. These include the following: (a) more detailed classification of RRRs, based on the two major types of interests in land: privately agreed interests as well as regulations imposed by a public agency and Public Law restrictions. The paper also includes (b) a discussion on the extent that LADM Edition I provides efficient support for the title and deed registration systems (as others e.g. in socialist environment), as well as (c) a discussion on how restrictions and responsibilities can be modelled as rights’ relationships between an owning and a benefitting Party

    Co-ownership shares in condominium – A comparison across jurisdictions and standards

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    Condominium is one of the prevalent forms of three- dimensional (3D) property rights (Paulsson, 2007, p. 32). The condominium concept common to a number of jurisdictions consists of three elements: (a) individual ownership of an apartment, (b) co-ownership (joint ownership) of the land and the common parts of the building, and (c) membership of an incorporated or unincorporated owners' association (van der Merwe, 2015, p. 5). The ownership shares of condominium unit owners in the common property are here referred to as co-ownership shares; yet, alternative terms include ownership fraction, condominium share, participation quota, share value, and unit entitlement. The co-ownership share determines the proportional contribution to the common expenses and the share of common profits, as well as the voting power of each condominium unit owner in the administration of the condominium. The most common approaches to the determination of the co-ownership shares are based on equality, relative size or relative value of each condominium unit, or a combination of such (van der Merwe, 1994, p. 57-58). The literature presents detailed descriptions and comparative analysis related to condominium systems in different jurisdictions (e.g. van der Merwe, 2016; 2015; Paulsson, 2007; EUI, 2005; UNECE, 2005); however, the technical and procedural aspects related to the allotment of co-ownership shares still need to be further investigated. This paper aims to compare methods and procedures applied for the allotment of co-ownership shares of condominium systems in the following seven jurisdictions; Denmark, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Turkey. Also, international geographic information standards are analyzed to assess the extent to which they facilitate allocation of co-ownership shares. The main purpose is to clarify the legal provisions and methodologies related to the determination of co-ownership shares in national condominium systems and bring new insights to countries, which are trying to revise their national provisions for fairer implementations

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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